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Country Topic Legal Instrument (English) Legal Instrument Year
Armenia Environment Law on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine Հհ Օրենքը Բույսերի Կարանտինի Եվ Բույսերի Պաշտպանության Մասին 2006
Armenia Environment Decision No. 293-N on Prohibited Substances and Toxic Chemicals List Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հհ Արգելված Քիմիական Նյութերի Եվ Թունաքիմիկատների Ցանկը Հաստատելու Մասին 2005
Armenia Environment Decision No. 121-N on the Order of Licensing for Activity on Processing, Treatment, Storage, Transportation, and Placement of Hazardous Wastes Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հհ-Ում Վտանգավոր Թափոնների Վերամշակման, Վնասազերծման, Պահպանման, Փոխադրման Եվ Տեղադրման Գործունեության Լիցենզավորման Կարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 2003
Armenia Environment Law No. ZR-23 on Protection of Selection Achievements Հհ Օրենքը Սելեկցիոն Նվաճումների Պահպանության Մասին 1999
Armenia Fertilizer Government Decision on Technical Regulation of Fertilizer Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հանքային Պարարտանյութերի Տեխնիկական Կանոնակարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 2004
Armenia Finance Civil Code Հհ Քաղաքացիական Օրենսգիրք 1998
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 2, Regulation of Banking, Main Economic Normatives for Banking Կանոնակարգ 2 Բանկերի Գործունեության Կարգավորումը, Բանկային Գործունեության Հիմնական Տնտեսական Նորմատիվները 2007
Armenia Finance Resolution on Amending the Order on Classification of Loans and Accounts Receivable, and Loan Loss Provisioning in Banks Operating in the Territory of the Republic of Armenia Հհ Ֆինանսների Եվ Էկոնոմիկայի Նախարարության Հրամանը Հհ Տարածքում Գործող Բանկերի Վարկերի Ու Դեբիտորական Պարտքերի Դասակարգման Եվ Հնարավոր Կորուստների Պահուստների Ձեվավորման Կարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 1999
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 3 on Bank Reports, the Submission and Publication Thereof Կանոնակարգ 3 Բանկերի Հաշվետվությունները, Դրանց Ներկայացումը Եվ Հրապարակումը 2002
Armenia Finance Law on Guaranteeing Compensation of Bank Deposits of Physical Entities Հհ Օրենքը Ֆիզիկական Անձանց Բանկային Ավանդների Հատուցումը Երաշխավորելու Մասին 2004
Armenia Finance Law on Credit Organizations Հհ Օրենքը Վարկային Կազմակերպությունների Մասին 2002
Armenia Finance Law on Payment and Settlement Systems and Payment and Settlement Organizations Հհ Օրենքը Վճարահաշվարկային Համակարգերի Եվ Վճարահաշվարկային Կազմակերպությունների Մասին 2004
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 16/2 on Order and Conditions of Issuance and Servicing (circulation) of Electronic Money, Requirements for Conducting Transactions in Electronic Money Հհ Կենտրոնական Բանկի Խորհրդի Որոշումը «Էլեկտրոնային Փողերի Թողարկման Եվ Սպասարկման (Շրջանառության) Կարգն Ու Պայմանները, Էլեկտրոնային Փողերով Գործարքների Իրականացմանը Ներկայացվող Պահանջները» Կանոնակարգ 16/2-Ը Հաստատելու Մասին 2010
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 17/02 on Regulation of Activities of Payment and Settlement Organizations, Prudential Standards of Payment and Settlement Organizations, Procedure of their Calculation «Վճարահաշվարկային Կազմակերպությունների Գործունեության Կարգավորումը, Վճարահաշվարկային Կազմակերպությունների Համար Սահմանվող Տնտեսական Նորմատիվները, Դրանց Հաշվարկման Կարգը» Կանոնակարգ 17/02 Հաստատելու, Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Կենտրոնական Բանկի Խորհրդի 2005 Թվականի Մայիսի 24-Ի Թիվ 240-Ն Եվ Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Կենտրոնական Բանկի Խորհրդի 2010 Թվականի Ապրիլի 13-Ի Թիվ 74-Ն Որոշումների Մեջ Փոփոխություն Կատարելու Մասին 2011
Armenia Finance Law on Combatting Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Հհ Օրենքը Փողերի Լվացման Եվ Ահաբեկչության Ֆինանսավորման Դեմ Պայքարի Մասին 2008
Armenia Finance Law on Registration of Secured Interest upon Movable Property Հհ Օրենքը Գույքի Նկատմամբ Իրավունքների Պետական Գրանցման Մասին 1999
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 16/1 On Procedure And Conditions For Granting, Suspending And Terminating Permission To Issue Electronic Money, And Requirements For Electronic Money Issuers Հհ Կենտրոնական Բանկի Խորհրդի Որոշումը «Էլեկտրոնային Փող Թողարկելու Թույլտվության Տրամադրման, Կասեցման Եվ Դադարեցման Կարգն Ու Պայմանները, Էլեկտրոնային Փող Թողարկողներին Ներկայացվող Պահանջները» Կանոնակարգ 16/1-Ը Հաստատելու Մասին 2010
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 14 Regulation of Activities of Credit Organizations and Prudential Standards of Credit Organizations Կանոնակարգ 14 Վարկային Կազմակերպությունների Գործունեության Կարգավորումը, Վարկային Կազմակերպությունների Գործունեության Տնտեսական Նորմատիվները 2011
Armenia Finance Law on Consumer Credit Հհ Օրենքը Սպառողական Կրեդիտավորման Մասին 2008
Armenia Finance CBA Regulation No. 15 Credit Organization Statements; Reporting and Public Communication of Statements Կանոնակարգ 15 Վարկային Կազմակերպությունների Հաշվետվությունները, Դրանց Ներկայացումը Եվ Հրապարակումը 2005
Armenia ICT Law on Electronic Communications Հհ օրենքը էլեկտրոնային հաղորդակցության մասին 2005
Armenia ICT Decision No. 272-N of the Public Services Regulatory Commission on Licensing Procedures for Establishing Public Electronic Communications Network, and a Number of Decisions on Revocation Հհ Հանրային Ծառայությունները Կարգավորող Հանձնաժողովի Որոշումը Հանրային Էլեկտրոնային Հաղորդակցության Ցանցի Լիցենզավորման Կարգը Հաստատելու Եվ Հհ Հանրային Ծառայությունները Կարգավորող Հանձնաժողովի Մի Շարք Որոշումներն Ուժը Կորցրած Ճանաչելու Մասին 272-N 2013
Armenia ICT Decision of Public Services Regulatory Commission, No. 256-N Հհ Հանրային Ծառայությունները Կարգավորող Հանձնաժողովի Որոշումը Հհ Հանրային Ծառայությունները Կարգավորող Հանձնաժողովի 2006 Թվականի Դեկտեմբերի 27-Ի N 358-Ն Որոշման Մեջ Լրացում Կատարելու Մասին 2013
Armenia Livestock Law on Medicinal Products Հհ Օրենքը Դեղերի Մասին 1998
Armenia Livestock Requirements for Drug Registration Պահանջներ Հայաստանի Հանրապետությունում դեղերի պետական գրանցման 2016
Armenia Livestock Decree of the Government, No. 347 Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Կառավարություն Որոշում 25 Ապրիլի 2001 Թվականի N 347 Քաղ. Երևան 2001
Armenia Markets Civil Code Հհ Քաղաքացիական Օրենսգիրք 1998
Armenia Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Օրենքը Գյուղատնտեսական Կոոպերատիվների Մասին 2015
Armenia Markets Law on Consumer Cooperation Հհ Օրենքը Սպառողական Կոոպերացիայի Մասին 1994
Armenia Markets Law on State Registration of Legal Entities, No. HO-169 Հհ Օրենքը Իրավաբանական Անձանց Պետական Գրանցման Մասին ՀՕ-169 2001
Armenia Markets Law on Protection of Economic Competition, No. HO-112 Հհ Օրենքը Տնտեսական Մրցակցության Պաշտպանության Մասին ՀՕ-112 2000
Armenia Markets Law on Commercial Arbitration, No. HO-55-N Հհ Օրենքը Առեվտրային Արբիտրաժի Մասին ՀՕ-55-Ն 2007
Armenia Markets Code of Civil Procedure, No. HO-247 Հհ Քաղաքացիական Դատավարության Օրենսգիրք HO-247 1998
Armenia Markets Law on Plant Protection, No. HO-140-N Հհ Օրենքը Բուսասանիտարիայի Մասին НО-140-N 2014
Armenia Markets Government Decree on Procedures and Document Forms for Phytosanitary Certification of Importation and Exportation of Plants, Plant Products and other Regulated Items Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Բույսերի, Բուսական Արտադրանքի Եվ Կարգավորվող Առարկաների Ներմուծման Թույլտվության Եվ Ներմուծման, Արտահանման, Վերաարտահանման Բուսասանիտարական Հավաստագրերի Տրամադրման Կարգը Եվ Ձեվերը Սահմանելու Մասին 2007
Armenia Markets Head of State Service for Food Safety of RA Ministry of Agriculture Order Approving the List of Quarantine and Regulated Non-Quarantine Plant Pests Հհ Գյուղատնտեսության Նախարարության Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Պետական Ծառայության Պետի Հրամանը Բույսերի Կարանտին Եվ Կարգավորվող Ոչ Կարանտին Վնասակար Օրգանիզմների Ցանկը Հաստատելու Մասին 2012
Armenia Markets Government Decree No. 1730-N Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հհ Գյուղատնտեսության Նախարարության «Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Պետական Ծառայության Աշխատակազմ» Պետական Կառավարչական Հիմնարկ Ստեղծելու, Հհ Գյուղատնտեսության Նախարարության Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Պետական Ծառայության Կանոնադրությունը Եվ Աշխատակազմի Կառուցվածքը Հաստատելու, Հհ Կառավարության 2002 Թվականի Սեպտեմբերի 5-Ի N 1516-Ն Եվ 2002 Թվականի Օգոստոսի 15-Ի N 1316-Ն Որոշումներում Փոփոխություններ Եվ Լրացումներ Կատարելու, 2004 Թվականի Հուլիսի 24-Ի N 1032-Ն Որոշման Մեջ Փոփոխություն Կատարելու Եվ 2002 Թվականի Նոյեմբերի 21-Ի N 1888-Ն Եվ N 1915-Ն Որոշումներն Ուժը Կորցրած Ճանաչելու Մասին 2010
Armenia Markets Head of State Service for Food Safety of RA Ministry of Agriculture Order No. 29-N on Approving of Phytosanitary Registration, Re-registration Procedures, Forms for Registration Applications, Form for Registration Certificate and Form of Registry Հհ Գյուղատնտեսության Նախարարության Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Պետական Ծառայության Պետի Հրամանը Հհ Գյուղատնտեսության Նախարարության Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Պետական Ծառայության Տեսչական Ստուգումների Իրականացման Կազմակերպման Ընթացակարգը Եվ Տեսչական Ստուգումների Վերաբերյալ Հաշվետվության Ձեվը Հաստատելու Մասին 2011
Armenia Machinery Eurasian Economic Council Decision No. 28 on Introduction of Customs Union Technical Regulations in the Republic of Armenia Решение Коллегии Евразийской Экономической Комиссии No. 28 О Порядке введения в действие технических регламентов Таможенного союза в Республике Армения 2015
Armenia Machinery Customs Code Հհ Մաքսային Օրենսգիրք 2001
Armenia Machinery Eurasian Economic Commission Decision No. 54 on Single Customs Tariff Решение Совета Евразийской Экономической Комиссии No. 54 о Едином Таможенном Тарифе ЕврАзЭС 2012
Armenia Machinery Eurasian Customs Union Technical Regulation No. 031/2012 on Safety of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors and Trailers Технический регламент Таможенного Союза ТР ТС 031-2012 О безопасности сельскохозяйственных и лес охозяйственных тракторов и прицепов к ним 2012
Armenia Machinery Government Decree No. 60-N on Registration of Agricultural Machinery Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Գյուղատնտեսական Տեխնիկայի Պետական Հաշվառման Կարգը Հաստատելու Եվ Հհ Կառավարության 1998 Թվականի Մարտի 11-Ի N 171 Որոշման Մեջ Փոփոխություններ Կատարելու Մասին 2006
Armenia Machinery Law on Standardization Հհ Օրենքը Ստանդարտացման Մասին 2012
Armenia Machinery Law on State Agrarian Inspections Հհ Օրենքը Ագրարային Պետական Տեսչությունների Մասին 1996
Armenia Machinery Customs and Excise Law Հհ Օրենքը Ակցիզային Հարկի Մասին 2000
Armenia Machinery Law on Conformity Assessment Հհ Օրենքը Համապատասխանության Գնահատման Մասին 2004
Armenia Seed Law No. ZR-23 on Protection of Selection Achievements Հհ Օրենքը Սելեկցիոն Նվաճումների Պահպանության Մասին 1999
Armenia Seed Law on Seeds Հհ Օրենքը Սերմերի Մասին 2005
Armenia Seed Law on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine Հհ Օրենքը Բույսերի Կարանտինի Եվ Բույսերի Պաշտպանության Մասին 2006
Armenia Seed Decree on Accreditation of Field Survey Performers Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հհ Սերմնադաշտերի Դաշտային Հետազոտություններ Կատարողի (Ապրոբատորի) Հավատարմագրման Կարգը Եվ Սերմնադաշտերի Դաշտային Հետազոտությունների Մասին Հայտի Ձեվը Հաստատելու Մասին 2006
Armenia Seed Decree on Seed Certification Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Սերմերի Հավաստագրման Կարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 2005
Armenia Transport Law on Roads Հհ Օրենքը Ավտոմոբիլային Ճանապարհների Մասին 2006
Armenia Transport Law on Traffic Safety Հհ Օրենքը Ճանապարհային Երթեվեկության Անվտանգության Ապահովման Մասին 2005
Armenia Transport Law on Road Charges Հհ Օրենքը Ճանապարհային Վճարի Մասին 1998
Armenia Transport Law on Transport Հհ Օրենքը Տրանսպորտի Մասին 1998
Armenia Transport Law on Food Safety Հհ Օրենքը Սննդամթերքի Անվտանգության Մասին 2014
Armenia Transport Bilateral Transport Agreement with Georgia ՀԱՄԱՁԱՅՆԱԳԻՐ Հայաստանի Հանրապետության Կառավարության Եվ Վրաստանի Կառավարության Միջեւ Միջազգային Ավտոմոբիլային Հաղորդակցության Մասին 2006
Armenia Transport Civil Code Հհ Քաղաքացիական Օրենսգիրք 1998
Armenia Transport Law on Licensing Հհ Օրենքը Լիցենզավորման Մասին 2001
Armenia Transport Law on Road Transport Հհ Օրենքը Ավտոմոբիլային Տրանսպորտի Մասին 2006
Armenia Transport Law on Transport Inspection Հհ Օրենքը Հհ Տրանսպորտային Տեսչության Մասին 2006
Armenia Transport Cross-Border Transportation Rules Regulation Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Հհ Տարածքից Ավտոմոբիլային Տրանսպորտով Բեռների Միջպետական Փոխադրումների Իրականացման Կարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 2007
Armenia Transport Law on State Fees Հհ Օրենքը Պետական Տուրքի Մասին 1997
Armenia Water Water Code Հհ Ջրային Օրենսգիրք 2002
Armenia Water Law on Nature Management and Enviromental Fees Հհ Օրենքը Բնապահպանական Եվ Բնօգտագործման Վճարների Մասին 1998
Armenia Water Law on Admnistrative Procedure Հհ Վարչական Դատավարության Օրենսգիրք 2013
Armenia Water Law on Water User Associations and Federations of Water User Associations Հհ Օրենքը Ջրօգտագործողների Ընկերությունների Եվ Ջրօգտագործողների Ընկերությունների Միությունների Մասին 2002
Armenia Water Law on National Program of Water Հհ Օրենքը Հհ Ջրի Ազգային Ծրագրի Մասին 2006
Armenia Water Governmental Decree No. N-1060 On Approval of the Order of Registration of Documents at and Provision of Information from the State Water Cadastre Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Ջրային Պետական Կադաստրում Փաստաթղթերի Գրանցման Եվ Տեղեկատվության Տրամադրման Կարգը Հաստատելու Մասին 2003
Armenia Water Code of Administrative Offenses Վարչական Իրավախախտումների Վերաբերյալ Հհ Օրենսգիրք 1985
Armenia Water Decision of the Prime Minister No. 5 On Approval of the List, Work Reglamentation of the Water Basin Management Institutions attached to the Water Resources Management Agency of the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia and the Timetable for Switching to Water Basin Management Հհ Վարչապետի Որոշումը Հհ Բնապահպանության Նախարարության Ջրային Ռեսուրսների Կառավարման Գործակալության Ջրավազանային Կառավարման Մարմինների Ցանկը, Գործունեության Կանոնակարգը Եվ Ջրավազանային Կառավարման Անցնելու Ժամանակացույցը Հաստատելու Մասին 2003
Armenia Water Decision No. 1147-N on Setting Water Standards Regulations Հհ Կառավարության Որոշումը Ջրերի Ստանդարտների Սահմանման Կանոնակարգերի Մասին 2005
Burundi Environment Decree No. 100/202 on the Reorganization of the Institute of Agronomic Sciences of Burundi (ISABU) Décret n° 100/202 portant reorganisation de l'Institut des Sciences Agronomiques du Burundi (ISABU) 2014
Burundi Environment Law 1/08 on the Organization of the Seed Sector Loi n° 1/08 portant organisation du secteur semencier 2012
Burundi Environment Law No. 1/11 Ratifying the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Loi n° 1/11 portant ratification du Traité International sur les Ressources Phytogénétiques pour l’Alimentation et l’Agriculture 2006
Burundi Environment Law No.1/02 Forest Code Loi n° 1/02 Code forestier 1985
Burundi Environment Decree law No. 01/033 for the Protection of Plants in Burundi Décret Loi n° 01/033 portant protection des végétaux au Burundi 1993
Burundi Environment Decree No. 100/95 Establishing the Missions, Organisation and Functionning of the Ministry of Water, Environment, Land Planning and Town Planning Décret n° 100/95 portant missions, organisation et fonctionnement du ministère de l’eau, de l’environnement, de l’aménagement du territoire et de l’urbanisme 2011
Burundi Fertilizer Law No. 105 Governing the Production and Marketing of Fertilizers and Soil Amendments Loi n° 105 portant réglementation de la production et de la commercialization des fertilisants et des amendements de sols 2010
Burundi Fertilizer Decree N°100-119 Regarding the Creation of a Common Fund for Fertilizers and Ammendements (FCFA) Décret n° 100-119 portant creation du fonds commun pour les fertilisants et amendement (FCFA) 2013
Burundi Finance Law No. 1/017 Regulating Banks and Financial Institutions Loi n° 1/017 portant réglementation des banques et des Établissements financiers 2003
Burundi Finance Circulaire No. 03/2014 Regarding Solvability Ratios for Financial Institutions Circulaire n° 03/2014 relative aux ratios de solvabilite des etablissements de credit 2014
Burundi Finance Circular No. 12/2013 Relating to the Classification of Risks and the Establishment of Provisions of Banks and Financial Institutions Circulaire n° 12/2013 relative à la classification des risques et à la constitution des provisions des banques et Établissements financiers 2013
Burundi Finance Decree No. 100/203 Regulating Microfinance Activities in Burundi Décret n° 100/203 réglémentation des activités de microfinance au burundi 2006
Burundi Finance Circular No. 03/M/10 on Credit Provided by Microfinance Institutions Enacted by Decree No. 100/203 on the Regulation of Microfinance Activities Circulaire n° 03/M/10 relative au crédit des établissements de microfinance édictée en vertu du décret n° 100/203 portant réglementation des activités de microfinance 2010
Burundi Finance Circular No. 05/M/10 on Prudential Standards for Microfinance Institutions Enacted by Decree No. 100/203 on the Regulation of Microfinance Activities Circulaire n° 05/M/10 relative aux normes prudentielles des établissements de microfinance édictée en vertu du décret n° 100/203 portant réglementation des activités de microfinance 2010
Burundi ICT Decree No. 100/97 Laying Down the Conditions for the Operation of the Electronic Communications Sector Décret n° 100/97 portant fixation des conditions d’exploitation du secteur des communications électroniques 2014
Burundi Livestock Decree No.100/150 on the Exercise of Pharmacy Décret n° 100/150 portant organisation de l'exercice de la pharmacie 1980
Burundi Markets Law 1/09 Providing for Code of Private Companies et Public-Participation Companies Loi n° 1/09 portant code des sociétés privées et à participation publique 2011
Burundi Markets Law 1/23 Providing for Organic Framework of Pre-Cooperative Groupings Loi n° 1/23 portant cadre organique des groupements pré-coopératifs 2011
Burundi Markets Decree Law No. 01/033 for the Protection of Plants in Burundi Décret loi n° 01/033 portant protection des vegetaux au Burundi 1993
Burundi Markets Decree 100/115 Reorganizing the Ministry of Agriculture and Breeding Décret n° 100/115 portant réorganisation du ministère de l'agriculture et de l'elevage 2013
Burundi Markets Decree Establishing the Civil Code Décret portant code civil 1993
Burundi Markets Law 1/06 of 25 March 2010 on Competition Loi n° 1/06 portant régime juridique de la concurrence 2010
Burundi Markets Law 1/010 Establishing the Civil Procedure Code Loi n° 1/010 portant code de procédure civile 2004
Burundi Markets Summary Table of Reference Prices for Cherry Coffee for Coffee Year 2015-2016 (ARFIC) Tableau récapitulatif de référence du café cerise comptant pour la campagne 2015-2016 (ARFIC) 2015
Burundi Markets Law No. 1/01 Revising Law No. 1/07 Establishing Code of Commerce Loi n° 1/01 portant révision de la loi n° 1/07 portant code de commerce 2015
Burundi Machinery General Code of Taxes and Fees Code général des impots et taxes 2006
Burundi Machinery Law No. 1/26, Road Traffic Code Loi n° 1/26 portant code de la circulation routière 2012
Burundi Seed Law No. 1/08 On the Organization of the Seed Sector Loi n° 1/08 portant organisation du secteur semencier 2012
Burundi Seed Law No. 1/07 Amending Certain Provisions of Decree Law No. 1/032 on the Production and Marketing of Vegetable Seeds in Burundi Loi n° 1/07 portant modification de certaines dispositions du decret-loi n° 1/032 sur la production et la commercialisation des semences vegetales au Burundi 2009
Burundi Transport Law No. 1/26, Road Traffic Code Loi n° 1/26 portant code de la circulation routière 2012
Burundi Transport Agreement on North Corridor Transit and Transport Accord de transit et de transport du corridor nord 2007
Burundi Transport Law No. 1/16 on Ratification of North Corridor Transit and Transport Agreement by the Republic of Burundi Loi n° 1/16 portant ratification par la république du Burundi de l'accord de transit et de transport du corridor nord (ATT-CN) 2012
Burundi Transport Law No. 1/09 Ratification of Republic of Burundi on the Agreement to Establish Transit Transport Facilitation Agency for the Central Corridor (AFTT/CC) Loi n° 1/09 portant ratification par la république du Burundi de l'accord pour l'etablissement de l'Agence de Facilitation du Transport de Transit du Corridor Central (AFTT/CC) 2007
Burundi Transport Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Traité du Marché Commun de l'Afrique de l'Est et de l'Afrique Australe (COMESA) 1994 (Revised 2008)
Burundi Water Decree-Law No. 1/41 on the Establishment and Organization of Public Water Resources Décret-loi n° 1/41 portant institution et organisation du domaine public hydraulique 1992
Burundi Water Law No. 1/010 Concerning the Environment Code Loi n° 1/010 portant code de l'environnement 2000
Burundi Water Law No. 1/02 Concerning the Water Code Loi n° 1/02 portant code de l’eau 2012
Burundi Water Law No. 1/23 Concerning Pre-cooperative Groups Loi n° 1/23 portant cadre organique des groupements pré-coopératifs 2011
Burundi Water National Water Strategy Stratégie nationale de l’eau 2012
Benin Environment Law No. 91-004 Concerning Phytosanitary Regulations Loi n° 91-004 portant réglementation phytosanitaire 1991
Benin Environment Decree No. 92-258 Fixing the Implementing Rules of Law No. 91-004 on Phytosanitary Regulations Décret n° 92-258 fixant les modalités d'application de la loi n° 91-004 portant réglementation phytosanitaire 1992
Benin Environment Order No. 188/MDR/DC/CC/CP Concerning the Conditions to Deliver and Use in Agriculture Plant Protection Products Containing Certain Active Substances Arrêté n° 188 MDR/DC/CC/CP relatif aux conditions de délivrance et d'emploi en agriculture de produits phytopharmaceutiques contenant certaines substances dangereuses 1993
Benin Environment Law No. 98-030 on the Environment Loi n° 98-030 portant loi-cadre sur l'environnement 1999
Benin Environment Law No. 2013-001 on the Land and Dominial Code Loi n° 2013-001 portant code foncier et domanial 2013
Benin Fertilizer Decree No.93-313 Regarding the Definition of Importer Décret n° 93-313 portant définition d'importateur 1993
Benin Finance Law No. 90-018 on Bank Regulation Loi portant réglementation bancaire, n° 90-018 1990
Benin Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux établissements de crédit et aux systèmes financiers décentralisés, relatif à la fixation du taux de l’usure dans les etats membres de l’UMOA 2013
Benin Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et aux etablissements financiers de l'union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) a compter du 1er janvier 2000
Benin Finance Framework Act on Banking Regulation Loi-cadre réglementation bancaire 2012
Benin Finance Law No. 2012-14 on Decentralized Financial Systems Loi n° 2012-14 portant règlementataion des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2012
Benin Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 relative aux regles prudentielles applicables aux systemes financiers decentralises des etats membres de l’union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Benin Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 relative aux indicateurs périodiques à transmettre par les systèmes financiers décentralisés au ministre chargé des finances, à la banque centrale et à la commission bancaire de l'union monétaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Benin Finance Decision 088-03-2014 on the Creation of Deposit Guarantee Funds in the Monetary Union in West Africa Decision n° 088-03-2014 portant creation du fonds de garantie des depots dans l'union monetaire ouest africaine 2014
Benin Finance Instruction No. 013-11-2015 on Procedures for Exercising the Activity of Money Transfer as a Sub-Agent within the West African Monetary Union Instruction n° 013-11-2015 relative aux modalités d'exercice de l'activitéde transfert rapide d'argent en qualité de sous agent au sein de l'union monétaire ouest africaine 2015
Benin Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n° 008-05-2015 régissant les conditions et modalités d'exercice des activités des emetteurs de monnaie electroniques 2015
Benin Finance Law No. CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 on the Definition and Repression of Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 portant definition et repression de l'usure 2013
Benin Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB relative aux modalités d'application du dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et établissements financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Benin Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 relative au déclassement et au provisionnement des crédits en souffrance 1998
Benin ICT Law No. 2014-14 on Electronic Communications and the Post Office Loi n° 2014-14 relative aux communications électroniques et à la poste 2014
Benin ICT Decree No. 2013-442 Approving the National Frequency Plan and the National Allocation Table for the Frequency Bands Décret n° 2013-442 portant approbation du plan national des fréquences et du tableau national d'attribution des bandes de fréquences 2013
Benin Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des procédures communautaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché et la surveillance des médicaments vétérinaires et instituant un comité régional du médicament vétérinaire 2006
Benin Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des redevances dans le domaine des médicaments vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Benin Livestock Interministerial Order No. 425 Governing the Importation of Veterinary Drugs, Veterinary Vaccines and Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use Arrete interministériel n° 425 portant réglement de l'importation des médicaments vétérinaires, vaccins vétérinaires et produits médicamenteux à usages vétérinaires 1998
Benin Markets Law No. 91-004 Concerning Phytosanitary Regulations Loi n° 91-004 portant réglementation phytosanitaire 1991
Benin Markets Decree No. 92-258 Fixing the Implementing Rules of Law No. 91-004 on Phytosanitary Regulations Décret n° 92-258 fixant les modalités d'application de la loi nº 91-004 portant réglementation phytosanitaire 1992
Benin Markets Ministerial Order No. 128 MDR/MF/DC/CC/CP Regarding Phytosanitary Control of Export and Import Arrêté interministériel n° 128 MDR/MF/DC/CC/CP relatif au contrôle phytosanitaire des végétaux et des produits végétaux à l'importation et à l'exportation 1995
Benin Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Benin Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Benin Markets Regulation No. 007/2007/CM/UEMOA on Sanitary Security of Plants, Animals and Food in UEMOA Règlement n° 007/2007/CM/UEMOA relatif à la sécurité sanitaire des végétaux, des animaux et des aliments dans l'UEMOA 2007
Benin Markets Uniform Act OHADA on Commercial Law Acte uniforme OHADA portant sur le droit commercial général 2010
Benin Markets Civil Procedure Code Code de procédure civil 2008
Benin Seed Decree No. 87-302 on the Creation, Organisation and Functionning of the National Seed and Plant Committee Décret n° 87-302 portant création, composition et fonctionnement du comité national des semence 1987
Benin Transport Convention A/P4/5/82 Relating to Inter-State Transit of Goods between Members of ECOWAS Convention A/P.4/5/82 relative au transit routier interetats des marchandises entre les etats membres de la communauté economique des etats de l'afrique de l'ouest (CEDEAO) 1982
Benin Transport Convention A/P2/5/82 Regulating Inter-State Road Transportation Between ECOWAS Member States Convention A/P.2/5/82 portant réglementation des transports routiers interetats de la communauté economique des etats de l'afrique de l'ouest (CEDEAO) 1982
Benin Transport OHADA Uniform Act on Road Freight Transport Contracts Acte uniforme OHADA relatif aux contrats de transport de marchandises par route 2003
Benin Transport Regulation No. 14/2005/CM/UEMOA on the Harmonization of Standards and Template Control Procedures, Weight and Axle Load of Heavy Vehicles Transporting Goods in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) Règlement n° 14/2005/CM/UEMOA relatif à l'harmonisation des normes et des procedures du contrôle du gabarit, du poids, et de la charge à l'essieu des véhicules lourds de transport de marchandises dans les etats members du l'union economique et monetaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2005
Benin Water Law No. 2010-44 on Water Management Loi n° 2010-44 portant gestion de l'eau 2010
Benin Water Decree No. 2011-621 on Creation, Functions, Composition, Organization and Functioning of Basin Committees Décret n° 2011-621 portant création, attributions, composition, organisation et fonctionnement des comités de bassin 2011
Benin Water National Water Policy Politique nationale de l'eau 2008
Benin Water Law No. 98-030 on the Environment Loi n° 98-030 portant loi cadre sur l'environnement 1999
Benin Water Decree No. 2011-573 on the Blueprint for Development and Management of Water Décret n° 2011-573 portant instauration du schema directeur d'amenagement et de gestion des eaux 2011
Benin Water Decree No. 2011-574 on the National Water Council Décret n° 2011-574 portant creation, attributions, composition, organisation et fonctionnement du conseil national de l'eau 2011
Benin Water Decree No. 2011-623 Establishing the Procedure for Determining the Limits of Dependencies of the Public Domain of Water Décret n° 2011-623 fixant la procedure de determination des limites des dependances du domaine public de l'eau 2011
Benin Water Decree No. 2011-671 Laying Down the Procedures for the Delimitation of Production Perimeters Décret n° 2011-671 fixant les procedures de delimitation des perimetres de production 2011
Burkina Faso Environment Decree No. 2009-403/PRES/PM/MESSRS/MECV/MAHRH/MRA/MEF on the Establishment, Responsibilities, Organization and Functioning of a National Commission on Plant Genetic Resources Management (CONAGREP) Décret n° 2009-403/PRES/PM/MESSRS/MECV/MAHRH/MRA/MEF portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement d’une commission nationale de gestion des ressources phytogénétiques (CONAGREP) 2009
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 10-2006 on Seed Regulation Loi n° 10-2006/an portant réglementation des semences 2006
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 006-2013/AN on the Environment Code Loi n° 006-2013/AN portant code de l'environnement 2013
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 041/96/ADP Establishing Control of Pesticides Loi n° 041/96/ADP instituant un contrôle des pesticides 1996
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 034-2002 on Pastoralism Loi n° 034-2002/AN portant loi d’orientation relative au pastoralisme 2002
Burkina Faso Environment Decree No. 2008-627/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MCPEA/MEF/MECV on Monitoring the Different Stages of the Life Cycle, Transit and Repackaging of Pesticides Décret n° 2008-627/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MRA/MCPEA/MEF/MECV portant contrôle aux différents stades du cycle de vie, au transit et au reconditionnement des pesticides 2008
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 022-2005/AN Establishing the Public Health Code Loi n° 022-2005/AN portant code de l'hygiene publique 2005
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 017-2006 Establishing the Town Planning Code Loi n° 017-2006 portant code de l'urbanisme et de la construction 2006
Burkina Faso Environment Law No. 003-2011/AN Establishing the Forest Code Loi n° 003-2011/AN portant code forestier 2011
Burkina Faso Fertilizer Law No. 26-2007 Fertilizer Control Law Loi n°026-2007/AN instituant un contrôle des engrais 2007
Burkina Faso Fertilizer Law No. 012-2013/AN on Import and Export Regulations Loi n° 012-2013/AN portant régime général des importations et des exportations 2013
Burkina Faso Fertilizer Decree No. 2011-808 for Granting and Management of Approval for the Import and Marketing of Fertilizers Décret n°2011-808 agrément importation et commercialisation engrais 2011
Burkina Faso Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux établissements de crédit et aux systèmes financiers décentralisés, relatif à la fixation du taux de l’usure dans les etats membres de l’UMOA 2013
Burkina Faso Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB relative aux modalités d'application du dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et Établissements financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Burkina Faso Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et aux etablissements financiers de l'union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) a compter du 1er janvier 2000
Burkina Faso Finance Law No. CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 on the Definition and Repression of Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 portant definition et repression de l'usure 2013
Burkina Faso Finance Law No. 23-2009 on the Regulation of MFIs Loi n° 23-2009/AN portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2009
Burkina Faso Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 relative aux regles prudentielles applicables aux systemes financiers decentralises des etats membres de l’union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Burkina Faso Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 relative aux indicateurs périodiques à transmettre par les systèmes financiers décentralisés au ministre chargé des finances, à la banque centrale et à la commission bancaire de l'union monétaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Burkina Faso Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 relative au déclassement et au provisionnement des crédits en souffrance 1998
Burkina Faso Finance Instruction No. 015-12/2010/RB Fixing Intermediaries' Activities in Banking Instruction n° 015-12/2010/rb/ fixant les conditions d'exercice des activites d'intermediaires en operations de banque 2010
Burkina Faso Finance Regulation No. 15/2002/CM/UEMOA Regarding Payment Systems in Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Réglement n° 15/2002/CM/UEMOA relatif aux systèmes de paiement dans les etats membres de l'union economique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2002
Burkina Faso Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n° 008-05-2015 régissant les conditions et modalités d'exercice des activités des emetteurs de monnaie electroniques 2015
Burkina Faso ICT Law No. 061-2008/AN General Regulation of Electronic Communication Networks and Services Loi n° 061-2008/AN portant reglementation generale des reseaux et services de communications electroniques 2008
Burkina Faso ICT Decree No. 2011-093 Defining the Modalities for the Implementation of Access and the Universal Service of Electronic Communications and the Ways of Managing the Universal Services Fund Décret n°2011-093 portant définition des modalités de mise en œuvre de l’accès et du service universel des communications électroniques et des modalités de gestion du fonds pour l’accès et le service universel des communications électroniques 2011
Burkina Faso Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA établissant des procédures communautaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché et la surveillance des médicaments vétérinaires et instituant un comité régional du médicament vétérinaire 2006
Burkina Faso Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des redevances dans le domaine des médicaments vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Burkina Faso Livestock Law No. AN VII-0016/FP/PRES on the Animal Health Code Zatu n° AN VII-0016/FP/PRES portant code de la santé animale 1989
Burkina Faso Livestock Directive No.07/2006/CM/UEMOA on Veterinary Pharmacy Directive n°07/2006/CM/UEMOA relative à la pharmacie veterinaire 2006
Burkina Faso Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Burkina Faso Markets Law 14/99/AN on Cooperative Societies Loi n° 14 /99/AN portant reglementation des sociétés coopératives et groupements 1999
Burkina Faso Markets Uniform Act OHADA on Commercial Law Acte uniforme OHADA portant sur le droit commercial général 2010
Burkina Faso Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Burkina Faso Markets Civil and Commercial Mediation Law No.052/2012/AN Loi n°052/2012/AN portant médiation en matière civile et commerciale 2012
Burkina Faso Markets Civil Procedure Code, Law No. 22/99/AN Loi n° 22/99/AN portant code de procédure civile 1999
Burkina Faso Markets UEMOA Customs Code Code des douanes UEMOA 2001
Burkina Faso Markets Decree 348/PRES/ECNA Establishing Phytosanitary Control and Regulating the Conditions for Imports and Exports of Plants, Plant Parts, Animal or Plant Products and other Products Going Into or Out of the Territory Décret n° 348-PRES-ECNA instituant un contrôle phytosanitaire et réglementant les conditions d’importation et d’exportation des végétaux, parties de végétaux, produits d’origine végétale ou animale et autres matières entrant ou sortant du territoire 1961
Burkina Faso Machinery Law No. 012-2013/AN on Import and Export Regulations Loi n° 012-2013/AN portant régime général des importations et des exportations 2013
Burkina Faso Machinery Regulation No. 02/97/CM/UEMOA Adopting the Common External Tariff of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Règlement n° 02/97/CM/UEMOA portant adoption du tarif extérieur commun de l'union economique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 1997
Burkina Faso Machinery Law No. 53 /94/ADP on Registration of Motor Vehicles, Trailers, Semi-Trailers and Motor Cycles Loi n° 53/94/ADP portant immatriculation des véhicules automobiles, des remorques et semi-remorques et des cycles à moteurs 1994
Burkina Faso Seed Law No. 10/2006 on Seed Regulation Loi n° 10/2006/AN portant réglementation des semences 2006
Burkina Faso Transport Decree 2014-683/PRES/PM/MIDT/MEF/MATS/MICA on Truck Categories, Road Transport Categories and Conditions Applicable to Road Transporters Décret n° 2014-683/PRES/PM/MIDT/MEF/MATS/MICA portant fixation des catégories de transports routiers et des conditions d’exercice de la profession de transporteur routier 2014
Burkina Faso Transport Law No. 025-2008 on Road Transport Loi n° 025-2008/AN portant loi d'orientation des transports terrestres 2008
Burkina Faso Transport Decision No.15/2005/CM/UEMOA on Implementation of Regional Plan on Axles Control of Inter-state of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa Décision n° 15/2005/CM/UEMOA portant modalités pratiques d'application du plan régional de controle sur les axes routiers inter-etats de l'union economique et monetaire ouest africine (UEMOA) 2005
Burkina Faso Transport Regulation No. 14/2005/CM/UEMOA on the Harmonization of Standards and Template Control Procedures, Weight and Axle Load of Heavy Vehicles Transporting Goods in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) Règlement n° 14/2005/CM/UEMOA relatif à l'harmonisation des normes et des procedures du contrôle du gabarit, du poids, et de la charge à l'essieu des véhicules lourds de transport de marchandises dans les etats members du l'union economique et monetaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2005-187/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE on Determining the Classification of Installations, Structures, Works and Activities Subject to Authorization or Declaration Décret n° 2005-187/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE portant détermination de la nomenclature des installations, ouvrages, travaux et activités soumis à autorisation ou à déclaration 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2005-188/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE on the Conditions of Enactments of the General Rules and Requirements for Installations, Structures, Works and Activities Subject to Authorization or Declaration Décret n° 2005-188/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE portant conditions d’edictions des règles générales et prescriptions applicables aux installations, ouvrages, travaux et activités soumis à autorisation ou à déclaration 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2005-515/PRES/PM/MAHRH on Authorization Procedures and Reporting Installations, Structures, Works and Activities Décret n° 2005-515/PRES/PM/MAHRH portant procédures d’autorisation et de déclaration des installations, ouvrages, travaux et activités 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2007-423/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MEF/MECV/MATD/MS/SECU/MJ/MRA/ERM Relating to the Definition, Organization, Powers and Operation of the Water Police Décret n° 2007-423/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MEF/MECV/MATD/MS/SECU/MJ/MRA/ERM portant définition, organisation, attributions et fonctionnement de la police de l’eau 2008
Burkina Faso Water Joint Order No. 2008-004 2/MAHRH/MEF On Conditions for Technical Approval in the Field of Dams and Irrigation Schemes Arrêté conjoint n° 2008-004 2/MAHRH/MEF portant conditions d'attribution d'agrement technique aux bureaux d'etudes exercant dans le domaine des barrages et des amenagements hydro-agricoles 2009
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2012-705/PRES/PM/MAH/MEF/MATDS/MEDD/MRA on the Adoption of the General Conditions for the Occupation and Operation of Family-type Plots of Irrigation Schemes Décret n° 2012-705/PRES/PM/MAH/MEF/MATDS/MEDD/MRA portant adoption du cahier général des charges pour l’occupation et l’exploitation de type familial des parcelles des aménagements hydro-agricoles 2012
Burkina Faso Water Joint Order No. 2009-049 MAHRH/MEF/MECV/MATD on the Powers, Composition and Operation of the National Steering Committee and Regional Steering Committees for the National Program for the Supply of Drinking Water and Sanitation by 2015 (PN-AEPA) Arrêté conjoint n° 2009-049 MAHRH/MEF/MECV/MATD portant attributions, composition et fonctionnement du comité national de pilotage et des comités régionaux de pilotage du programme national d’approvisionnement en eau potable et d’assainissement à l'horizon 2015 (PN-AEPA) 2009
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2011-445/PRES/PM/MEF/MAH Determining the Rates and Methods for Collection of Taxes on Water Décret n° 2011-445/PRES/PM/MEF/MAH portant détermination des taux et des modalités de recouvrement de la taxe de prélèvement de l’eau brute 2011
Burkina Faso Water Law No. 002/2001/AN on Water Management Policy Loi n° 002/2001/AN portant loi d'orientation relative à la gestion de l'eau 2001
Burkina Faso Water Law No. 58-2009/AN Providing for the Establishment of a Parafiscal Tax for the Benefit of Water Agencies Loi n° 58-2009/AN portant institution d’une taxe parafiscale au profit des agences de l’eau 2009
Burkina Faso Water Law No. 006-2013/AN on the Environment Code Loi n° 006-2013/AN portant code de l'environnement 2013
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2005-191/PRES/PM/MAHRH/ERM on Priority Uses and Governmental Power Control and Distribution of Water in Times of Shortage Décret n° 2005-191/PRES/PM/MAHRH/ERM portant utilisations prioritaires et pouvoir gouvernemental de contrôle et de répartition de l’eau en cas de pénurie 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2005-192/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE on Procedures for the Approval, Implementation and Monitoring of Development and Water Management Plans Décret n° 2005-192/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MCE portant procédures d’elaboration, d’approbation, de mise en œuvre et de suivi des schémas d’aménagement et de gestion de l’eau 2005
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2006-453/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MATD on the Creation, Responsibilities, Organization, and Functioning of Irrigation Committees Décret n° 2006-453/PRES/PM/MAHRH/MATD portant création, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement des comités d’irrigants sur les périmètres irrigués 2006
Burkina Faso Water Decree No. 2012-056/PRES/PM/MAH/MEF/MATDS Concerning Determination of Jurisdictional Boundaries of Water Resources Management Structures Décret n° 2012-056/PRES/PM/MAH/MEF/MATDS portant détermination des espaces de compétence des structures de gestion des ressources en eau 2012
Bangladesh Environment National Seed Policy 1999
Bangladesh Environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Bangladesh 2004
Bangladesh Environment Pesticides Ordinance 1971
Bangladesh Environment Biodiversity and Knowledge Protection Act 1998
Bangladesh Environment State Acquisition and Tenancy Act 1950
Bangladesh Finance Bangladesh Bank's Guidelines on Risk Based Capital Adequacy, Revised Regulatory Capital Framework for Banks in Line with Basel III 2014
Bangladesh Finance BPRD Circular No. 14 Master Circular: Loan Classification and Provisioning 2012
Bangladesh Finance Bank Deposit Insurance Act 2000
Bangladesh Finance Guidelines on Agent Banking for the Banks Established by PSD Circular No. 05 2013
Bangladesh Finance Bangladesh Payment and Settlement Systems Regulations 2014
Bangladesh Finance Regulatory Guidelines for Mobile Financial Services (MFS) 2015
Bangladesh Finance Microcredit Regulatory Authority Act 2006
Bangladesh Finance Microcredit Regulatory Authority Circular, Clarification on Interest Rate and Other Relevant Issues of Microcredit ND
Bangladesh Finance Microcredit Regulatory Authority Rules 2010
Bangladesh Finance Bank Company (Amendment) Act 2013
Bangladesh Finance Cooperative Societies Ordinance 1984
Bangladesh Finance Cooperative Society Rules 2004
Bangladesh Finance Warehouses Ordinance 1959
Bangladesh Finance BRPD Circular No. 04 of 25th January, Providing Statement Related to Banking Regulation and Policy Department to Enterprise Data Warehouse of Bangladesh Bank through Web Portal 2012
Bangladesh Finance FICSD Circular No. 3 Guidelines for Customer Services and Complaint Management 2015
Bangladesh ICT Telecommunication Act 2001
Bangladesh ICT Cellular Mobile Phone Operator Regulatory and Licensing Guidelines 2011
Bangladesh ICT Amended Guidelines for Infrastructure Sharing 2011
Bangladesh Livestock Drugs Act 1940
Bangladesh Livestock Drug Control Ordinance 1982
Bangladesh Livestock Drug Control Ordinance 2006
Bangladesh Livestock Bengal Drugs Rules 1946
Bangladesh Livestock Bengal Drugs Rules 1945
Bangladesh Livestock Guidance for Industry 2010
Bangladesh Markets Cooperative Societies Ordinance 1984
Bangladesh Markets Cooperative Society Rules 2004
Bangladesh Markets Contract Act 1872
Bangladesh Markets Sale of Goods Act 1930
Bangladesh Markets Arbitration Act, No. 1 2001
Bangladesh Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 5 1908
Bangladesh Markets Plant Quarantine Act, No. 5 2011
Bangladesh Markets Destructive Insects and Pests Rules 1989
Bangladesh Machinery Import Policy Order 2012
Bangladesh Machinery Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution Ordinance 1985
Bangladesh Machinery Vehicular Emission Standards 2012
Bangladesh Machinery Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1983
Bangladesh Seed Seeds Ordinance, Ordinance No. XXXIII 2005
Bangladesh Seed Seeds Ordinance 1977
Bangladesh Seed Seed Rules 1998
Bangladesh Seed Plant Varieties Act 1998
Bangladesh Transport Motor Vehicle Rules 1984
Bangladesh Transport Agreement on SAARC Preferential Trading Arrangement 1997
Bangladesh Transport Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1983
Bangladesh Transport Highways Act 1925
Bangladesh Transport Addendum to the Memorandum of Understanding between India and Bangladesh to Facilitate Overland Transit Traffic between Bangladesh and Nepal 2011
Bangladesh Transport India and Bangladesh Land Boundary Agreement 1974
Bangladesh Transport Amendment Regarding Permissible Axle and Laden Weights Limit for Motor Vehicles 2003
Bangladesh Water Bangladesh Water Act 2013
Bangladesh Water Environment Conservation Rules 1997
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law for the Protection of New Plant Varieties (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Priznavanju i Zastiti Sorti Poljoprivrednog i Sumskog Bilja 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Decision to Ratify the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade Odluku o Ratifikaciji Roterdamske Konvencije o Postupku Prethodne Obavijesti o Suglasnosti Za Promet Nekih Opasnih Kemikalija i Pesticida u Međunarodnoj Trgovini 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Phyto-pharmaceuticals Zakon o Fitofarmaceutskim Proizvodima 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Water Law (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Vodama 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Agricultural Land (Brcko District) Zakon o Poljoprivrednom Zemljištu 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Agricultural Land (Republic of Srpska) Закон о пољопривредном земљишту 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Environmental Protection (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Zaštiti Ookoliša 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Forestry (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Sumama 2002
Bosnia and Herzegovina Environment Law on Spatial Planning and Land Use (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Prostornom Planiranu i Korištenju Zemljišta Na Nivou Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Fertilizer Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Fertilizer Rulebook on Entering Mineral Fertilizers into the Register of Mineral Fertilizers Pravilnik o Upisu Distributera i Uvoznika Mineralnih Đubriva u Registar Distributera i Uvoznika Mineralnih Đubriva 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Fertilizer Rulebook on Requirements for Mineral Fertilizer Marketing, Quality Assurance, Storage and Handling Pravilnik o Uslovima Za Stavljanje u Promet, Kvalitetu i Kontroli Kvaliteta Mineralnih Đubriva Te Skladištenju i Rukovanju Mineralnim Đubrivima 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Fertilizer Law on Mineral Fertilizers Zakon o Mineralnim Dubrivima 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Decision on Minimum Standards for Bank Credit Risk Management and Assets Classification (Republika Srpska) Odluka o Minimalnim Standardima za Upravljanje Kreditnim Rizikom Banaka i Imovine Klasifikaciji (Republike Srpske) 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Law on Banks (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Bankama 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Decision on the Uniform Method of Calculating and Disclosing the Effective Interest Rate on Loans and Deposits Odluka o Jedinstvenoj Metodi Izračuna i Odavanje Efektivne Kamatne Stope na Kredite i Depozite 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Decision on Minimum Standards for Bank Capital Management and Capital Hedge Odluka o Minimalnim Standardima za Upravljanje Kapitalom Banaka i Kapitala Hedge 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Law on Deposit Insurance in Banks Zakon o Osiguranju Depozita u Bankama 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Law of Obligations Zakon o Obveznim Odnosima 1992
Bosnia and Herzegovina Finance Framework Pledge Law Okvirni Zakon o Zalozima 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina ICT Law on Communications Zakon o komunikacijama 2002
Bosnia and Herzegovina ICT Decision on the Telecommunication Sector Policy Odluka o Politici sektora telekomunikacija 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina ICT Decision on Licenses for Universal Mobile Telecommunications Systems Odluka Vijeća ministara BiH o dozvolama za univerzalne mobilne telekomunikacijske sisteme 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina ICT Rule No. 64 on Applying for a Licence in Radio Communications Pravilo 64 o podnošenju zahtjeva za dozvole u radiokomunikacijama 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Livestock Law on Medicinal Products Used in Veterinary Medicine (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakona o Lijekovima Koji Se Upotrebljavaju u Veterinarstvu 1998
Bosnia and Herzegovina Livestock Law Amending the Law on Medicinal Products Used in Veterinary Medicine (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakona o Izmjenama i Dopunama Zakona o Lijekovima Koji Se Upotrebljavaju u Veterinarstvu 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina Livestock Regulation on Conditions for the Marketing of Drugs Used in Veterinary Medicine (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Pravilnik o Uslovima Za Promet Lijekova Koji Se Upotrebljavaju u Veterinarstvu 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Livestock Law on Veterinary Medicinal Products (Republic of Srpka) Zakon o Veterinarsko-Medicinskim Proizvodima 2012
Bosnia and Herzegovina Livestock Veterinary Law (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Veterinarstvu 2002
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets General Cooperative Law Opći Zakon o Zadrugama 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives (Republic of Srpska) Zakon o Poljoprivrednim Zadrugama 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law Amending the Law on Agricultural Cooperatives (Republic of Srpska) Закон о измјенама и допунама Закона о пољопривредним задругама 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law Amending the Law on Agricultural Cooperatives (Republic of Srpska) Закон о измјенама и допунама Закона о пољопривредним задругама 2011
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives (Brcko District) Zakon o zemljoradnickim zadrugama Brčko distrikta 2002
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law Amending the Law on Agricultural Cooperatives (Brcko District) Zakon o izmjenama Zakona o zemljoradnickim zadrugama Brčko distrikta 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Framework Law on Registration of Business Entities Okvirni Zakon o Registraciji Poslovnih Subjekata 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Registration of Business Entities (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Registraciji Poslovnih Subjekata u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine 2005
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Registration of Business Entities (Republika Srpska) Zakon o registraciji poslovnih subjekata u Republici Srpskoj 2005
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Protection of Plant Health Zakon o Zaštiti Zdravlja Bilja 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Rulebook on List of Harmful Organisms, List of Plants, Plant Products and Regulated Objects Pravilnik Godine na Popisu Stetnih Organizama, Listama Bilja, Biljnih Proizvoda i Reguliranih Objekata 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets General Operational Plan for the Case of Unusual Occurrence of Harmful Organisms on Plants and Plant Products Opće Operativni Plan za Slučaj Neuobičajenoj Pojavi Stetnih Organizama na Biljke i Biljne Proizvode 2013
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Rulebook on Measures to Prevent Introduction and Spread, and to Contain Harmful Organisms to Plants, Plant Products and Regulated Objects Instrukcija za Uplatu Administrativne Takse na Podnošenje Zahtjeva za Izdavanje CEMT i Godišnje Dozvole 2011
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Obligations (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakonu o Obligacionim Odnosima 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Act on Mediation Procedure Zakoni o Postupku Medijacije 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Civil Procedure Zakon o Parnicnom Postupku 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Rules on Organization and Work of the Arbitration Court Pravilnik o Organizaciji i Radu Arbitražnog Suda 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Law on Food Zakon o Hrani 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Markets Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Machinery Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Machinery Law on Road Traffic Safety Zakon o Osnovama Bezbjednosti Saobraćaja Na Putevima 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Machinery Law on Standardization Zakon o Standardizaciji 2001
Bosnia and Herzegovina Machinery Customs Policy Law Zakon Carinskoj Politici 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Machinery T Category, UNECE Regulations: 3/02, 4/00, 5/02, 6/01, 7/02, 19/04, 23/00, 37/03, 38/00, 43/00, 69/01, 112/01 T Category, UNECE Regulations: 3/02, 4/00, 5/02, 6/01, 7/02, 19/04, 23/00, 37/03, 38/00, 43/00, 69/01, 112/01 N/A
Bosnia and Herzegovina Seed Law on the Seed and Planting Material of Agricultural Plants Zakon o Sjemenu i Sadnom Materijalu Poljoprivrednih Biljaka 2004
Bosnia and Herzegovina Seed Law on Protection of Plant Health Zakon o Zaštiti Zdravlja Bilja 2003
Bosnia and Herzegovina Seed Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina Konstitucija Bosne i Hercegovine 1995
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Rules on the Conditions and Procedures for Issuing Licenses for International Road Transport of Passengers, Cargo and Hazardous Materials Pravilnik o Uvjetima I Postupku Izdavanja Licenci Za Obavljanje Medunarodnog Cestovnog Prijevoza Putnika, Tereta I Opasnih Materija 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Rules on Conditions and Procedures, Licensing and Qualification Card for International Road Transport Pravilnik O Uvjetima I Postupku Izdavanja Licenci I Kvalifikacijskih Kartica Vozaca Za Obavljanje Medunarodnog Cestovnog Prijevoza 2011
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Rules on the Certification of Vehicles and Conditions that Vehicles Must Meet Pravilnik O Certificiranju Vozila I Uvjetima Koje Organizacije Za Certificiranje Vozila Moraju Ispuniti 2008
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Rules on Registration of Vehicles Pravilnik O Registriranju Vozila 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Law on Road Transport Zakon o Cestovnom Prijevozu 2014
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Technical Inspection Fee Schedule Pravilnik O Izmjeni I Dopuni Pravilnika O Tehnickim Pregledima Vozila 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Law on International and Inter-Entity Transport Zakon o Medunarodnom I Meduentitetskom Cestovnom Prijevozu 2001
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Pricing Policy for Vehicle Registration Documents and Fees for the Use of License Plates Pravilnik O Cijeni Dokumenata Za Registraciju Vozila I Naknadi Za Koristenje Registarskih Tablica 2009
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Rules on Dimensions, Total Weight, Axial Load of Vehicles and Basic Conditions to be Fulfilled and Equipment in Roads Pravilnik O Dimenzijama, Ukupnoj Masi I Osovinskom Opterecenju Vozila, O Uredajima I Opremi Koju Moraju Imati Vozila I O Osnovnim Uvjetima Koje Moraju Ispunjavati I Oprema U Saobracaju Na Putovima 2007
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Administrative Fee Payment Instructions Instrukcija za Uplatu Administrativne Takse 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport International Transport License Fees Podaci Za Uplatu Administrativnih Taksi Za Preuzimanje Licence Prijevoznika, Licenci Za Vozila I Kvalifikacijske Kartice Vozača Za Međunarodni Cestovni Prijevoz Putnika I/Ili Tereta 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport ECMT License Fee Инструкција за уплату административне таксе за CЕМТ и годишње дозволе 2016
Bosnia and Herzegovina Transport Law on Road Traffic Safety Zakon o Osnovama Bezbjednosti Saobraćaja Na Putevima 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Water Law (Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina) Zakon o Vodama 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Water Law (Republic of Srpska) Zakon o Vodama 2006
Bosnia and Herzegovina Water Regulation on Classification of Water (Republic of Srpska) Uredba O Klasifikaciji Voda 2001
Bolivia Environment Law of Agricultural Production Revolution, Law No. 144 Ley de revolución productiva comunitaria agropecuaria, Ley N° 144 2001
Bolivia Environment Supreme Decree No. 29611 Decreto Supremo N° 29611 2008
Bolivia Environment Ministerial Resolution 121, General Rule on Seeds of Agricultural Species Norma general sobre semillas de especies agrícolas – R.M. 121 2000
Bolivia Environment Ministerial Resolution No. 040 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MAGDER) Resolución Ministerial Nº 040 del Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Desarrollo Rural (MAGDER) 2001
Bolivia Environment Supreme Decree No. 24676 Decreto Supremo N° 24676 1997
Bolivia Environment Administrative Resolution No. 0.055/2002 on National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Resolución Administrativa N° 055/2002 Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria 2002
Bolivia Environment Political Constitution of the State Constitución Política del Estado (CPE) 2009
Bolivia Environment Law No. 1333 Environment Law Ley N° 1333 Ley del medio ambiente 1992
Bolivia Environment Ministerial Resolution No. 131/97 on Special Regulations for Cutting and Controlled Burn of Forests Resolución Ministerial N° 131/97 Reglamentacion especial de desmontes y quemas controladas 1997
Bolivia Environment Forestry Law, Law No. 1700 Ley N° 1700 Ley forestal 1996
Bolivia Environment Supreme Decree No. 24176 Regulation for Activities with Hazardous Substances Decreto Supremo Nº 24176 Reglamento para actividades con sustancias peligrosas 1995
Bolivia Fertilizer Requisites for the Registry and Standard of Importers Requisitos para el registro y empadronamiento del importador 2016
Bolivia Fertilizer Administrative Resolution No. 121 Resolucion Administrativa N° 121 2002
Bolivia Fertilizer Administrative Resolution No. 0.055/2002 on National Agricultural Health and Food Safety Resolución Administrativa N° 055/2002 Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria 2002
Bolivia Finance Law No. 393 on Financial Services Ley N° 393 de servicios financieros 2013
Bolivia Finance Supreme Decree No. 1842 Decreto Supremo N° 1842 2013
Bolivia Finance Supreme Decree No. 2055 Decreto Supremo N° 2055 2014
Bolivia Finance Compilation of Standards for Financial Services Recopilación de normas para servicios financieros 2016
Bolivia Finance Supreme Decree No. 24000 on Private Financial Funds Decreto Supremo N° 24000 sobre fondos financieros privados 1995
Bolivia Finance Cooperatives Act, No. 356 Ley de cooperativas N° 356 2013
Bolivia Finance Resolution No. 126/2011 Resolución de directorio N° 126/2011 2011
Bolivia Finance Commercial Code Código de comercio 1977
Bolivia ICT General Telecommunications Law, No. 164 Ley general de telecomunicaciones N° 164 2011
Bolivia ICT Ministerial Resolution No. 317 Resolucion Ministerial N° 317 2012
Bolivia Livestock Administrative Resolution No. 058/01 Resolución Administrativa N° 058/01 2001
Bolivia Markets Cooperatives Act, No. 356 Ley de cooperativas N° 356 2013
Bolivia Markets Supreme Decree No. 1995 that Regulates the General Cooperatives Act Decreto Supremo que reglamenta la Ley general de cooperativas, N° 1995 2014
Bolivia Markets Civil Code Código civil 1975
Bolivia Markets Commercial Code Código de comercio 1977
Bolivia Markets Supreme Decree that Regulates Competence and Consumer Defense, No. 29519 Decreto Supremo que regula la competencia y la defensa del consumidor, N° 29519 2008
Bolivia Markets Conciliation and Arbitration Law, No. 708 Ley de conciliación y arbitraje N° 708 2015
Bolivia Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 439 Código procesal civil, Ley N° 439 2013
Bolivia Markets Decision No. 608 of the Andean Community of Nations, Norms for the Promotion and Protection of the Free Compentence within the Andean Community Decisión N° 608 de la Comunidad Andina de Naciones, Normas para la protección y promoción de la libre competencia en la Comunidad Andina 2005
Bolivia Markets Plant Protection and Health Act, No. 2061 Ley del Servicio de Sanidad Agropecuaria e Inocuidad Alimentaria SENASAG, N° 2061 2000
Bolivia Markets Plant Protection and Health Regulation, No. 25729 Reglamento del Servicio Nacional de Sanidad Agropecuaria e inocuidad alimentaria SENASAG, Decreto Supremo N° 25729 2000
Bolivia Markets Phytosanitary Certificate Manual, Administrative Resolution No. 128 Manual de certificacion fitosanitaria, Resolucion Administrativa N° 128 2002
Bolivia Markets Phytosanitary Surveillance Manual, Administrative Resolution No. 126 Manual del sistema de vigilancia fitosanitaria, Resolucion Administrativa N° 126 2002
Bolivia Markets Peasant, Native Indigenous and Community Economic Organizations Act, No. 338 Ley de organizaciones económicas campesinas, indígenas originarias y de organizaciones económicas comunitarias, N° 338 2013
Bolivia Machinery Regulations to the General Customs Law, DS No. 25870 Reglamento a la Ley general de aduanas DS N° 25870 2000
Bolivia Machinery Circular 067 Circular 067 2014
Bolivia Machinery Law No. 133 Ley N° 133 2011
Bolivia Machinery Circular 075 Circular 075 2014
Bolivia Seed Ministerial Resolution 121, General Rule on Seeds of Agricultural Species Norma general sobre semillas de especies agrícolas – R.M. 121 2000
Bolivia Seed Secretarial Resolution No. 064/96 Approving General Regulations on Seed Certification and Inspection Secretaria Resolución N° 064/96, Reglamento general de certificacion de semillas e inspección 1996
Bolivia Seed Law of Agricultural Production Revolution, Law No. 144 Ley de revolución productiva comunitaria agropecuaria, Ley N° 144 2001
Bolivia Seed Supreme Decree No. 23.069 Establishing the National Seeds Council Decreto Supremo N° 23.069 que crea el Consejo Nacional de Semillas 1992
Bolivia Seed Decision No. 345 on the Common Provisions on the Protection of the Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties Decisión N° 345 sobre el régimen común de protección a los derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales 1993
Bolivia Seed Regulations on Protection of Plant Varieties, No. 040 Reglamento sobre protección de variedades vegetales, N° 040 2001
Bolivia Seed Regulation of Decision 391 of the Cartagena Agreement Commission and Biosafety Reglamento de la Decision 391 de la Comision Del Acuerdo de Cartagena y el de Bioseguridad 1997
Bolivia Transport Supreme Decree No. 25629 Decreto Supremo N° 25629 1999
Bolivia Transport Agreement on Internal Road Transport, Latin American Integration Association Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre (ATIT), Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI) 1977
Bolivia Transport Law No.165, General Law of Transport Ley N° 165 Ley general de transporte 2011
Bolivia Transport Price Schedules for Transport Licenses Unidad de Servicios a Operadores, Costo por trámite 2016
Bolivia Transport Offical Procedures and Prices to Obtain the Truck License Manual de procesos y procedimientos de la unidad de servicios a operadores 2014
Bolivia Water Law No. 2878 on Promotion and Support to the Irrigation Sector Ley N° 2878 Promoción y apoyo al sector riego para la producción agropecuaria y forestal 2004
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 28,819 Regulating Law No. 2878 on Promotion and Support to the Irrigation Sector for Agricultural and Forestry Production: Irrigation Systems Management, Projects and Easements Decreto Supremo N° 28.819 Reglamento a la Ley N° 2878 Gestión de sistemas de riego, proyectos y servidumbres 2006
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 28,818 Regulating Law No. 2878 on Promotion and Support to the Irrigation Sector for Agricultural and Forestry Production: Recognition and Grant of Use Rights and Use of Water Resources for Irrigation Decreto Supremo N° 28.818 Reglamento a la Ley N° 2878 Reconocimiento y otorgación de derechos de uso y aprovechamiento de recursos hídricos para el riego 2006
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 28,817 Regulating Law No. 2878 on Promotion and Support to the Irrigation Sector for Agricultural and Forestry Production: Institutional Framework Decreto Supremo N° 28.817 Reglamento a la Ley N° 2878 Marco institucional 2006
Bolivia Water Law on Judicial Courts, Law No. 025 Ley del órgano judicial, N° 025 2010
Bolivia Water Political Constitution of the State Constitución Política del Estado (CPE) 2009
Bolivia Water Resolution No. 001, Regulation of Waters for Irrigation Resolución N° 001, Reglamento de aguas para riego 1998
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 1,261 Creating the Decentralized Sub ​Regional Offices of the National Technical Office of the Rivers Pilcomayo and Bermejo, in the Towns of Yacuiba and Villamontes, Respectively, of the Gran Chaco province of Tarija Department Decreto Supremo N° 1.261 Crea las oficinas sub regionales desconcentradas de la Oficina Técnica Nacional de los Ríos Pilcomayo y Bermejo, en los municipios de Yacuiba y Villamontes, Respectivamente, de la provincia Gran Chaco del Departamento Tarija 2012
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 831 Creating the Investment Program 'MIAGUA' Decreto Supremo N° 831 Crea el programa más inversión para el agua – MIAGUA 2011
Bolivia Water Law No. 310 Declares National Priority Prospecting and Exploration of Water Resources to Perform a Comprehensive Evaluation of the Potential of Surface and Groundwater Resources under the Human Right to Water Ley N° 310 declara de prioridad nacional la prospección y exploración de recursos hídricos, que permitirá realizar una evaluación integral del potencial de los recursos hídricos superficiales y subterráneos, en el marco del derecho humano al agua 2012
Bolivia Water Law No. 318 Declares National Priority, Improving the Quality of Water for Human Consumption through Appropriate Technologies throughout the Territory of the Plurinational State of Bolivia Ley N° 318 declara de prioridad nacional, el mejoramiento de la calidad de agua para consumo humano a través de tecnologías adecuadas en todo el territorio del estado plurinacional de Bolivia 2012
Bolivia Water Law No. 472 Declares National and Strategic Priority, the Construction of Multiple Project Margarita-Villa Montes Irrigation System in the Department of Tarija Ley N° 472 declara prioridad nacional y de carácter estratégico, la construcción del proyecto múltiple puesto Margarita-Sistema de Riego Villa Montes en el Departamento de Tarija 2013
Bolivia Water National Watershed Plan Plan nacional de cuencas (PNC) 2007
Bolivia Water Guildelines for Basin Management Plans Guía para la elaboración de planes directores de gestión de cuencas 2010
Bolivia Water Law No. 1333 Environment Law Ley N° 1333 Ley del medio ambiente 1992
Bolivia Water Executive Power Organization Law, No. 3351 Ley N° 3351, Ley de organización del poder ejecutivo (LOPE) 2006
Bolivia Water Executive Power Organization Decree, No. 28631 Decreto Supremo N° 28631, Reglamento a la Ley de organización del poder ejecutivo 2006
Bolivia Water Water Law Ley de aguas 1906
Bolivia Water Law of Agricultural Production Revolution, Law No. 144 Ley de revolución productiva comunitaria agropecuaria, Ley N° 144 2001
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 24176 Approves the Regulation of the Law of the Environment with its Annexes Decreto Supremo N° 24176 Aprueba la reglamentación de la Ley del medio ambiente con sus anexos 1995
Bolivia Water Regulation of the Law on Environmental Protection No. 1333 on Responsibility for Water Pollution Reglamento de la Ley del medio ambiente N° 1333 en materia de contaminación hídrica 1995
Bolivia Water Supreme Decree No. 29894 on Organizational Structure of the Executive Branch of the Plurinational State Decreto Supremo N° 29894 Estructura organizativa del órgano ejecutivo del estado plurinacional 2009
Chile Environment Decree No. 86 Amending Decree No. 17 of 2007, which Formalizes Technical Standards of Law No. 20.089, which Creates the National System of Agricultural Organic Products Certification and Decree No. 36 of 2006, which Approved Regulation of Law No. 20.089 Decreto N° 86 modifica Decreto N° 17 de 2007 que oficializa normas técnicas de la Ley N° 20.089 que crea sistema nacional de certificación de productos orgánicos agrícolas y Decreto N° 36, de 2006, que aprobó reglamento de la Ley N° 20.089 2010
Chile Environment Law No. 19.342 Regulating Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties Ley N° 19.342 Regula derechos de obtentores de nuevas variedades vegetales 1994
Chile Environment Law No. 19.039, Industrial Property Law Ley N° 19.039, Ley de propiedad industrial 1991
Chile Environment Decree Law No. 3.557 Establishing Provisions on Agricultural Protection Decreto Ley N° 3.557 que establece disposiciones sobre protección agrícola 1980
Chile Environment Supreme Decree No. 148 of the Ministry of Health Approving the Sanitary Regulations on Hazardous Waste Management Decreto Supremo N° 148 del Ministerio de Salud que aprueba el reglamento sanitario sobre manejo de residuos peligrosos 2003
Chile Environment Naw No. 458, General Urban Planning and Construction Law Decreto N° 458, Ley general de urbanismo y construcciones 1975
Chile Environment Law 19.300 on General Bases for the Environment Ley N° 19.300 sobre bases generales del medio ambiente 1994
Chile Environment Law No. 20.412 Establishes a System of Incentives for Agro-Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Soils Ley N° 20.412 Establece un sistema de incentivos para la sustentabilidad agroambiental de los suelos agropecuarios 2010
Chile Environment Decree No. 701 Establishes Legal Regime of Forest or preferably Suitable Lands for Forestation, Public Works and Establishes Rules on the Matter Decreto Ley N° 701 fija régimen legal de los terrenos forestales o preferentemente aptos para la forestación, y establece normas de fomento sobre la materia 1974
Chile Environment Decree No. 17 which Formalizes Technical Standards of Law No. 20.089, which Creates the National System of Agricultural Organic Products Certification Decreto N° 17 que oficializa normas técnicas de la Ley N° 20.089, que crea sistema nacional de certificación de productos orgánicos agrícolas 2007
Chile Environment Decree 82 Approving Regulations on Soil, Water and Wetlands Decreto 82 aprueba reglamento de suelos, aguas y humedales 2011
Chile Fertilizer Bonification and Trade of Fertilizers, Disinfectants and Pesticides Bonificación y comercio de fertilizantes, desinfectantes y pesticidas 1963
Chile Fertilizer Law No. 20.412 Establishes a System of Incentives for Agro-Environmental Sustainability of Agricultural Soils Ley N° 20.412 Establece un sistema de incentivos para la sustentabilidad agroambiental de los suelos agropecuarios 2010
Chile Finance D.F.L. No. 3 General Banking Act Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 3 Ley general de bancos 1997
Chile Finance Compilation on Rules of the Financial Supervision Recopilación actualizada de normas de la Superintendencia Financiera 2008
Chile Finance Law No. 19.496 on Consumer Protection Ley N° 19.496 sobre protección de los derechos de los consumidores 1997
Chile Finance D.F.L. No. 5 Cooperatives Law Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 5 texto refundido, concordado y sistematizado de la Ley general de cooperativas 2003
Chile Finance Law No. 18690 on Warehouses Ley N° 18690 sobre almacenes generales de depósito 1988
Chile Finance Law No. 20.190 on Measures for the Promotion of the Risk Capital Industry and the Modernization of Capital Markets Ley N° 20.190 Introduce adecuaciones tributarias e institucionales para el fomento de la industria de capital riesgo y continúa el proceso de modernización del mercado de capitales 2007
Chile Finance Decree No. 7089 Exempt on Fees related to the Collateral Registry Decreto N° 7089 exento fija valores de actuaciones relacionadas con el registro de prendas sin desplazamiento del servicio de registro civil e identificación 2010
Chile Finance Compendium on Accounting Norms of the Superintendency Compendio de normas contables de la Superintedencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Chile 2016
Chile Finance Agreement No. 1870-05-141204-Circular No. 3013-745 Acuerdo N°1870-05-141204-Circular N° 3013-745 2004
Chile ICT General Telecommunications Law Ley general de telecomunicaciones 2015
Chile ICT Resolution No. 265 Setting Technical Standards for the Use of the Frequency Band 700 Mhz Resolución N° 265 que fija norma técnica para el uso de la banda de frecuencias de 700 Mhz 2013
Chile Livestock Decree No. 25 Approving Regulation of Pharmaceutical Products for Veterinary Use Only Decreto N° 25 aprueba reglamento de productos farmaceuticos de uso exclusivamente veterinario 2005
Chile Markets D.F.L. No. 5 Cooperatives Law Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 5 texto refundido, concordado y sistematizado de la Ley general de cooperativas 2003
Chile Markets Decree No. 101 General Cooperatives Regulation Reglamento de la Ley general de cooperativas, Decreto N° 101 2004
Chile Markets Civil Code, Decree No. 1 Código civil, Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 1 2000
Chile Markets Unfair Competition Law, No. 20169 Ley de competencia desleal, N° 20169 2007
Chile Markets Organic Tribunals Code, Law No. 7421 Código orgánico de tribunales, Ley N° 7421 1943
Chile Markets Civil Procedure Code, Law No. 1552 Código de procedimiento civil, Ley N° 1552 1902
Chile Markets Decree Law No. 3.557 Establishing Provisions on Agricultural Protection Decreto Ley N° 3.557 que establece disposiciones sobre protección agrícola 1980
Chile Markets Administrative Resolution Establishing Regionalization Criteria Concerning Quarantine Pests, No. 3080 Resolución administrativa que establece criterios de regionalización en relación a las plagas cuarentenarias, N° 3080 2003
Chile Markets Law that Governs the Agriculture and Livestock Service, No. 18755 Ley que establece normas sobre el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, N° 18755 1988
Chile Markets Special Agricultural Cooperatives and of Electric Power Supply Act, No. 3351 Ley de cooperativas especiales agricolas y de abastecimiento de energia electrica, N° 3351 1980
Chile Markets SAG Fees Decree, No. 142 Decreto que fija las tarifas del Servicio Agricola Ganadero, N° 142 1990
Chile Markets List of Regulated Quarantine Pests, Resolution No. 3759 Criterios de regionalizacion en relacion a las plagas cuarentenarias para el territorio de Chile, Resolucion Exenta N° 3759 2015
Chile Seed Resolution 372 Establishing General Rules of Certification of Agricultural Seeds and Fruit Plants and Repeals Resolutions No. 6559, 2006 and No. 2.754, 1996 Resolución 372 establece normas generales de certificación de semillas agrícolas y de plantas frutales y deroga Resoluciones N° 6.559, de 2006, y N°2.754, de 1996 2014
Chile Seed Supreme Decree No. 188 Approves General Regulations for Research, Production and Trade of Seeds Decreto Supremo N° 188 - aprueba reglamento general para la investigación, producción y comercio de semillas 1978
Chile Seed Law No. 19.342 Regulating Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties Ley N° 19.342 regula derechos de obtentores de nuevas variedades vegetales 1994
Chile Seed Decree Approving Regulations under Law No. 19.342 on the Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties Decreto que aprueba el reglamento de la Ley N° 19.342 regula derechos de obtentores de nuevas variedades vegetales 1996
Chile Seed Law that Governs the Agriculture and Livestock Service, No. 18755 Ley que establece normas sobre el Servicio Agrícola y Ganadero, N° 18755 1988
Chile Seed Decree No. 195 of the Ministry of Agriculture Approving the Regulation of Decree Law 1.764 on Seeds and Plants Decreto N°195 del Ministerio de Agricultura aprueba el reglamento del Decreto Ley 1.764 para semillas y plantas frutales 1980
Chile Transport Agreement on Internal Road Transport, Latin American Integration Association Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre (ATIT), Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración (ALADI) 1977
Chile Transport Supreme Decree MOP No. 1910 Decreto Supremo MOP N° 1910 2002
Chile Transport National Transport Policy Política nacional de transportes 2013
Chile Transport Decree with the Force of Law No. 1, Consolidated Text of the National Transit Law Decreto con Fuerza de Ley 1 fija texto refundido, coordinado y sistematizado de la Ley de tránsito 2007
Chile Transport Supreme Decree No. 977 Food Safety Regulations Decreto Supremo N° 977 Reglamento sanitario de los alimentos 1996
Chile Transport Decree No. 158 Determining the Maximum Weight of Vehicles on Public Roads Decreto N° 158 fija el peso maximo de los vehicolos que pueden circular por caminos publicos 1980
Chile Transport Decree 576 Ratification of ATIT Agreement Decreto 576 promulga Convenio de Transporte Internacional Terrestre y sus anexos suscritos 1983
Chile Transport Manual of Special Transport Authorization Manual de autorizaciones para transportes especiales 2014
Chile Water Water Code, Decree Law No. 1,122 Decreto con Fuerza de Ley N° 1.122 Código de aguas 1981
Chile Water Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile Decreto Supremo N° 1.150. Constitución Política de la República de Chile 1980
Chile Water Decree No. 203 Approving Regulation on Standards of Exploration and Exploitation of Groundwater Decreto N° 203 Reglamento sobre normas de exploración y explotación de aguas subterráneas 2013
Chile Water Decree Law 2603 Amending and Supplementing Constitutional Act No. 3 and Laying Down Rules on Water Use Rights and Powers of the General Establishment for Water Scheme Decreto Ley N° 2603 modifica y complementa Acta Constitucional N°3 y Establece normas sobre derechos de aprovechamiento de aguas y facultades para el establecimiento del régimen general de las aguas 1979
Chile Water D.G.A No. 3504 Manual of Standards and Procedures for the Management of Water Resources Manual de normas y procedimientos para la administración de recursos hídricos, D.G.A N° 3504 exenta 2008
Chile Water Law No. 18450 Approving Rules for the Promotion of Private Investment in Irrigation and Drainage Works Ley N° 18.450 Normas para el fomento de la inversión privada en obras de riego y drenaje 1985
Chile Water Law No. 20.285 on Transparency and Public Access to Information of the State Administration Ley N° 20.285 Transparencia de la función pública y de acceso a la información de la administración del estado 2008
Chile Water Chilean Standard 1333: Water Quality Requirements for Different Uses Norma Chilena NCh 1333 Requisitos de calidad del agua para diferentes usos 1978
Chile Water Penal Code Código penal 1874
Côte d'Ivoire Environment Decree No. 89-02 Relating to the Registration, Production, Marketing and Use of Pesticides Décret n° 89-02 relatif à l’agrément, la fabrication, la vente et l’utilisation des pesticides 1989
Côte d'Ivoire Environment Decree No. 92-392 Relating to the Registration and Protection of Plant Varieties, the Production and Commercialization of Seed and Plants Décret n° 92-392 relatif à l’homologation et à la protection des variétés végétales, à la production et à la commercialisation des semences et plants 1992
Côte d'Ivoire Environment Law No. 2014-427 Establishing the New Ivorian Forest Code Loi n° 2014- 427 portant le nouveau code forestier ivoirien 2014
Côte d'Ivoire Fertilizer Law 96-766, Environment Code Loi n° 96-766 code de l'environnement 1996
Côte d'Ivoire Fertilizer Import and Export Regulations, Decree No.93-313 Conditions d'entrée en Cote d'Ivoire d'exportation et de reexportation, décret n° 93-313 1993
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Ordinance No. 2009-385 on Banking Regulation Ordonnance n° 2009-385 portant réglementation bancaire 2009
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux établissements de crédit et aux systèmes financiers décentralisés, relatif à la fixation du taux de l’usure dans les etats membres de l’UMOA 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et aux etablissements financiers de l'union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) a compter du 1er janvier 2000
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Ordinance No. 2011-367 on the Regulation of Decentralized Financial Systems Ordonnance n° 2011-367 portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2011
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Decree No. 2014-20 Implementing Order No.2011-367 of November 2011 on the Regulation of Microfinance Institutions Décret n° 2014-20 portant application de l'ordonnance n°2011-367 du novembre 2011 portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2014
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 relative aux regles prudentielles applicables aux systemes financiers decentralises des etats membres de l’union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 relative au déclassement et au provisionnement des crédits en souffrance 1998
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 relative aux indicateurs périodiques à transmettre par les systèmes financiers décentralisés au ministre chargé des finances, à la banque centrale et à la commission bancaire de l'union monétaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Law No. CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 on the Definition and Repression of Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 portant definition et repression de l'usure 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Regulation No. 15/2002/CM/UEMOA Regarding Payment Systems in Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Réglement n°15/2002/CM/UEMOA relatif aux systèmes de paiement dans les etats membres de l'union economique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2002
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n°008-05-2015 régissant les conditions et modalités d'exercice des activités des emetteurs de monnaie electroniques 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Directive No. 02/2015/CM/UEMOA Relative to the Fight Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) Directive n°02/2015/CM/UEMOA relative a la lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux et le financement du terrorisme dans les etats membres de l'union economique et monetaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Law No. 2015-538 on the Regulation of Warehouse Receipt Systems Loi n° 2015-538 portant réglementation du système de récépissés d’entreposage 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB relative aux modalités d'application du dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et établissements financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Côte d'Ivoire ICT Ordinance No. 2012-293 on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies Ordonnance n° 2012-293 relative aux télécommunications et aux technologies de l'information et de la communication 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des procédures communautaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché et la surveillance des médicaments vétérinaires et instituant un comité régional du médicament vétérinaire 2006
Côte d'Ivoire Livestock Order No. 065/MIPARH on Organization of the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DSV) Arrêté n° 065/MIPARH portant organisation de la direction des services vétérinaires (DSV) 2006
Côte d'Ivoire Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA établissant des redevances dans le domaine des médicaments vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Côte d'Ivoire Livestock Law No. 2015-533 Relating to the Exercise of the Pharmacy Profession Loi n° 2015-533 relative à l'exercice de la pharmacie 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Law No. 64-490 on Plant Protection Loi n° 64-490 portant organisation de la protection des végétaux 1964
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree No. 63-457 on Introduction and Exportation of Plants and Other Materials that Can Carry Organisms Harmful for Crops Décret n° 63-457 fixant les conditions d'introduction et d'exportation des végétaux et autres matières susceptibles de véhiculer des organismes dangereux pour les cultures 1963
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Management Charter of the Directorate for Plant Protection and Quality Control Charte de gestion de la direction de la protection des végétaux et du contrôle de la qualité 2004
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Regulation No. 007/2007/CM/UEMOA on Sanitary Security of Plants, Animals and Food in UEMOA Règlement n° 007/2007/CM/UEMOA relatif à la sécurité sanitaire des végétaux, des animaux et des aliments dans l'UEMOA 2007
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Ordinance No. 2011-481 on Regulation of the the Marketing of Coffee and Cocoa and the Coffee-Cocoa Value-chain Ordonnance n° 2011-481 fixant les règles relatives à la commercialisation du café et du cacao et à la régulation de la filiere café-cacao 2011
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree No. 2012-1011 Setting the Modalities of Cocoa Conditionning for Exportation Décret n° 2012-1011 fixant les modalités de conditionnement du cacao à l'exportation 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree No. 2012-1010 Regulating the Profession of Coffee and Cocoa Exporter Décret n° 2012-1010 règlementant la profession d'exportateur de café et de cacao 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree No. 2012-1009 Setting the Conditions for the Exercise of the Profession of Purchaser of Coffee and Cocoa Products Décret n° 2012-1009 fixant les conditions d'exercice de la profession d'acheteur de produits café et cacao 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree No. 2012-1008 on the Marketing of Coffee and Cocoa Décret n° 2012-1008 fixant les modalités de commercialisation du café et du cacao 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decision No. 415 Modifying the Unique Exit Fee on Cocoa Beans and Cocoa-Derived Products Arrêté n° 415 portant modification du droit unique de sortie (DUS) sur les fèves de cacao et sur les produits dérivés du cacao 2014
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Model Form for Coffee and Cocoa Export License for Year 2015-2016 (Commercial Company) Dossier type d'agrément exportateur de café et de cacao campagne 2015-2016 (société commerciale) 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Model Form for Coffee and Cocoa Buyer License for Year 2015-2016 Dossier type agrément acheteurs de café et de cacao campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Communiqué Buyer License Year 2015-2016 Communiqué agrément acheteurs campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Communiqué Exporter License Year 2015-2016 Communiqué agrément exportateurs campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Decree 2012-1013 on Collateral Management for Coffee and Cocoa Décret n° 2012-1013 relatif à la tierce détention en matière de café-cacao 2012
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Model Form for Coffee and Cocoa Processors License for Year 2015-2016 Dossier type agrément d'exploitant d'usine de conditionnement de café et de cacao campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Communiqué Processor License Year 2015-2016 Communiqué usine de conditionnement campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Model Form for Coffee and Collateral Manager for Coffee and Cocoa License for Year 2015-2016 Dossier type agrément de tiers détenteur de café et de cacao campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Communiqué Collateral Manager License Year 2015-2016 Communiqué agrément tiers détenteur campagne 2015-2016 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Côte d'Ivoire Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Model Bylaws for Simplified Cooperative Society Statuts types pour la société coopérative simplifiée (scoops) 2011
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Ordinance No. 2013-662 Concerning Competition Ordonnance n° 2013-662 relative à la concurrence 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Law No. 2014-389 on Court-Based and Out-of-Court Mediation Loi n° 389-2014 relative à la médiation judiciaire et conventionnelle 2014
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Civil Code Code civil 1964
Côte d'Ivoire Markets Law 72-833 Establishing the Civil, Commercial and Administrative Procedure Code Loi n° 72-833 portant code de procedure civile, commerciale et administrative 1972
Côte d'Ivoire Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Commercial Law Acte uniforme OHADA portant sur le droit commercial général 2010
Côte d'Ivoire Machinery Customs Code Code des douanes 1991
Côte d'Ivoire Machinery Import and Export Regulations, Decree No.93-313 Conditions d'entrée en Cote d'Ivoire d'exportation et de reexportation, décret n° 93-313 1993
Côte d'Ivoire Machinery Inter-Ministerial Order No. 127/MCAPPME/MPMB Arrêté interministériel n° 127/MCAPPME/MPMB 2014
Côte d'Ivoire Seed Decree No. 92-392 Relating to the Registration and Protection of Plant Varieties, the Production and Commercialization of Seed and Plants Décret n° 92-392 relatif à l’homologation et à la protection des variétés végétales, à la production et à la commercialisation des semences et plants 1992
Côte d'Ivoire Seed Decree No. 2013-678 Relating to the Establishment of a National Plant Varieties Catalogue Décret n° 2013-678 portant institution du catalogue national des especes et varietes vegetales cultivees 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Seed Decree No. 2013-679 Relating to the Creation, Functions, Organisation and Functionning of the National Plant and Seed Committee Décret n° 2013-679 portant creation, attributions, organisation et fonctionnement du comite national des semences et plants 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Decree No. 64-212 Governing the Use of Roads Open to Public Traffic Décret n° 64-212 portant réglementation de l'usage des voies routières ouvertes à la circulation publique 1964
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Convention A/P4/5/82/ Relating Inter-State Road Transit of Goods, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Convention A/P4/5/82 portant le transit inter-etats des pays de la CEDEAO 1982
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Regulation No. 14/2005/CM/UEMOA on the Harmonization of Standards and Template Control Procedures, Weight and Axle Load of Heavy Vehicles Transporting Goods in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) Règlement n° 14/2005/CM/UEMOA relatif à l'harmonisation des normes et des procedures du contrôle du gabarit, du poids, et de la charge à l'essieu des véhicules lourds de transport de marchandises dans les etats members du l'union economique et monetaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2005
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Fee Schedules for Vehicle Registration Certificates Frais de dossier et d'edition des cartes grises en 1ère et en post immatriculation 2016
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Driver's Handbook Guide du conducteur routier 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Fee Schedule for Transport Permission Guide de formalités et tarifs de la carte de transport 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Transport Fee schedule and Requirements to Obtain the Registry as Transporter Guide de formalités et tarifs du registre des transports 2015
Côte d'Ivoire Water Law No. 96-766, Environment Code Loi n° 96-766 code de l'environnement 1996
Côte d'Ivoire Water Decree No. 2006-274 Establishing and Organizing the State Company Called the National Office of Drinking Water (ONEP) Décret n° 2006-274 portant création et organisation de la société d'Etat dénommée Office National de l'Eau Potable (ONEP) 2006
Côte d'Ivoire Water Law No. 98-755 on the Water Code Loi n° 98-755 portant code de l'eau 1998
Côte d'Ivoire Water Act No. 2013-866 on Standardization and Quality Promotion Loi n° 2013-866 relative à la normalisation et à la promotion de la qualité 2013
Côte d'Ivoire Water Decree No. 91/662 Establishing a Public Administrative Body (E.P.A.) Named Ivoirian Antipollution Centre (CIAPOL) and Determining its Responsibilities, Organization and Functioning Décret n° 91/662 portant creation d'un etablissement public a caractere administratif (E.P.A.), denomme <> (CIAPOL) et determinant ses attributions, son organisation et son fonctionnement 1991
Cameroon Environment Law No. 2001/014 Concerning the Seed Business Loi n° 2001/014 relative à l’activité semencière 2001
Cameroon Environment Law No. 96/12 Constituting a Framework Law Relating to the Management of the Environment Loi n° 96/12 portant loi-cadre relative a la gestion de l'environnement 1996
Cameroon Environment Law No. 2003/003 on Phytosanitary Protection Loi n° 2003/003 portant protection phytosanitaire 2003
Cameroon Environment Law No. 94/01 on the Regime of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries Loi n° 94/01 portant régime des forêts, de la faune et de la pêche 1994
Cameroon Environment Law No. 2011/008 to Lay Down Guidelines for Territorial Planning and Sustainable Development Loi n° 2011/008 d'orientation pour l'amenagement et le developpement durable du territoire 2011
Cameroon Fertilizer Law No. 2003/007 Regulamenting the Activities of the Fertilizer Sector Loi n° 2003/007 régissant les activités du sous-secteur engrais 2003
Cameroon Fertilizer Decree No. 2011/2584/PM Establishing the Modalities for Soil Protection Décret n° 2011/2584/PM fixant les modalites de protection des sols et du sous-sol 2011
Cameroon Fertilizer Decree No. 2005/118 to Organize the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Décret n° 2005/118 portant organisation du Ministère de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural 2005
Cameroon Finance Regulation COBAC R-2010/01 Regarding Risk Coverage of Credit Institutions Réglement n° COBAC R-2010/01 relatif à la couverure des risques des etablissements de crédit 2010
Cameroon Finance Regulation No. 04/03/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC Regarding Statutory Audits in Credit Institutions Réglement n° 04/03/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC relatif aux diligences des commissaires aux comptes dans les etablissements de crédit 2003
Cameroon Finance Instruction COBAC I-99/03 on the Collection System, Operating and Restitution to Banks of Regulatory Statements Instruction n° COBAC I-9903 mettant en vieguer le système de collecte d'exploitation et de restitution aux banques et établissements financiers des etats réglementaires 2000
Cameroon Finance Regulation No. 01/CEMAC/UMAC/CM on Various Provisions Relating to the Effective Interest Rate and Publication of Banking Conditions Réglement n° 01/CEMAC/UMAC/CM portant diverses dispositions relatives au taux effectif global et à la publication des conditions de banque 2012
Cameroon Finance Decision No. 01/11-FGD-CD on the Interior Rules of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Central Africa Decision n° 01/11-FGD-CD portant réglement interieur du fonds garantie des depots on afrique centrale 2011
Cameroon Finance Regulation No. 01/09/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC on the Creation of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Central Africa Regulation n° 01/09/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC portant création du fonds de garantie des dépots en afrique centrale 2009
Cameroon Finance Regulation No. 01/02/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC on the Conditions of Exercise and Control of the Activity of Microfinance in the Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa Réglement n° 01/02/CEMAC/UMAC/COMAC du comité ministériel de l'UMAC relatif aux conditions d'exercice et de controle de l'activité de microfinance dans la CEMAC 2010
Cameroon Finance Regulation COBAC EMF 2002/07 Regarding Risk Coverage COBAC EMF 2002/07 relatif à la couverture des risques 2002
Cameroon Finance Regulation COBAC EMF 2002/08 on the Division of Risks COBAC EMF 2002/08 relatif à la division des risques 2002
Cameroon Finance Regulation COBAC EMF 2002/18 on Accounting and Provisioning of Doubtful Credits Règlement n° COBAC EMF 2002/18 relatif à la comptabilisation et au provisionnement des créances douteuses 2002
Cameroon Finance Instruction COBAC I-MFI-2010/03 on the List, Content, Model, Frequency and Mode of Presentation of Status and Establishment of Obligations and Publication of Annual Accounts of Microfinance Institutions Instruction n° COBAC I-EMF-2010/03 portant liste, teneur, modele, periodicite, modalites de presentation des etats declaratifs et obligations d'etablissement et de publication des comptes annuels des etablissements de microfinance 2010
Cameroon Finance Instruction COBAC I-MFI-2013/01 on the Implementation of the System of Evaluation and Supervision of Microfinance Activities (SESAME) Instruction n° COBAC I-EMF-2013/01 relative à la mise en application du système d’evaluation et de supervision des activités de microfinance (SESAME) 2013
Cameroon Finance Law No. 92/006 on Cooperative Societies and Common Initiative Groups Loi n° 92/006 relative aux sociétés coopératives et aux groupes d'initiative commune 1992
Cameroon Finance Regulation MFI 2002/20 on the Requirements for First Category Microfinance Institutions with a Total Balance Sheet Less than or Equal to 50 Million Francs Réglement n° EMF 2002/20 relatif aux diligences des etablissements de micro finance de la premiere categorie ayant un total de bilan inferieur ou egal a cinquante millions de francs 2002
Cameroon Finance Regulation No. 01/11/CEMAC/UMAC/CM regarding the Exercise of Issuing Electronic Money Réglement n° 01/11-CEMAC/UMAC/CM relatif a l'exercice de l'activite d'emission de monnaie electronique 2011
Cameroon Finance COBAC Regulation R-2014/04 Relating to the Classification, Accounting and Provisioning of Receivables of Credit Establishments Règlement n° COBAC R-2014/04 relatif a la classification, a la comptabilisation et au provisionnement des créances des établissement de crédit 2014
Cameroon Finance OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Cameroon ICT Act No. 2010/013 Governing Electronic Communications Loi n° 2010/013 regissant les communications electroniques 2010
Cameroon ICT Decree No. 2013/0396/PM Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Use and Monitoring of the Use of Radio Frequencies Décret n° 2013/0396/PM fixant les modalités d’exploitation et de contrôle de l’utilisation des fréquences radioélectriques 2013
Cameroon Livestock Order No. 178 CAB/PM on the Creation, Organization and Functioning of the Commission in Charge of Examining Applications for Marketing Authorization for Veterinary Medicinal Products Arrêté n° 178 CAB/PM portant création, organisation et fonctionnement de la commission chargée d’examiner les dossiers de demande d’autorisation de mise sur le marché des médicaments vétérinaires 2008
Cameroon Livestock Law No. 2000/018 Governing the Regulation of the Veterinary Pharmacy Loi n° 2000/018 portant réglementation de la pharmacie veterinaire 2000
Cameroon Markets Law No. 92/006 on Cooperative Societies and Common Initiative Groups Loi n° 92/006 relative aux sociétés coopératives et aux groupes d'initiative commune 1992
Cameroon Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Cameroon Markets Civil Procedure Code Code de procedure civile 1981
Cameroon Markets Law No. 98/013 on Competition Loi n° 98/013 relative à la concurrence 1998
Cameroon Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Cameroon Markets Law No. 2003/003 on Phytosanitary Protection Loi n° 2003/003 portant protection phytosanitaire 2003
Cameroon Markets Decree No. 2005/0771/PM on the Execution Modalities of Plant Quarantaine Operations Décret n° 2005/0771/PM fixant les modalités d’exécution des opérations de quarantaine végétale 2005
Cameroon Markets Law N. 2004/025 Amending and Supplementing Certain Provisions of the Law Organizing Trade in Cocoa and Coffee Loi n° 2004/025 modifiant et complétant certaines dispositions de la loi portant organisation du commerce du cacao et du café 2004
Cameroon Seed Law No. 2001/014 Concerning the Seed Business Loi n° 2001/014 relative à l’activité semencière 2001
Cameroon Seed Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of 2 March 1977 Establishing the African Intellectual Property Organization (O.A.P.I.) Accord portant révision de l’Accord de Bangui du 2 mars 1977 instituant l’organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle (O.A.P.I.) 1999
Cameroon Seed Decree No. 2005/153 Relative to the Creation, Organization and Functioning of the National Council of Plant Seeds and Varieties Décret n° 2005/153 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement du conseil national des semences et obtentions végétales 2005
Cameroon Transport Law No. 2001/015 Regulating the Profession of Road Transport Operator Loi n° 2001/015 regissant les professions de transporteur routier et d'auxiliaire des transports routiers 2001
Cameroon Transport Decree No. 2004/0607/PM on Conditions to Access the Road Transport Profession and Auxilary Road Transport Décret n° 2004/0607/PM fixant les conditions accès aux professions de transporteur routier et d'auxiliaire des transports routiers 2004
Cameroon Transport Act No. 5/96-UDEAC-612-Ce-31 Regulation of Accrual Conditions of the Profession of Inter-State Road Transport of Diverse Goods Acte n° 5/96-UDEAC-612-CE-31 portant réglementation des conditions d’exercice de la profession de transporteur routier inter-etat de marchandises diverses 2003
Cameroon Transport Decree No. 79/341 Regulations on Road Traffic, Modified and Complemented by Decree No. 86/818 Décret n° 79/341 portant réglementation de la circulation routière, modié et complété par le décret n° 86/818 1979
Cameroon Transport Decree No. 82/705/A/MINT Regulations on Registration of Motor Vehicle, Modified by the Decree No. 620/A/MINT/Dtt Arrêté n° 82/705/A/MINT portant réglementation de l’immatriculation des véhicules automobiles, modifié par l’arrêté n° 620/A/MINT/DTT 1982
Cameroon Transport Decree No. 99/866/PM Amending Certain Provisions of Decree No. 90/1466 Fixing Terms and Conditions for Obtaining the Licence for Transport and Blue Card Décret n° 99/866/pm portant modification de certaines dispositions du decret n° 90/1466 fixant les conditions et les modalites d’obtention de la licence de transport et de la carte bleue 1990
Cameroon Transport Rule No. 011/A/MINT Regulating the Technical Inspection of Vehicles Arrêté n° 011/A/MINT portant réglementation de la visite technique des véhicule 1998
Cameroon Transport CEMAC Code of Highway Traffic Cemac code communautaire de la route 2001
Cameroon Water Decree No. 2001/161/ PM Fixing the Organisation and Operation of the National Water Committee Décret n° 2001/161/PM fixant les attributions, l'organisation et le fonctionnement du comité national de l'eau 2001
Cameroon Water Decree No. 2001/162/PM Fixing the Designation Procedures for Sworn Officers for Monitoring and Water Quality Control Décret n° 2001/162/PM fixant les modalités de désignation des agents assermentés pour la surveillance et le contrôle de la qualité des eaux 2001
Cameroon Water Decree No. 2001/164/PM Stating Terms and Conditions for Withdrawal of Surface Water or Groundwater for Industrial or Commercial Purposes Décret n° 2001/164/PM précisant les modalités et conditions de prélèvement des eaux de surface ou des eaux souterraines à des fins industrielles ou commerciales 2001
Cameroon Water Decree No. 2001/165/PM Stating the Protection Terms of Surface Water and Groundwater Against Pollution Décret n° 2001/165/PM précisant les modalités de protection des eaux de surface et des eaux souterraines contre la pollution 2001
Cameroon Water Law No. 96/12 Constituting a Framework Law Relating to the Management of the Environment Loi n° 96/12 portant loi-cadre relative a la gestion de l'environnement 1996
Cameroon Water Law No. 98/005 Concerning the Water Regime Loi n° 98/005 portant regime de l'eau 1998
Colombia Environment Decree 1071 Issuing the Consolidated Regulatory Decree of the Administrative Sector for Agriculture, Fisheries and Rural Development Decreto 1071 por medio del cual se expide el Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural 2015
Colombia Environment CAN Decision 391 Common Regime on Access to Genetic Resources Decisión 391 CAN Régimen Común sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos 1996
Colombia Environment Law 99 Establishing the Ministry of the Environment, Reorganizing the Public Sector in charge of the Management and Conservation of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, Organizing the National Environmental System, SINA, and Other Provisions Ley 99 por la cual se crea el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, se reordena el sector público encargado de la gestión y conservación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales renovables, se organiza el sistema nacional ambiental, sina, y se dictan otras disposiciones 1993
Colombia Environment Decree 4765 Modifying the Structure of the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA and Other Provisions Decreto 4765 por el cual se modifica la estructura del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA y se dictan otras disposiciones 2008
Colombia Environment Decree 1076, Consolidated Regulatory Decree of the Environment and Sustainable Development Sector Decreto 1076, Decreto único reglamentario del sector ambiente y desarrollo sostenible 2015
Colombia Environment Resolution 3168 Regulates the Production, Import and Export of Seeds Product of Genetic Improvement for Marketing and Seeding, as well as the Register of Agronomic Evaluation Units and / or Research Units in Plant Breeding Resolución 3168 reglamenta la producción, importación y exportación de semillas producto del mejoramiento genético para la comercialización y siembra, así como el registro de las unidades de evaluación agronómica y/o unidades de investigación en fitomejoramiento 2015
Colombia Environment Political Constitution of Colombia Constitución Política de Colombia 1991
Colombia Environment Resolution 1348 Establishing Activities that Configure Access to Genetic Resources and their Derivative Products for the Implementation of Andean Decision 391 of 1996 in Colombia and Take Other Determinations Resolución 1348 por la cual se establecen las actividades que configuran acceso a los recursos genéticos y sus productos derivados para la aplicación de la Decisión Andina 391 de 1996 en Colombia y se toma otras determinaciones 2014
Colombia Environment Decree 1843 Regulating Sections III, V, VI, VII and XI of the Law 09 of 1979 on the Use and Management of Pesticides Decreto 1843 por el cual se reglamentan parcialmente los títulos III, V, VI, VII y XI de la Ley 09 de 1979, sobre uso y manejo de plaguicidas 1991
Colombia Environment Law 388 Ley 388 1997
Colombia Environment Law 1454 on Regulations on Land Use Planning and Other Provisions Ley 1454 por la cual se dictan normas orgánicas sobre ordenamiento territorial y se modifican otras disposiciones 2011
Colombia Environment Decree 0953 By which it Regulates the Art. 111 of the Law 99 of 1993 Modified by the Art. 210 of the Law 1450 of 2011 Decreto 0953 por el cual se reglamenta el Art. 111 de la Ley 99 de 1993 modificado por el Art. 210 de la Ley 1450 de 2011 2013
Colombia Environment Law 139 Through which the Forest Incentive Certificate is Created, as a State Recognition for the Positive Externalities Generated by Reforestation Ley 139 por medio de la cual se crea el certificado de incentivo forestal, como un reconocimiento del estado por las externalidades positivas generadas por la reforestación 1994
Colombia Fertilizer Resolution 150 Technical Regulation of Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Resolución 150 reglamento técnico de fertilizantes y acondicionadores de suelos 2003
Colombia Fertilizer Decree 925 Establishing Provisions Relating to Applications for Registration and Import License Decreto 925 por el cual se establecen disposiciones relacionadas con las solicitudes de registro y licencia de importación 2013
Colombia Fertilizer Colombian Technical Norm 1927 Norma Tecnica Colombiana 1927 2012
Colombia Fertilizer Colombian Technical Norm 40 - Fertilizers or Fertilizers and Amendments or Conditioners of Soils Norma Tecnica Colombiana 40 - Abonos o fertilizantes y enmiendas o acondicionadores de suelos 2011
Colombia Finance Resolution 1 of the National Agricultural Credit Commission Resolucion 1 de la Comisión Nacional de Crédito Agropecuario 2016
Colombia Finance Decree 2555 By which Collect and Reexpand the Norms in the Matter of the Financial Sector, Insurance Sector and the Securities Market and Other Provisions Decreto 2555 por el cual se recogen y reexpiden las normas en materia del sector financiero, asegurador y del mercado de valores y se dictan otras disposiciones 2010
Colombia Finance Basic Circular on Accounting and Financing No. 100 Circular Básica Contable y Financiera Circular Externa N° 100 1995
Colombia Finance Decree 663 Organic Statute of the Financial System Decreto 663 Estatuto orgánico del sistema financiero 1993
Colombia Finance Law No. 1328 Regulations on Financial Matters, Insurance, Securities Market and Other Provisions Ley N° 1328 por la cual se dictan normas en materia financiera, de seguros, del mercado de valores y otras disposiciones 2009
Colombia Finance Law No. 117 by which the Guarantee Fund of Financial Institutions is Created, its Structure Determined and Other Provisions Ley N° 117 por la cual se crea el fondo de garantías de instituciones financieras, se determina su estructura y se dictan otras disposiciones 1985
Colombia Finance Law 590 to Promote the Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Ley 590 por la cual se dictan disposiciones para promover el desarrollo de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas 2000
Colombia Finance Law No. 454 By which Determines the Conceptual Framework that Regulates the Solidarity Economy, Transforms the National Administrative Department of Cooperatives into the National Department of Solidarity Economy, creates the Superintendency of Solidarity Economy, creates the Guarantee Fund For the Financial and Savings and Credit Cooperatives, Regulations on the Financial Activity of Cooperative Nature Entities are Issued and Other Provisions are Issued Ley N° 454 por la cual se determina el marco conceptual que regula la economía solidaria, se transforma el departamento administrativo nacional de cooperativas en el departamento nacional de la economía solidaria, se crea la superintendencia de la economía solidaria, se crea el fondo de garantías para las cooperativas financieras y de ahorro y crédito, se dictan normas sobre la actividad financiera de las entidades de naturaleza cooperativa y se expiden otras disposiciones 1998
Colombia Finance Law 79 by which the Cooperative Legislation is Updated Ley N° 79 por la cual se actualiza la legislación cooperativa 1988
Colombia Finance Decree 1840 By which Prudential Rules are issued for Specialized Savings and Credit Cooperatives and Multiactive or Comprehensive Cooperatives with Savings and Credit Section Decreto 1840 por el cual se dictan normas prudenciales para las cooperativas especializadas de ahorro y crédito y las cooperativas multiactivas o integrales con sección de ahorro y crédito 1997
Colombia Finance Decree 2206 By which the Extraordinary Powers Established in Article 51 of Law 454 of 1998 Decreto 2206 por el cual se ejercen las facultades extraordinarias establecidas en el artículo 51 de la Ley 454 de 1998 1998
Colombia Finance Law 1735 By which Measures are Proposed to Promote Access to Transactional Financial Services and Other Provisions Ley 1735 por la cual se dictan medidas tendientes a promover el acceso a los servicios financieros transaccionales y se dictan otras disposiciones 2014
Colombia Finance Basic Legal Circular CE029/14 Circular Básica Juridica CE029/14 2014
Colombia Finance Law 527 by which Access and Use of Data Messages, Electronic Commerce and Digital Signatures are Defined and Regulated, and the Certification Bodies are Established and Other Provisions Ley 527 por medio de la cual se define y reglamenta el acceso y uso de los mensajes de datos, del comercio electrónico y de las firmas digitales, y se establecen las entidades de certificación y se dictan otras disposiciones 1999
Colombia Finance Decree 410, Commerce Code Decreto 410, Código de Comercio 1971
Colombia Finance Law 1676 on Credit Access and Norms on Movable Collateral Law 1676 por la cual se promueve el acceso al crédito y se dictan normas sobre garantías mobiliarias 2013
Colombia Finance Resolution 834 on Registration Forms and Registration Fees of the Secured Transactions Registry Resolución 834 por la cual se aprueban los formularios de registro y los derechos de registro del registro de garantías mobiliarias 2014
Colombia Finance Decree 1835 Modifying and Adding Norms Regarding Secured Guarantees to the Single Regulatory Decree of the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Sector, Decree 1074 of 2015, and Other Provisions Decreto 1835 por el cual se modifican y adicionan normas en materia de garantías mobiliarias al decreto Único reglamentario del sector comercio, industria y turismo, decreto 1074 de 2015, y se dictan otras disposiciones 2015
Colombia Finance Law 16 By Which the National System of Agricultural Credit is Constituted, the Fund for the Financing of the Agricultural Sector, Finagro, and Other Provisions Ley 16 por la cual se constituye el sistema nacional de crédito agropecuario, se crea el fondo para el financiamiento del sector agropecuario, finagro, y se dictan otras disposiciones 1990
Colombia ICT Law No. 1341 on Principles and Concepts Defined on the Information Society and the Organization of ICT Ley N° 1341 Por la cual se definen principios y conceptos sobre la sociedad de la información y la organización de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones 2009
Colombia ICT Resolution No. 4639 which Modifies the Technical Regulation for Internal Telecommunication Networks Resolución N° 4639 por la cual se modifica el Reglamento Tecnico para Redes Internas de Telecommunicaciones 2014
Colombia Livestock Resolution 1056 Provisions on the Technical Control of Livestock Inputs and Resolutions No. 710 of 1981, 2218 of 1980 and 444 of 1993 Resolución 1056 por la cual se dictan disposiciones sobre el control técnico de los insumos pecuarios y se derogan las Resoluciones N° 710 de 1981, 2218 de 1980 y 444 de 1993 1996
Colombia Livestock Decree 4765 Modifying the Structure of the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA and Other Provisions Decreto 4765 por el cual se modifica la estructura del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA y se dictan otras disposiciones 2008
Colombia Livestock Resolution 4386 Setting the Rates of the Technical Services of the Colombian Agricultural Institute ICA Resolucion 4386 por el medio de la cual se actualizan las tarifas de los servicios tecnicos que presta el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA 2015
Colombia Markets Cooperative Law, No. 79 Ley de cooperativas, N°79 1988
Colombia Markets Decree 410, Commerce Code Decreto 410, Código de comercio 1971
Colombia Markets Civil Code, No. 57 Código civil, N° 57 1887
Colombia Markets General Procedure Code, Law No. 1562 Código general del proceso, Ley N° 1562 2012
Colombia Markets Law of Protection of the Competition, No. 1340 Ley de protección de la competencia, N° 1340 2009
Colombia Markets Norms of Unfair Competition, No. 256 Normas de competencia desleal, Ley N° 256 1996
Colombia Markets Statute of National and International Arbitration, Law No. 1563 Estatuto de arbitraje nacional e internacional, Ley N° 1563 2012
Colombia Markets Statute of Conciliation, Law No. 446 Estatuto de conciliación, Ley N° 446 1998
Colombia Markets Statute of Alternative Dispute Resolution, Decree No. 1818 Estatuto de los mecanismos alternativos de solución de conflictos, Decreto N° 1818 1998
Colombia Markets Decree on Agricultural Quarantine, Decree No. 1840 Decreto de cuarentena agropecuaria, N° 1840 1994
Colombia Markets Plant Health Measures for the Management of Coffee Pests, ICA Resolution No. 2581 Medidas de carácter fitosanitario para el manejo de la broca del café, Resolución del ICA N° 2581 1995
Colombia Markets Approval of the International Plant Protection Convention, Law No. 82 Aprobación de la Convención Internacional de Protección Fitosanitaria, Ley N° 82 1968
Colombia Markets Regulation of Pest Risk Analysis of Plant and Animal Diseases for Import and Export of Agricultural Products, Resolution No. 1277 Reglamentación de los análisis de riesgos de plagas de los vegetales y enfermedades de los animales para la importación y exportación de productos agropecuarios, Resolución N° 1277 2004
Colombia Markets Updates to Customs Legislation, Decree No. 2685 Actualización de la legislación aduanera, Decreto N° 2685 1999
Colombia Markets Decree 4765 Modifying the Structure of the Colombian Agricultural Institute, ICA and Other Provisions Decreto 4765 por el cual se modifica la estructura del Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario, ICA y se dictan otras disposiciones 2008
Colombia Markets Legal Framework for Agricultural and Rural Associations, Decree 2716 Marco juridico de las asociaciones agropecuarias y campesinas, Decreto 2716 1994
Colombia Markets Regulations for the Control and Administration of the Register of Coffee Exporters, Resolution No. 01 Reglamentacion para el control y la administracion del registro de exportadores de café, Resolucion N° 01 2009
Colombia Markets Coffee Exporters Registration, Resolution No. 01 Registro de exportadores de café, Resolución N° 01 2012
Colombia Markets Coffee Exporters Registration, Resolution No. 05 Registro de exportadores de café, Resolución N° 05 2015
Colombia Markets Resolution 4386 Setting the Rates of the Technical Services of the Colombian Agricultural Institute ICA Resolucion 4386 por el medio de la cual se actualizan las tarifas de los servicios tecnicos que presta el Instituto Colombiano Agropecuario ICA 2015
Colombia Markets Decree on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, No. 1398 Decreto sobre eliminación de todas las formas de discriminación contra la mMujer, N° 1398 1990
Colombia Markets List of Regulated Pests, ICA Resolution No. 3593 Lista de plagas cuarentenarias, Resolucion ICA N° 3593 2015
Colombia Machinery Resolution 12335 Regulating the Register of Agricultural, Industrial and Self-Propelled Construction Machinery and Providing Other Provisions Resolución 12335 por la cual se reglamenta el registro de la maquinaria agrícola, industrial y de construcción autopropulsada y se dictan otras disposiciones 2012
Colombia Machinery Resolution 1068 That Regulates the Register of Agricultural, Industrial and Self-Propelled Construction Machinery and Other Provisions Resolución 1068 por la cual se reglamenta el registro de la maquinaria agrícola, industrial y de construcción autopropulsada y se dictan otras disposiciones 2015
Colombia Machinery Decree 0925 Establishing Provisions Relating to Applications for Registration and Import License Decreto 0925 por el cual se establecen disposiciones relacionadas con las solicitudes de registro y licencia de importación 2013
Colombia Machinery Law 1480 By means of which the Statute of the Consumer is Issued and Other Provisions Ley 1480 por medio de la cual se expide el estatuto del consumidor y se dictan otras disposiciones 2011
Colombia Seed Resolution No. 970 Establishing the Requirements for the Production, Conditioning, Import, Export, Storage, Marketing and / or Use of Seeds for Sowing in the Country, its Control and Other Provisions Resolución N° 970 por medio de la cual se establecen los requisitos para la producción, acondicionamiento, importación, exportación, almacenamiento, comercialización y/o uso de semillas para siembra en el país, su control y se dictan otras disposiciones 2010
Colombia Seed Decision 345/93 of the CAN on the Common System of Plant Breeders' Rights Decisión 345/93 de la CAN, sobre el régimen común de derechos de obtentores vegetales 1993
Colombia Seed Decree No. 533 Introducing Regulations to the Common Provisions on the Protection of the Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties as Amended by Decree No. 2468 Decreto N° 533 por el cual se reglamenta el régimen común de protección de derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales modificado por el decreto nº 2468 1994
Colombia Seed Decision No. 391 Establishing the Common Regime on Access to Genetic Resources Decisión N° 391 que establece el régimen común sobre acceso a los recursos genéticos 1996
Colombia Seed Resolution 3168 Regulates the Production, Import and Export of Seeds Product of Genetic Improvement for Marketing and Seeding, as well as the Register of Agronomic Evaluation Units and / or Research Units in Plant Breeding Resolución 3168 reglamenta la producción, importación y exportación de semillas producto del mejoramiento genético para la comercialización y siembra, así como el registro de las unidades de evaluación agronómica y/o unidades de investigación en fitomejoramiento 2015
Colombia Seed Resolution No. 2046 Issuing Rules for the Production, Import, Export, Distribution and Marketing of Seeds for Sowing in the Country, its Control, and Other Provisions Resolución N° 2046 por la cual se expiden normas para la producción, importación, exportación, distribución y comercialización de semillas para siembra en el país, su control, y se dictan otras disposiciones 2003
Colombia Transport Law 336 National Statute of Transport Ley 336 Estatuto nacional de transporte 1996
Colombia Transport Decree 173 By which is Regulated the Public Service of Land Transportation Decreto 173 por el cual se reglamenta el servicio público de transporte terrestre automotor de carga 2001
Colombia Transport Decree 171 By which Regulates the Public Service of Land Road Automotive Transport by Road Decreto 171 por el cual se reglamenta el servicio público de transporte terrestre automotor de pasajeros por carretera 2001
Colombia Transport Decision 617 on Community Customs Transit, Comunidad Andina (CAN) Decisión 617 sobre tránsito aduanero comunitario, Comisión de la Comunidad Andina (CAN) 2005
Colombia Transport Resolution 2395, which establishes the Tariffs in Favor of the Ministry of Transport of the Venus Species Assigned to the Transit Organisms of the Country, the Rights of the Procedures Served by the Ministry and the Rates of the Services to Guarantee the Sustainability of the Unique Registry National Transit - RUNT Resolución 2395 por la cual se fijan las tarifas a favor del Ministerio de Transporte de las especies venales asignadas a los organismos de tránsito del país, los derechos de los trámites que atiende el Ministerio y las tarifas de los servicios para garantizar la sostenibilidad del registro unico nacional de tránsito – RUNT 2009
Colombia Transport Decision 491 Andean Technical Regulation on Limits of Weights and Dimensions of Vehicles for the International Transport of Passengers and Goods by Road Décision 491 Reglamento Técnico Andino sobre límites de pesos y dimensiones de los vehículos destinados al transporte internacional de pasajeros y mercancías por carretera 2001
Colombia Transport Resolution 4100 By Which Weight Limits and Dimensions are Adopted in Road Freight Automotive Road Vehicles, for Normal Operation in the National Road Network Resolución 4100 por la cual se adoptan los límites de pesos y dimensiones en los vehículos de transporte terrestre automotor de carga por carretera, para su operación normal en la red vial a nivel nacional 2004
Colombia Transport Resolution 001782 Amending Article 8 of Resolution 4100 Resolución 001782 por la cual se modifica el artículo 8° de la Resolución 4100 2009
Colombia Transport Resolution 010800 That Regulates the Format for the Report of Transportation Infringements referred to in Article 54 of Decree Number 3366 Resolución 010800 por la cual se reglamenta el formato para el informe de infracciones de transporte de que trata el artículo 54 del Decreto número 3366 2003
Colombia Transport Decision 399 on International Transport of Goods by Road, Andean Community of Nations (CAN) Decisión 399 sobre transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera, Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) 1997
Colombia Transport Decree 1079 For the Issuance of the Consolidated Regulatory Decree of the Transport Sector Decreto 1079 por el se expide el decreto único reglamentario del sector transporte 2015
Colombia Transport Resolution 3318 on Price Ranges for Services Provided by Automotive Diagnostic Centers Resolucion 3318 sobre rangos de precios para servicios prestados por centros de diagnostico automotor 2015
Colombia Transport Resolution 2505 Regulating the Conditions to be Carried by Vehicles to Transport Meat, Fish or Easily Perishable Foods Resolución 2505 por la cual se reglamentan las condiciones que deben cumplir los vehiculos para transportar carne, pescado o alimentos facilmente corruptibles 2004
Colombia Water Decree Law No. 2811 National Code of Renewable Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Decreto Ley N° 2.811 Código nacional de recursos naturales renovables y de protección del medio ambiente 1974
Colombia Water Decree No. 1640 Regulating the Tools for Planning, Organization and Management of Watersheds and Aquifers Decreto N° 1.640 Reglamenta los instrumentos para la planificación, ordenación y manejo de las cuencas hidrográficas y acuíferos 2012
Colombia Water Law 99 Establishing the Ministry of the Environment, Reorganizing the Public Sector in charge of the Management and Conservation of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources, Organizing the National Environmental System, SINA, and Other Provisions Ley 99 por la cual se crea el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente, se reordena el sector público encargado de la gestión y conservación del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales renovables, se organiza el sistema nacional ambiental, sina, y se dictan otras disposiciones 1993
Colombia Water Resolution 509 Defining the Guidelines for the Establishment of the Basin Councils and their Participation in Basin Management Planning and Other Provisions Resolución N° 509 por la cual se definen los lineamientos para la conformación de los consejos de cuenca y su participación en las fases del plan de ordenación de la cuenca y se dictan otras disposiciones 2013
Colombia Water Decree 1076 by Which the Single Regulatory decree is Issued for the Environment and Sustainable Development Sector Decreto N° 1076 por medio del cual se expide el decreto único reglamentario del sector ambiente y desarrollo sostenible 2015
Colombia Water Law 373 by which the Program for the Efficient Use and Conservation of Water is Established Ley 373 por la cual se establece el programa para el uso eficiente y ahorro del agua 1997
Denmark Environment Order No. 512 Notice of Agrifish Authority's Functions and Powers BEK nr 512 Bekendtgørelse om NaturErhvervstyrelsens opgaver og beføjelser 2015
Denmark Environment Order No. 453 On Seeds BEK nr 453 Bekendtgørelse om sædekorn 2016
Denmark Environment Order No. 194 On Vegetable Seeds BEK nr 194 Bekendtgørelse om grønsagsfrø 2016
Denmark Environment Order No. 1511 on Field Seeds BEK nr 1511 Bekendtgørelse om markfrø 2015
Denmark Environment Order No. 943 on Sorting List of Approved Varieties of Agricultural Plant and Vegetable Species BEK nr 943 Bekendtgørelse om en fortegnelse over godkendte sorter af landbrugsplante- og grønsagsarter (sortslisten) 2015
Denmark Environment Order No. 190 Consolidation Act on Plants BEK nr 190 Bekendtgørelse af lov om plantenyheder 2009
Denmark Environment Order No. 701 on Propagation of Plant Varieties for Commercial Use in Own Holding BEK nr 701 Bekendtgørelse om formering af plantenyheder til erhvervsmæssig anvendelse i egen bedrift 1996
Denmark Environment Council Regulation (EC) No. 2100/94 on Community Plant Variety Rights Council Regulation (EC) No. 2100/94 on Community Plant Variety Rights 1994
Denmark Environment Act No. 1375, Act on Profit Sharing by the Use of Genetic Resources LOV nr 1375 Lov om udbyttedeling ved anvendelse af genetiske ressourcer 2012
Denmark Environment Act No. 1579, Act on Streams LBK nr 1579 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandløb 2015
Denmark Environment Act No. 1317, Act on Environmental Protection LBK nr 1317 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljøbeskyttelse 2015
Denmark Environment Order No. 1318 on Commercial Keeping of Livestock, Manure, and Silage BEK nr 1318 Bekendtgørelse om erhvervsmæssigt dyrehold, husdyrgødning, ensilage m.v. 2015
Denmark Environment Order No. 907 on Pesticides BEK nr 907 Bekendtgørelse om bekæmpelsesmidler 2016
Denmark Environment Act No. 1529 on Planning LBK nr 1529 Bekendtgørelse af lov om planlægning 2015
Denmark Environment Act No. 1577, Forest Act LBK nr 1577 Bekendtgørelse af lov om skove 2015
Denmark Environment Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2013
Denmark Environment Order No. 1309, Waste Order BEK nr 1309 Bekendtgørelse om affald 2012
Denmark Fertilizer Regulation (EC) No. 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council Relating to Fertilisers Regulation (EC) No. 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and the Council Relating to Fertilisers 2003
Denmark Fertilizer Act No. 417 on Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners, etc. LBK nr 417 Bekendtgørelse af lov om gødning og jordforbedringsmidler m.v. 2011
Denmark Fertilizer Order No. 862 on Fertiliser and Soil Improvers BEK nr 862 Bekendtgørelse om gødning og jordforbedringsmidler 2008
Denmark Fertilizer Regulation (EC) No. 98/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on the Marketing and Use of Explosives Precursors Regulation (EC) No. 98/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council on the Marketing and Use of Explosives Precursors 2013
Denmark Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) 2013
Denmark Finance Act No. 182 Financial Business Act LBK nr 182 Bekendtgørelse af lov om finansiel virksomhed 2015
Denmark Finance Act No. 549 Act on Growth Fund LBK nr 549 af 01/07/2002 Bekendtgørelse af lov om VækstFonden 2002
Denmark Finance Order No. 281 on Financial Reports of Credit institutions and Stockbroker Companies Bekendtgørelse nr 281 finansielle rapporter for kreditinstitutter og børsmæglerselskaber 2014
Denmark Finance Order No. 330 on Good Business Practice for Financial Undertakings BEK nr 330 Bekendtgørelse om god skik for finansielle virksomheder 2016
Denmark Finance Act No. 1336 on Credit Agreements LBK nr 1336 Bekendtgørelse af lov om kreditaftaler 2015
Denmark Finance Act No. 917 on Deposit and Investor Guarantee Scheme LBK nr 917 Lov om depositum og Investor garantiordning, lovbekendtgørelse 2015
Denmark Finance Act No. 613 on Payment Services and Electronic Money Act (PSA) LBK nr 613 Bekendtgørelse af lov om betalingstjenester og elektroniske penge 2015
Denmark Finance Act No. 1022 on Measures to Prevent Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism LBK nr 1022 Bekendtgørelse af lov om forebyggende foranstaltninger mod hvidvask af udbytte og finansiering af terrorisme 2013
Denmark Finance Act No. 1075 on Land Registration LBK nr 1075 Bekendtgørelse af lov om tinglysning 2014
Denmark Finance Act No. 462 on Registration fees, Registration of Ownership and Liens, etc. LBK nr 462 ekendtgørelse af lov om afgift af tinglysning og registrering af ejer- og panterettigheder m.v. 2007
Denmark Finance Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards 2002
Denmark ICT Act on Radiofrequencies, No. 475 Bekendtgørelse af lov om radiofrekvenser 2009
Denmark ICT Act on the Establishment and Joint Utilization of Masts for Radio Communications Purposes, No. 681 Bekendtgørelse af lov om etablering og fælles udnyttelse af master til radiokommunikationsformål m.v. 2004
Denmark Livestock Danish Medicines Act, No. 506 LBK nr 506 Bekendtgørelse af lov om lægemidler 2013
Denmark Livestock Guidelines on Applications for Authorisation to Manufacture and Import Medicines and Intermediates Retningslinjer for ansøgninger om tilladelse til fremstilling og indførsel lægemidler og mellemprodukter 2016
Denmark Livestock Order No. 1571 Annex to the Order on Fees for Drugs, etc. BEK nr 1571 Bekendtgørelse om gebyrer for lægemidler m.v 2013
Denmark Livestock Order No. 986 Amending the Decree on Marketing Authorization BEK nr 986 Bekendtgørelse om ændring af bekendtgørelse om markedsføringstilladelse til lægemidler 2009
Denmark Livestock Guidelines on Rrequirements and Deadlines for Applications for Company Authorisations Vejledning om krav og frister ved ansøgning om virksomhedstilladelse 2016
Denmark Livestock Order No. 869 on the Labeling, etc. of Drugs, as Amended by Order no. 799 of July 12, 2012 BEK nr 869 om mærkning m.m. af lægemidler, som ændret ved bekendtgørelse nr. 799 af 12. juli 2012 2011
Denmark Livestock Order No. 1239 on Marketing Medicines BEK nr 1239 Bekendtgørelse om markedsføringstilladelse til 2005
Denmark Livestock Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products 2001
Denmark Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community 2000
Denmark Markets Order No. 1179 on Plant Pests BEK nr 1179 Bekendtgørelse om planteskadegørere 2014
Denmark Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Denmark Markets Order No. 374 on the Import of Plants and Plant Products BEK nr 374 Bekendtgørelse om import af planter og planteprodukter m.m. 2016
Denmark Markets Order No. 1032 on Export of Plants and Plant Products BEK nr 1032 Bekendtgørelse om eksport og udførsel af planter og planteprodukter m.m. 2014
Denmark Markets Order No. 1031 on Payment for Official Plant Health Inspections BEK nr 1031 Bekendtgørelse om betaling for plantesundhedskontrol m.m. 2015
Denmark Markets Act No. 1295 on Certain Commercial Undertakings LBK nr 1295 Bekendtgørelse af lov om visse erhvervsdrivende virksomheder 2013
Denmark Markets Act No. 140 on the Sale of Goods LBK nr 140 Bekendtgørelse af lov om køb 2014
Denmark Markets Act No. 193 on Contracts and Other Juristic Acts Pertaining to Property LBK nr 193 Bekendtgørelse af lov om aftaler og andre retshandler på formuerettens område 2016
Denmark Markets Act No. 869 on Competition LBK nr 869 Bekendtgørelse af konkurrenceloven 2015
Denmark Markets Act No. 553 on Arbitration LOV nr 553 Lov om voldgift 2005
Denmark Markets Act No. 1257 on Administration of Justice LBK nr 1257 Bekendtgørelse af lov om rettens pleje 2016
Denmark Markets Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products Commission Regulation (EC) No 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products 2008
Denmark Markets Act No. 1349 on Prohibition of Discrimination in the Labor Market LBK nr 1349 Bekendtgørelse af lov om forbud mod forskelsbehandling på arbejdsmarkedet m.v. 2008
Denmark Markets Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council Laying Down the General Principles and Requirements of Food Law, Establishing the European Food Safety Authority and Laying Down Procedures in Matters of Food Safety Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council Laying Down the General Principles and Requirements of Food Law, Establishing the European Food Safety Authority and Laying Down Procedures in Matters of Food Safety 2002
Denmark Machinery Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code 1992
Denmark Machinery Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 1993
Denmark Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Denmark Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Denmark Machinery Order No. 1315 Notice of Registration of Vehicles BEK nr 1315 Bekendtgørelse om registrering af køretøjer 2014
Denmark Machinery Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down the Union Customs Code Regulation (EU) No. 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Laying Down the Union Customs Code 2013
Denmark Machinery Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 2003
Denmark Machinery Order No. 519 on Standard Conditions of Approval of Listed Activities BEK nr 519 af 27/05/2016 Bekendtgørelse om standardvilkår i godkendelse af listevirksomhed 2016
Denmark Seed Order No. 512 Notice of Agrifish Authority's Functions and Powers BEK nr 512 Bekendtgørelse om NaturErhvervstyrelsens opgaver og beføjelser 2015
Denmark Seed Order No. 190 Consolidation Act on Plants BEK nr 190 Bekendtgørelse af lov om plantenyheder 2009
Denmark Seed Rules of Procedure of the Committee for Plant Varieties and Seeds Forretningsorden for Udvalget for plantesorter og udsæd 2015
Denmark Seed Instructions for Field Inspectors of Field Seeds and Seed Instruks for markkontrollører af markfrø og sædekorn 2015
Denmark Seed Order No. 453 On Seeds BEK nr 453 Bekendtgørelse om sædekorn 2016
Denmark Transport Act No. 1051 on Road Haulage LBK nr 1051 Bekendtgørelse af lov om godskørsel 2012
Denmark Transport Order No. 1373 on Road Haulage BEK nr 1373 Bekendtgørelse om godskørsel 2012
Denmark Transport Order No. 577 on Vehicles Overall Width, Length, Height, Weight and Axle Load (Dimension Order) BEK nr 577 Bekendtgørelse om køretøjers største bredde, længde, højde, vægt og akseltryk (Dimensionsbekendtgørelsen) 2011
Denmark Transport Order No. 516 Guidance on the Inspection of Vehicles BEK nr 516 Bekendtgørelse om godkendelse og syn af køretøjer 2014
Denmark Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market 2009
Denmark Transport Order No. 1356 Notice of Authorization and Registration of Food etc. BEK nr 1356 Bekendtgørelse om autorisation og registrering af fødevarevirksomheder m.v. 2015
Denmark Transport Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Initial Qualification and Periodic Training of Drivers of Certain Road Vehicles for the Carriage of Goods or Passengers Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Initial Qualification and Periodic Training of Drivers of Certain Road Vehicles for the Carriage of Goods or Passengers 2003
Denmark Water Act No. 962 on Taxes on Piped Water LBK nr 962 Gældende Bekendtgørelse af lov om afgift af ledningsført vand 2013
Denmark Water Act No. 125 on Water Supply LBK nr 125 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandforsyning m.v. 2017
Denmark Water Act No. 127 on Watercourses LBK nr 127 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandløb 2017
Denmark Water Act No. 119 on Environmental Law of Water Bodies and International Conservation Areas LBK nr 119 Bekendtgørelse af lov om miljømål m.v. for vandforekomster og internationale naturbeskyttelsesområder (Miljømålsloven) 2017
Denmark Water Act No. 126 on Water Planning LBK nr 126 Bekendtgørelse af lov om vandplanlægning 2017
Denmark Water Order No. 1401 on the Content of River Basin Management Planning BEK nr 836 Bekendtgørelse om indholdet af vandområdeplaner 2015
Denmark Water Order No. 1434 on Monitoring of Surface Water, Groundwater, Protected Areas and Natural Surveillance in International Nature Conservation Areas BEK nr 1001 Bekendtgørelse om overvågning af overfladevand, grundvand, beskyttede områder og om naturovervågning i internationale naturbeskyttelsesområder 2009
Denmark Water Order No. 217 Order on Vandraad, Water Council Partnership with Local Councils and Co-operation between Municipal Councils in a Main Water Catchment Area about Delimitation of Water Courses and Designation of Artificial and Heavily Modified Rivers BEK nr 217 Bekendtgørelse om vandråd, vandråds samarbejde med kommunalbestyrelser og samarbejde mellem kommunalbestyrelser i et hovedvandopland om afgrænsning af vandløb og udpegning af kunstige og stærkt modificerede vandløb 2017
Denmark Water Order No. 802 Order on Water Quality and Supervision of Water Supply Systems BEK nr 802 Bekendtgørelse om vandkvalitet og tilsyn med vandforsyningsanlæg 2016
Denmark Water Order No. 832 Order on Water abstraction and Water Supply BEK nr 832 Bekendtgørelse om vandindvinding og vandforsyning 2016
Egypt, Arab Rep. Environment Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation No. 1920 القرار الوزاري رقم 1920 لسنة 2003، الصادر عن وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي 2003
Egypt, Arab Rep. Environment Law No. 82 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights قانون رقم ٨٢ لسنة ٢٠٠٢ بإصدار قانون حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية 2002
Egypt, Arab Rep. Environment Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Ministerial Decree No. 1018 Concerning Registration, Handling and Use of Agricultural Pesticides وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي القرار الوزاري رقم 1018 عام 2013 بشأن التسجيل وتداول واستخدام المبيدات الزراعية في مصر 2013
Egypt, Arab Rep. Environment Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation Ministerial Decree No. 630 Concerning the Lists of Agricultural Pesticide Active Ingredients that can be Registered, Re-registered, or Banned وزارة الزراعة واستصلاح الأراضي القرار الوزاري رقم 630 لسنة 2007 م بشأن قوائم المبيدات الفعالة الزراعية التي يمكن تسجيلها، وإعادة تسجيلها، أو حظرت في جمهورية مصر العربية 2007
Egypt, Arab Rep. Environment Prime Minister's Decree No. 338 Promulgating the Executive Regulations of the Law for the Environment Law No. 4 for 1994 (amended by Prime Minister's decree No. 1741 of 2005) رئيس الوزراء المرسوم رقم 338 لسنة 1995 بإصدار اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون لقانون البيئة رقم 4 لسنة 1994 (المعدل بقرار رئيس الوزراء رقم 1741 لسنة 2005 1995
Egypt, Arab Rep. Fertilizer Ministerial Decision No. 518 Regulating Fertilizer, Food and Feed القرار الوزاري رقم 518 لسنة 1986 المنظم للأسمده والأغذيه والأعلاف 1986
Egypt, Arab Rep. Finance Law No. 88, The Law of the Central Bank, the Banking Sector, and Money القانون رقم 88- قانون البنك المركزي، والقطاع المصرفي، والمال 2003
Egypt, Arab Rep. Finance Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) Circular dated 24 December Regarding Basel II Regulations البنك المركزي المصري التعميم المؤرخ في 24 ديسمبر 2012 فيما يتعلق بازل اللوائح الثاني 2012
Egypt, Arab Rep. Finance Presidential Decree No. 101 of the Law of the Central Bank, the Banking Sector, and Money المرسوم الرئاسي رقم 101-2004 من قانون البنك المركزي والقطاع المصرفي، والمال 2004
Egypt, Arab Rep. Finance Law No. 317 on Cooperatives القانون رقم 317 لسنة 1956 قانون التعاونيات 1956
Egypt, Arab Rep. Finance Law No. 17 on Trade القانون رقم 17 من القانون التجاري 1999
Egypt, Arab Rep. ICT Telecommunication Regulation Law, No. 10 قانون تنظيم الاتصالات رقم 10 2003
Egypt, Arab Rep. Livestock Law 127/1955 on the Practice of Pharmacy القانون 127/1955 على ممارسة الصيدلة 1955
Egypt, Arab Rep. Livestock Registration Dossier Requirements of the Registration of Veterinary Medicines متطلبات تسجيل ملف العدد للتسجيل والطب البيطري.
Egypt, Arab Rep. Livestock Decision of the Minister of Health 174/1999 قرار من وزير الصحة 174/1999 1999
Egypt, Arab Rep. Livestock Decree for Establishing General Organization for Veterinary Services مرسوم إنشاء الهيئة العامة للخدمات البيطرية 1984
Egypt, Arab Rep. Livestock Instructions on VMP Registration إرشادات حول تسجيل VMPs N/A
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Act No. 122 Promulgating the Law on Agricultural Cooperation, Amended by Law No. 204 قانون رقم ١٢٢ لسنة ١٩٨٠ بإصدار قانون التعاون الزراعي 1980
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Law No. 131 Issuing the Civil Code القانون رقم 131 لسنة 1948 بإصدار القانون المدني 1948
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Law No. 3 on the Protection of Competition and the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices القانون رقم 3 بشأن حماية المنافسة ومنع الممارسات الاحتكارية، 2005 2005
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Law No. 27 Concerning Arbitration in Civil and Commercial Matters (as Amended by Law No. 9 of 1997) القانون رقم27 لسنة 1994 بشأن التحكيم في المواد المدنية والتجارية بصيغته المعدلة بالقانون رقم 9 لسنة 1994
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Ministerial Resolution No. 3007 on the Egyptian Quarantine Rules قرار رقم 3007 لسنة 2001م بشأن قواعد الحجر الزراعي المصري 2001
Egypt, Arab Rep. Markets Ministerial Decree No. 1 Issuing the Executive Regulations of Act No. 122 of 1980 Promulgating the Law on Agricultural Cooperation المرسوم الوزاري رقم (1) لسنة 1981 بإصدار اللائحة التنفيذية للقانون رقم 122 لسنة 1980 بإصدار قانون التعاون الزراعي 1981
Egypt, Arab Rep. Machinery Import and Export Law, No. 118 استيراد وتصدير قانون NO.118 1975
Egypt, Arab Rep. Machinery Decree by the Minister of Foreign Trade & Industry No.770 Issuing the Executive Regulation to Implement Import and Export Law No.118/1975 as well as Inspection and Control Procedures of Imported And Exported Goods قرار من وزير التجارة الخارجية والصناعة no.770/2005 إصدار اللائحة التنفيذية لتنفيذ استيراد وتصدير قانون NO.118/1975 وكذلك التفتيش ومراقبة إجراءات المستوردة والسلع المصدر 2005
Egypt, Arab Rep. Machinery Traffic Law, No. 66 قانون المرور رقم 66 لسنة 73 1973
Egypt, Arab Rep. Machinery Law No. 121 on the Registration of Importers القانون No.121/1982 على تسجيل المستوردين 1982
Egypt, Arab Rep. Machinery Customs Law قانون الجمارك 1963
Egypt, Arab Rep. Seed Seed Law بإصدار قانون الزراعة 1966
Egypt, Arab Rep. Seed Law No. 82 on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights قانون رقم ٨٢ لسنة ٢٠٠٢ بإصدار قانون حماية حقوق الملكية الفكرية 2002
Egypt, Arab Rep. Seed Ministrial Order No. 82 on Seed Registration الوزاري امر لا. 82 على تسجيل البذور 1998
Egypt, Arab Rep. Transport Traffic Law No. 66 قانون المرور رقم 66 1973
Egypt, Arab Rep. Transport Agreement to Facilitate the Passage of Vehicles between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Libyan Republic اتفاق لتسهيل مرور المركبات بين جمهورية مصر العربية والجمهورية الليبية 1990
Egypt, Arab Rep. Transport Regulation of Transport to Cross-Transit between Arab League Countries تنظيم النقل عبر الترانزيت بين دول الجامعة العربية 1977
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Ministerial Decree No. 58 on Irrigation and Drainage قرار وزاري رقم ٥٨ لسنة ٢٠١٢ عن الري والصرف 2012
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Law No. 12 of 1984 Promulgating the Law of Irrigation and Drainage القانون رقم ١٢ لسنة ١٩٨٤ بإصدار قانون الري والصرف 1984
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Law No. 4 of 1994 on Environment  قانون البيئة رقم 4 لسنة 1994م 1994
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Ministerial Decree No. 8 on the Executive Regulations of Law No. 48 of 1982 Concerning the Protection of the Nile River and Water Channels from Pollution  قرار وزير الري رقم ٨ لسنة ١٩٨٣ باللائحة التنفيذية للقانون رقم ٤٨ لسنة ١٩٨٢ في شأن حماية نهر النيل والمجاري المائية من التلوث 1982
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Law No. 48 Concerning the Protection of the Nile River and Water Channels Against Pollution قانون رقم 48 لسنة 1982م بحماية نهر النيل والقنوات المائية من التلوث 1982
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Law No. 213 Modifications of the Law on Irrigation and Drainage القانون رقم 213 لسنة 1994: تعديلات على قانون الري والصرف 1994
Egypt, Arab Rep. Water Resolution 14900 on the Implementation of Law 213 قرار 14900 تنفيذ القانون 213 1995
Spain Environment Royal Decree 1274/2011 Approving the Strategic Plan for Natural Heritage and Biodiversity 2011-2017, Pursuant to Law 42/2007, of 13 December, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Real Decreto 1274/2011 por el que se aprueba el Plan estratégico del patrimonio natural y de la biodiversidad 2011-2017, en aplicación de la Ley 42/2007, de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad 2011
Spain Environment Law 30/2006 on Seeds and Nursery Plants and on Plant Genetic Resources Ley 30/2006 de semillas y plantas de vivero y de recursos fitogenéticos 2006
Spain Environment Royal Decree 401/2012 which Develops the Basic Organic Structure of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment Real Decreto 401/2012 por el que se desarrolla la estructura orgánica básica del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2012
Spain Environment Technical Regulation for the Control and Certification of Seed and Plants Reglamento general técnico de control y certificación de semillas y plantas de vivero 2012
Spain Environment Royal Decree 170/2011 Approving the General Regulations for the Registration of Commercial Varieties and which Modifies the General Regulation for the Technical Control and Certification of Seeds Real Decreto 170/2011 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento general del registro de variedades comerciales y se modifica el Reglamento general técnico de control y certificación de semillas y plantas de vivero 2011
Spain Environment Law 3/2000 on the Legal Regime for the Protection of Plant Varieties Ley 3/2000 de régimen jurídico de la protección de las obtenciones vegetales 2000
Spain Environment Law 33/2015 amending Law 42/2007, of 13 December, on Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Ley 33/2015 por la que se modifica la Ley 42/2007, de 13 de diciembre, del Patrimonio Natural y de la Biodiversidad 2015
Spain Environment Royal Decree 817/2015 the Criteria for Monitoring and Evaluating the Status of Surface Waters and Environmental Quality Standards are Established, Modifying Royal Decree 261/1996 Real Decreto 817/2015 por el que se establecen los criterios de seguimiento y evaluación del estado de las aguas superficiales y las normas de calidad ambiental (modificando Real Decreto 261/1996) 2015
Spain Environment Royal Decree 324/2000 on the Basic Rules on Management of Pig Farms Real Decreto 324/2000 por el que se establecen normas básicas de ordenación de las explotaciones porcinas 2000
Spain Environment Royal Decree 261/1996 on the Protection of Waters Against Pollution Caused by Nitrates from Agricultural Sources Real Decreto 261/1996 sobre protección de las aguas contra la contaminación producida por los nitratos procedentes de fuentes agrarias 1996
Spain Environment Law 16/2002 on Integrated Prevention and Pollution Control Ley 16/2002, sobre prevención y control integrados de la contaminación 2002
Spain Environment Royal Decree 1311/2012 Establishing the Framework for a Sustainable Use of Phytosanitary Plant Products Real Decreto 1311/2012 por el que se establece el marco de actuación para conseguir un uso sostenible de los productos fitosanitarios 2012
Spain Environment Law 22/2011 on Waste and Contaminated Soil Ley 22/2011 de residuos y suelos contaminados 2011
Spain Environment Royal Decree 1172/2015 Amending Royal Decree 1075/2014 of 19 December on the Implementation from 2015 of Direct Payments to Agriculture and Livestock and Other Aid Schemes, as well as on the Management and Control of Direct Payments and Payments to Rural Development, Royal Decree 1076/2014 of 19 December on the Allocation of Basic Payment Scheme Rights under the Common Agricultural Policy and Royal Decree 1077/2014 of 19 December, which Regulates the System of Geographical Information of Agricultural Parcels Real Decreto 1172/2015 por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 1075/2014, de 19 de diciembre, sobre la aplicación a partir de 2015 de los pagos directos a la agricultura y a la ganadería y otros regímenes de ayuda, así como sobre la gestión y control de los pagos directos y de los pagos al desarrollo rural, el Real Decreto 1076/2014, de 19 de diciembre, sobre asignación de derechos de régimen de pago básico de la Política Agrícola Común, y el Real Decreto 1077/2014, de 19 de diciembre, por el que se regula el sistema de información geográfica de parcelas agrícola 2015
Spain Environment Law 43/2003 on Forests Ley 43/2003 de montes 2003
Spain Environment Law 9/1995 on Measures of Land Policy, Land and Urban Development Ley 9/1995 de medidas de política territorial, suelo y urbanismo 1995
Spain Environment Constitution Constitución Española 1978
Spain Fertilizer Royal Decree 506/2013 on Fertilizer Products Real Decreto 506/2013 sobre productos fertilizantes 2013
Spain Fertilizer Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures, Amending and Repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and Amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 Regulation (EC) N° 1272/2008 on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures, Amending and Repealing Directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and Amending Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 2008
Spain Fertilizer Royal Decree 1945/1983 Regulating Infringements and Sanctions in the Field of Consumer Protection and Agri-food Production Real Decreto 1945/1983 por el que se regula las infracciones y sanciones en materia de defensa del consumidor y de la produccion agroalimentaria 1983
Spain Finance Law No. 10/2014 on the Regulation, Supervision and Solvency of Credit Institutions Ley 10/2014 de ordenación, supervisión y solvencia de entidades de crédito 2014
Spain Finance Royal Decree No. 84/2015, Amending Law 10/2014 of 26 June, Management, Supervision and Solvency of Banks Real Decreto 84/2015, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 10/2014, de 26 de junio, de ordenación, supervisión y solvencia de entidades de crédito 2015
Spain Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms and Amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 Reglamento (UE) N° 575/2013 sobre los requisitos prudenciales de las entidades de crédito y las empresas de inversión, y por el que se modifica el Reglamento (UE) no 648/2012 2013
Spain Finance Circular 4/2004 to Credit Institutions on Rules on Public and Confidential Financial Information and Financial Statements Circular 4/2004, a Entidades de crédito, sobre normas de información financiera pública y reservada y modelos de estados financieros 2014
Spain Finance Order EHA/2899/2011 on Transparency and Customer Protection of Banking Services Orden EHA/2899/2011, de transparencia y protección del cliente de servicios bancario 2011
Spain Finance Royal Decree-Law 16/2011 on the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions Real Decreto-ley 16/2011, por el que se crea el Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos de Entidades de Crédito 2011
Spain Finance Royal Decree 2606/1996 on the Legal Regime of the Deposit Guarantee Fund of Credit Institutions Real Decreto 2606/1996, sobre el régimen jurídico de los fondos de garantía de depósitos de entidades de crédito 1996
Spain Finance Royal Decree 84/1993 on Regulations for the Development of Law 13/1989, of May 26, on Credit Union Real Decreto 84/1993, reglamento de desarrollo de la ley 13/1989, de 26 de mayo, de cooperativas de crédito 1993
Spain Finance Law No. 13/1989 on Credit Unions Ley 13/1989 de cooperativas de crédito 1989
Spain Finance Circular 5/2012 of the Bank of Spain to Credit Institutions and Payment Service Providers, on Transparency of Banking Services and Responsibility in Lending Circular 5/2012 del Banco de España, a entidades de crédito y proveedores de servicios de pago, sobre transparencia de los servicios bancarios y responsabilidad en la concesión de préstamos 2012
Spain Finance Organic Law 3/2007 for the Effective Equality of Women and Men Ley Orgánica 3/2007 para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres 2007
Spain Finance Royal Decree 84/2015, Developping Law 10/2014 of 26 June, Management, Supervision and Solvency of Banks Real Decreto 84/2015, por el que se desarrolla la Ley 10/2014, de 26 de junio, de ordenación, supervisión y solvencia de entidades de crédito 2015
Spain Finance Royal Decree 712/2010 on the Legal Regime of Payment Services and Payment Institutions Real Decreto 712/2010, de régimen jurídico de los servicios de pago y de las entidades de pago 2010
Spain Finance Law 21/2011 on Electronic Money Ley 21/2011, de dinero electrónico 2011
Spain Finance Royal Decree 778/2012 on the Regulation of E-money Institutions Real Decreto 778/2012, de régimen jurídico de las entidades de dinero electrónico 2012
Spain Finance Order ECO/734/2004 on Departments for Customer Services and Customer Ombudsman of Financial Institutions Orden ECO/734/2004, sobre los departamentos y servicios de atención al cliente y el defensor del cliente de las entidades financieras 2004
Spain Finance Law 10/2010 of Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Ley 10/2010, de prevención del blanqueo de capitales y de la financiación del terrorismo 2010
Spain Finance Royal Decree 1828/1999 on Regulations of the Conditions of Contract General Registry Real Decreto 1828/1999, por el que se aprueba el reglamento del registro de condiciones generales de la contratación 1999
Spain Finance Order Approving the Ordinance for the Register of Installment Sales of Movable Property Orden por la que se aprueba la ordenanza para el registro de venta a plazos de bienes muebles 1999
Spain ICT General Telecommunications Law Ley general de telecomunicaciones 2014
Spain ICT Royal Decree No. 805/2014 Approving the National Technical Plan for Digital Terrestrial Television and Regulating Certain Aspects for the Release of the Digital Dividend Real Decreto 805/2014 por el que se aprueba el Plan Técnico Nacional de la Televisión Digital Terrestre y se regulan determinados aspectos para la liberación del dividendo digital 2014
Spain Livestock Law 29/2006 on Guarantees and Rational Use of Medicines and Medical Devices Ley 29/2006 de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios 2006
Spain Livestock Royal Decree 1246/2008 Regulating the Procedure for Authorization, Registration and Pharmacovigilance of Veterinary Drugs Manufactured Industrially Real Decreto 1246/2008 por el que se regula el procedimiento de autorización, registro y farmacovigilancia de los medicamentos veterinarios fabricados industrialmente 2008
Spain Livestock Circular No. 4/2012 Five-year Renewal of Veterinary Medicines Circular 4/2012 renovación quinquenal de medicamentos veterinarios 2012
Spain Livestock Royal Decree 824/2010 Regulating Pharmaceutical Laboratories, Manufacturers of Active Ingredients for Pharmaceutical Use and Foreign Trade in Medicines and Research Drugs Real Decreto 824/2010 por el que se regulan los laboratorios farmacéuticos, los fabricantes de principios activos de uso farmacéutico y el comercio exterior de medicamentos y medicamentos en investigación 2010
Spain Markets Cooperatives Law, No. 27 Ley de cooperativas, N° 27 1999
Spain Markets Law Promoting the Integration of Cooperatives and Other Associative Entities of Agribusiness Character, No. 13 Ley de fomento de la integración de cooperativas y de otras entidades asociativas de carácter agroalimentario, N° 13 2013
Spain Markets Regulatory Law of Interprofesional Agri-food Organizations, No. 38 Ley reguladora de las organizaciones interprofesionales agroalimentarias, N° 38 1994
Spain Markets Cooperatives Societies Registry Regulation, Royal Decree No. 136/2002 Reglamento del registro de sociedades cooperativas, Real Decreto 136/2002 2002
Spain Markets Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure, Law No. 30/1992 Régimen jurídico de las administraciones públicas y del procedimiento administrativo común, Ley 30/1992 1992
Spain Markets Organic Law 3/2007 for the Effective Equality of Women and Men Ley Orgánica 3/2007 para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres 2007
Spain Markets Regulatory Law of Agri-food Contracts, No. 2/2000 Ley reguladora de los contratos tipo de productos agroalimentarios, N° 2/2000 2000
Spain Markets Law to Improve the Funtioning of the Food Chain, No. 12/2013 Ley de medidas para mejorar el funcionamiento de la cadena alimentaria, N° 12/2013 2013
Spain Markets Law Establishing the Legal Regime of Unfair Competition and Advertisement and for the Improvement of Consumer Protection, No. 29/2009 Ley por la que se modifica el régimen legal de la competencia desleal y de la publicidad para la mejora de la protección de los consumidores y usuarios, N° 29/2009 2009
Spain Markets Unfair Competition Law, No. 3/1991 Ley de competencia desleal, N° 3/1991 1991
Spain Markets Civil and Comercial Mediation Law, No. 5/2012 Ley de mediación en asuntos civiles y mercantiles, N° 5/2012 2012
Spain Markets Arbitration Law, No. 60/2003 Ley de arbitraje, N° 60/2003 2003
Spain Markets Civil Prosecution Law Ley de enjuiciamiento civil 1881
Spain Markets Plant Health Law, No. 43/2002 Ley de sanidad vegetal, N° 43/2002 2002
Spain Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Medidas de protección contra organismos nocivos para los vegetales, Directiva 2000/29/CE 2000
Spain Markets Commission Regulation (EC) No 1756/2004 Specifying the Detailed Conditions for the Evidence Required and the Criteria for the Type and Level of the Reduction of the Plant Health Checks of Certain Plants, Plant Products or Other Objects Listed in Part B of Annex V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC Commission Regulation (EC) No 1756/2004 Specifying the Detailed Conditions for the Evidence Required and the Criteria for the Type and Level of the Reduction of the Plant Health Checks of Certain Plants, Plant Products or Other Objects Listed in Part B of Annex V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC 2004
Spain Markets Phytosanitary Protection Measures, Royal Decree No. 58/2005 Medidas de protección fitosanitarias, Real Decreto 58/2005 2005
Spain Markets Order PRE/3026/2003, which Establishes Inspection and Control Standards for Regional and Territorial Trade Directorates Orden PRE/3026/2003, por la que se dictan normas de inspección y control para las Direcciones Regionales y Territoriales de Comercio 2003
Spain Markets Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council Laying Down the General Principles and Requirements of Food Law, Establishing the European Food Safety Authority and Laying Down Procedures in Matters of Food Safety Regulation (EC) N°178/2002 of the European Parliament and the Council Laying Down the General Principles and Requirements of Food Law, Establishing the European Food Safety Authority and Laying Down Procedures in Matters of Food Safety 2002
Spain Seed Law 30/2006 on Seeds and Nursery Plants and on Plant Genetic Resources Ley 30/2006 de semillas y plantas de vivero y de recursos fitogenéticos 2006
Spain Seed Law 3/2000 on the Legal Regime for the Protection of Plant Varieties Ley 3/2000 de régimen jurídico de la protección de las obtenciones vegetales 2000
Spain Seed Royal Decree 170/2011 Approving the General Regulation of the Registration of Commercial Varieties and Amending the General Technical Regulation of Control and Certification of Seeds and Nursery Plants Real Decreto 170/2011 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento general del registro de variedades comerciales y se modifica el Reglamento general técnico de control y certificación de semillas y plantas de vivero 2011
Spain Seed Technical Regulation for the Control and Certification of Seed and Plants Reglamento general técnico de control y certificación de semillas y plantas de vivero 2012
Spain Seed Technical Regulation of Control and Certification of Cereal Seeds Reglamento técnico de control y certificación de semillas de cereales 2012
Spain Transport Order ITC/2590/2010 Amending the Annexes and Appendices of Royal Decree 237/2000 of 18 February, which Establishes the Technical Specifications to be Met by Special Vehicles for the Inland Transport of Food Products at Temperature Regulated, and the Procedure for Checking Compliance with the Specifications Orden ITC/2590/2010 por la que se modifican los anejos y apéndices del Real Decreto 237/2000, de 18 de febrero, por el que se establecen las especificaciones técnicas que deben cumplir los vehículos especiales para el transporte terrestre de productos alimentarios a temperatura regulada y los procedimientos para el control de conformidad con las especificaciones 2010
Spain Transport Council Directive 96/53/EC Laying Down for Certain Road Vehicles Circulating within the Community the Maximum Authorized Dimensions in National and International Traffic and the Maximum Authorized Weights in International Traffic Council Directive 96/53/EC Laying Down for Certain Road Vehicles Circulating within the Community the Maximum Authorized Dimensions in National and International Traffic and the Maximum Authorized Weights in International Traffic 1996
Spain Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC Regulation (EC) N° 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC 2009
Spain Transport EU Regulation 1072/2009 EU Regulation 1072/2009 2009
Spain Transport EU Regulation 852-2004 EU Regulation 852-2004 2004
Spain Transport Order FOM/734/2007 Developing the Regulation of the Law of Ordinance of the Terrestrial Transports in Matter of Authorizations of Transport of Goods by Road Orden FOM/734/2007 por la que se desarrolla el Reglamento de la Ley de Ordenación de los Transportes Terrestres en materia de autorizaciones de transporte de mercancías por carretera 2007
Spain Transport Law 29/2003 on Improving the Conditions of Competition and Safety in the Road Transport Market, which Partially Amends Law 16/1987 of 30 July on Land Transport Management Ley 29/2003 sobre mejora de las condiciones de competencia y seguridad en el mercado de transporte por carretera, por la que se modifica, parcialmente, la Ley 16/1987, de 30 de julio, de Ordenación de los Transportes Terrestres 2003
Spain Transport Law 16/1987 General Transport Law Ley 16/1987 de ordenación de los transportes terrestres 1987
Spain Transport Royal Decree 237/2000 Laying Down the Technical Specifications to be met by Special Vehicles for the Inland Transport of Food Products at Regulated Temperature and the Procedures for Checking Compliance with Specifications Real Decreto 237/2000 por el que se establecen las especificaciones técnicas que deben cumplir los vehículos especiales para el transporte terrestre de productos alimentarios a temperatura regulada y los procedimientos para el control de conformidad con las especificaciones 2000
Spain Transport Road Transport Inspection Plan Plan de inspección del transporte por carretera 2015
Spain Transport Regulation of Heavy Vehicles Regulación de vehículos pesados 2013
Spain Transport Order FOM/2185/2008 amending Order FOM/734/2007 on Authorizations for the Carriage of Goods by Road Orden FOM/2185/2008 por la que se modifica la Orden FOM/734/2007 en materia de autorizaciones de transporte de mercancías por carretera 2008
Spain Transport Spain-Morocco Road Transport Agreement Acuerdo entre el Reino de Espana y el Reino de Marruecos relativo a los transportes terrestres internacionales de mercancias 1988
Spain Transport Royal Decree 957/2002 Regulating Technical Inspections of Industrial Vehicles Real Decreto 957/2002 por el que se regulan las inspecciones tecnicas de vehiculos industriales 2002
Spain Transport Royal Decree 2042/1994 on the Technical Inspection of Vehicles Real Decreto 2042/1994 por el que se regula la inspecciones tecnicas de vehiculos 1994
Spain Transport Orden FOM/2861/2012 on Administrative Control Documents for the Public Transport of Goods by Road Orden FOM/2861/2012 sobre el documento de control administrativo para el transporte publico de mercancias por carretera 2012
Spain Transport Decision 94/1/CE, ECSC of the Council and the Commission on the Conclusion of the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss Confederation Decision 94/1/CE, ECSC of the Council and the Commission on the Conclusion of the Agreement on the European Economic Area between the European Communities, their Member States and the Republic of Austria, the Republic of Finland, the Republic of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein, the Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Sweden and the Swiss Confederation 1994
Spain Water Royal Legislative Decree No. 1/2001 Approving the Consolidated Text of the Water Law Real Decreto Legislativo N° 1/2001 por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley de Aguas 2001
Spain Water Law 30/1992 on the Legal Regime of Public Administration and the Common Administrative Procedure Ley N° 30/1992 régimen jurídico de las administraciones públicas y del procedimiento administrativo común 1992
Spain Water Royal Decree No. 849/1986 Public Water Regulation Real Decreto N° 849/1986 Reglamento del Dominio Público Hidráulico 1986
Spain Water Constitution Constitución 1978
Spain Water Royal Decree 907/2007 Approving the Regulation of Water Planning Real Decreto 907/2007 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de la Planificación Hidrológica 2007
Spain Water Royal Decree 817/2015 on the Criteria for Monitoring and Evaluating the Status of Surface Waters and Environmental Quality Standards Real Decreto 817/2015 por el que se establecen los criterios de seguimiento y evaluación del estado de las aguas superficiales y las normas de calidad ambiental 2015
Spain Water Law 27/2006 by which the Rights of Access to Information, Public Participation and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters are Regulated Ley 27/2006 por la que se regulan los derechos de acceso a la información, de participación pública y de acceso a la justicia en materia de medio ambiente 2006
Spain Water Royal Decree 1620/2007 Establishing the Legal Regime for the Reuse of Treated Water Real Decreto 1620/2007 por el que se establece el régimen jurídico de la reutilización de las aguas depuradas 2007
Spain Water Order ARM/1312/2009 under which Systems are Regulated for Effective Control of Water Volumes Used, Returns to Hydraulic Public Domain and Discharges Orden ARM/1312/2009 por la que se regulan los sistemas para realizar el control efectivo de los volúmenes de agua utilizados por los aprovechamientos de agua del dominio público hidráulico, de los retornos al citado dominio público hidráulico y de los vertidos al mismo 2009
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 120/1998 Proclamation to Provide for the Establishment of the Institute of Bbiodiversity Conservation and Research 1998
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 381.2004 to Amend IBC Establishment 2004
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 481/2006 on Plant Breeders’ Rights 2006
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 206/2000 on Seed 2000
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 482/2006 Access to Genetic Resources and Community Knowledge, and Community Rights 2006
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No.674/2010 Pesticide Registration and Control 2010
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 456/2005 Rural Land Administration and Land Use 2005
Ethiopia Environment Proclamation No. 542/2007 Forest Development, Conservation and Utilization 2007
Ethiopia Fertilizer Fertilizer Manufacturing and Trade Proclamation No. 137/1998 1998
Ethiopia Finance Banking Business Proclamation No. 592 2008
Ethiopia Finance Interest Rates Directive No. NBE/INT/11/2010 2010
Ethiopia Finance Licensing and Supervision of Banking Business Minimum Capital Requirement for Banks, Directive No. SBB/50/2011 2011
Ethiopia Finance Directive No. SBB/43/2007 Asset Classification and Provisioning 2007
Ethiopia Finance Micro-Financing Business Proclamation No. 626/2009 2009
Ethiopia Finance Directive No. MFI/20/2010 Interest Rates Applicable to Micro-finance institutions 2010
Ethiopia Finance Minimum Capital Requirement Directive No. MFI/27/2015 2015
Ethiopia Finance Directive No. MFI/18/06 Limit on Loans, Repayment Period, and Provisioning Requirements 2006
Ethiopia Finance Manner of Financial and Operational Information Reporting Directive No. MFI/22/2012 2012
Ethiopia Finance Cooperatives Societies Proclamation No. 147 1998
Ethiopia Finance Regulation of Mobile and Agent Banking Services Directive No. FIS 01 2012
Ethiopia Finance Proclamation to Provide for a Warehouse Receipts System No. 372 2003
Ethiopia Finance Commercial Registration and Business Licensing Proclamation No. 686/2010 2010
Ethiopia ICT Telecommunication Proclamation, No. 49/1996 1996
Ethiopia ICT Directive on License Fees for Telecommunication and Radio Communication Equipments, Radio Frequency Spectrum, Telecommunication Services Provided by the Private Sector and Others 2004
Ethiopia Livestock Veterinary Drug and Feed Administration and Control Proclamation No. 728/2011 2011
Ethiopia Livestock Commercial Registration and Business Licensing Proclamation 2010
Ethiopia Livestock Veterinary Drug and Feed Administration and Control Authority Establishment Council of Ministers Regulation 2012
Ethiopia Livestock Guideline for the Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products ND
Ethiopia Markets Cooperative Societies Proclamation No. 147/1998 1998
Ethiopia Markets Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Proclamation No. 402/2004 2004
Ethiopia Markets Councils of Ministers Regulation No. 106/2004 to Provide for the implementation of Cooperative Societies Proclamation No. 147/1998 2004
Ethiopia Markets Civil Code of Ethiopia Proclamation No. 165/1960 1960
Ethiopia Markets Civil Procedure Code Decree No. 52 1965
Ethiopia Markets Plant Quarantine Council of Ministers Regulation No. 4/1992 1992
Ethiopia Markets Trade Practice and Consumers’ Protection Proclamation No. 685/2010 2010
Ethiopia Markets Coffee Quality Control and Marketing Proclamation No. 602/2008 2008
Ethiopia Markets Coffee Quality Control and Transaction Council of Ministers Regulation No. 161/2009 2009
Ethiopia Machinery Commercial Registration and Business Licensing Proclamation No. 686/2010 2010
Ethiopia Machinery Commercial Registration and Business Licensing (Amendment) Proclamation No. 801/2013 2013
Ethiopia Machinery Proclamation No. 681/2010 Vehicles Identification, Inspection and Registration 2010
Ethiopia Machinery Vehicles Identification, Inspection and Registration Fees Council of Ministers Regulation No. 206/2011 2011
Ethiopia Seed Proclamation No. 206/2000 on Seed 2013
Ethiopia Seed Proclamation No. 481/2006 on Plant Breeders’ Rights 2006
Ethiopia Transport Proclamation No. 548/2007 Multimodal Transport of Goods Proclamation 2007
Ethiopia Transport Regulation No. 206/2011 Vehicle Identification, Inspection and Registration Fees 2011
Ethiopia Transport Council of Ministers Regulation No. 37/1998 Freight Forwarding and Ship Agency License Issuance 1998
Ethiopia Transport Proclamation No. 811/2013 Trucks Demurrage 2013
Ethiopia Transport Regulation No. 255/2011 Ethiopian Shipping and Logistics Services Enterprise Establishment 2011
Ethiopia Transport Proclamation No. 468/2005 Transport Proclamation 2005
Ethiopia Transport Proclamation No. 547/2007 Proclamation to Amend Carriage of Goods by Land 2007
Ethiopia Water Definition of Powers and Duties of the Executive Organs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Proclamation, No. 691/2010 2010
Ethiopia Water Ethiopian Water Resources Management Proclamation, No. 197/2000 2000
Ethiopia Water Ethiopian Water Resources Management Regulations, No. 115/2005 2005
Ethiopia Water River Basin Councils and Authorities Proclamation, No. 534/2007 2007
Ethiopia Water Irrigation Water Users' Associations Proclamation, No. 841/2014 2014
Ethiopia Water Ethiopian Water Resources Management Policy 1999
Ethiopia Water Ethiopian Water Sector Strategy 2001
Ethiopia Water Regulation to Provide for Irrigation Development Investment Incentives, No. 162 2009
Ethiopia Water Constitution 1994
Georgia Environment Law No. 4066-რს on New Animal Breeds and Plant Varieties საქართველოს კანონი ცხოველთა და მცენარეთა ახალი ჯიშების შესახებ 4066-რს 2010
Georgia Environment Law No. 1696 on Pesticides and Agrochemicals საქართველოს კანონი პესტიციდებისა და აგროქიმიკატების შესახებ 1696 1998
Georgia Fertilizer Regulation No. 443 on Registration Testing, Examination and Registration of Pesticides and Agrochemicals ტექნიკური რეგლამენტის 443 - საქართველოში პესტიციდებისა და აგროქიმიკატების სარეგისტრაციო გამოცდების, ექსპერტიზისა და რეგისტრაციის დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ 2013
Georgia Fertilizer Regulation No. 427 Rules for Labeling Pesticides and Agrochemicals ტექნიკური რეგლამენტი 427, პესტიციდებისა და აგროქიმიკატების მარკირების წესი 2013
Georgia Fertilizer Law No. 6155-Ic Food/Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code სურსათის/ცხოველის საკვების უვნებლობის, ვეტერინარიისა და მცენარეთა დაცვის კოდექსი 2014
Georgia Finance Law No. 121 on the Activities of Commercial Banks საქართველოს კანონი კომერციული ბანკების საქმიანობის შესახებ 121 1996
Georgia Finance Regulation No. 281 on Capital Adequacy Requirements for Commercial Banks პრეზიდენტის ბრძანება №281 კომერციული ბანკების კაპიტალის ადეკვატურობის მოთხოვნების შესახებ დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ საქართველოს ეროვნული ბანკის პრეზიდენტის 2002 წლის 17 სექტემბრის №237 ბრძანების ძალადაკარგულად გამოცხადების შესახებ 2008
Georgia Finance Decree No. 51/04 Regulation on Assets Classification and the Creation and Use of Reserves for Losses by Commercial Banks ბრძანება №51/04 კომერციული ბანკების მიერ აქტივების კლასიფიკაციისა და შესაძლო დანაკარგების რეზერვების შექმნისა და გამოყენების წესის დამტკიცების შესახებ 2014
Georgia Finance Decree No. 18/04 of the President of the National Bank of Georgia on Adopting Regulation of Capital Adequacy Requirements of Commercial Banks ბრძანება №18 / 04, კომერციული ბანკების კაპიტალის ადეკვატურობის მოთხოვნების შესახებ დებულების დამტკიცების 2015
Georgia Finance Decree No. 35-04 of the President of the Bank of Georgia on Adopting Rule of Providing Necessary Information to Customers by Commercial Banks ბრძანება №35/04 კომერციული ბანკების მიერ საბანკო მომსახურების გაწევისას მომხმარებლისათვის აუცილებელი ინფორმაციის მიწოდების წესის დამტკიცების შესახებ 2011
Georgia Finance Law No. 3482 on Microfinance Organizations საქართველოს კანონი მიკროსაფინანსო ორგანიზაციების შესახებ 3482 2006
Georgia Finance Law No. 1608 on Non-Bank Depository Institutions – Credit Unions საქართველოს კანონი არასაბანკო სადეპოზიტო დაწესებულებების - საკრედიტო კავშირების შესახებ 1608 2002
Georgia Finance Decree No. 258 on Adopting Minimum Capital Requirements for Credit Unions ბრძანება 258 საკრედიტო კავშირების მიმართ მინიმალური კაპიტალის მოთხოვნის შესახებ დებულების დამტკიცების თაობაზე 2002
Georgia Finance Decree No. 287 on Defining Minimum Number of Members of Credit Unions ბრძანება 287 საკრედიტო კავშირის წევრთა მინიმალური ოდენობის განსაზღვრის შესახებ 2002
Georgia Finance Law No. 6304-Iს on Payment Systems and Payment Services საქართველოს კანონი საგადახდო სისტემისა და საგადახდო მომსახურების შესახებ 6304-Iს 2012
Georgia Finance Civil Code საქართველოს სამოქალაქო კოდექსი 1997
Georgia ICT Law on Electronic Communications საქართველოს კანონი ელექტრონული კომუნიკაციების შესახებ 2005
Georgia Livestock Law No. 6155-Ic Food/Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code სურსათის/ცხოველის საკვების უვნებლობის, ვეტერინარიისა და მცენარეთა დაცვის კოდექსი 2014
Georgia Livestock State Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products: The National Regime of Registration Requirements ვეტერინარული დანიშნულების პრეპარატების სახელმწიფო რეგისტრაციის: ეროვნული რეჟიმით რეგისტრაციის მოთხოვნები ND
Georgia Livestock Resolution No. 327 Produced and Imported Veterinary Drugs, State Registration and State Control საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება #327 წარმოებული და იმპორტირებული ვეტერინარული პრეპარატების სახელმწიფო რეგისტრაციის და სახელმწიფო კონტროლის წესი 2015
Georgia Livestock Minister of Agriculture Order No. 2-3 საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მინისტრის ბრძანება №2-3 2011
Georgia Markets Law No. 6155-Ic Food/Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code სურსათის/ცხოველის საკვების უვნებლობის, ვეტერინარიისა და მცენარეთა დაცვის კოდექსი 2014
Georgia Markets Order No. 2-13 of the Ministry of Agriculture on the Approval of the List of the Quarantine Articles ბრძანება ნუსხის დამტკიცების შესახებ საქართველოს საკარანტინო მცენარეთა, ბრძანება # 2-13 საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის სამინისტროს 2006
Georgia Markets Decree No. 429 on the Approval of the Rule of Carrying Out the Phytosanitary Border Quarantine and Veterinary Border-Quarantine Control ფიტოსანიტარიული სასაზღვრო-საკარანტინო და ვეტერინარული სასაზღვრო-საკარანტინო კონტროლის განხორციელების წესის დამტკიცების თაობაზე 2010
Georgia Markets Decree No. 59 on the Approval of the Term of Service and Fees of National Food Safety Agency საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის – სურსათის ეროვნული სააგენტოს მიერ მომსახურების გაწევის ვადისა და საფასურის დამტკიცების შესახებ No. 59 2011
Georgia Markets Decree No. 254 on Approval of Rules on Acquiring and Ceasing Status of Agriculture Cooperatives ბრძანებულება 254 საქართველოს მთავრობის დამტკიცების წესები მიღებისა და შეწყვეტის სტატუსი სოფლის მეურნეობის 2013
Georgia Markets Law No. 816-რს on Agricultural Cooperatives სასოფლო-სამეურნეო კოოპერატივის შესახებ 816-რს 2013
Georgia Markets Law No. 577 on Entrepreneurs საქართველოს კანონი მეწარმეთა შესახებ 577 1994
Georgia Markets Law No. 6148-Iს on Competition საქართველოს კანონი კონკურსის, No. 6148-Iს 2014
Georgia Markets Law No. 1280 on Arbitration საქართველოს კანონი არბიტრაჟის შესახებ, No. 1280 2009
Georgia Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 1106-IC სამოქალაქო საპროცესო კოდექსის, No. 1106-IC 1997
Georgia Markets Civil Code საქართველოს სამოქალაქო კოდექსი 1997
Georgia Markets Constitution საქართველოს კონსტიტუცია 1995
Georgia Machinery Tax Code საქართველოს საგადასახადო კოდექსი 2010
Georgia Machinery Law No. 1830-რს on Road Traffic საქართველოს კანონი საგზაო მოძრაობის შესახებ 1830-რს 2013
Georgia Machinery Law No. 4593 on Management and Regulation of Transport Sector საქართველოს კანონი ტრანსპორტის სფეროს მართვისა და რეგულირების შესახებ 4593 2007
Georgia Machinery Order No. 97 of the Head of the National Department of Standardization, Meteorology and Certification of Georgia on Adopting National Standards საქართველოს სტანდარტიზაციის, მეტროლოგიისა და სერტიფიკაციის სახელმწიფო დეპარტამენტის (საქსტანდარტი) თავმჯდომარის ბრძანება №97 საქართველოს ეროვნული სტანდარტის დამტკიცების შესახებ 2003
Georgia Machinery Order No. 150 of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia on the Mandatory Rule for Registering Mechanical Transport Means საქართველოს შინაგან საქმეთა მინისტრის ბრძანება №150 მექანიკური სატრანსპორტო საშუალებების სავალდებულო რეგისტრაციის წესების შესახებ 2007
Georgia Machinery Tax Code საქართველოს საგადასახადო კოდექსი 2010
Georgia Seed Law No. 4066-რს on New Animal Breeds and Plant Varieties საქართველოს კანონი ცხოველთა და მცენარეთა ახალი ჯიშების შესახებ 4066-რს 2010
Georgia Seed Order #2-51 of the Minister of Agriculture on Adopting the Statute of Scientific-Research Center of Agriculture საქართველოს სოფლის მეურნეობის მინისტრის ბრძანება №2-51 საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის-სოფლის მეურნეობის სამეცნიერო-კვლევითი ცენტრის დებულების დამტკიცების შესახებ 2014
Georgia Seed Ordinance No. 14 on Adopting Additional Conditions for Distribution of Seeds საქართველოს მთავრობის დადგენილება №14 თესლისა და სარგავი მასალის საქართველოში გავრცელების დამატებითი პირობების დამტკიცების შესახებ 2014
Georgia Seed Order No. 07 of the Director of National Accreditation Agency on Schemes and General Procedures for Accreditation საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის აკრედიტაციის ერთიანი ეროვნული ორგანოს – აკრედიტაციის ცენტრის გენერალური დირექტორის ბრძანება №07 აკრედიტაციის სისტემის წესებისა და პროცედურების დამტკიცების თაობაზე 2012
Georgia Transport Law No. 4593 on Management and Regulation of Transport Sector საქართველოს კანონი ტრანსპორტის სფეროს მართვისა და რეგულირების შესახებ 4593 2007
Georgia Transport Law No. 700 on Road Transport საქართველოს კანონი საავტომობილო ტრანსპორტის შესახებ 1995
Georgia Transport Law No. 1830-რს on Road Traffic საქართველოს კანონი საგზაო მოძრაობის შესახებ 1830-რს 2013
Georgia Transport Agreement between the Republic of Georgia and the Russian Federation on International Road Transport Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Республики Грузия о международном автомобильном сообщении 1994
Georgia Transport Law No. 4308 on Fee Schedules საქართველოს კანონი საჯარო სამართლის იურიდიული პირის – საქართველოს შინაგან საქმეთა სამინისტროს მომსახურების სააგენტოს მიერ გაწეული მომსახურებისათვის დაწესებული საფასურისა და ვადების შესახებ 2006
Georgia Transport Civil Code საქართველოს სამოქალაქო კოდექსი 1997
Georgia Water Law No. 5602 on Environmental Impact Permit საქართველოს კანონი გარემოზე ზემოქმედების ნებართვის შესახებ 5602 2007
Georgia Water Law No. 519 on Environmental Protection კანონი გარემოს დაცვის შესახებ 519 1996
Georgia Water Law No. 242 on Subsoil კანონი წიაღის შესახებ 242 1996
Georgia Water Regulation No. 154 on the Procedures and Conditions for the Issuance of Licences for Activities that have an Environmental Impact რეგულირების წესის და პირობების გაცემის ლიცენზიებისა საქმიანობა, რომელიც გარემოზე ზემოქმედების, No. 154 2005
Georgia Water Constitution საქართველოს კონსტიტუცია 1995
Georgia Water Law No. 946 on Environmental Fees საქართველოს კანონი ბუნებრივი რესურსებით სარგებლობისათვის მოსაკრებლების შესახებ 946 2004
Georgia Water Law No. 936 on Water საქართველოს კანონი წყლის შესახებ 936 1997
Georgia Water Decree No. 17 Approving Environment Protection Technical Regulations გარემოსდაცვითი ტექნიკური რეგლამენტების დამტკიცების თაობაზე No. 17 2014
Georgia Water Law No. 1775 on Licences and Permits ლიცენზიებისა და ნებართვების შესახებ 1775 2005
Ghana Environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2002
Ghana Environment Plant and Fertilizer Act, No. 803 2010
Ghana Environment National Seed Policy 2013
Ghana Environment Riparian Buffer Zone Policy for Managing Freshwater Bodies 2011
Ghana Environment Water Resource Commission Act 1996
Ghana Environment Environment Protection Agency Act, No. 490 1994
Ghana Environment Environmental Assessment Regulation 1999
Ghana Environment Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Act, No. 521 1996
Ghana Environment Town and Country Planning Act 1945
Ghana Environment Land Planning and Soil Conservation Act 1953
Ghana Fertilizer Plant and Fertilizer Act, No. 803 2010
Ghana Fertilizer Environment Protection Agency Act, No. 490 1994
Ghana Fertilizer Regulation C/REG.13/12/12 Relating to Fertilizer Quality Control in the ECOWAS Region 2012
Ghana Fertilizer PPRSD Fertilizer Registration Procedure ND
Ghana Finance The Banking (Amendment) Act, No. 738 2007
Ghana Finance Borrowers and Lenders Act, No. 773 2008
Ghana Finance Non-Bank Financial Institutions Act, No. 774 2008
Ghana Finance Bank of Ghana Notice to Banks, Non-Bank Financial Institutions and the Public, Notice No. BG/GOV/SEC/2013/05, Microfinance Institutions: Revision of the Minimum Paid up Capital and Liquidity Requirement 2013
Ghana Finance Bank of Ghana Notice to Banks, Non-Bank Financial Institutions and the Public, Notice No. BG/GOV/SEC/2011/04, Operating Rules and Guidelines for Microfinance Institutions 2011
Ghana Finance Non-Bank Financial Institutions Business [BoG] Rules [as Applicable to Deposit Taking Institutions] 2000
Ghana Finance Co-operative Societies Act, NLCD 252 1968
Ghana Finance Agent Guidelines for Financial Institutions under the Banking Act, (Act 673) and Dedicated E-Money Issuers (DEMIs) and the General Public, Promulgated by Bank of Ghana Notice NO. BG/GOV/SEC/2015/09 2015
Ghana Finance Guidelines for E-Money Issuers in Ghana Promulgated by Bank of Ghana Notice NO. BG/GOV/SEC/2015/09 2015
Ghana Finance Bank of Ghana Notice No. BG/GOV/SEC/2013/10, Revised Fees for the Services of the Collateral Registry 2013
Ghana Finance Banking Act, No. 673 2004
Ghana ICT Electronic Communications Act, No. 775 2008
Ghana ICT National Telecommunications Policy 2005
Ghana Livestock New Fees and Charges, L.I. 2206 A.I. 2013
Ghana Livestock Guidelines for Reporting Variations to Registered Biological Products 2015
Ghana Livestock Variation Guidelines for Allopathic Medicines 2013
Ghana Livestock Labelling Template 2013
Ghana Livestock Patient Information Leaflet Template 2013
Ghana Markets Co-operative Societies Act, NLCD 252 1968
Ghana Markets Sales of Goods Act, No. 137 1962
Ghana Markets Protection Against Unfair Competition Act, No. 589 2000
Ghana Markets Alternative Dispute Resolution Act, No. 798 2010
Ghana Markets High Court (Civil Procedures) Rules, C.I. 47 2004
Ghana Markets Public Health Act, No. 851 2012
Ghana Markets Plant and Fertilizer Act, No. 803 2010
Ghana Markets Ghana Cocoa Board Export Regulations 2004
Ghana Markets Ghana Cocoa Board Act, PNDCL 81 1984
Ghana Machinery Road Traffic Act, No. 683 2004
Ghana Machinery Export and Import Act, No. 503 1995
Ghana Machinery Export and Import (Amendment) Act, No. 585 2000
Ghana Machinery Road Traffic Regulations, L.I. 2180 2012
Ghana Machinery ISO 4253:1993 1993
Ghana Machinery ISO 4252:2007 2007
Ghana Machinery ISO 500-1:2014 2014
Ghana Seed Seeds (Certification and Standards) Regulations 1972
Ghana Transport Amendment to Road Traffic Regulation 1995
Ghana Transport Road Traffic Offences Regulations 1974
Ghana Transport Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority Act 1999
Ghana Transport Convention for Inter-State Road Transporatation between ECOWAS Member States 1982
Ghana Transport West African Road Transport and Transit Facilitation Strategy 2008
Ghana Transport Axle-weight Rules In UEMOA Member States 2010
Ghana Transport The Ghanaian Truck Driver's Guide 2010
Ghana Transport Fee Schedule of Vehicle Testing and Roadworthy Inspection 2016
Ghana Water Irrigation Development Authority Act, S.M.C.D. 85 1977
Ghana Water Water Resource Commission Act 1996
Ghana Water Drilling License and Groundwater development Regulations, L.I. 1827 2006
Ghana Water Water Use Regulations, L.I. 1692 2001
Ghana Water Volta River Development Act 1961
Greece Environment Law No. 1564/1985 on the Organization of Production and Marketing of Propagating Material of Plant Species Νόμος 1564/1985, Οργάνωση παραγωγής και εμπορίας του πολλαπλασιασμού υλικού φυτικών ειδών 1985
Greece Environment Law No. 3937/2011 on Conservation of Biodiversity and Other Provisions NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 3937 Διατήρηση της βιοποικιλότητας και άλλες διατάξεις 2011
Greece Environment Presidential Decree No. 80/1990 Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 80/1990 (ΦΕΚ 40/Α/22-03-1990) 1990
Greece Environment Law No. 4056-A 52-12/3/2012 Arrangements for Livestock and Livestock Facilities and Other Provisions Νόμος υπ' αριθμ. N. 4056-Α’ 52-12/3/2012 Ρυθμίσεις για την κτηνοτροφία και τις κτηνοτροφικές εγκαταστάσεις και άλλες διατάξεις 2012
Greece Environment Law No. 4036 Placing Pesticides on the Market, Rational RH Using These and Similar Provisions Νόμος υπ' αριθμ. 4036 Διάθεση γεωργικών φαρμάκων στην αγορά, ορθολογι− κή χρήση αυτών και συναφείς διατάξεις. 2012
Greece Environment Circular No. 5919/62354 Best Management Practices for the Use of Pesticides αριθ. 5919/62354/13-5-2014 εγκυκλίου με θέμα «Βέλτιστες Εργασιακές Πρακτικές Χρήσης γεωργικών Φαρμάκων» 2014
Greece Environment Government Gazette 128 A/03.07.2008 Approval of the General Framework for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development ΦΕΚ 128 Α/03.07.2008 Έγκριση του Γενικού Πλαισίου Χωροταξικού Σχεδιασμού και Αειφόρου Ανάπτυξης 2008
Greece Environment Law No. 4269 Spatial and Urban Reform Νόμος υπ' αριθμ. 4269 Χωροταξική και πολεοδομική μεταρρύθμιση Βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη 2014
Greece Environment Law No. 4280 Environmental Upgrading and Private Urbanization - Sustainable Development of Forest Villages and Other Provisions NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 4280 Περιβαλλοντική αναβάθμιση και ιδιωτική πολεοδόμη ση Βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη οικισμών Ρυθμίσεις δασικής νομοθεσίας και άλλες διατάξεις. 2014
Greece Fertilizer Authorization of New Types of Fertilizers χορήγηση άδειας κυκλοφορίας σε νέου τύπου λιπάσματα 2010
Greece Fertilizer Law No. 1565/85 Νόμος 1565/85 (Α'164) 1985
Greece Fertilizer Decision No. 196033 Cross-border Provision of Services in Greek Territory in Crop Production Inputs, in Accordance with Article 17 of n. 3844/2010 Αριθμ. 196033 (1) Διασυνοριακή παροχή υπηρεσιών στην Ελληνική επικρά−τεια στον τομέα εισροών φυτικής παραγωγής, σύμ−φωνα με τις διατάξεις του άρθρου 17 του ν.3844/2010 (ΦΕΚ 63/Α΄) 2010
Greece Finance Law No. 4261/2014 Access to the Activity of Credit Institutions and Prudential Supervision of Credit Institutions and Investment Firms, Transposition of Directive 2013/36/EU), Repeal of Law 3601/2007, and Other Provisions Νόμος 4261/2014 πρόσβαση στη δραστηριότητα πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων και την προληπτική εποπτεία των πιστωτικών ιδρυμάτων και των επιχειρήσεων επενδύσεων (μεταφορά της οδηγίας 2013/36 / ΕΕ), κατάργηση του νόμου 3601/2007 και άλλες διατάξεις 2014
Greece Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) 2013
Greece Finance Bank of Greece Governor's Act 2442/1999 amended by Governor's Act 2513/15 January Τράπεζα Πράξη Ελλάδα Διοικητή 2442/1999 της τροποποιήθηκε με την Πράξη Διοικητή 2513/15 Γενάρη 2003
Greece Finance Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 of 16 April Laying Down Implementing Technical Standards with Regard to Supervisory Reporting of Institutions Επιτροπής για την εφαρμογή του κανονισμού (ΕΕ) αριθ 680/2014 της 16ης Απριλίου, για τον καθορισμό εκτελεστικών τεχνικών προτύπων όσον αφορά την εποπτική αναφορά των θεσμικών οργάνων 2014
Greece Finance Governor's Act No. 2501 on Credit Institutions Disclosure Requirement to Retail Customers with Respect to Terms and Conditions Governing the Provision of Bank Services Πράξη Νο 2501 για τα πιστωτικά ιδρύματα υποχρέωση δημοσιοποίησης κυβερνήτη σε πελάτες λιανικής σε σχέση με τους όρους και τις προϋποθέσεις που διέπουν την παροχή τραπεζικών υπηρεσιών 2002
Greece Finance Law No. 4370/2016 Deposit Guarantee Schemes (Directive Incorporating 2014/49/EU), Deposit and Investment Guarantee Fund and Other Provisions Νόμος n.4370 / 2016 συστήματα εγγύησης των καταθέσεων (οδηγία ενσωματώνει 2014/49 / ΕΕ), Καταθέσεων και Επενδύσεων του Ταμείου Εγγυήσεων και άλλες διατάξεις 2016
Greece Finance Governor's Act No. 2471/10.4.2001 Specification of the Minimum Initial Capital Required of Credit Institutions Πράξη Νο 2471 / 10.4.2001 Καθορισμός Διοικητή του ελάχιστου αρχικού κεφαλαίου Απαιτούμενη των Πιστωτικών Ιδρυμάτων 2001
Greece Finance Law No. 1667/86 on Urban Cooperatives and Other Provisions Νόμος 1667/86 για την αστική Συνεταιρισμοί και άλλες διατάξεις 1986
Greece Finance Executive Committee Act No. 33/19.12.2013 Terms and Conditions of Authorisation and Supervisory Rules of Electronic Money Institutions in Greece – Amendment to the Bank of Greece Governor’s Act 2628/30.9.2010 – Repeal of the Bank of Greece Governor’s Act 2527/8.12.2003 Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή νόμου αριθ 33 / 19.12.2013 Όροι και προϋποθέσεις της άδειας κυκλοφορίας και κανόνες εποπτείας των Ιδρυμάτων Ηλεκτρονικού Χρήματος στην Ελλάδα - Τροποποίηση της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδα ΠΔΤΕ 2628 / 30.9.2010 - Κατάργηση του νόμου της Τράπεζας της Ελλάδα Διοικητή 2527 / 8.12 .2003 2013
Greece Finance Law No. 4021/2011 Νόμος 4021/2011 2011
Greece Finance Law No. 3691/2008 Prevention and Suppression of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and Other Provisions ΝΟΜΟΣ 3691/2008 Πρόληψη και καταστολή του ξεπλύματος χρήματος και της χρηματοδότησης της τρομοκρατίας και άλλες διατάξεις 2008
Greece Finance Legislative Decree No. 3077/1954 on General Warehouses Νομοθετικό Διάταγμα 3077/1954 σχετικά με τις γενικές αποθήκες 1954
Greece Finance Greece Executive Committee Act No. 42/30.05.2014 on Supervisory Framework for the Management of Loans in Arrears and Non-performing Loans Ελλάδα Εκτελεστική Επιτροπή νόμου αριθ 42 / 05.30.2014 σχετικά με εποπτικού πλαισίου για τη διαχείριση των δανείων σε καθυστέρηση και των μη εξυπηρετούμενων δανείων 2014
Greece Finance Common Ministerial Decision No. F1-983/1991 (Government Gazette 172 B/21 March 1991) Consumer Credit-Compliance with Directive 87/102/EEC of 22 December 1986 as Amended by Directive 90/88/EEC 1990 Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση Αριθ. Φ1-983/1991 (ΦΕΚ 172 Β΄/ 21 Μαρτίου 1991) Καταναλωτική πίστη-Εναρμόνιση με την οδηγία 87/102/ΕΟΚ της 22ας Δεκεμβρίου 1986 όπως αυτή τροποποιήθηκε από την οδηγία 90/88/ΕΟΚ της 22ας Φεβρουαρίου 1990 1991
Greece ICT Law No. 4070 on Electronic Communications Settings, Transport, Public Works and Other Provisions ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ' ΑΡΙΘ. 4070 Ρυθμίσεις Ηλεκτρονικών Επικοινωνιών, Μεταφορών, Δημοσίων Έργων και άλλες διατάξεις 2012
Greece ICT Regulation on General Authorizations, NRA (EETT) Decision No. 676/41 Κανονισμός Γενικών Αδειών 676/41 2013
Greece ICT Law No. 2668/1998 Organization of the Postal Services and Other Provisions Νόμος 2668/1998 Οργάνωση του τομέα παροχής ταχυδρομικών υπηρεσιών και άλλες διατάξεις 1998
Greece ICT Law No. 3431/2006 on Electronic Communications and Other Provisions Νόμος 3431/2006 Περί Ηλεκτρονικών Επικοινωνιών και άλλες διατάξεις 2006
Greece Livestock Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products 2001
Greece Livestock Decision No. 282371 Harmonization of Greek Legislation with the Community in the Field of Production and Marketing of Veterinary Medicines, in Compliance with the Directives 2001/82/EC and 2004/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products ΑΠΟΦΑΣΕΙΣ Αριθμ. 282371 Εναρμόνιση της Ελληνικής νομοθεσίας προς την αντίστοιχη κοινοτική στον τομέα της παραγωγής και της κυκλοφορίας κτηνιατρικών φαρμάκων, σε συμμόρφωση με τις Οδηγίες 2001/82/ΕΚ και 2004/28/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου περί κοινοτικού κώδικα για τα κτηνιατρικά φάρμακα 2006
Greece Livestock Applications for Renewal of Marketing Authorizations for Medicinal and Biological and Veterinary Use Products Αιτήσεις ανανέωσης αδειών κυκλοφορίας Φαρμακευτικών ιδ/των και Βιολογικών προϊόντων κτηνιατρικής χρήσης, λήξης 2010
Greece Livestock Adjustment of required documentation granting a) License and Import Capability Προσαρμογή των απαιτουμένων δικαιολογητικών για τη χορήγηση α) Άδειας Δυνατότητας Εισαγωγής και β) Άδειας Εισαγωγής Φαρμακευτικού Προϊόντος (ενδιάμεσο ή τελικό) το οποίο προέρχεται από Τρίτη Χώρα. Συμπλήρωση – επικαιροποίηση της υπ’ αριθμ. 3160/4/3/2013 Εγκυκλίου. 2013
Greece Markets Law No. 2810/2000 on Agricultural Cooperative Organizations ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 2810 Αγροτικές Συνεταιριστικές Οργανώσεις 2000
Greece Markets Law No. 4015/2011 on the Institutional Framework for Cooperatives and Agricultural Entrepreneurship ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 4015 Θεσμικό πλαίσιο για τους αγροτικούς συνεταιρισμούς, τις συλλογικές οργανώσεις και την επιχειρηματικότητα του αγροτικού κόσμου − Οργάνωση της εποπτείας του Κράτους 2011
Greece Markets Law No. 4277/2014 Modifying Law 4015/2011 ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ' ΑΡΙΘ. 4277 Νέο Ρυθμιστικό Σχέδιο Αθήνας - Αττικής και άλλες διατάξεις 2014
Greece Markets Civil Code Αστικού Κώδικα 1946
Greece Markets Law on Unfair Competition, No. 146/1914 Νόμος 146/1914, Περί αθέμιτου Ανταγωνισμού 1914
Greece Markets Law No. 2735/1999 for the International Commercial Arbitration Νόμος 2735/1999 Διεθνής Εμπορική Διαιτησία 1999
Greece Markets Law No. 3898/2010 on Mediation on Civil and Commercial Affairs ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ' ΑΡΙΘ. 3898 Διαμεσολάβηση σε αστικές και εμπορικές υποθέσεις 2010
Greece Markets Code of Civil Procedure Κώδικα Πολιτικής δικονομίας 1985
Greece Markets Order No. 365 on Protective Measures Against Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 365/2002 Μέτρα προστασίας κατά της εισαγωγής από άλλο κράτος μέλος ή τρίτη χώρα στη Χώρα ή μέσω αυτής σε άλλο κράτος μέλος της Κοινότητας οργανισμών επιβλαβών για τα φυτά ή τα φυτικά προϊόντα και κατά της εξάπλωσής τους στο εσωτερικό της 2002
Greece Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against Their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against Their Spread within the Community 2000
Greece Markets Presidential Decree No. 326 on the Registration of Fruit and Vegetable Traders Προεδρικό Διάταγμα 326/1998 Μητρώο Εμπόρων Νωπών Οπωροκηπευτικών 1998
Greece Markets Ministerial Joint Decree No. 257543/2003 Establishing Additional Measures for the Implementation of Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1148/2001 as Regards Checks on Conformity to the Marketing Standards Applicable to Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση 257543/2003 Συμπληρωματικά μέτρα για την εφαρμογή του ΚΑΝ (ΕΚ) του 1148/2001 της Επιτροπής των Ε.Κ. σχετικά με τους ελέγχους τήρησης των προδιαγραφών εμπορίας που εφαρμόζονται στον τομέα των νωπών οπωροκηπευτικών 2003
Greece Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Greece Markets Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors 2011
Greece Markets Presidential Order on Identity and Plant Health Checks, No. 84 Έλεγχοι ταυτότητας και φυτοϋγειονομικοί έλεγχοι φυτών 84 2006
Greece Markets Commission Implementing Decision 2014/917/EU Setting Out Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Council Directive 2000/29/EC as Regards the Notification of the Presence of Harmful Organisms and of Measures Taken or Intended to be Taken by the Member States Commission Implementing Decision 2014/917/EU Setting Out Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Council Directive 2000/29/EC as Regards the Notification of the Presence of Harmful Organisms and of Measures Taken or Intended to be Taken by the Member States 2014
Greece Markets Law No. 4235, Administrative Measures, Procedures, and Penalties in the Implementation of Enosiakis and National Legislation in the Areas of Food, Feed, and Health and Protection and Other Provisions of Competence of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food ΝΟΜΟΣ ΥΠ' ΑΡΙΘ. 4235 Διοικητικά μέτρα, διαδικασίες και κυρώσεις στην εφαρμογή της ενωσιακής και εθνικής νομοθεσίας στους τομείς των τροφίμων, των ζωοτροφών και της υγείας και προστασίας των ζώων και άλλες διατάξεις αρμοδιότητας του Υπουργείου Αγροτικής Ανάπτυξης και Τροφίμων 2014
Greece Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives, No. 4384 NOMOΣ 4384/2016 Αγροτικοί Συνεταιρισμοί, μορφές συλλογικής οργάνωσης του αγροτικού χώρου και άλλες διατάξεις 2016
Greece Markets Ministry of Agriculture Decision No. 216173 on the Determination of Fees for Registration and Renewal in the Database of Operators in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetables (Register) Υπουργική Απόφαση 216173/2004 Καθορισμός τελών για εγγραφή και ανανέωση στη Βάση δεδομένων των συναλλασσομένων στον τομέα των νωπών οπωροκηπευτικών (Μητρώο) 2004
Greece Markets Ministerial Decree Approving a Code of Good Agricultural Practice, No. 85167/820 Υπουργική Απόφαση υπ'αριθ. 85167/820. Έγκριση Κώδικα Ορθής Γεωργικής Πρακτικής 2000
Greece Machinery Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 1992
Greece Machinery Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 1993
Greece Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Greece Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Greece Machinery JMD 11627 / 05.04.01 Measures Against Emissions of Pollutants from Agricultural or Forestry Tractor Engines Κ.Υ.Α. 11627/4-5-01 Μέτρα κατά των εκπομπών ρυπογόνων ουσιών. από κινητήρες γεωργικών ή δασικών ελκυστήρων 2001
Greece Machinery Common Ministerial Decree 13845/Α20/2326 Κ.Υ.Α. 13845/13-10-06 2006
Greece Machinery Common Ministerial Decree Α20 402/43554 K.Y.A. A20 402/43554/6-4-2012 2012
Greece Machinery Common Ministerial Decree Α20/1544/165467 K.Y.A. Α20/1544/165467 2014
Greece Machinery Ministerial Decree Γ3A 1442/152521 Classification Agricultural Machinery with Diesel Engines below 19 kW Αριθμ. Γ3Α 1442/152521 Ταξινόμηση αγροτικών μηχανημάτων με κινητήρες πετρελαίου κάτω των 19 kW (ΦΕΚ 3355 Β΄2014 2) 2014
Greece Machinery Decision No. 11338/C4/2366 on Type and Authorizations of Agricultural Machinery Απόφαση αρ. 11338/Γ4/2366 με θέμα: Εγκρίσεις τύπου και κυκλοφορίας των αγροτικών μηχανημάτων 2009
Greece Machinery Law No. 2696 on Ratification of Traffic Code Νόμος 2696: Κύρωση του Κώδικα Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας 1999
Greece Machinery Union Customs Code Union Customs Code 2013
Greece Seed Law No. 1564/1985 on the Organization of Production and Marketing of Propagating Material of Plant Species Νόμος 1564/1985, Οργάνωση παραγωγής και εμπορίας του πολλαπλασιασμού υλικού φυτικών ειδών 1985
Greece Seed Common Ministerial Decision 320703/1987 General Technical Regulation of Control and Certification of Crops of Seeds, Fodder Plants and Pulses, Vegetable and Potato Tubers for Planting Κοινή Υπουργική Απόφαση 320703/1987 Γενικός Τεχνικός Κανονισμός Ελέγχου και Πιστοποίησης σπόρων σποράς φυτών μεγάλης καλλιέργειας, κτηνοτροφικών φυτών και οσπρίων, κηπευτικών και κονδύλων πατάτας για φύτευσης 1987
Greece Transport Law No. 3446 Organization and Operation of Traffic Control Authorities Vehicles-Settings for Passenger Transport Kets and Other Provisions NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 3446 Οργάνωση και λειτουργία αρχών ελέγχου κυκλοφορίας των οχημάτων − Ρυθμίσεις για τις επιβατικές μεταφο− ρές και άλλες διατάξεις 2006
Greece Transport Road Traffic Code Κώδικας Οδικής Κυκλοφορίας 2007
Greece Transport Law on Road Freight No. 3887/2010 Νόμος 3887/2010 οδικές εμπορευματικές μεταφορές 2010
Greece Transport Presidential Order No. 1161 Limits on the Maximum Dimension and Weight of Motor Vehicles, Articulated Vehicles, Trailers in Car and Train Προεδρικό διάταγμα 1161: όρια για τη μέγιστη διάσταση και το βάρος των Μηχανοκινήτων Οχημάτων, αρθρωτά οχήματα, ρυμουλκούμενα στο αυτοκίνητο και το τρένο 1977
Greece Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC Regulation (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC 2009
Greece Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market 2009
Greece Transport Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Initial Qualification and Periodic Training of Drivers of Certain Road Vehicles for the Carriage of Goods or Passengers Directive 2003/59/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Initial Qualification and Periodic Training of Drivers of Certain Road Vehicles for the Carriage of Goods or Passengers 2003
Greece Water Law on Water Protection and Management, No. 3199/03 Νόμος υπ’αριθ. 3199. Προστασία και διαχείριση των υδάτων – Εναρμόνιση με την Οδηγία 2006/60/ΕΚ του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινοβουλίου και του Συμβουλίου της 23ης Οκτωβρίου 2000 2003
Greece Water Civil Code Αστικού Κώδικα 1946
Greece Water Joint Ministerial Decree 145026: Establishment, Management and Operation of the National Register (E.M.S.Y.) of Surface Water and Groundwater Systems Αριθμ. οικ. 145026 Σύσταση, διαχείριση και λειτουργία Εθνικού Μητρώου Σημείων Υδροληψίας (Ε.Μ.Σ.Υ.) από Επιφανειακά και Υπόγεια Υδατικά Συστήματα 2014
Greece Water Joint Ministerial Decree 146896: License Classes and Implementation of Water Use Projects Αριθ. οικ. 146896 Κατηγορίες αδειών χρήσης και εκτέλεσης έργων αξιοποίησης των υδάτων. Διαδικασία και όροι έκδοσης των αδειών, περιεχόμενο και διάρκεια ισχύος τους και άλλες συναφείς διατάξεις 2014
Greece Water Law on Conservation of Biodiversity and Other Provisions, No. 3937 NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘ. 3937 Διατήρηση της βιοποικιλότητας και άλλες διατάξεις 2011
Greece Water Law on Improvement and Acceleration of Trial Proceedings in Ordinary Administrative Courts and Other Provisions, No. 3659 NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ΑΡΙΘ. 3659 Βελτίωση και επιτάχυνση των διαδικασιών της δίκης στα τακτικά διοικητικά δικαστήρια και άλλες διατάξεις 2008
Greece Water Law on New Architecture of Government and Decentralized Administration, No. 3852 NOMOΣ ΥΠ’ΑΡΙΘ. 3852 Νέα Αρχιτεκτονική της Αυτοδιοίκησης και της Αποκεντρωμένης Διοίκησης − Πρόγραμμα Καλλικράτης 2010
Greece Water Law on Environmental Licensing of Works and Activities, Regulation of Illegal Construction in Connection with Environmental Stability and Other Provisions Falling under the Competence of the Ministry of Environment, No. 4014 Νόμος υπ’αριθ. 4014. Περιβαλλοντική αδειοδότηση έργων και δραστηριοτήτων, ρύθμιση αυθαιρέτων σε συνάρτηση με δημιουργία περιβαλλοντικού ισοζυγίου και άλλες διατάξεις αρμοδιότητας Υπουργείου Περιβάλλοντος 2011
Greece Water Legal Decree on Hydraulic Works, No. 3881 Νομικό Διάταγμα για Υδραυλικών Έργων, Νο 3881 1958
Greece Water Presidential Decree No. 51 Establishment of Measures and Procedures for Integrated Water Management in Conformity with the Provisions of Directive 2000/60/EC ΠΡΟΕΔΡΙΚΟ ΔΙΑΤΑΓΜΑ ΥΠ’ ΑΡΙΘΜ. 51 Καθορισμός μέτρων και διαδικασιών για την ολοκληρωμέ− νη προστασία και διαχείριση των υδάτων σε συμμόρ− φωση με τις διατάξεις της Οδηγίας 2000/60/ΕΚ 2007
Greece Water Joint Ministerial Decision 140384 Definition of National Monitoring Network for Water Quantity and Quality Αριθμ. οικ. 140384 Ορισμός Εθνικού Δικτύου Παρακολούθησης της ποιό− τητας και της ποσότητας των υδάτων με καθορισμό των θέσεων (σταθμών) μετρήσεων και των φορέων 2011
Guatemala Environment Government Agreement No. 338-10 Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 338-10 2010
Guatemala Environment Decree No. 4-89 Law on Protected Areas Decreto N° 4-89 Ley de areas protegidas 1989
Guatemala Environment Government Agreement No. 377-90 Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 377-90 1990
Guatemala Environment Decree No. 12-2002 Municipal Code Decreto N° 12-2002 Código municipal 2002
Guatemala Environment Decree No. 101-96 Forestry Law Decreto N° 101-96 Ley forestal 1996
Guatemala Fertilizer RTCA Fertilizers and Agricultural Use Amendments. Registration Requirements RTCA Fertilizantes y enmiendas de uso agricola. Requisitos para el registro 2013
Guatemala Fertilizer Agreement No. 368-2003 Acuerdo N° 368-2003 2003
Guatemala Fertilizer Agreement No. 342-2010 Regulation for the Registration of Fertilizers Acuerdo N° 342-2010 Reglamento para el registro de fertilizantes 2010
Guatemala Fertilizer Decree No. 36/98 - Plant and Animal Health Law Decreto 36-1998 Ley de sanidad vegetal y animal 1998
Guatemala Fertilizer Protocol to the General Treaty on Central American Economic Integration (Protocol of Guatemala) Protocolo al Tratado General de Integración Económica Centroamericana (Protocolo de Guatemala) 1991
Guatemala Finance Decree-Law No. 19-2002 on Banks and Financial Groups Decreto ley N° 19-2002 Ley de bancos y grupos financieros 2002
Guatemala Finance Resolution JM 93-2005 on Regulations for the Administration of Risk Credit Resolución JM 93-2005 sobre reglamento para la administración del riesgo de crédito 2005
Guatemala Finance Decree No. 82-78 General Cooperatives Act Decreto Legislativo 82-78 Ley general de cooperativas 1978
Guatemala Finance Agreement No. M. DE E. 7-79 General Regulations on Cooperatives Acuerdo Gubernativo N° M. DE E. 7-79 Reglamento general de cooperativas 1979
Guatemala Finance Resolution JM 65-2010 on the the Regulations for the Operation and Services of Agents Resolución de la Junta Monetaria 65-2010 Reglamento para la realización de operaciones y prestación de servicios por medio de agentes bancarios 2010
Guatemala Finance Resolution JM 120-2011 Regulations for the Provision of Mobile Financial Services Resolución de la Junta Monetaria 120-2011 Reglamento para la prestación de servicios financieros móviles 2011
Guatemala Finance Decree No. 1746 Regulations on Warehouses Decreto N° 1746 Reglamento de la Ley de almacenes generales de depósito 1969
Guatemala Finance Decree No. 51/2007 Law on Movable Collateral Decreto N° 51/2007 Ley de garantias mobiliarias 2007
Guatemala Finance Agreement 55-2010 on the Fee Schedule for the Collateral Registry Acuerdo Gubernativo 55-2010 sobre arancel del registro de garantías mobiliarias 2010
Guatemala ICT General Telecommunications Law Ley general de telecomunicaciones 1996
Guatemala Livestock Technical Regulation of Central America RTCA 67.04.54:10 Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano RTCA 67.04.54:10 2010
Guatemala Livestock Request for Amendments to the Health Registry of Veterinary Medicinal Products and Related Products DRIPUA-01-R-027 Solicitud de modificaciones del registro sanitario de medicamentos veterinarios y productos afines DRIPUA-01-R-027 ND
Guatemala Markets Decree No. 82-78 General Cooperatives Act Decreto Legislativo 82-78 Ley general de cooperativas 1978
Guatemala Markets Agreement No. M. DE E. 7-79 General Regulations on Cooperatives Acuerdo Gubernativo N° M. DE E. 7-79 Reglamento general de cooperativas 1979
Guatemala Markets Civil Code, Decree No. 106 Código civil, Decreto Ley N° 106-63 1963
Guatemala Markets Code of Commerce, Decree No. 2-70 Código de comercio, Decreto N° 2-70 1970
Guatemala Markets Arbitration Law, Decree No. 67-95 Ley de arbitraje, Decreto N° 67-95 1995
Guatemala Markets Civil and Commercial Procedure Code, Decree No. 107 Código procesal civil y mercantil, Decreto N° 107-64 1964
Guatemala Markets Plant Health Protection Law, Decree No. 36 Ley de sanidad vegetal y animal, Decreto N° 36-98 1998
Guatemala Markets Plant Health Protection Regulation No. 745 Reglamento de la Ley de sanidad vegetal y animal, Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 745/99 1999
Guatemala Markets List of Regulated Pests, Ministerial Agreement No. 491-2015 Lista de plagas cuarentenarias, Acuerdo Ministerial N° 491-2015 2015
Guatemala Machinery Traffic Law, Decree 132-96 Ley de tránsito, Decreto 132-96 1996
Guatemala Machinery Agreement No. 368-2003 Acuerdo N° 368-2003 2003
Guatemala Seed Ministerial Agreement No. 52-2010: Certification in the Production and Marketing of Seeds, Parts of Plants and Peach Acuerdo Ministerial N° 52-2010: Certificación en la producción y comercialización de semilla, partes de plantas y plantas de melocotón 2010
Guatemala Seed Ministerial Agreement No. 712-2002 Where the Requirements Applicable to the Production, Certification, Import and Trade of Seeds, Plant Parts and Fruit Plants are Established Acuerdo Ministerial N° 712-2002 Establece los requisitos aplicables a la producción, certificación, importación, exportación y comercio de semillas, partes de plantas y plantas frutales certificadas 2002
Guatemala Seed Decree No. 36/98 - Plant and Animal Health Law Decreto 36-1998 Ley de sanidad vegetal y animal 1998
Guatemala Seed Ministerial Agreement No. 137-2002: Fees for services provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food, through the unity of rules and regulations Acuerdo Ministerial N° 137-2007: Tarifas por servicios que presta el ministerio de agricultura, ganaderia y alimentacion, a traves de la unidad de normas y regulaciones 2002
Guatemala Seed RTCA 65.05.34: 06- Register of commercial varieties. Registration requirements RTCA 65.05.34:06-Registro de variedades comerciales. Requisitos de inscripción 2006
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement 135-94, Regulation on Transport Service of Merchandise Equipment Acuerdo Gubernativo 135-94, Reglamento del servicio de transporte de equipos de carga 1994
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement 72-2003 Regulation on Issuance of Sanitary Licenses for Transport Undertakings Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 72-2003, Reglamento para el otorgamiento de licencias sanitarias para el funcionamiento de establecimientos, transporte, importación y exportación de alimentos 2003
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement 969-99 Regulation on Food Safety Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 969-99, Reglamento para la inocuidad de los alimentos 1999
Guatemala Transport Decree Number 15-2004, Preventive Act of Collective Fact of Transit Decreto N° 15-2004, Ley preventiva de hechos colectivos de transito 2014
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement 379-2010, Regulation for the Control of Weights and Dimensions of Automotive Cargo Vehicles and their Combinations Acuerdo Gobernativo 379-2010, Reglamento para el control de pesos y dimensiones de vehiculos automotores de carga y sus combinaciones 2010
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement 499-97 Transit Regulations Acuerdo Gubernativo Numero 499-97 Reglamento de transito 1997
Guatemala Transport Annex of Resolution 65-2001 (COMRIEDRE), Regulation on the Regime of International Road Transit Anexo de la Resolución N° 65-2001 (COMRIEDRE) Reglamento sobre el regimen de transito aduanero internacional terrestre 2001
Guatemala Transport Government Agreement 023-2003, Central-American Uniform Customs Code (CAUCA) Acuerdo N° 023-2003, Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamerica (CAUCA) 2003
Guatemala Transport Annex to Resolution No. 224-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX) Central American Uniform Customs Code Regulation (RECAUCA) Anexo de la Resolución N° 224-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX) Reglamento del Código Aduanero Uniforme Centroamerica (RECAUCA) 2008
Guatemala Transport Governmental Agreement No. 289-2011 Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 289-2011 2011
Guatemala Transport Regulation on the Right of Way of the Public Roads Reglamento sobre el derecho de vía de los caminos públicos y su relación con los predios que atraviesan 1942
Guatemala Transport Requirements for Trucks Requisito para transporte pesado ND
Guatemala Transport Ministerial Agreement N. 137-2007 Fee Schedule from the Ministry of Agriculture Acuerdo Ministerial N° 137-2007 Tarifas por servicios que presta el Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación 2007
Guatemala Transport Government Agreement No. 1084-92, Annex 1, Vehicular Weight and Maximum Dimensions Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 1084-92, Anexo 1, Peso vehicular y dimensiones máximas 1992
Guatemala Transport Central American Agreeement on Road Transit, Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) Acuerdo Centroamericano sobre Circulación por Carretera, Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) 2000
Guatemala Transport General Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction Especificaciones generales para construcción de carreteras y puentes 2001
Guatemala Transport Traffic Law, Decree 132-96 Ley de tránsito, Decreto 132-96 1996
Guatemala Water Civil Code, Decree No. 106 Código civil, Decreto Ley N° 106-63 1963
Guatemala Water Political Constitution of the Republic of Guatemala Constitución Política de la República de Guatemala 1985
Guatemala Water Decree No. 68/86 Law on Protecting and Improving the Environment Decreto N° 68/86. Ley de protección y mejoramiento del medio ambiente 1986
Guatemala Water Decree No. 133-96 Law on the Creation of an Authority for Sustainable Management of Lake Atitlán and Environment Decreto N° 133-96-Ley de creación de la autoridad para el manejo sustentable del Lago de Atitlán y su Entorno 1996
Guatemala Water Decree No. 64-96 Law on the Creation of the Authority for the Sustainable Management of the Basin of Lake Amatitlan Decreto Numero 64-96-Ley de creación de la autoridad para el manejo sustentable de la Cuenca y del Lago de Amatitlán 1996
Guatemala Water Decree No. 10-98 Law on the Creation of an Authority for the Sustainable Management of the Basin of Lake Izabal and Rio Dulce Decreto Numero 10-98-Ley de creación de la autoridad para el manejo sustentable de la cuenca del Lago de Izabal, el Rio Dulce y su cuenca 1998
Guatemala Water Decree No. 43-98 Law that Creates the Protective Authority for the Sub-Basin and Channel of Rio Pensativo Decreto Numero 43-98- Ley que crea la autoridad protectora de la sub-cuenca y cauce del Rlo Pensativo 1998
Guatemala Water Governmental Agreement No. 697-2003-11-17 Acuerdo Gubernativo N° 697-2003-11-17 2003
Haiti Environment Rural Code Code rural 1984
Haiti Environment Decree on Environmental Management and Regulating the Conduct of Citizens for Sustainable Development Décret portant sur la gestion de l’environnement et de régulation de la conduite des citoyens et citoyennes pour un développement durable 2006
Haiti Finance Law on Banks and Financial Institutions Loi portant sur les banques et autres institutions financières 2012
Haiti Finance Circular No. 88 on Capital Adequacy Circulaire n° 88 sur la suffisance des fonds propres ND
Haiti Finance Circular No. 87 on the Classification and Provisioning of Credit Circulaire n° 87 sur la classification et le provisionnement du crédit ND
Haiti Finance Decree Regulating the Operation of Banks and Banking Activities Décret réglementant le fonctionnement des banques et les activités bancaires 1980
Haiti Finance Law on Savings and Credit Cooperatives Loi sur les coopératives d’epargne et de crédit 2002
Haiti Finance Prudential Standards for Haitien Sector of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Normes prudentielles pour le secteur haitien des cooperatives d’épargne et de credit ND
Haiti Finance Guidelines on Remote Banking Lignes directrices relatives aux activités de banque à distance (BAD) 2010
Haiti ICT Decree Granting the Monopoly of Telecommunications Services Décret accordant le monopole des services de télécommunications 1977
Haiti Livestock Law 1955/85 Loi 1955/85 1955
Haiti Livestock Standards and Procedures of the Directorate of Pharmacy, Medicine and Traditional Medicine (DPM/MT) Normes et procédures de la direction de la pharmacie, du medicament et de la medecine traditionelle (DPM/MT) 2008
Haiti Markets Decree on the Organization of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Décret portant organisation et fonctionnement du Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural 1987
Haiti Markets General Rules of Quarantine of the Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Règlements généraux de la quarantaine du Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Ressources Naturelles et du Développement Rural 2013
Haiti Markets Code of Civil Procedure Code de procédure civile 1902
Haiti Markets Civil Code Code civil 1826
Haiti Transport Manual on the Implementation of Rules of Traffic Manuel de travail sur l'application des règlements de la circulation 2014
Haiti Transport National Strategy for Road Maintenance Stratégie nationale de l’entretien routier 2009
Haiti Transport Organic Law of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Communications Loi organique du ministère des travaux publics, transports et communications 1987
Haiti Transport Road Safety Inspection Report of RN1, RN2 and RN8 Rapport d'inspection de sécurité routière des RN1, RN2 et RN8 2014
Haiti Transport Development of a National Road Safety Strategy Elaboration d’une stratégie nationale de sécurité routière 2015
Haiti Transport Law on Third Party Liability Insurance Loi portant revision de la loi sur l'assurance vehicules contre tiers 2003
Haiti Transport Decree Respecting the Registration and Traffic of Vehicles: Code of the Road Décret relatif à l´immatriculation et à la circulation des véhicules: code de la route 2006
Haiti Water Decree on Environmental Management and Regulating the Conduct of Citizens for Sustainable Development Décret portant sur la gestion de l’environnement et de régulation de la conduite des citoyens et citoyennes pour un développement durable 2006
Haiti Water Rural Code Code rural 1962
Haiti Water Law Fixing the Status of Users of Irrigation and Drainage Systems or Controlled by the State Loi fixant le statut des usagers des systemes d'irrigation et de drainage etablie ou controlee par l'etat 1952
Haiti Water Order Governing the Appication of the Law on Irrigation Arrêté conditionnant l'application de la loi sur l'irrigation 1953
India Environment Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001
India Environment Insecticides Act 1968
India Environment Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary Movement) Rules 2016
India Environment Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning Act 1966
India Environment Forest (Conservation) Act 1980
India Environment Orissa Development Authorities Act 1982
India Environment Biological Diversity Act 2002
India Fertilizer Fertilizer (Control) Order 1985
India Fertilizer Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules 2011
India Finance Circular on Priority Sector Lending (Targets and Classification) Dated July 1 2015
India Finance Master Circular DBR.No.Dir.BC.12 /13.03.00/2015-16 2015
India Finance Master Circular-Prudential Norms on Income Recognition, Asset Classification and Provisioning Pertaining to Advances 2015
India Finance Master Circular on Customer Service in Banks DBR No.Leg.BC.21/09.07.006/2015-16 2015
India Finance Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation Act 2006
India Finance Guidelines for Engaging of Business Correspondents 2010
India Finance Circular on Financial Inclusion by Extension of Banking Services-Use of Business Facilitators and Correspondents 2006
India Finance Policy Guidelines for Issuance and Operation of Prepaid Payment Instruments in India 2009
India Finance Payment and Settlement Systems Act 2007
India Finance Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Act 2007
India Finance The Warehousing (Development and Regulation) Registration of Warehouses Rules 2010
India Finance Bihar Cooperative Societies Act 1935
India Finance Odisha Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act 1983
India Finance Maharashtra Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act 2013
India Finance Uttar Pradesh Cooperative Societies Act 1965
India ICT Telegraph Act 1885
India ICT Guidelines for Spectrum Trading 2016
India Livestock Drugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules 1940
India Livestock Central Drugs Standard Control Organization Guidance Document 2007
India Livestock Drugs and Cosmetics (Amendment) Act 2008
India Livestock Guidance Document No. IMP/REG/200711 2007
India Markets Plant Quarantine Order (Regulation of Import into India) 2003
India Markets Destructive Insects and Pests Act, Act No. II 1914
India Markets Trade Notice Regarding On-line Registration of Contracts for Export of Basmati Rice 2016
India Markets Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act, No. 2 1986
India Markets Trade Notice Regarding Export of Rice (Basmati and Non Basmati ) to Iran 2014
India Markets APEDA Online Registration Procedure Instructions 2012
India Markets Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Development and Regulation) Act 1963
India Markets Essential Commodities Act, No. 10 1955
India Markets Uttar Pradesh Krishi Utpadan Mandi Adiniyam, No. 5 1964
India Markets Orissa Agricultural Produce Market Act 1956
India Markets Orissa Agricultural Produce Market Rules 2007
India Markets Foreign Exchange Management (Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India) (Regulations), Notification No.FEMA 21 /2000-RB 2000
India Markets Bihar Cooperative Societies Act, Act VI 1935
India Markets Bihar Self-Supporting Cooperative Societies Act, 1996, No. 2 1996
India Markets Foreign Exchange Management Act, No. 42 1999
India Markets Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Act, No. XXIV 1961
India Markets Maharashtra Cooperative Societies Rules 1961
India Markets Companies Act, No. 18 2013
India Markets Model Bylaws of Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies (Maharashtra) 2013
India Markets Indian Contract Act, Act No. 9 1872
India Markets Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Ddevelopment and Regulation) Rules 1967
India Markets Arbitration and Conciliation Act, No. 26 1996
India Markets Code of Civil Procedure, Act No. 5 1908
India Markets Orissa Co-operative Societies Act, Act 2 1963
India Markets Orissa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 19 1983
India Markets Odisha Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Amending Act, No. 654 2008
India Markets Odisha Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Amending Act, No. 2190 2011
India Markets Odisha Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 196 2012
India Markets Odisha Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Amending Act, No. 1611 2013
India Markets Odisha Self-Help Co-operatives (Repeal) Act, No. 1610 2013
India Markets Memorandum of Association for Co-operatives to be Newly Registered ND
India Markets Form of Application for Registration of a Cooperative Society ND
India Markets Orissa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 10 2001
India Markets Orissa Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act, No. 11 2004
India Markets Orissa Agricultural Produce Market Act, No. 5 2006
India Markets Uttar Pradesh Co-operative Societies Act, No. 11 1965
India Markets Uttar Pradesh Co-operative Societies Rules 1968
India Markets Uttar Pradesh Krishi Utpadan Mandi Nyamavali Rules 1964
India Machinery Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, No. 22 1992
India Machinery Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Amendment Act 2010
India Machinery Motor Vehicles Act 1988
India Machinery Central Motor Vehicle Rules 1989
India Machinery Central Motor Vehicle Rules 2014
India Machinery IS 5994 1998
India Machinery IS 4468 (Part 1) 1997
India Machinery IS 8133 1983
India Machinery IS 12343 1998
India Machinery Handbook of Procedures, 2015-2020 2015
India Machinery Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 2015
India Seed Seeds Act 1966
India Seed The Seeds Rules 1968
India Seed Seeds (Amendment) Act 1972
India Seed The Seeds (Amendment) Rules 2014
India Seed Seeds Bill 2004
India Seed Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers' Rights Act 2001
India Transport The Motor Vehicles Act 1988
India Transport The Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989
India Transport Carriage by Road Act 2007
India Transport Carriage by Road Rules 2011
India Transport Form 46 and 48 for National Permit ND
India Transport Maharashtra Mechanically Propelled Vehicles and Road Safety Act 2015
India Transport Form of Application for Registration of a Motor Vehicle ND
India Water Bihar Groundwater (Regulation and Control of Development and Management) Act 2006
India Water Bihar Irrigation Act 1997
India Water Maharashtra Management of Irrigation Systems by Farmers Act, No. 23 2005
India Water Maharashtra Water Resources Regulatory Authority Act 2005
India Water Maharashtra Irrigation Act 1976
India Water Maharashtra Groundwater (Development and Management) Act 2009
India Water IS 11624-1986: Indian Standard for the Quality of Irrigation Water 1986
India Water Odisha Groundwater (Regulation, Development and Management) Act 2011
India Water Odisha Pani Panchayat Act 2002
India Water Odisha Pani Panchayat (Amendment) Act 2014
India Water Odisha Irrigation Act 1959
India Water Uttar Pradesh Water Management and Regulatory Commission Act 2008
India Water Uttar Pradesh Participatory Irrigation Management Act 2009
India Water Uttar Pradesh Participatory Irrigation Management Rules 2010
India Water Odisha Resolution on River Basin Organizations 2007
India Water Bihar Irrigation, Flood Management, and Drainage Rules 2003
India Water Amendment to the Bihar Irrigation, Flood Management, and Drainage Rules 2015
India Water Irrigation Water Management Rules 2000
India Water S.O. 38 (e) on Central Ground Water Board Authority 1997
India Water Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974
Italy Environment Law No. 101 of April 6, 2004 Ratification and Implementation of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, with Appendices, Adopted by the Thirty-first Meeting of the FAO Conference in Rome, November 3, 2001 Legge 6 aprile 2004, n. 101 Ratifica ed esecuzione del Trattato internazionale sulle risorse fitogenetiche per l’alimentazione e l’agricoltura, con Appendici, adottato dalla trentunesima riunione della Conferenza della FAO a Roma il 3 novembre 2001 2004
Italy Environment Decree of July 6, 2012, Adoption of National Guidelines for In Situ, On Farm and Ex Situ Conservation of Plant, Animal and Microbial Biodiversity of Agricultural Interest Decreto 6 luglio 2012 Adozione delle linee guida nazionali per la conservazione in situ, on farm ed ex situ, della biodiversita' vegetale, animale e microbica di interesse agrario 2012
Italy Environment Law No. 194 of December 1, 2015 Provisions for the Protection and Enhancement of Biodiversity of Agricultural and Food Interest Legge 1 dicembre 2015, n. 194 Disposizioni per la tutela e la valorizzazione della biodiversita' di interesse agricolo e alimentare 2015
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 42 of 22 January 2004 Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape, in Accordance with Article 10 of the Law of 6 July 2002, No. 137 Decreto Legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42 Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio, ai sensi dell'articolo 10 della legge 6 luglio 2002, n. 137 2004
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 149 of 29 October 2009 Implementation of Directive 2008/62/EC Concerning Exceptions to the Admission of Agricultural Landraces and Varieties that are Naturally Adapted to Local and Regional Conditions and Threatened by Genetic Erosion, as well as for the Marketing of Seeds and Potato Tubers at Planting these Ecotypes and Varieties Decreto Legislativo 29 ottobre 2009, n. 149 Attuazione della direttiva 2008/62/CE concernente deroghe per l'ammissione di ecotipi e varietà agricole naturalmente adattate alle condizioni locali e regionali e minacciate di erosione genetica, nonche' per la commercializzazione di sementi e di tuberi di patata a semina di tali ecotipi e varietà 2009
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 267 of 30 December 2010 Implementation of Directive 2009/145/EC Laying Down Certain Derogations for the Admission of Landraces and Varieties Vegetables Traditionally Grown in Particular Localities and Regions and Threatened by Genetic Erosion, as well as Horticultural Varieties with no Intrinsic Value for the Production for Commercial Purposes but Developed for Growing under Particular Conditions for the Marketing of Seed of those Landraces and Varieties Decreto Legislativo 30 dicembre 2010, n. 267 Attuazione della direttiva 2009/145/CE, recante talune deroghe per l'ammissione di ecotipi e varieta orticole tradizionalmente coltivate in particolari località e regioni e minacciate da erosione genetica, nonché di varieta orticole prive di valore intrinseco per la produzione a fini commerciali ma sviluppate per la coltivazione in condizioni particolari per la commercializzazione di sementi di tali ecotipi e varieta 2010
Italy Environment Interministerial Decree January 22, 2014 - Adoption of the National Action Plan for the Sustainable Use of Plant Protection Products, in Accordance with Article 6 of Legislative Decree 14 August 2012, No. 150 Decreto 22 Gennaio 2014 Adozione del Piano di Azione Nazionale per l'Uso Sostenibile dei Prodotti Fitosanitari, Ai Sensi Dell'Articolo 6 del Decreto Legislativo 14 Agosto 2012, n. 150 Recante: Attuazione Della Direttiva 2009/128/CE Che Istituisce un Quadro per l'Azione Comunitaria ai Fini dell'Utilizzo Sostenibile dei Pesticidi 2014
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 194 of 03/17/1995 Implementation of Directive 91/414/EEC on the Marketing of Plant Protection Products Decreto Legislativo 17-3-1995 n. 194 Attuazione della direttiva 91/414/CEE in materia di immissione in commercio di prodotti fitosanitar 1995
Italy Environment Decree-Law No. 5 of 9 February 2012 Coordinated with the Conversion Law of 4 April 2012, No. 35 Decreto-Legge 9 febbraio 2012, n. 5 Disposizioni urgenti in materia di semplificazione e di sviluppo 2012
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 150 of 14 August 2012 Implementation of Directive 2009/128/EC Establishing a Framework for Community Action to Achieve a Sustainable Use of Pesticides Decreto Legislativo 14 agosto 2012 , No. 150. Attuazione della direttiva 2009/128/CE che istituisce un quadro per l’azione comunitaria ai fini dell’utilizzo sostenibile dei pesticidi 2012
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 267 of 18 August 2000 Consolidated Law of Local Authorities Decreto Legislativo 18 agosto 2000, No. 267 Testo unico delle leggi sull'ordinamento degli enti locali 2000
Italy Environment Law No. 1150 of 17 August 1942 Providing for State Urban Services Legge 17 agosto 1942, No. 1150 Ordinamento statale dei servizi urbanistici 1942
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 30 of 10 February 2005 Industrial Property Code Codice della proprietà industriale, Decreto Legislativo 10 febbraio 2005, No. 30 2005
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 200 of 27 October 2011 Discipline Penalties for Violation of the Provisions of Regulation (EC) No. 689/2008 Concerning the Export and Import of Dangerous Chemicals Decreto Legislativo 27 ottobre 2011, n. 200 - Disciplina sanzionatoria per la violazione delle disposizioni del regolamento (CE) n. 689/2008 sull'esportazione ed importazione di sostanze chimiche pericolose 2011
Italy Environment Legislative Decree No. 152 of 3 April 2006 Environmental Code Decreto Legislativo 3 aprile 2006, No. 152 Norme in materia ambientale 2006
Italy Fertilizer Legislative Decree No. 75 of 29 April 2010 Reorganisation and Revision of the Legislation on Fertilizers, in Accordance with Article 13 of the Law of 7 July 2009, No. 88 Decreto Legislativo 29 aprile 2010, n. 75 Riordino e revisione della disciplina in materia di fertilizzanti, a norma dell'articolo 13 della legge 7 luglio 2009, No. 88 2010
Italy Finance Legislative Decree No. 385 of 1 September 1993 Banking Law Testo Unico Bancario Decreto legislativo No. 385 1° settembre 1993 1993
Italy Finance Legislative Decree No. 102 of 29 March 2004 Financial Interventions in Support of Agricultural Enterprises Decreto Legislativo No. 102- Interventi finanziari a sostegno delle imprese agricole 29 marzo 2004
Italy Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms and Amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms and Amending Regulation (EU) No. 648/2012 2013
Italy Finance Circular No. 272 on the Banking and Financial Supervision Laws Circolare N. 272 del 30 Luglio 2008 Vigilanza Bancaria e Finanziaria Matrice dei Conti 2008
Italy Finance Interbank Deposit Protection Fund Statutes and By-Laws Fondo Interbancario di Tutela dei Depositi (FITD) Statuto e Regulamento, Marzo 2016
Italy Finance Civil Code, Royal Decree of 16 March 1942, No. 262 Codice Civile, Regio Decreto 16 marzo 1942, No. 262 1942
Italy Finance Ministerial Decree of 23 June Related to the Enrollment Requirements and Formalities for Cooperatives D.M. 23 giugno 2004 Istituzione dell'Albo delle società cooperative, in attuazione dell'art. 9 del decreto legislativo 17 gennaio 2003, No. 6, e dell'art. 23-sexiesdecies delle norme di attuazione e transitorie del codice civile. (G.U13 luglio 2004, No. 162) 2004
Italy Finance Circular No. 3/12 Containing Provisions Relating to Application of Article 128-quarter paragraph 4, of Legislative Decree No. 1 Circolare No. 3/12 3/12 contenente disposizioni inerenti l'applicazione dell'art. 128- quater , comma 4°, del D.Lgs. 1 2012
Italy Finance Regulatory Provisions for Payment Institutions and Electronic Money Institutions Disposizioni di vigilanza per gli istituti di pagamento e gli istituti di moneta elettronica 2012
Italy Finance Legislative Decree No. 231 of 21 November 2007 Use of the Financial System for the Purpose of Laundering the Proceeds of Criminal Activity and Terrorist Financing Decreto legislativo 21 novembre 2007, No. 231 prevenzione dell’uso del sistema finanziario a scopo di riciclaggio dei proventi di attività criminose e di finanziamento del terrorismo 2007
Italy Finance Circular 22 December 2015 n. 3684 / C - Warehouses. Approval Forms for Login, Modification and Termination Circolare 22 dicembre 2015 n. 3684/C - Magazzini generali. Approvazione modulistica per inizio attività, modifica e cessazione 2015
Italy Finance Legislative Decree No. 59 of 26 March 2010 Implementation of Directive 2006/123 / EC on Services in the Internal Market Decreto legislativo 26 marzo 2010, n. 59 - Attuazione della Direttiva 2006/123/CE sui servizi nel mercato interno 2010
Italy Finance Royal Decree No. 126 Implementation of Directive 93/35/EEC Laying Down the Sixth Amendment to Directive 76/768/EEC on the Approximation of the Member States Relating to Cosmetic Products and Directive 95/17/EC Laying Down Detailed Rules of Application of Directive 76/768/EEC as Regards the Non-inclusion of One or More Ingredients on the List Used for the Labeling of Cosmetic Products Regio Decreto No. 126 del 16 gennaio Attuazione della direttiva 93/35/CEE recante la sesta modifica alla direttiva 76/768/CEE concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative ai prodotti cosmetici e della direttiva 95/17/CE recante modalita' di applicazione della direttiva 76/768/CEE riguardo alla non iscrizione di uno o piu' ingredienti nell'elenco previsto per l'etichettatura dei prodotti cosmetici 1997
Italy Finance Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 of 16 April Laying Down Implementing Technical Standards with Regard to Supervisory Reporting of Institutions Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 of 16 April Laying Down Implementing Technical Standards with Regard to Supervisory Reporting of Institutions 2014
Italy Finance Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards 2002
Italy Finance Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions 2009
Italy Finance Directive No. 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC Directive 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC 2007
Italy ICT Electronic Communications Code Codice delle comunicazioni elettroniche 2012
Italy ICT Resolution No. 181/09/CONS Criteria for the Complete Digitalization of Terrestrial Television Networks Delibera n. 181/09/CONS Criteri per la completa digitalizzazione delle reti televisive terrestri 2009
Italy Livestock Legislative Decree of April 6, 2006, No. 193 Implementation of Directive 2004/28/EC on the Community Code for Veterinary Medicines Decreto Legislativo 6 aprile 2006, No. 193 Attuazione della direttiva 2004/28/CE recante codice comunitario dei medicinali veterinari 2006
Italy Livestock Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products 2001
Italy Livestock Procedures of Marketing Authorization Management, Extensions, and Changes in the Terms of Veterinary Medicinal Products through National Procedure and Ownership Transfers Procedure di gestione delle autorizzazioni all’immissione in commercio, estensioni, e variazioni dei termini di un’autorizzazione di medicinali veterinari mediante procedura nazionale e trasferimenti di titolarità 2016
Italy Markets Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing a Common Organisation of the Markets in Agricultural Products and Repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No. 922/72, (EEC) No. 234/79, (EC) No. 1037/2001 and (EC) No. 1234/2007 Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing a Common Organisation of the Markets in Agricultural Products and Repealing Council Regulations (EEC) No. 922/72, (EEC) No. 234/79, (EC) No. 1037/2001 and (EC) No. 1234/2007 2013
Italy Markets Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors 2011
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 214 of 19 August 2005 Implementing Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Decreto Legislativo No. 214: Attuazione della direttiva 2002/89/CE concernente le misure di protezione contro l'introduzione e la diffusione nella Comunità di organismi nocivi ai vegetali o ai prodotti vegetali 2005
Italy Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community 2000
Italy Markets Ministerial Decree of 23 June 2004 on Establishment of the Register of Cooperative Societies, Pursuant to Art. 9 of Legislative Decree 17 January 2003, No. 6, and Art. 223 of the Implementing and Transitional Provisions of the Civil Code D.M. 23 giugno 2004: Istituzione dell'Albo delle società cooperative, in attuazione dell'art. 9 del decreto legislativo 17 gennaio 2003, No. 6, e dell'art. 223-sexiesdecies delle norme di attuazione e transitorie del codice civile 2004
Italy Markets Civil Code, No. 262 R.D. 16 marzo 1942, No. 262 Il codice civile italiano 1942
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 102 of 27 May 2005 Adjustment of Agricultural and Food Markets, in Accordance with Article 1, paragraph 2, letter e) of the law 7 March 2003 No. 38 Decreto Legislativo 27 maggio 2005, No. 102, Regolazioni dei mercati agroalimentari, a norma dell'articolo 1, comma 2, lettera e), della legge 7 marzo 2003, No. 38 2005
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 173 of 30 April 1998 Provisions on the Containment of Production Costs and for the Structural Reinforcement of Agricultural Enterprises under Article 55, paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Law of 27 December 1997, No. 449 Decreto Legislativo 30 Aprile 173/1998, Disposizioni in materia di contenimento dei costi di produzione e per il rafforzamento strutturale delle imprese agricole, a norma dell´articolo 55, commi 14 e 15, della legge 27 dicembre 1997, No. 449 1998
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 228 of 18 May 2001 Orientation and Modernization of the Agricultural Sector, in Accordance with Article 7 of the Law 5 March 2001, No. 57 Decreto Legislativo 18 Maggio 228/2001, Orientamento e modernizzazione del settore agricolo, a norma dell´articolo 7 della legge 5 marzo 2001, No. 57 2001
Italy Markets Decree Law No. 1 of 24 January 2012 Urgent Provisions for Competition, the Development of Infrastructure and Competitiveness Decreto Legge 24 gennaio 2012, No. 1, Disposizioni urgenti per la concorrenza, lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture e la competitivita 2012
Italy Markets Ministry of Forestry, Food, and Agriculture Decree, No. 199, Regulation Implementing Article 62 of Decree-Law 24 January 2012, No. 1, Containing Urgent Measures for Competition, Infrastructure Development and Competitiveness, Ratified with Amendments by Law 24 March 2012, No. 27 of 19 October 2012 Ministerio delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali, Decreto ottobre 2012, No. 199, Regolamento di attuazione dell'articolo 62 del decreto-legge 24 gennaio 2012, No. 1, recante disposizioni urgenti per la concorrenza, lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture e la competitivita', convertito, con modificazioni, dalla legge 24 marzo 2012, No. 27 2012
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 150 of 1 September 2011 on Supplementary Provisions to the Code of Civil Procedure, under Article 54 of Law No. 69 of 18 June 2009 Decreto Legislativo 1 settembre 2011, No. 150, Disposizioni complementari al codice di procedura civile in materia, di riduzione e semplificazione dei procedimenti civili di cognizione, ai sensi dell'articolo 54 della legge 18 giugno 2009, No. 69 2011
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 28 of March 4, 2010 Implementation of Article 60 of the Law 18 June 2009 No. 69, on Mediation Aimed at Reconciliation of Civil and Commercial Disputes Decreto Legislativo 4 marzo 2010, No. 28 Attuazione dell'articolo 60 della legge 18 giugno 2009, No. 69, in materia di mediazione finalizzata alla conciliazione delle controversie civili e commerciali 2010
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 40 of February 2, 2006 Amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure Relating to the Process of Cassation in Nomophylactic Function and Arbitration, in Accordance with Article 1, paragraph 2, of the Law 14 May 2005, No. 80 Decreto Legislativo 2 febbraio 2006, No. 40, Modifiche al codice di procedura civile in materia di processo di cassazione in funzione nomofilattica e di arbitrato, a norma dell'articolo 1, comma 2, della legge 14 maggio 2005, No. 80. 2006
Italy Markets Royal Decree No. 1443 of 28 October 1940 Code of Civil Procedure R.D. 28 ottobre 1940, No. 1443 Codice di procedura civile 1940
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 108 of 30 May 2008 Implementing Directive 2005/56/ EC Concerning Cross-Border Mergers Decreto legislativo 30 maggio 2008, n. 108 Attuazione della direttiva 2005/56/CE, relativa alle fusioni transfrontaliere delle societa' di capitali 2008
Italy Markets Law No. 192 of 18 June 1998 Concerning Sub-supply Relationships in Productive Activities Legge n. 192 del 18 giugno 1998 Norme in materia di subfornitura nelle attività produttive 1998
Italy Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Italy Markets Legislative Decree No. 99 of 29 March 2004 on Subjects and Activities, Corporate Integrity and Administrative Simplification in Agriculture, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph 2, letter d ), f ), g ), l ), and e) of the Law 7 March 2003, No. 38 Decreto Legislativo n 99 del 29 marzo 2004 sui soggetti e attività, integrità aziendale e semplificazione amministrativa in agricoltura, ai sensi dell'articolo 1, comma 2, lettera d), f), g), l), ed e), della legge 7 marzo 2003, n ° 38 2004
Italy Markets Law No. 59 of 31 January 1992 on New Rules for Companies' Cooperatives Legge 31 gennaio 1992, n. 59 Nuove norme in materia di societa' cooperative 1992
Italy Markets Law No. 69 of 18 June 2009 on Economic Development, Simplification, Competitiveness, and Civil Process Legge 18 giugno 2009, n. 69 Disposizioni per lo sviluppo economico, la semplificazione, la competitivita' nonche' in materia di processo civile 2009
Italy Machinery Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code 1992
Italy Machinery Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 1993
Italy Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Italy Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Italy Machinery Legislative Decree No. 285 of 30 April 1992 New Highway Code Decreto Legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n. 285 Nuovo codice della strada 1992
Italy Machinery Union Customs Code Union Customs Code 2013
Italy Machinery Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2696/1999 Fixing the Maximum Export Refund on Wholly Milled Round Grain Rice in Connection with the Invitation to Tender Issued in Regulation (EC) No. 2180/1999 Commission Regulation (EC) No. 2696/1999 Fixing the Maximum Export Refund on Wholly Milled Round Grain Rice in Connection with the Invitation to Tender Issued in Regulation (EC) No. 2180/1999 1999
Italy Seed Law No. 195 Amending and Supplementing Act No. 1096 of 1971 Regulating the Seed Sector Legge No. 195: Modifiche e integrazioni alla Legge 25 novembre 1971, No. 1096, sulla disciplina dell'attività sementiera 1976
Italy Seed Legislative Decree No. 455 of November 3, 1998 Adaptation to the Provisions of the 1991 Act of the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Decreto Legislativo 3 novembre 1998, n. 455 Norme di adeguamento alle prescrizioni dell'atto di revisione del 1991 della convenzione internazionale per la protezione delle novita' vegetali 1998
Italy Seed Decree of the President of the Republic No. 1065 Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 8 ottobre 1973, No. 1065 1973
Italy Transport Legislative Decree No. 285 of 30 April 1992 New Highway Code Decreto Legislativo 30 aprile 1992, n. 285 Nuovo codice della strada 1992
Italy Transport Conversion into Law, with Amendments, of Decree-Law of 28 December 1998, n. 451 Laying Down Urgent Measures for Users of Public Transport and the Road Transport Sectors Conversione in legge, con modificazioni, del decreto-legge 28 dicembre 1998, n. 451, recante disposizioni urgenti per gli addetti ai settori del trasporto pubblico e dell'autotrasporto 1999
Italy Transport Directive (EU) No. 2015/719 of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Council Directive 96/53/EC Laying Down for Certain Road Vehicles Circulating within the Community the Maximum Authorised Dimensions in National and International Traffic and the Maximum Authorised Weights in International Traffic Directive (EU) No. 2015/719 of the European Parliament and of the Council Amending Council Directive 96/53/EC Laying Down for Certain Road Vehicles Circulating within the Community the Maximum Authorised Dimensions in National and International Traffic and the Maximum Authorised Weights in International Traffic 2015
Italy Transport Circular No. 4/2011/TSI Circolare N. 4/2011/TSI 2011
Italy Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC Regulation (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Establishing Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC 2009
Italy Transport Decree of 25 November 2011 of the First Application of the Regulations Technical Provisions (EC) No. 1071/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 Concerning Common Rules Concerning the Conditions to be Complied with to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport Operator and Repealing Council Directive 96/26/EC Decreto 25 novembre 2011 (G.U. 28/11/2011 n. 277) Disposizioni tecniche di prima applicazione del Regolamento (CE) n. 1071/2009 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 21 ottobre 2009, circa norme comuni sulle condizioni da rispettare per esercitare l'attività di trasportatore su strada e abroga la direttiva 96/26/CE del Consiglio 2011
Italy Transport Decree of the President of the Republic No. 327/80 Implementing Regulation of the Law 30 April 1962, No. 283, and Subsequent Changes in Matter of Discipline Igiencia Della Della Production and Sale of SostanzeAlimentarie Beverage Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica No. 327/80 Regolamento di Esecuzione della Legge 30 Aprile 1962, No. 283, e Successive Modificazioni, in Materia di Disciplina Igiencia Della Produzione e Della Vendita della SostanzeAlimentarie delle Bevande 1962
Italy Transport Application Form for Community License for Transport of Goods Domanda per Licenza Comunitaria per Trasporto di Merci N/A
Italy Water Legislative Decree No. 152 of 3 April 2006 Environmental Code Decreto Legislativo 3 aprile 2006, No. 152 Norme in materia ambientale 2006
Italy Water Royal Decree No. 1775 making Provision for Water and Electrical Installations Regio Decreto 11 dicembre, No. 1775 G.U.R.I. 8 gennaio 1934, No. 5 Testo unico delle disposizioni di legge sulle acque e sugli impianti elettrici 1933
Italy Water Legislative Decree No. 112 of 31 March 1998 Contribution of Administrative Functions and Tasks of the State to the Regions and Local Authorities, in the Implementation of Chapter I of Law 15 March 1997, n. 59 Decreto Legislativo n. 112 Conferimento di funzioni e compiti amministrativi dello Stato alle regioni ed agli enti locali, in attuazione del capo I della L. 15 marzo 1997, No. 59 1998
Italy Water Legislative Decree No. 30/009 Implementing Directive 2006/118/EC on Groundwater Protection Against Pollution and Deterioration Decreto Legislativo, n. 30, Attuazione della direttiva 2006/118/CE, relativa alla protezione elle acque sotterranee dall'inquinamento e dal deterioramento 2009
Italy Water Legislative Decree No. 195 on Implementation of Directive 2003/4/EC on Public Access to Environmental Information Decreto Legislativo 19 agosto 2005, n. 195 Ripubblicazione del testo del decreto legislativo 19 agosto 2005, n. 195, recante: «Attuazione della direttiva 2003/4/CE sull'accesso del pubblico all'informazione ambientale», corredato delle relative note 2005
Italy Water Royal Decree No. 215 on New Rules for Integral Reclamation R.D. 13 Febbraio 1933, No. 215 Nuove Norme per la Bonifica Integrale 1933
Jordan Environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2015-2020 الاستراتيجية الوطنية للتنوع البيولوجي وخطة عمل 2015-2020 2015
Jordan Environment Environment Protection Law, No. 52 قانون حماية البيئة (عدد 52) 2006
Jordan Environment Agriculture Law, No. 13 قانون الزراعة رقم 13 2015
Jordan Environment Law for the Protection of Plant Varieties, No. 24 قانون لحماية الأصناف النباتية (رقم 24) 2000
Jordan Environment Regulations No. z/18 for Registering, Manufacturing, Importing, Distributing and Marketing Pesticides Issued by Law of Agriculture No. 13 for the year 2015 وائح رقم ض/18 لتسجيل وتصنيع واستيراد وتوزيع وتسويق المبيدات الصادر بالقانون الزراعة رقم 13 لسنة 2015 2015
Jordan Environment Regulation on the Instructions of the Use, Import, and Export of Ozone Depleting Substances التنظيم عام 2013 بناء على تعليمات من استخدام واستيراد وتصدير المواد المستنفدة للأوزون 2013
Jordan Environment Bylaw of Regulating Hazard and Harmful Substances, No. 25 اللائحة الداخلية لتنظيم الخطر والمواد الضارة رقم 25 لسنة 2005 2005
Jordan Environment Law on the Water Authority, No. 18  قانون سلطة المياه رقم (18) لسنة 1988م 1988
Jordan Fertilizer Registration of Agricultural Fertilizers and Plant Growth Instructions and Procedure تعليمات تسجيل المخصبات الزراعية ومنظمات نمو النبات وإجراءاته 2003
Jordan Fertilizer Import and Export Act, No. 21 استيراد وتصدير قانون 21 لعام 2001 2001
Jordan Fertilizer Act on Production, Storage and Trade of Fertilizer تعليماث شروط الترخيص لإنتاج المخصباث السراعيت ومنظماث نمى النباث وتجهيسها وتخسينها وتذاولها والاتجار بها والإعلان عنها رق ز/ 10 لسنت 2014 2014
Jordan Finance Regulation on Capital Adequacy Instructions according to the Basel Standard, No. 39 تعليمات كفاية رأس المال وفقاً لمعيار بازل 2008
Jordan Finance Instructions for Classification of Credit Facilities and Calculating Impairment Provisions and Reserve for General Banking Risks, No. 30 تعليمات تصنيف التسهيلات الائتمانية واحتساب مخصصات انخفاض القيمة واحتياطي المخاطر المصرفية العامة. رقم 30 2006
Jordan Finance Jordan Deposit Insurance Corporation Law, No. 33 قانون الإيداع الأردن شركة التأمين رقم 33 لسنة 2000 2000
Jordan ICT Telecommunications Law, No. 13 قانون الاتصالات 1995
Jordan Livestock Veterinary Quarantine Instructions and Amendments G/3 تعليمات الحجر الصحي البيطري وتعديلاتها ز/3 2003 2003
Jordan Livestock Decree No. (G/1) Issued under Article (67) of the Temporary Agriculture Law No. (44) قرار رقم ( ز/1) لسنة 2003 صادرة بمقتضى المادة(67) من قانون الزراعة المؤقت رقم (44) لسنة 2003
Jordan Livestock Instructions on Registration, Licensing and Circulation of VMPs تعليمات صناعة الأدوية البيطرية والمستحضرات الحياتية ومنظمات نمو الحيوان وتسجيلها وترخيصها وتداولها والصادرة بموجب المادة رقم (45 ) من قانون الزراعة المؤقت رقم 44 لسنة 2002 2003
Jordan Markets Agriculture Law, No. 13 قانون الزراعة رقم 13 2015
Jordan Markets Cooperatives Law, No.18 قانون التعاونيات 18 1997
Jordan Markets Statute of Cooperatives, No. 13 النظام الأساسي للتعاونيات رقم 13 1998
Jordan Markets Civil Code, No. 43 القانون المدني 1976
Jordan Markets Mediation Law for the Settlement of Civil Disputes, No. 12 قانون الوساطة لتسوية النزاعات المدنية رقم (12) 2006
Jordan Markets Arbitration Law, No. 31 قانون التحكيم رقم 31 2001
Jordan Markets Notary Public Law, No. 11 قانون كاتب العدل وتعديلاته رقم (11) 1952
Jordan Markets Evidence Law, No. 30 قانون البينات الأردني لسنة 1952 الأدلة الاثبات المدني 1952
Jordan Markets Civil Procedures Law, No. 24 قانون الإجراءات المدنية رقم (24) 1998
Jordan Markets Plant Quarantine Regulation, No. Z/19 تعليمات الحجر النباتي رقم (ز/2) 2016
Jordan Markets Pest Control Regulation, No. Z/46 تعليمات مكافحة الآفات الزراعية 2003
Jordan Markets Bylaw of Cooperative Associations Law, No. 36 نظام رقم (36) لسنة 2016-نظام الجمعيات التعاونية 2016
Jordan Markets Interim Law on Agriculture, No. 44 القانون المؤقت بشأن الزراعة، رقم 44 من 11 يونيو 2002
Jordan Machinery Import and Export Act, No. 21 استيراد وتصدير قانون 21 لعام 2001 2001
Jordan Machinery Import Licenses and Cards Regulation, No. 114 استيراد التراخيص وبطاقات التنظيم رقم 114 2004
Jordan Machinery Consumer Protection Law قانون حماية المستهلك 2006
Jordan Machinery Traffic Law قانون المرور 2008
Jordan Seed Interim Law on Agriculture, No. 44 القانون المؤقت بشأن الزراعة، رقم 44 من 11 يونيو 2002
Jordan Seed Law for the Protection of Plant Varieties, No. 24 قانون لحماية الأصناف النباتية (رقم 24) 2000
Jordan Seed Agriculture Law, No. 13 قانون الزراعة رقم 13 2015
Jordan Seed Regulation G/3 on Import, Export and Trade of Seeds تعليمات رقم (ز/٣ ) لسنة ٢٠١٣ عن إستيراد وتصدير وتداول تقاوي الحصلت الزراعية 2013
Jordan Transport Transport Law, No. 89 قانون النقل 89 2003
Jordan Transport Traffic Law قانون المرور 2008
Jordan Transport Goods Transport Law قانون نقل البضائع على الطرق المؤقت 2006
Jordan Transport Amended Goods Transport Law, No. 28 قانون نقل البضائع على الطرق المؤقت المعدل رقم 28 لسنة 2010 2010
Jordan Transport Land Transport Regulatory Commission Law قانون هيئة تنظيم النقل البري 2011
Jordan Transport Agreement Regulating Economic Exchange and the Transport and Transit Between Jordan and Syria اتفاقية تنظيم التبادل الاقتصادي والنقل والترانزيت بين الاردن وسوريا 2010
Jordan Transport Temporary Law, No. 46 قانون نقل البضائع على الطرق الاردني رقم 46 2002
Jordan Transport Law No. 45 تعليمات ترخيص الناقلين لمزاولة أعمال النقل المبرد على الطرق صادرة بموجب أحكام المادة (6) من النظام رقم (45) 2003
Jordan Transport Total Maximum Dimensions and Weights System and the Strength of the Motor Vehicle, No. 42 نظام رقم (42) 2002
Jordan Transport Driving Licenses and Vehicle Registration and Licensing Fees Law رخص القيادة وتسجيل المركبات ورسوم ترخيص القانون 2008
Jordan Water Cooperatives Law, No.18 قانون التعاونيات 18 1997
Jordan Water Environment Protection Law, No. 52 قانون حماية البيئة (عدد 52) 2006
Jordan Water Jordan Valley Development Law قانون تنمية وتطوير وادي الاردن كما هو معدل بالقانون المعدل رقم (30) لسنة 2001م 1988
Jordan Water Underground Water Regulation, No. 85 نظام رقم (85) لسنة 2002 بالمياه الجوفية 2002
Jordan Water Law on the Water Authority, No. 18  قانون سلطة المياه رقم (18) لسنة 1988م 1988
Jordan Water Standard No. 1886 on Agricultural Irrigation Equipment المعيار رقم 1886 بشأن المعدات الري الزراعية 2009
Jordan Water Standards and Metrology Law قانون المواصفات والمقاييس رقم (22) 2000
Kazakhstan Environment Law No. 422-I on the Protection of Selection Achievements Закон No. 422-I Об охране селекционных достижений 1999
Kazakhstan Environment Resolution No. 104 on Approval of the Sanitary Rules Sanitary-epidemiological Requirements for Water Sources, Water Intake Places for Drinking Purposes, Drinking Water Supply and Places of Cultural and Community Water Facilities and Water Security Постановление правительства Республики Казахстан №104 Об утверждении Санитарных правил Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к водоисточникам, местам водозабора для хозяйственно-питьевых целей, хозяйственно-питьевому водоснабжению и местам культурно-бытового водопользования и безопасности водных объектов 2012
Kazakhstan Environment Environmental Code Экологический кодекс Республики Казахстан 2007
Kazakhstan Environment Order of the Minister of Agriculture, No. 15-05/864 Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан №15-05/864 «Об утверждении Правил обезвреживания пестицидов (ядохимикатов)» от 29 сентября 2015 г. 2015
Kazakhstan Environment Resolution No. 515 on Approval of the Technical Regulation - Requirements for Safety of Pesticides (Toxic Chemicals) Постановление №515 об утверждении Технического регламента «Требования к безопасности пестицидов (ядохимикатов)» 2015
Kazakhstan Environment Order No. 237 on Approval of the Sanitary Rules - Sanitary Requirements for the Establishment of the Sanitary Protection Zone of Production Facilities Приказ Министра национальной экономики Республики Казахстан №237 об утверждении Санитарных правил «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования по установлению санитарно-защитной зоны производственных объектов» 2015
Kazakhstan Environment Land Code Земельный кодекс 2003
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Resolution No. 491 Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан No. 491 2010
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Law on the Safety of Chemical Products, No. 302 Закон О безопасности химической продукции 302 2007
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Resolution No. 572 on Approval of Rules of Registration and Accounting of Chemical Products Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан No. 572 2008
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Order No. 4-4/305 of the Minister of Agriculture Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан No. 4-4/305 2015
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Order No. 4-4/679 of the Minister of Agriculture Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан No. 4-4/679 от 21 июля 2015 г. 2015
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Custom Union Technical Regulations on Requirements for Fertilizer Технический регламент Таможенного Союза «О требованиях к удобрениям» 2011
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Standard No. 370 on Safety Data Sheet of Chemicals: Composition, Development Procedures and Application Паспорт безопасности химической продукции «Состав, порядок разработки и применения» №370 2007
Kazakhstan Fertilizer Law No. 66 on State Regulation of Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas Закон Республики Казахстан No. 66-III «О государственном регулировании развития агропромышленного комплекса и сельских территорий» 2005
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 2444 on Banks and Banking Activity Закон №2444 О банках и банковской деятельности в Республике Казахстан 1995
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 66 on State Regulation of Development of Agriculture and Rural Areas Закон Республики Казахстан No. 66-III «О государственном регулировании развития агропромышленного комплекса и сельских территорий» 2005
Kazakhstan Finance Resolution of Board of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Regulation and Supervision of Financial Market and Financial Organizations, No. 358 Постановление No. 358 «По регулированию и надзору финансового рынка и финансовых организаций» 2005
Kazakhstan Finance Resolution of the Board of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. 137 Постановление Правления Национального Банка Республики Казахстан No. 137 «Об утверждении Правил исчисления ставок вознаграждения в достоверном, годовом, эффективном, сопоставимом исчислении (реальной стоимости) по займам и вкладам» от 26 марта 2012 г. 2012
Kazakhstan Finance Law on the Obligatory Insurance of Deposits Placed in the Second Tier Banks Закон «Об обязательном страховании депозитов, размещенных в банках второго уровня Республики Казахстан» (с поправкой) 2009
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 392-II on Microcredit Organizations Закон No. 392-II О микрокредитных организациях 2003
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 400-II on Credit Co-operatives Закон No. 400-II О кредитных кооперативах 2003
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 237 on Payment and Money Transfer Закон No. 237 О денежных переводах 1998
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 143-2 on Grain Закон №143-2 «О Зерне» 2001
Kazakhstan Finance Law No. 202-V On Permissions and Notifications Закон No. 202-V ЗРК «О разрешениях и уведомлениях» 2014
Kazakhstan Finance Law on Registration of Pledge of Movable Property Закон «О регистрации залога движимого имущества» 1998
Kazakhstan Finance Tax Code No. 99-IV Налоговый кодекс Республики Казахстан No. 99-IV 2013
Kazakhstan Finance Order of the Minister of Agriculture No. 9-1/71 on the Approval of the Rules of Subsidizing within the Loan Guarantee and Loan Insurance for Agro-Industrial Entities Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства «Об утверждении Правил субсидирования в рамках гарантирования и страхования займов субъектов агропромышленного комплекса» 2015
Kazakhstan Finance Order No. 75 on Approval of the List, Forms, Reporting Deadlines on the Implementation of the Prudential Standards of the Second Tier Banks and the Rules for Submission Приказ №75 «Об утверждении перечня, форм, сроков отчетности о выполнении пруденциальных нормативов банками второго уровня и Правил их представления» 2015
Kazakhstan ICT Law on Approvals and Notifications Закон РК о разрешениях и уведомлениях
Kazakhstan ICT Protocol Decision of Interdepartmental Commission on Radio Frequencies Положение о Межведомственной комиссии по радиочастотам РК 2002
Kazakhstan ICT Rules for Spectrum Allocation Правила присвоения полос частот, радиочастот (радиочастотных каналов), эксплуатации радиоэлектронных средств и высокочастотных устройств, а также проведения расчета электромагнитной совместимости радиоэлектронных средств гражданского назначения 2015
Kazakhstan Livestock Law No. 339-II on Veterinary Medicine Закон No. 339-II О ветеринарии 2002
Kazakhstan Livestock State Register of Veterinary Drugs and Feed Additives Государственный Реестр Ветеринарных Препаратов и Кормовых Добавок 2016
Kazakhstan Livestock Standard of State Service: Issue of the License to Engage in Activities in the Field of Veterinary Medicine Стандарт государственной услуги: Выдача лицензии для занятия деятельностью в сфере ветеринарии 2015
Kazakhstan Livestock Regulations on Issuance of Permit for Export, Import and Transit of Transferred (Transported) Objects Based on an Assessment of the Epizootic Situation in the Relevant Territory Правила выдачи разрешения на экспорт, импорт и транзит перемещаемых (перевозимых) объектов с учетом оценки эпизоотической ситуации на соответствующей территории 2012
Kazakhstan Livestock Code of Administrative Offences, No. 235 Кодекс Об Административных Правонарушениях 235 2014
Kazakhstan Livestock Terms of Realization of the State Veterinary Supervision when Moving under the Control of the State Veterinary Supervision of Goods Across the State Border Правила осуществления государственного ветеринарного надзора при перемещении подконтрольных государственному ветеринарному надзору грузов через государственную границу Республики Казахстан 2003
Kazakhstan Livestock Resolution - Technical Regulations on the Safety of Medicines and Biologicals Requirements for Use in Veterinary Medicine Технический регламент Требования к безопасности лекарственных средств и биологических препаратов, используемых в ветеринарии 2008
Kazakhstan Livestock Order of the Minister of Health and Social Development No. 414 - Regulations on Instructions for Medical Use of Drugs and Medical Products Правила составления и оформления инструкции по медицинскому применению лекарственных средств и изделий медицинского назначения 2015
Kazakhstan Livestock Regulation on Licensing of Veterinary Activities ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ о лицензировании ветеринарной деятельности в Республике Казахстан 1997
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 4-4/282 on Quarantine Objects and Alien Species with Established Plant Quarantine Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан No. 4-4/282 «Об утверждении перечня карантинных объектов и чужеродных видов, по отношению к которым устанавливаются и осуществляются мероприятия по карантину растений» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 4-4/66 on the Phytosanitary Requirements for Imported Quarantinable Products Приказ №4-4/66 «Об утверждении фитосанитарных требований, предъявляемых к ввозимой подкарантинной продукции» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 15-08/590 on the Protection from Quarantine Objects and Alien Species Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан No. 15-08/590 «Об утверждении Правил по охране территории Республики Казахстан от карантинных объектов и чужеродных видов» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 331 on Plant Protection Закон No. 331 «О защите растений» 2002
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 344-I on Quarantine of Plants Закон No. 344 -I «О карантине растений» 1999
Kazakhstan Markets Commission Decision No. 318 of the Customs Union on Ensuring Plant Quarantine in the Customs Union Решение комиссии Таможенного Союза №318 «Об обеспечении карантина растений в таможенном союзе» от 18 июня 2010 г. 2010
Kazakhstan Markets Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union Договор «О Евразийском экономическом союзе» 2014
Kazakhstan Markets Code of Administrative Offences, No. 235 Кодекс Об Административных Правонарушениях 235 2014
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 4-4/500 on Approval of Standards of the State Services in the Field of Quarantine of Plants Приказ №4-4/500 «Об утверждении стандартов государственных услуг в области карантина растений» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Civil Code (General) Гражданский кодекс 1994
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 372-V on Agricultural Cooperatives Закон №372-V «О сельскохозяйственных кооперативах» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 202-V on Permissions and Notifications Закон №202-V «О разрешениях и уведомлениях» 2014
Kazakhstan Markets Tax Code, No. 99-IV Налоговый кодекс Республики Казахстан No. 99-IV 2013
Kazakhstan Markets Constitution of Republic of Kazakhstan Конституция Республики Казахстан 1995
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 2198 on State Registration of Legal Entities, Branches and Representations Закон No. 2198 «О государственной регистрации юридических лиц и учетной регистрации филиалов и представительств» 1995
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 233 on State Registration of Legal Entities, Record Registration of Branches and Representative Offices Приказ No. 233 «О государственной регистрации юридических лиц и учетной регистрации филиалов и представительств» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 1-2/1117 on Approval of the Model Statute of an Agricultural Cooperative Положение №1-2/1117 «Об утверждении типового устава сельскохозяйственного кооператива» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 2486 on Production Cooperatives Закон №2486 «О производственных кооперативах» от 5 октября 1995 г. 1995
Kazakhstan Markets Code on Marriage and Family, No. 518-IV Кодекс №518-IV «О браке и семье» 2011
Kazakhstan Markets Civil Code (Special) No. 409-I ZRK Гражданский кодекс №409-I ЗРК (особый) 1999
Kazakhstan Markets Entrepreneurial Code, No. 375-V Предпринимательский кодекс No. 375-V 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 488-V ZRK on Arbitration Закон 488-V ЗРК «Об арбитраже» 2016
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 401-IV on Mediation Закон No. 401-IV «О медиации» 2011
Kazakhstan Markets Code of Civil Procedure, No. 377-V ZRK Гражданско-процессуальный кодекс No. 377 -V ЗРК 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Resolution No. 993 on the Establishment of Purchasing Prices for Grain Delivered to the State Reserves of Grain Постановление No. 993 «Об установлении закупочных цен на зерно, поставляемое в государственные ресурсы зерна» 2015
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 143-2 on Grain Закон №143-2 «О Зерне» 2001
Kazakhstan Markets Law No. 603 on Technical Regulation О техническом регулировании, Закон Республики Казахстан N 603 2004
Kazakhstan Markets Decision No. 874 of the Commission of the Customs Union Approving Technical Regulations on Grain Security О принятии технического регламента Таможенного союза О безопасности зерна, Решение Комиссии таможенного союза No. 874 2011
Kazakhstan Markets Order No. 4-1/364 on Approval of Requirements the Grain Quality Passport Об утверждении требований к порядку экспертизы качества зерна и выдаче паспорта качества зерна, Приказ Министра сельского хозяйства Республики Казахстан от 23 апреля 2015 года No. 4-1/364 2015
Kazakhstan Machinery Eurasian Customs Union Technical Regulation #031/2012 on Safety of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors and Trailers Технический регламент Таможенного Союза ТР ТС 031-2012 О безопасности сельскохозяйственных и лесохозяйственных тракторов и прицепов к ним 2012
Kazakhstan Machinery Eurasian Economic Commission Decision #54 on Single Customs Tariff Решение Совета Евразийской Экономической Комиссии No. 54 о Едином Таможенном Тарифе ЕврАзЭС 2012
Kazakhstan Machinery Decree No. 681 on Registration, Re-registration of Tractors and Manufactured Self-propelled Chassis and Mechanisms, their Trailers, including Trailers with Arranged Special Equipments, Powered Agricultural, Land Reclamation and Road-building Machinery and Special Machinery Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 25 мая 2012 года No. 681 Об утверждении Правил государственной регистрации тракторов и изготовленных на их базе самоходных шасси и механизмов, прицепов к ним, включая прицепы со смонтированным специальным оборудованием, самоходных сельскохозяйственных, мелиоративных и дорожно-строительных машин и механизмов, специальных машин повышенной проходимости 2012
Kazakhstan Machinery Customs Code, No. 298 Кодекс № 296-IV О таможенном деле 2010
Kazakhstan Seed Law No. 385-II on Seed Закон Республики Казахстан No. 385-II «О семеноводстве» 2003
Kazakhstan Seed Law No. 422-I on the Protection of Selection Achievements Закон No. 422-I Об охране селекционных достижений 1999
Kazakhstan Seed Resolution No. 805 on Examination of Variety and Sowing Qualities of Seeds, including Seeds Intended for Planting Domestic Agricultural Producers Правила проведения экспертизы сортовых и посевных качеств семян, в том числе семян, предназначенных для посева отечественными сельскохозяйственными товаропроизводителями 2014
Kazakhstan Transport Law No. 476-II on Road Transport Закон No. 476-II «Об автомобильном транспорте» 2003
Kazakhstan Transport Law No. 202-V On Permissions and Notifications Закон No. 202-V ЗРК «О разрешениях и уведомлениях» 2014
Kazakhstan Transport Order No. 862 on Rules on State Registration of Vehicles and Accounting of Certain Types of Vehicles Правила государственной регистрации и учета отдельных видов транспортных средств по идентификационному номеру транспортного средства 2014
Kazakhstan Transport Law No. 194-V on Road Traffic Закон «О дорожном движении» 2014
Kazakhstan Transport Order No. 329 on Technical Inspection Приказ No. 329 «Об утверждении Правил организации и проведения обязательного технического осмотра механических транспортных средств и прицепов к ним, периодичности прохождения обязательного технического осмотра механических транспортных средств и прицепов к ним» 2015
Kazakhstan Transport Tax Code, No. 99-IV Налоговый кодекс Республики Казахстан No. 99-IV 2013
Kazakhstan Transport Law No. 426-V on Budget for 2016-2018 Закон No. 426-V «O республиканском бюджете на 2016-2018 годы» 2015
Kazakhstan Transport Order No. 546 on Regulations on Road Transport of Goods Приказ No. 546 «Об утверждении Правил перевозок грузов автомобильным транспортом» 2015
Kazakhstan Transport Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on International Road Transport Соглашение между Правительством Республики Казахстан и Правительством Республики Узбекистан «О международном автомобильном сообщении» 2006
Kazakhstan Water Water Code Водный кодекс 2003
Kazakhstan Water Order No. 19-1/718 on Approval of Rules of Conducting the State Accounting of Water and its Use, State Water Cadastre and State Monitoring of Water Bodies Указ №19-1/178 «Об утверждении Правил ведения государственного учета вод и их использования, государственного водного кадастра и государственного мониторинга водных объектов» 2015
Kazakhstan Water Order No. 19-1/1051 on Approval of the Application Form for the Permit for Special Use of Water and the Permit Form for Special Use of Water Указ №19-1/1051 «Об утверждении формы заявления на получение разрешения на специальное водопользование и формы разрешения на специальное водопользование» 2015
Kazakhstan Water Order No. 18-Ө on Approval of Basin Insitution Provisions to Regulate the Use and Protection of Water Resources Указ No. 18-Ө «Об утверждении положений бассейновых инспекций по регулированию использования и охране водных ресурсов Комитета по водным ресурсам Министерства окружающей среды и водных ресурсов Республики Казахстан» 2014
Kazakhstan Water Tax Code, No. 99-IV Налоговый кодекс Республики Казахстан No. 99-IV 2013
Kazakhstan Water Code of Administrative Offences, No. 235 Кодекс Об Административных Правонарушениях 235 2014
Kenya Environment Kenya National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans 2000
Kenya Environment Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act, No. 17 2013
Kenya Environment Seed and Plant Varieties Act 1972
Kenya Environment Environmental Management and Coordination Act, No. 8 1999
Kenya Environment Environmental Management and Co-ordination (Conservation of Biological Diversity and Resources, Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations 2006
Kenya Environment Land Act, No. 6 2012
Kenya Fertilizer Fertilizers and Animal Foodstuffs (Packing of Approved Fertilizers) Rules, Cap. 345 1972
Kenya Fertilizer Fertilizer and Animal Foodstuffs Act, Cap. 345 1985
Kenya Fertilizer Companies Act, Cap. 486 1978
Kenya Fertilizer Kenya Standards (KS 2527:2014)- Urea Phosphate Fertilizer — Specification 2014
Kenya Finance Guideline on Capital Adequacy CBK/PG/03 2013
Kenya Finance Guideline on Risk Classification of Assets, Provisioning, and Limitation of Interest on Non-Performing Loans CBK/PG/04 2013
Kenya Finance Banking Act, Cap. 488 2015
Kenya Finance Guideline on Consumer Protection, CBK/PG/22 2013
Kenya Finance Guideline on Publication of Financial Statements and Other Disclosures CBK/PG/10 2013
Kenya Finance Kenya Deposit Insurance Act, No. 10 2012
Kenya Finance Microfinance Act 2006
Kenya Finance Microfinance (Deposit-Taking Microfinance Institutions) Regulations 2008
Kenya Finance Consumer Protection Act, No. 46 2012
Kenya Finance SACCO Societies Act, No. 14 2008
Kenya Finance SACCO Societies (Deposit-Taking SACCO Business) Regulations 2010
Kenya Finance Co-operative Societies Act, Cap. 490 2012
Kenya Finance Constitution of Kenya 2010
Kenya Finance Guideline on the Appointment and Operations of Third Party Agents by Deposit Taking Microfinance Institutions (DTMs)-CBK/DTM/MFG/1 ND
Kenya Finance Guideline on Agent Banking-CBK/PG/15 2013
Kenya Finance National Payment System Act, No. 39 2011
Kenya Finance National Payment Systems Regulations 2014
Kenya ICT Information and Communications Act 2009
Kenya ICT National Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Policy 2016
Kenya ICT Information and Communications (Infrastructure Sharing) Regulations 2016
Kenya Livestock Pharmacy and Poison Act, Cap. 244 2012
Kenya Livestock Pharmacy and Poisons (Registration of Drugs) Rules 2012
Kenya Livestock Guidelines for the Submission of Applications 2010
Kenya Livestock Variation Guidelines 2016
Kenya Livestock Guidelines for Registration of Premises and Issuance of Wholesale Dealer’s License 2006
Kenya Markets Plant Protection (Fees and Charges) Rules 2009
Kenya Markets Plant Protection Act, Cap. 324 1937
Kenya Markets Kenya Plant Health Inspectorate Service Act, No. 54 2012
Kenya Markets Plant Protection (Importation of Plants, Plant Products and Regulated Articles) Rules, No. 108 2009
Kenya Markets Agricultural Produce (Export) Act 1923
Kenya Markets Co-operative Societies Act, Cap. 490 2012
Kenya Markets Co-operative Societies Rules 2004
Kenya Markets Arbitration Act, Cap. 49 1995
Kenya Markets Civil Procedure Act, Cap. 21 1924
Kenya Markets Law of Contract Act, Cap. 23 2002
Kenya Markets Tea Industry Regulations 2016
Kenya Seed Seeds and Plant Varieties (Seeds) Regulations 2013
Kenya Transport Traffic Act, No.5 1971
Kenya Transport Public Roads Toll Act, No. 9 1984
Kenya Transport Traffic Act, No. 39 1954
Kenya Transport National Transport and Safety Authority Act, No. 33 2012
Kenya Transport Kenya Roads Board Act, No. 7 1999
Kenya Transport Kenya Roads Act, No. 2 2007
Kenya Transport Companies Act, Cap. 486 1978
Kenya Transport Transport Licensing Act 2012
Kenya Transport Traffic Amendment Act No. 2 2012
Kenya Transport Transit Goods License Application 2016
Kenya Water Constitution of Kenya 2010
Kenya Water Water Act, No. 43 2016
Kenya Water Co-operative Societies Act, Cap. 490 2012
Kenya Water Societies Act 1998
Kenya Water Water Resources Management Rules, L.N. 171 2007
Kenya Water National Drought Management Authority Order, L.N. 171 2011
Kenya Water Environmental Management and Coordination Act, No. 8 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Environment Law No. 12 on Use of Chemicals and Plant Protection Закон №12 «О химизации и защите растений» 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Environment Law No. 38 on Seeds Закон Кыргызской Республики «О семеноводстве» 1997
Kyrgyz Republic Environment Land Code, No. 45 Земельный кодекс Кыргызской Республики 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Environment Law No. 132 on the National Academy of Sciences Закон «О национальной академии наук Кыргызской Республики» 2002
Kyrgyz Republic Environment Law No. 79 on Legal Protection of Breeding Achievements Закон Кыргызской Республики № 79 «О правовой охране селекционных достижений» 1998
Kyrgyz Republic Fertilizer Law No. 12 on the Application of Chemicals and Plant Protection Закон «О химизации и защиты растений» 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Fertilizer Regulation No. 390 on Registration Test and the State Registration of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Положение «О регистрационных испытаниях и государственной регистрации пестицидов и агрохимикатов в Кыргызской Республике» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Fertilizer Guidelines for Environmental Protection During Transportation, Storage and Application of Pesticides and Fertilizers Методические указания по охране окружающей природной среды при транспортировке, хранении и применении пестицидов и минеральных удобрений 1997
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law No. 60 on Banks and Banking Activity Закон «О банках и банковской деятельности» 1997
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Decree No. 25 on Adopting the Project: Financing of Agriculture Постановление №25 от 26 января 2016 г. 2016
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law No. 163 on Limiting Usurious Activities Закон Кыргызской Республики «Об ограничении ростовщической деятельности в Кыргызской Республике» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Decree of the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic on the Economic Regulation and Requirements, Mandatory Performance of Commercial Banks Указ НБКР «Об экономических нормативах и требованиях, обязательных для выполнения коммерческими банками Кыргызской Республики» 2004
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulations on Minimum Requirements for Credit risk Management in Commercial Banks and Other Financial Institutions Licensed by the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic Положение «О минимальных требованиях по управлению кредитным риском в коммерческих банках и других финансово-кредитных учреждениях, лицензируемых Национальным банком Кыргызской Республики» 2010
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulation on the Classification of Assets and the Corresponding Contributions to Reserves to Cover Potential Losses in the Implementation of Operations in Accordance with the Islamic Principles of Banking and Financing Положение «О классификации активов и соответствующих отчислениях в резерв на покрытие потенциальных потерь и убытков при осуществлении операций в соответствии с исламскими принципами банковского дела и финансирования» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Decree No. 26/5 of the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic On Periodic Regulatory Bank Reporting Положение «О периодическом регулятивном банковском отчете» 2005
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Decree of the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic on Calculation of Effective Interest Rate in Disclosing Information on Remuneration for Bank Services Положение «О расчете эффективной процентной ставки при распространении информации о размере вознаграждения по банковским услугам» 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law No. 78 on Protection of Bank Deposits (Deposits) Закон «О защите банковских вкладов (депозитов)» 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law on Microfinance Organizations Закон «О микрофинансовых организациях» 2002
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Decree No. 78/26 of the National Bank of Kyrgyz Republic on Licensing of Microfinance Companies Указ НБКР №78/26 «О лицензировании микрофинансовых компаний» 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulation of Microfinance Institutions Правила регулирования деятельности микрофинансовых организаций на территории Кыргызской Республики 2003
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law on Credit Unions Закон «О кредитных союзах» (с поправками) 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulation of Credit Unions in the Kyrgyz Republic Правила регулирования деятельности кредитных союзов в Кыргызской Республике  2005
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulation on Calculation of the Effective Interest rate while Dissemenating Information about Banking Services Положение «О расчете эффективной процентной ставки  при распространении информации о размере вознаграждения по банковским услугам» 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulations on the Basic Requirements of Commercial Banks at the Conclusion of the Agency Agreement to Provide Retail Banking Services Положение «Об основных требованиях к деятельности коммерческих банков при заключении агентского договора по предоставлению банковских розничных услуг» 2010
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law on Payment System Закон Кыргызской Республики «О платежной системе Кыргызской Республики» 2014
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Regulation on the Licensing Activities for the Provision of Payment Services Using Electronic Money in the Form of Prepaid Cards Положение «О лицензировании деятельности в предоставлении платежных услуг в виде предоплаченных карточек» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Civil Code Гражданский кодекс Кыргызской Республики 1998
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Law on Collateral Закон Кыргызской Республики «О Залогe» 2005
Kyrgyz Republic Finance Provisions for the Periodic Regulative Reports of Credit Unions No. 3/3 Положение №3/3 «О периодическом регулятивном отчете кредитного союза, утвержденное постановлением Правления Национального банка КР» от 16 января 2008
Kyrgyz Republic ICT Law on Electrical and Postal Services Закон Об электрической и почтовой связи 1998
Kyrgyz Republic ICT Temporary Provision on Licensing of Electronic and Postal Services Временное Положение о лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности в области электрической и почтовой связи 2014
Kyrgyz Republic ICT Order No. 608 on Pilot Auction on the Right to Use 806-811/847-852 MHz, 811-816/852-857 MHz, 816-821/857-862 MHz Spectrum Постановление №608 О проведении пилотного аукциона на право заключения договора аренды полос радиочастот 806-811/847-852 MГц, 811-816/852-857 MГц, 816-821/857-862 MГц 2014
Kyrgyz Republic Livestock Law No. 195 on Licensing and the Licensing System Закон № 195 О лицензионно-разрешительной системе 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Livestock Government Decision No. 249 On Approval of the List of Goods Subject to Veterinary Control Постановление Правительства № 249 Об утверждении Перечня товаров, подлежащих ветеринарному контролю 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Livestock Law No. 805-XII on Veterinary Domain Закон Кыргызской Республики о ветеринарии 1992
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Order No. 901 on the Determination of Measures for Safety in the Field of Veterinary Science, Plant Quarantine, Epidemiology, Sanitary Science and Ecology Постановление №901 «Об определении мер по безопасности в области ветеринарии, карантина растений, эпидемиологии, санитарии и экологии» 2006
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 2 on Plant Quarantine Закон №2 «О карантине растений» 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Regulation No. 376 on Plant Quarantine Карантинные фитосанитарные правила № 376 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Code on Administrative Responsibility, No. 114 Кодекс административной ответственности Кыргызской Республики №114 1998
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Regulation No. 256 on the State Inspectorate for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Safety Положение №256 «О государственной инспекции по ветеринарной и фитосанитарной безопасности» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Regulation No. 140 for the Application of Chemicals and Plant Protection Положение № 140 «О применении химикатов и средств защиты растений» 2012
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 70 on Cooperatives Закон №70 «О кооперативах» 2004
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 57 on the Registration of Legal Entities, Branches Закон №57 «О регистрации юридических лиц» 2009
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 42 on Cooperation Закон №42 «О кооперации» 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Order No. 251 on the Approval of Rules for Issuing Phytosanitary Documents Приказ №251 «Об утверждении правил выдачи фитосанитарных документов» от 30 мая 2008 г. 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Decree No. 86 on the Development and Support of Enterprises in the Procurement, Processing and Sale of Agricultural Products Указ Президента КР №86 «О развитии и поддержке предприятий по заготовке, переработке и реализации ельскохозяйственной продукции» 2000
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Civil Code Гражданский кодекс Кыргызской Республики 1998
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 116 on Competition Закон №116 «О конкуренции» 2011
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Law No. 135 on Arbitration Courts Закон №135 «О третейских судах» 2002
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Code of Arbitration Procedure, No. 9 Арбитражный процессуальный кодекс №9 1996
Kyrgyz Republic Markets Code of Civil Procedure, No. 146 Гражданский процессуальный кодекс № 146 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Law No. 184 on Customs Regulation Закон Кыргызской Республики О таможенном регулировании в Кыргызской Республике №184 2014
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Civil Code Гражданский кодекс Кыргызской Республики 1998
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Law No. 167 on Labor Safety Закон КР об охране труда 2003
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Decree No. 65 Registration Rules for Auto and Moto Vehicles and Trailers in the State Registration Service Правила регистрации автомототранспортных средств и прицепов к ним в Государственной регистрационной службе при Правительстве Кыргызской Республики 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Decree No. 603 Rules of Inspecting Tractors, Self-driving Technological Machines by Main State Technical Inspection under the Ministry of Agriculture Правила проведения государственного технического осмотра тракторов, самоходных, технологических машин и прицепов к ним, а также технологических установок органами Главной государственной технической инспекции при Министерстве сельского, водного хозяйства и перерабатывающей промышленности Кыргызской Республики 2006
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Eurasian Customs Union Technical Regulation #031/2012 on Safety of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors and Trailers Технический регламент Таможенного Союза ТР ТС 031-2012О безопасности сельскохозяйственных и лес охозяйственных тракторов и прицепов к ним 2012
Kyrgyz Republic Machinery Eurasian Economic Commission Decision #54 on Single Customs Tariff Решение Совета Евразийской Экономической Комиссии No. 54 о Едином Таможенном Тарифе ЕврАзЭС 2012
Kyrgyz Republic Seed Law on Seeds Закон Кыргызской Республики O Семенах 2007
Kyrgyz Republic Seed Law No. 79 on the Legal Protection of Selection Achievements Закон № 79 О правовой охране селекционных достижений 2003
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Regulation No. 239 on Technical Inspection Положение «О порядке проведения технического осмотра транспортных средств» 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Regulation No. 260 on Licensing Положение «О лицензировании отдельных видов предпринимательской деятельности» 2001
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Law No. 154 on Road Transport Закон Кыргызской Республики «Об автомобильном транспорте» 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Law No. 195 on Licensing and the Licensing System Закон № 195 О лицензионно-разрешительной системе 2013
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Bilateral Transport Agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan Соглашение между Правительством Кыргызской Республики Правительством Республики Казахстан «О международном автомобильном сообщении» 2003
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Decree No. 311 Rules on Transportation of Freight by Road Transport Правила организации грузовых перевозок автотранспортным средством в Кыргызской Республике 2015
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Vehicle Registration Rules Правила регистрации автомототранспортных средств и прицепов к ним в Государственной регистрационной службе при Правительстве Кыргызской Республики (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 21.04.2014 г.) 2003
Kyrgyz Republic Transport Vehicle Registration Procedure Порядок регистрации автомототранспортных средств 2016
Kyrgyz Republic Water Water Code, No. 8 Водный Кодекс 2005
Kyrgyz Republic Water Tax Code, No. 230 Налоговый кодекс, №230 2008
Kyrgyz Republic Water Law No. 38 on Unions (Associations) of Water Users Закон «Об объединениях (ассоциациях) водопользователей» 2002
Kyrgyz Republic Water Law No. 53 on Environmental Protection Закон «Об охране окружающей среды» 1999
Kyrgyz Republic Water Regulation No. 19 on the Order of Licensing of Water Use Положение «О порядке лицензирования водопользования», №19 1995
Kyrgyz Republic Water Rules on Surface Water Protection Approved by Decree No. 128 Правила охраны поверхностных вод, утвержденные Указом № 128 2016
Cambodia Environment Protected Area Law 1998
Cambodia Environment Law on Seed Management and Plant Breeder's Right 2008
Cambodia Environment Sub-Decree No. 69 ANK-BK on Standards and Management of Agricultural Materials 1993
Cambodia Environment Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0112/005 on Promulgation of Law on Management of Pesticide and Agricultural Fertilizer 2012
Cambodia Environment Law on Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction 1994
Cambodia Environment Decision No. 34 on the Creation of a National Committee for Land Planning and Urbanization of Areas Surrounding Phnom Penh, Towns and Provinces in The Kingdom of Cambodia 1993
Cambodia Environment Law on Forestry 2003
Cambodia Fertilizer Sub-Decree No. 69 ANK-BK on Standards and Management of Agricultural Materials 1993
Cambodia Fertilizer Royal Kram No. NS/RKM/0112/005 on Promulgation of Law on Management of Pesticide and Agricultural Fertilizer 2012
Cambodia Fertilizer Prakas 415 on Procedure and Standard Requirement for Registration of Agricultural Fertilizer 2012
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-09-213 on the Liberalization of Interest Rate Setting 2009
Cambodia Finance Prakas on the Banks' Solvency Ratio, No. B7-00-46 2000
Cambodia Finance Prakas on Asset Classification and Provisioning in Banking and Financial Institutions 2009
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-06-211 Prokor on Reporting date for Commercials Banks and Specialized Banks 2006
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-011-243 on Transparency in Granting Credit Facilities of Banks and Financial Institutions 2011
Cambodia Finance Anukret of 16 November on the Supervision of Commercial Banks 1992
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-07-163 On Licensing of Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions 2007
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-016-117 on Minimum Registered Capital of Banking and Financial Institutions 2016
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B-7-07-133 on Microfinance Institutions' Solvency Ratio 2007
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B7-02-186 Prokor on Loan Classification and Provisioning Applicable to Specialized Banks for Rural Credit and Licensend Microfinance Institutions 2002
Cambodia Finance Prakas No. B-7-02-47 on Reporting Requirement for Registered NGOs and Licensed Microfinance Instititutions 2002
Cambodia Finance Prakas on the Calculation of Interest Rate on Microfinance Loans 2001
Cambodia Finance Prakas Nº B-9-010-151 on Third-Party Processors Prokor 2010
Cambodia ICT Law on Telecommunications 2015
Cambodia ICT Guideline on Application for Frequencies Licensing 2014
Cambodia ICT Prakas No. 072 2008
Cambodia Livestock Law on the Management of Pharmaceuticals 1996
Cambodia Livestock Instructive Circular No. 345 implementing Sub-Decree No. 69 ANK-BK on Standards and Management of Agricultural Materials. 2002
Cambodia Livestock Law on Animal Heath and Production Sector 2016
Cambodia Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives, No. NS/RKM/0613/008 2013
Cambodia Markets Sub-decree on Contract Farming, No. 36 2011
Cambodia Markets Civil Code, No. NS/RKM/1207/030 2007
Cambodia Markets Law Concerning Marks, Trade Names and Acts of Unfair Competition, No. NS/RKM/0202/006 2002
Cambodia Markets Code of Civil Procedure 2006
Cambodia Markets Commercial Arbitration Law 2006
Cambodia Markets Sub-decree on Phytosanitary Inspection, No. 15 2003
Cambodia Markets Prakas No. 100 on the Quarantine Pest List 2010
Cambodia Markets Prakas No. 346 on the Procedures for Plant Quarantine Inspection 2010
Cambodia Machinery Law on Road Traffic, Royal decree NS/RKM/0115/001 2015
Cambodia Seed Law on Seed Management and Plant Breeder's Right 2008
Cambodia Transport Law on Road Traffic, Royal decree NS/RKM/0115/001 2015
Cambodia Transport Law on Road, NS/RKM/0514/008 2014
Cambodia Transport Joint Prakas No. 985 on Provision of Public Services by the Ministry of Commerce 2012
Cambodia Transport ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport 2009
Cambodia Transport ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Goods in Transit 1998
Cambodia Transport Memorandum of Understanding on Types and Quality of Commercial Motor Vehicles for Implementation of the Agreement and the Protocol between The Royal Government of Cambodia and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Road Transportation 2012
Cambodia Transport Memorandum of Understanding between and among the Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam on Road Transport 2013
Cambodia Transport Agreement on the Recognition of Domestic Driving License Issued by ASEAN Countries 1985
Cambodia Transport Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Transport Facilitation Agreement 1999
Cambodia Transport Law on Commercial Enterprises 2005
Cambodia Water Law on Water Resources Management 2007
Cambodia Water Circular No.1 under Prakas No. 306 2000
Cambodia Water Prakas No. 306 2000
Cambodia Water Sub-decree on Water Pollution Control No. 27 ANRK.BK 1999
Korea, Rep. Environment Act on the Preservation, Management and Use of Agro-Fishery Bioresources, No.11693 농수산생명자원의 보존ㆍ관리 및 이용에 관한 법률 2013
Korea, Rep. Environment Act on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants 식물신품종 보호법 2013
Korea, Rep. Environment Act on Conservation and Utilization of Biodiversity, Act No. 11257 생물다양성 보전 및 이용에 관한 법률 2012
Korea, Rep. Environment Act on the Management and Use of Livestock Excreta 가축분뇨의 관리 및 이용에 관한 법률 2013
Korea, Rep. Environment Water Quality and Ecosystem Conservation Act 수질 및 수생태계 보전에 관한 법률 2008
Korea, Rep. Environment Pesticide Control Act, No. 13132 농약관리법 2015
Korea, Rep. Environment National Land Planning and Utilization Act, No. 13475 국토의 계획 및 이용에 관한 법률 2015
Korea, Rep. Environment Framework Act on the Regulation of Land Use, No. 12737 토지이용규제 기본법 2014
Korea, Rep. Environment Farmland Act, No. 11599 농지법 2012
Korea, Rep. Environment Management of Mountainous Districts Act 민간인 통제선 이북지역의 산지관리에 관한 특별법 2010
Korea, Rep. Environment Environment-Friendly Agriculture Fosterage Act 친환경농어업 육성 및 유기식품 등의 관리ㆍ지원에 관한 법률 2010
Korea, Rep. Environment Act on the Management and Improvement of Carbon Sink, No.11713 탄소흡수원 유지 및 증진에 관한 법률 2013
Korea, Rep. Environment Enforcement Decree of the Pesticide Control Act, Decree No. 25840 농약관리법 시행령 2014
Korea, Rep. Environment Water Supply and Waterworks Installation Act, No. 12518 수도법 2014
Korea, Rep. Environment Enforcement Decree of the Wastes Control Act 폐기물관리법 시행령 2008
Korea, Rep. Environment Wastes Control Act 폐기물관리법 2008
Korea, Rep. Fertilizer Fertilizer Control Act 비료관리법 1995
Korea, Rep. Fertilizer Act on Registration, Evaluation Etc. of Chemicals, No. 11789 화학물질의 등록 및 평가 등에 관한 법률 2013
Korea, Rep. Fertilizer Enforcement Decree of the Fertilizer Control Act 비료관리법 시행령 1996
Korea, Rep. Finance Banking Act 은행법 2013
Korea, Rep. Finance Act on Credit Guarantees for Farmers and Fishermen, No. 2277 Act on Credit Guarantees for Farmers and Fishermen, No. 2277 1971
Korea, Rep. Finance Act on Registration of Credit Business, etc. and Protection of Finance Users, No. 6706 대부업 등의 등록 및 금융이용자 보호에 관한 법률 2002
Korea, Rep. Finance Depositor Protection Act, No. 5042 예금자보호법 1995
Korea, Rep. Finance Credit Unions Act 신용협동조합법 1998
Korea, Rep. Finance Electronic Financial Transactions Act 전자금융거래법 2006
Korea, Rep. Finance Real Name Act 금융실명거래 및 비밀보장에 관한 법률 1997
Korea, Rep. Finance Commercial Act 상법 1962
Korea, Rep. Finance Interest Limitation Act 이자제한법 2011
Korea, Rep. Finance Regulation on Supervision of Banking Business Regulation on Supervision of Banking Business ND
Korea, Rep. Finance Act On Security over Movable Property, Claims, Etc. 동산·채권 등의 담보에 관한 법률 2010
Korea, Rep. Finance Enforcement Decree of the Depositor Protection Act 예금자보호법 시행령 2009
Korea, Rep. ICT Telecommunications Business Act 전기통신사업법 2008
Korea, Rep. ICT Enforcement Decree of Radio Waves Act 전파법 시행령 2014
Korea, Rep. Livestock Regulations of Safety and Efficacy Evaluation for Animal Medicines, NVRQS Public Notification No. 2007-27 Regulations of Safety and Efficacy Evaluation for Animal Medicines, NVRQS Public Notification No. 2007-27 2007
Korea, Rep. Livestock Guideline on the Manufacturing and Item Permission of Animal Medicines Guideline on the Manufacturing and Item Permission of Animal Medicines 2005
Korea, Rep. Livestock Pharmaceutical Affairs Act 약사법 2010
Korea, Rep. Markets Plant Protection Act 식물방역법 2008
Korea, Rep. Markets Framework Act on Cooperatives, No. 11211 협동조합 기본법 2012
Korea, Rep. Markets Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Cooperatives 협동조합 기본법 시행령 2015
Korea, Rep. Markets Enforcement Rules of the Framework Act on Cooperatives 협동조합 기본법 시행규칙 2015
Korea, Rep. Markets Commercial Registration Act 상업등기법 2007
Korea, Rep. Markets Civil Act 민법 1958
Korea, Rep. Markets Arbitration Act 중재법 1999
Korea, Rep. Markets Civil Procedure Act 민사소송법 2002
Korea, Rep. Markets Judicial Conciliation of Civil Disputes Act 민사조정법 1990
Korea, Rep. Markets Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act 독점규제 및 공정거래에 관한 법률 1990
Korea, Rep. Markets Act on Fair Transactions in Large Franchise and Retail Business 대규모유통업에서의 거래 공정화에 관한 법률 2011
Korea, Rep. Machinery Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Act 농업기계화 촉진법 1994
Korea, Rep. Machinery Clean Air Conservation Act 대기환경보전법 2007
Korea, Rep. Machinery Enforcement Rules of the Agricultural Mechanization Promotion Act 농업기계화 촉진법 시행규칙 2014
Korea, Rep. Machinery Customs Act 관세법 2002
Korea, Rep. Seed Seed Industry Act 종자산업법 2013
Korea, Rep. Seed Plant Variety Protection Act 식물신품종 보호법 2013
Korea, Rep. Transport Trucking Transport Business Act 화물자동차 운수사업법 2004
Korea, Rep. Transport Toll Road Act, No. 8976 유료도로법 2008
Korea, Rep. Transport Road Traffic Act 도로교통법 2015
Korea, Rep. Transport Motor Vehicle Management Act, No. 10219 자동차관리법 2010
Korea, Rep. Water Public Waters Management and Reclamation Act 공유수면 관리 및 매립에 관한 법률 2010
Korea, Rep. Water River Act 하천법 1999
Korea, Rep. Water Enforcement Decree of the River Act 하천법 시행령 1999
Korea, Rep. Water Act on the Improvement of Water Quality and Support for Residents of the Han River Basin 한강수계 상수원수질개선 및 주민지원 등에 관한 법률 2011
Korea, Rep. Water Act on Water Management of and Resident Support in the Geum River Basin 금강수계 물관리 및 주민지원 등에 관한 법률 2011
Korea, Rep. Water Act on Water Management of and Resident Support in the Nakdong River Basin 낙동강수계 물관리 및 주민지원 등에 관한 법률 2011
Korea, Rep. Water Enforcement Decree of the Water Quality and Ecosystem Conservation Act 수질 및 수생태계 보전에 관한 법률 시행령 1997
Korea, Rep. Water Water Quality and Ecosystem Conservation Act 수질 및 수생태계 보전에 관한 법률 2008
Korea, Rep. Water Act on Water Management and Resident Support in the Yeongsan and Seomjin River Basin 영산강·섬진강수계 물관리 및 주민지원 등에 관한 법률 2011
Korea, Rep. Water Official Information Disclosure Act 공공기관의 정보공개에 관한 법률 2004
Korea, Rep. Water Framework Act on Environmental Policy 환경정책기본법 2008
Korea, Rep. Water Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on Environmental Policy 환경정책기본법 시행령 2010
Korea, Rep. Water Enforcement Regulation of the River Act 하천법 시행규칙 2009
Korea, Rep. Water Countermeasures Against Natural Disasters Act 자연재해대책법 2005
Korea, Rep. Water Groundwater Act 지하수법 1993
Korea, Rep. Water Enforcement Decree of the Groundwater Act 지하수법 시행령 1997
Lao PDR Environment Environmental Protection Law ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ການປົກປັກຮັກສາສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ 2013
Lao PDR Environment Law on Livestock Production And Veterinary Matters No. 03 ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການລ້ຽງສັດ ແລະ ການສັດຕະວະແພດ 2008
Lao PDR Environment Regulation on the Control of Pesticides ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍການຄຸ້ມຄອງ ຢາປາບສັດຕູພືດ ໃນ ສປປ ລາວ 2010
Lao PDR Environment Land Law ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ທີ່ດິນ 2003
Lao PDR Environment Law on Intellectual Property, No. 01/NA ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ຊັບສິນທາງປັນຍາ 2011
Lao PDR Fertilizer Decision No. 2169/MAF of Minister of Agriculture on Fertilizer Management ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຄຸ້ມຄອງຝຸ່ນ ໃນ ສປປ ລາວ ເລກທີ 2169/ກປ 2013
Lao PDR Fertilizer Law on Agriculture, No. 01-98/NA ກົດຫມາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍກະສິກຳ 1998
Lao PDR Finance Law on Commercial Banks, No. 03/NA ກົດຫມາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ທະນາຄານ ພານິດ 2007
Lao PDR Finance Decision No. 529/BOL on Interest Rates ກ່ຽວກັບການກຳນົດອັດຕາດອກເບ້ຍຂອງທະນາຄານທຸລະກິດ ເລກທີ 529/ທຫລ 2015
Lao PDR Finance Decision No. 283/BOL Regulation on the Depositor Protection Fund ການຕັດສິນໃຈ ທີ່ບໍ່ມີ. 283/ທຫລ, ລົງວັນທີ 30 ສິງຫາ 1999- ລະບຽບການ ກ່ຽວກັບການ ກອງທຶນປົກປ້ອງ ຜູ້ຝາກເງິນ 1999
Lao PDR Finance Decree No. 460 on Microfinance Institutions ດໍາລັດວ່າດ້ວຍສະຖາບັນການເງິນຈຸລະພາກ ເລກທີ 460/ລບ ນະຄອນຫຼວງວຽງຈັນ 2012
Lao PDR Finance Decree No.04/BOL Regulation for Deposit-taking MFIs Decree No.04/BOL Regulation for Deposit-taking MFIs 2008
Lao PDR Finance Regulation No.3/BOL Regulations for Savings and Credit Unions ຂໍ້ ກໍາ ນົດ ວ່າ ດ້ວຍ ການ ຄຸ້ມ ຄອງ ສະ ຫະ ກອນ ສິນ ເຊື່ອ ແລະ ເງິນ ຝາກ ປະ ຢັດ , ເລກ ທີ 03 / ທ ຫ ລ 2008
Lao PDR Finance Regulation No. 3381/MOF The Management of the Registry Office For Security Interests in Movable Asset Regulation No. 3381/MOF The Management of the Registry Office For Security Interests in Movable Asset 2013
Lao PDR ICT Telecommunications Law, No. 09/NA ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການໂທລະຄົມມະນາຄົມ (ສະບັບປັບປຸງ), ເລກທີ 09/ສພຊ 2011
Lao PDR Livestock Law on Livestock Production And Veterinary Matters No. 03 ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການລ້ຽງສັດ ແລະ ການສັດຕະວະແພດ 2008
Lao PDR Livestock Customs Law ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ພາສີ 1994
Lao PDR Markets Decree on Cooperatives, No. 136/PM ດໍາລັດ ວ່າດ້ວຍສະຫະກອນ 2010
Lao PDR Markets Agreement of the Minister Regarding Agriculture Cooperatives, No. 2983/MAF ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍສະຫະກອນ ຜະລິດກະສິກໍາ 2014
Lao PDR Markets Agreement of the Minister Regarding the Establishment of Agriculture Production Groups, No. 2984/MAF of 25 September 2014 Agreement of the Minister Regarding the Establishment of Agriculture Production Groups, No. 2984/MAF of 25 September 2014 2014
Lao PDR Markets Law on Resolution of Economic Disputes, No. 06/NA ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການແກ້ໄຂຂໍ້ຂັດແຍ່ງທາງດ້ານເສດຖະກິດ 2010
Lao PDR Markets Law on Contract and Other Obligations, No. 221/NA ກົດຫມາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ຂໍ້ຜູກພັນໃນສັນຍາ ແລະ ນອກສັນຍາ 2008
Lao PDR Markets Law on Business Competition, No. 60/NA ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍແຂ່ງຂັນທາງທຸລະກິດ 2015
Lao PDR Markets Law on Plant Protection, No. 06/NA ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການປ້ອງກັນພືດ 2008
Lao PDR Markets Decree Implementing the Law on Plant Protection, No. 229/GoL ດຳລັດແນະນຳປະຕິບັດ ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ການປ້ອງກັນພືດ 2012
Lao PDR Markets Decree No. 003/PO of the President on the Promulgation of the Fee and Service Charges ລັດຖະບັນຍັດ ຂອງປະທານປະເທດ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ຄ່າທຳນຽມ ແລະ ຄ່າບໍລິການ, ສະບັບເລກທີ 003/ປປທ 2012
Lao PDR Seed Agreement No. 3919/MAF of the Minister on the Management and Use of Plant Variety ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງ ຂອງລັດຖະມົນຕີ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຄຸ້ມຄອງ ແລະ ນໍາໃຊ້ ແນວພັນພືດ ເລກທີ 3919/ກປ 2012
Lao PDR Seed Law on Intellectual Property, No. 01/NA ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ຊັບສິນທາງປັນຍາ 2011
Lao PDR Transport Land Transport Law ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ການຂົນສົ່ງທາງບົກ 2012
Lao PDR Transport ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport null 2009
Lao PDR Transport Law on Food ກົດ​ໝາຍ ວ່າ​ດ້ວຍ​ອາ​ຫານ 2013
Lao PDR Transport Regulation on the Control on Production, Exported-Imported Safe Food ຂໍ້ຕົກລົງວ່າດ້ວຍການນໍາເຂົ້າ-ສົ່ງອອກ ຜະລິດຕະພັນອາຫານ 2006
Lao PDR Water Law on Agriculture, No. 01-98/NA ກົດຫມາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍກະສິກຳ 1998
Lao PDR Water Environmental Protection Law ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍ ການປົກປັກຮັກສາສິ່ງແວດລ້ອມ 2013
Lao PDR Water Water and Water Resources Law, No. 106 ກົດໝາຍວ່າດ້ວຍນໍ້າ ແລະ ຊັບພະຍາກອນແຫຼ່ງນໍ້າ 1996
Lao PDR Water Irrigation Law ກົດໝາຍ ວ່າດ້ວຍ ຊົນລະປະທານ 2013
Lao PDR Water Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin Agreement on the Cooperation for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong River Basin 1995
Liberia Environment Environment Protection and Management Law 2002
Liberia Fertilizer Handbook for Operating Businesses 2010
Liberia Finance Regulations Concerning Prudential Regulations on Capital Adequacy Requirements for Licensed Banks, No. CBL/RSD/003/2013 2013
Liberia Finance Prudential Regulations for Asset Classification, Provision for Loan Lossses and Suspension of Interest on Non-performing Loans and Advances 2014
Liberia Finance New Financial Institutions Act 1999
Liberia Finance Prudential Regulations for Microfinance Deposit Taking Institutions (MDIs), No. CBL/SD/005/2010 ND
Liberia Finance Regulation No. CBL/RSD/001/2015 Regulations for the Licensing and Operations of Credit Unions in Liberia 2015
Liberia Finance Central Bank of Liberia Directive No. CBL/SD/003/2011 Concerning Display of Interest Rates and Charges, and Computation of Lending Rates 2011
Liberia Finance Mobile Money Regulations, Regulation No. CBL/RSD/003/2014 2014
Liberia Finance Regulations for Secured Transactions/Collateral Registry 2013
Liberia Finance Regulation No. CBL/SD/01/2004, Regulation Concerning Interest Rate Determination 2004
Liberia ICT Telecommunications Act 2007
Liberia ICT National Telecommunications and ICT Policy 2015
Liberia ICT Telecommunications Licensing Authorization Regulations 2015
Liberia Livestock Act to Establish the Liberia Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) 2010
Liberia Livestock Guidelines for Registration of Medicines and Health Products 2012
Liberia Livestock Application Form for Import License ND
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Executive Law - Title 12 - Chapter 57 (Liberian Produce Marketing Corporation) 1973
Liberia Markets National Export Strategy - Cocoa Sector Export Strategy (2014-2018) 2014
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Agriculture Law - Title 3 - Chapter 1 (Plant and Animal Quarantine Act) 1973
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Associations Law - Title 5 - Chapter 42 (Cooperative Societies Act) 1976
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Commercial Code - Title 7 - Chapter 2 (Sales) 2010
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Commercial Code - Title 7 - Chapter 7 (Commercial Arbitration) 2010
Liberia Markets Liberian Code of Laws Revised, Civil Procedure Law - Title 1 - Chapter 64 (Arbitration) 1972
Liberia Transport Vehicle and Traffic Law 1972
Liberia Transport Regulation No. 14/2005/CM/UEMOA on the Harmonization of Standards and Template Control Procedures, Weight and Axle Load of Heavy Vehicles Transporting Goods in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) 2005
Liberia Transport Transport Master Plan of Liberia 2012
Liberia Water Environment Protection and Management Law 2002
Sri Lanka Environment Seed Act, No. 22 2003
Sri Lanka Environment Protection of New Plant Varieties Act (Breeder's Rights) 2001
Sri Lanka Environment Control of Pesticides Act, No. 33 1980
Sri Lanka Environment Land Development Ordinance, No. 19 1935
Sri Lanka Environment Forest (Amendment) Act, No. 13 1966
Sri Lanka Environment Forest Ordinance, No. 16 2009
Sri Lanka Environment Soil Conservation Act 1951
Sri Lanka Fertilizer Regulation of Fertilizer Act, No. 68 1988
Sri Lanka Finance Banking Act Directions of No. 9 on Maintenance of Capital Adequacy Ratio 2007
Sri Lanka Finance Banking Act Direction No.3 on Classification of Loans and Advances, Income Recognition and Provisioning 2008
Sri Lanka Finance Banking Act, No. 30 1988
Sri Lanka Finance Guidelines on Implementation of the New Web Based Off-Site Surveillance System 2006
Sri Lanka Finance Circular on Misleading and Unethical Advertisement 2008
Sri Lanka Finance Monetary Law Act 2014
Sri Lanka Finance Banking Act Direction No. 5 on Insurance of Deposit Liabilities 2010
Sri Lanka Finance Deposit Insurance Scheme Regulations, No. 1 2010
Sri Lanka Finance Cooperative Societies Law 1972
Sri Lanka Finance Payment Cards and Mobile Payment Systems Regulations, No. 1 2013
Sri Lanka Finance Mobile Payment Guidelines No. 2 2011
Sri Lanka Finance Circular No. 02/04/008/0002/002 on Mandatory Lending to the Agriculture Sector 2009
Sri Lanka Finance Circular No.02/17/600/002/001 on Interest Rates on Credit Cards and Other Loans and Advances 2013
Sri Lanka Finance Microfinance Act, No. 6 2016
Sri Lanka ICT Telecommunication Act, No. 25 1991
Sri Lanka ICT Guidelines and Procedures for Issuing, Renewal and Modification of Licenses under the Sri Lanka Telecommunication Act 2006
Sri Lanka ICT International Telecommunications Operators Levy (Imposition) Regulation, No. 1 2006
Sri Lanka Livestock Animal Diseases (Control and Prevention) Regulations 1998
Sri Lanka Livestock Animal Act 1959
Sri Lanka Livestock Animal Diseases Act 1992
Sri Lanka Livestock Guidelines on Import Control Licensing Procedure for Importation of Drugs ND
Sri Lanka Livestock Imports and Exports (Control) Act, No. 1 1969
Sri Lanka Markets Tea (Tax and Control of Export) Act, No. 16 1959
Sri Lanka Markets Plant Protection Act, No. 35 1999
Sri Lanka Markets Cooperative Societies Law, No. 5 1972
Sri Lanka Markets Arbitration Act, No. 11 1995
Sri Lanka Markets Civil Procedure Code 1890
Sri Lanka Markets Sale of Goods Ordinance, No. 11 1896
Sri Lanka Markets Mediation Board Act, No. 72 1988
Sri Lanka Markets Commercial Mediation Centre of Sri Lanka Act, No. 44 2000
Sri Lanka Markets Regulated Pests of Sri Lanka 2016
Sri Lanka Seed Seed Act, No. 22 2003
Sri Lanka Transport Motor Traffic (Amendment) Act, No. 8 2009
Sri Lanka Water Mahaweli Authority of Sri Lanka Act, No. 23 1979
Sri Lanka Water Agrarian Development Act, No. 46 2000
Sri Lanka Water Irrigation (Amendment) Act, No. 23 1983
Sri Lanka Water Irrigation (Amendment) Act, No. 34 1990
Sri Lanka Water Irrigation (Amendment) Act, No. 13 1994
Sri Lanka Water Irrigation Ordinance (Cap. 453) 1946
Sri Lanka Water National Water Supply and Drainage Board Law, No. 2 1974
Sri Lanka Water Prescription Ordinance 1872
Sri Lanka Water State Lands Ordinance 1949
Sri Lanka Water Water Resources Board Act, No. 29 1964
Sri Lanka Water Water Resource Board (Amendment) Act, No. 42 1999
Sri Lanka Water River Valleys Development Board Act, No. 18 1965
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-13-58 for the Promulgation of Law No. 13-12 Concerning the Publication of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Dahir n° 1-13-58 portant promulgation de la loi n° 13-12 portant approbation du Protocole de Nagoya sur l’accès aux ressources génétiques et le partage juste et équitable des avantages découlant de leur utilisation, annexé à la Convention sur la diversité biologique, fait à Nagoya au Japon, le (29 octobre 2010; Article 7 du protocole) 2013
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-96-255 on the Enactment of Law No. 9-94 on the Protection of Plant Varieties Dahir n° 1-96-255 portant promulgation de la loi n° 9-94 sur la protection des obtentions végétales 1997
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-76-472 Amending the Dahir No. 1.69.169 of 10 Jumada I 1389 (25 July 1969) Regulating the Production and Marketing of Seeds and Plants Dahir portant loi n° 1-76-472 modifiant le dahir n°1.69.169 du 10 joumada I 1389 (25 juillet 1969), réglementant la production et la commercialisation des semences et des plants 1977
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-97-01 Promulgating the Law No. 42-95 on the Control and the Organization of the Trade of Pesticide Products for Agricultural Uuse Dahir n° 1-97-01 portant promulgation de la loi n°42-95 relative au contrôle et à l'organisation du commerce des produits pesticides à usage agricole 1997
Morocco Environment Decree No. 2-07-253 on the Classification of Waste and Establishing the List of Dangerous Waste Products Décret n° 2-07-253 portant classification des déchets et fixant la liste des déchets dangereux 2008
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-06-153 Promulgating the Law No. 28-00 on the Management of Wastes and their Elimination Dahir n° 1-06-153 portant promulgation de la loi n° 28-00 relative à la gestion des déchets et à leur élimination 2006
Morocco Environment Dahir on Conservation and Forestry Dahir sur la conservation et l'exploitation des forêts 1917
Morocco Environment Dahir No. 1-92-31 Promulgating Law No. 12-90 on Town Planning Dahir n° 1-92-31 portant promulgation de la loi n° 12-90 relative à l'urbanisme 1992
Morocco Fertilizer Dahir No. 1-91-261 Promulgating the Law No. 13-89 on Foreign Trade Dahir n° 1-91-261 portant promulgation de la loi n° 13-89 relative au commerce extérieur 1997
Morocco Fertilizer Vizierial Order of 25 Shawwal 1361 (4 November 1942) Regulating Trade in Fertilizers and Soil Arrêté viziriel du 25 chaoual 1361 (4 novembre 1942) portant réglementation du commerce des engrais et amendements 1942
Morocco Finance Dahir No. 1-14-193 Promulgating the Law No. 103-12 on Credit Institutions and Similar Bodies Dahir n° 1-14-193 du 1er rabii I 1436 (24 décembre 2014 portant promulgation de la loi n° 103-12 relative aux établissements de crédit et organismes assimilés 2014
Morocco Finance Circular No. 25/G/2006 Concerning the Minimum Solvency Ratio of Credit Institutions Circulaire n° 25/G/2006 relative au coefficient minimum de solvabilité des établissements de crédit 2006
Morocco Finance Circular No. 19/G/2002 Concerning the Classification of Credits and their Coverage by Provisions Circulaire n° 19/G/2002 relative à la classification des créances et à leur couverture par les provisions 2002
Morocco Finance Order of the Minister of Finance and Privatization No. 2250-06 Determining the Maximum Conventional Interest Rate of Credit Institutions Arrêté du Ministre des finances et de la privatisation n° 2250-06 déterminant le taux maximum des intérêts conventionnels des établissements de crédit 2006
Morocco Finance Circular No. 22/G/2006 on the Financing Arrangements, Management and Intervention of the Deposit Guarantee Fund Circulaire n° 22/G/2006 relative aux modalités de financement, de gestion et d’intervention du Fonds collectif de garantie des dépôts 2006
Morocco Finance Dahir No. 1-96-83 Promulgating the Law No. 15-95 on the Code of Commerce Dahir n° 1-96-83 portant promulgation de la loi n° 15-95 formant code de commerce 1996
Morocco Finance Dahir of 6 July Dahir du 6 Juillet 1915
Morocco Finance Circular No. 13/G/99 of 03/12 on the rules for preparing and transmitting to Bank Al -Maghrib the balance of accounts and accounting situation and annexes Circulaire 13/G/99 Circulaire relative aux modalités d'élaboration et de transmission à Bank Al-Maghrib de la balance des comptes et de la situation comptable et ses états annexes 1999
Morocco Finance Circular of the Governor of Bank Al-Maghrib No. 25/G/2006 Concerning the Minimum Solvency Ratio of Credit Institutions Circulaire n° 25/G/2006 relative au coefficient minimum de solvabilité des établissements de crédit 2006
Morocco Finance Circular No. 10/W/16 on the Procedure for Handling Consumer Complaints Circulaire n° 10/W/16 sur les modalités de traitement des réclamations de la clientèle des établissements de crédit 2016
Morocco Finance Payment Institution Circular No. 06/W/2016 Circulaire établissement de paiement n° 06/W/2017 2016
Morocco Finance Circular No. 07/W/2016 on the Procedures for the Exercise of Payment Services Circulaire n° 7/W/2016 relative aux modalités d’exercice des services de paiement 2016
Morocco ICT Law No. 24-96 on Post and Telecommunications Loi n° 24-96 relative à la poste et aux télécommunications 1997
Morocco ICT Decree No. 2-97-1026 on General Conditions for Operation of Public Telecommunications Networks Décret n° 2-97-1026 relatif aux conditions générales d'exploitation des réseaux publics de télécommunications 1998
Morocco Livestock Dahir No. 1-80-340 Promulgating Act No. 21-80 Relating to the Private Practice of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy Dahir n° 1-80-340 portant promulgation de la loi n° 21-80 relative à l'exercice, à titre privé, de la médecine, de la chirurgie et de la pharmacie vétérinaires 1980
Morocco Livestock Joint Circular No 1/94 on the Submission of Applications for Marketing Authorizations for Pharmaceutical Specialties for Veterinary Use Circulaire conjointe n° l/94 relative à la constitution des dossiers de demande d'autorisation de mise sur le marché des spécialités pharmaceutiques à usage vétérinaire 1994
Morocco Livestock Decree No. 2-82-541 on the Application of Act No. 21-80 Relating to the Private Practice of Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Pharmacy Décret n° 2-82-541 pris pour l'application de la loi n° 21-80 relative à l'exercice, à titre privé, de la médecine, de la chirurgie et de la pharmacie vétérinaires 1983
Morocco Markets Dahir No. 1-09-20 Promulgating Law No. 25-08 Establishing the National Office for Sanitary Safety of Food Products Dahir n° 1-09-20 portant promulgation de la loi n° 25-08 portant création de l’Office national de sécurité sanitaire des produits alimentaires 2009
Morocco Markets Decree of 20 September on Regulation of Sanitary Police for Plants in the French Zone of the Sherifian Empire Dahir du 20 septembre 1927 (23 rebia I 1346) portant règlement de police sanitaire des végétaux en zone française de l’Empire Chérifien 1927
Morocco Markets Dahir No. 1-73-439 on Publication of the International Plant Protection Convention Signed in Rome on 6 December 1951 Dahir n° 1-73-439 portant publication de la convention internationale pour la protection des végétaux faite à Rome le 6 décembre 1951 1974
Morocco Markets Decision No. 468-84 of Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform on Phytosanitary Control of Plants and Parts of Plants Infested by Certain Pests and Harmful Diseases Arrêté n° 468-84 du Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Réforme Agraire relatif aux contrôles phytosanitaires des plantes ou parties de plantes susceptibles d’être infestées par certains ravageurs et maladies nuisibles 1984
Morocco Markets Decision No. 1306-85 of Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform on Sanitary Police for Imported Plants and Plant Products Arrêté n° 1306-85 du Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Réforme Agraire relatif à la police sanitaire des végétaux ou produits végétaux à l’importation 1986
Morocco Markets Decision No. 467-84 of Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform on the Importation of Plants or Plant Parts Potentially Infested by Certain Harmful Species of Animal or Plant Pests Arrêté n° 467-84 du Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Réforme Agraire modifié et complété réglementant l’importation de plantes ou parties de plantes susceptibles d’être infestées par certaines espèces nuisibles de ravageurs animaux ou végétaux 1984
Morocco Markets Decision on the Organization of the National Office for Sanitary Safety of Food Products Arrêté fixant l'organisation des services de l'Office National de Santé Sanitaire et Alimentaire 2015
Morocco Markets Decision of 16 January 2015 Modifying Decision of 1 September 2014 Setting the List of Fees for Services Provided by ONSSA Décision du 16 janvier 2015 modifiant la décision du 1er septembre 2014 fixant la liste des tarifs des services et prestation par l’ONSSA 2015
Morocco Markets List and Fees of Services Provided by ONSSA Under Decision of 16 January Liste et tarifs des services et prestations rendus par l'ONSSA, Décision du 16 janvier 2015
Morocco Markets Decree No. 2-10-122 on Creation of National Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Décret n° 2-10-122 portant création du Comité national des mesures sanitaires et phytosanitaires 2010
Morocco Markets Decision of the Director of Agriculture, Trade and Forestry of 13 July on the Approval of Factories and Workshops Manufacturing, Processing, Packaging or Storing Food Products Subject to Technical Inspection in the Manufacture and Packaging of the Office and to the Hygienic Standards to be met by such Workshops and Factories and to which their Staff Must Comply Arrêté du directeur de l'agriculture, du commerce et des forêts du 13 juillet 1948 relatif à l'agréage des usines et ateliers fabriquant, transformant, conditionnant ou stockant des produits alimentaires soumis au contrôle technique à la fabrication et au conditionnement de l'Office chérifien de contrôle et d'exportation, et aux normes hygiéniques auxquelles doivent satisfaire ces ateliers et usines et auxquelles leur personnel doit se conformer 1948
Morocco Markets Decision of 17 August Amending Decision of 13 July 1948 on Export License Arrêté du directeur du commerce et de la marine marchande du 17 août 1953 modifiant et complétant l'arrêté, du directeur de l'agriculture du commerce et des forêts du 13 juillet 1948 relatif à l'agréage des usines et ateliers fabriquant; transformant, conditionnant ou stockant des produits alimentaires soumis au contrôle technique à la fabrication et au conditionnement de l'Office chérifien de contrôle et d'exportation, et aux, normes hygiéniques auxquelles doivent satisfaire ces ateliers et usines et auxquelles leur personnel doit se conformer 1953
Morocco Markets Dahir No. 1-83-226 Promulgating Law No. 24-83 on Cooperatives Dahir n° 1-83-226 portant promulgation de la loi n° 24-83 fixant le statut général des coopératives et les missions de l'Office du développement de la coopération 1984
Morocco Markets Constition of Morocco Constitution Marocaine 2011
Morocco Markets Code of Obligations and Contracts Code des obligations et des contrats 1913
Morocco Markets Civil Procedure Code, Approved by Dahir No. 1-74-447 Dahir portant loi n° 1-74-447 approuvant le texte du Code de procédure civile 1974
Morocco Markets Dahir No. 1-14-189 Promulgating Law No. 112-12 on Cooperatives Dahir n° 1-14-189 portant promulgation de la loi n°112-12 relative aux coopératives 2014
Morocco Markets Law No. 04-12 on Agricultural Aggregation Loi n° 04-12 sur l'agrégation agricole 2012
Morocco Markets Decision No. 3073-14 Laying Down the Forms and Methods of Approval of Agricultural Aggregation Projects and the Issue of Certificates of Agricultural Aggregation Arrêté n°3073-14 fixant les formes et les modalité d’approbation des projets d’agrégation agricole et de délivrance des attestations d’agrégation agricole 2014
Morocco Machinery Dahir No. 1-91-261 Promulgating the Law No. 13-89 on Foreign Trade Dahir n° 1-91-261 portant promulgation de la loi n° 13-89 relative au commerce extérieur 1997
Morocco Machinery Import Procedures Procedures d'Importation ND
Morocco Machinery Dahir No. 1-10-07 Promulgating the Law No. 52-05 bearing the Highway Code Dahir n° 1-10-07 portant promulgation de la loi n° 52-05 portant code de la route 2010
Morocco Machinery Code of Obligations and Contracts Code des obligations et des contrats 1913
Morocco Machinery Dahir No. 1-11-140 Promulgating the Law No. 24-09 Relative to the Safety of Products and Services and Supplementing the Dahir of 9 Ramadan 1331 (12 August 1913) Forming Code of Obligations and Contracts Dahir n° 1-11-140 portant promulgation de la loi n° 24-09 relative à la sécurité des produits et des services et complétant le dahir du 9 ramadan 1331 (12 août 1913) formant code des obligations et des contrats 2011
Morocco Machinery Decree No. 2-04-748 Amending and Supplementing the Decree of 8 Joumada I 1372 (24 January 1953) on the Traffic and Taxiing Police Décret n° 2-04-748 modifiant et complétant l'arrêté du 8 Joumada I 1372 (24 janvier 1953) sur la police de la circulation et du roulage 2005
Morocco Seed Dahir No. 1-69-169 Regulating the Production and Marketing of Seeds and Seedlings Dahir n° 1-69-169 réglementant la production et la commercialisation de semences et de plants 1969
Morocco Seed Dahir No. 1-96-255 Promulgating the Law No. 9-94 on the Protection of Plant Varieties Dahir n° 1-96-255 portant promulgation de la loi n° 9-94 sur la protection des obtentions végétales 1997
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Ddevelopment, Water, and Forests No. 1577-1502 Establishing the List of Protectable Genera and Species Varieties, the Right of Breeder for Each Genus and Species, and the Duration of Protection for Each Species Arrêté du ministre de l’agriculture, du développement rural et des eaux et forêts n°1577-02 fixant la liste des genres et espèces des variétés protégeables, les éléments sur lesquels porte le droit de l'obtenteur pour chaque genre et espèce ainsi que la durée de protection pour chaque espèce 2002
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 859-75 Concerning Homologation of the Technical Regulation on the Production, Testing, Packaging and Certification of Maize Seed Arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire n°859-75 portant homologation du règlement technique relatif à la production, au contrôle, au conditionnement et à la certification des semences de maïs 1977
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 966-93 Laying Down the Conditions to Import and Market Seeds for Cultivation Arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire n°966-93 fixant les conditions d'importation et de commercialisation des semences à cultiver 1993
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 863-75 Fixing the Required Conditions of the Official Catalog of Species and Varieties of Crop Plants in Morocco, and the Terms of Preliminary Experimentation for Inclusion of New Varieties on the Said Catalog Arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire n°863-75 fixant les conditions de tenue du catalogue officiel des espèces et des variétés de plantes cultivables au Maroc, ainsi que les modalités d'expérimentation préalables à l'inscription de nouvelles variétés sur ledit catalogue 1977
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Reform No. 864-75 on the Composition and Functions of the National Committee for the Selection of Seeds and Seedlings Arrêté du ministre de l'agriculture et de la réforme agraire n°864-75 relatif à la composition et aux attributions du Comité national de la sélection des semences et des plants 1977
Morocco Seed Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Fisheries and the Minister of Economy and Finance of 1 September Establishing the List and Tariffs for Services Rendered by ONSSA Décision du Ministre de l'Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime et du Ministre de l'Économie et des Finances du 1er Septembre fixant la liste et tarifs des services rendus par l’ONSSA 2014
Morocco Transport General Guidelines on the Organization of Technical Control of Vehicles under the Ministry of Equipment and Transport, Cahier des Charges n°143/SecMin/06 Cahier des charges général relatif à l´organisation du controle technique des véhicules, Ministère de l´Equipement et du Transport. Cahier des charges n°143/ SecMin/06 2006
Morocco Transport Dahir No. 1-10-07 Promulgating the Law No. 52-05 bearing the Highway Code Dahir n° 1-10-07 portant promulgation de la loi n° 52-05 portant code de la route 2010
Morocco Transport Decree No. 2.03-169 on Road Freight Transport for Hire or Reward or for Own Account Décret n° 2-03-169 relatif au transport routier de marchandises pour compte d'autrui ou pour compte propre 2003
Morocco Transport Dahir No. 1-00-23 Promulgating Law No. 16-99 Amending and Supplementing the Dahir No. 1-63-260 on Road Transport Dahir n° 1-00-23 portant promulgation de la loi n° 16-99 modifiant et complétant le dahir n° 1-63-260 du 24 joumada II 1383 (12 novembre 1963) relatif aux transports par véhicules automobiles sur route 2000
Morocco Transport Spain-Morocco Road Transport Agreement Acuerdo entre el Reino de España y el Reino de Marruecos relativo a los transportes terrestres internacionales de mercancias 1988
Morocco Transport Decision No. 664-03 2003 on Licensing Requirements to Conduct Commercial Road Transport Arrêté n° 664-03 pris pour l'application du Décret n° 2-03-169 du 22 moharrem 1424 relatif au transport routier de machandises pour compte dáutrui ou pour compte propre 2003
Morocco Transport Decision No. 1744-03 on Pro-Forma Road Transport Contract Arrêté n° 1744-03 relatif au contrat-type de transport routier de marchandises pour compte d'autrui 2003
Morocco Transport Joint Decision of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Minister for Equipment and Transport No. 1196-03 on the Standards to be Met by Isothermal, Refrigerated or Refrigerated Transport Units and Laying Down the Test Methods for the Conditions of Award, the Models of the Certificates of Approval or Attestation of Conformity, the Identification Marks to be Affixed to those Devices and the Nature of the Documents which must Accompany Them During Their Journey Arrêté conjoint du ministre de l'agriculture et du développement rural et du ministre de l'équipement et du transport n°1196-03 relatif aux normes auxquelles doivent satisfaire les engins de transport isothermes, réfrigérants ou frigorifiques, et fixant les méthodes d'essai et de contrôle qui seront appliquées à ces engins, les conditions d'attribution, les modèles des certificats d'agrément ou d'attestation de conformité, les marques d'identification à apposer sur lesdits engins et la nature des documents qui doivent les accompagner au cours de leur déplacement 2004
Morocco Transport Decree No. 2-97-177 on Transport of Perishable Products Décret n° 2-97-177 relatif au transport des denrées périssables 1999
Morocco Water Decree No. 2-07-96 Fixing the Procedure for Granting Authorizations and Concessions on Public Water Resources Décret n° 2-07-96 fixant la procédure d'octroi des autorisations et des concessions relatives au domaine public hydraulique 2009
Morocco Water Dahir No. 1-87-12 Enacting Law No. 02-84 Relating to Agricultural Water Users Associations Dahir n° 1-87-12 portant promulgation de la loi n° 02-84 relative aux associations d'usagers des eaux agricoles 1990
Morocco Water Decree No. 2-84-106 Fixing the Procedure Agreed between the Administration and the Associations of Agricultural Water Users and Approving the Standard Statutes of Said Associations Décret n° 2-84-106 fixant les modalités d'accord entre l'administration et les associations des usagers des eaux agricoles et approuvant les statuts-types desdites associations 1992
Morocco Water Decree No. 2-97-178 Fixing the Reporting Procedure for the Maintenance of an Inventory of Water Resources Décret n° 2-97-178 fixant la procédure de déclaration pour la tenue à jour de l'inventaire des ressources en eau 1997
Morocco Water Dahir No. 1-95-154 Promulgating Law No. 10-95 on Water Dahir n° 1-95-154 portant promulgation de la loi n° 10-95 sur l'eau 1995
Morocco Water Decree No. 2-97-414 on the Procedure for Assessment and Collection of the Fee for Use of Water from Public Water Resources Décret n° 2-97-414 relatif aux modalités de fixation et de recouvrement de la redevance pour utilisation de l'eau du domaine public hydraulique 1998
Morocco Water Decree No. 2-97-787 on Water Quality Standards and the Inventory of the Degree of Water Pollution Décret n° 2-97-787 relatif aux normes de qualité des eaux et à l'inventaire du degré de pollution des eaux 1998
Morocco Water Law No. 11-03 on the Protection and Valorization of the Environment Loi n° 11-03 relative à la protection et à la mise en valeur de l’environnement promulguée par le dahir n°1-03-59 2003
Morocco Water Framework Law No. 99-12 Covering the National Charter on Environment and Sustainable Development Loi-Cadre n° 99-12 portant charte nationale de Penvironnement et du développement durable 2014
Morocco Water Joint Decree of the Minister of Equipment and the Minister for Regional Planning, the Environment, Urban Planning and Habitat No. 1276-1201 Laying Down Water Quality Standards for Irrigation Arrêté conjoint du ministre de l'equipement et du ministre charge de l'amenagement du territoire, de l'environnement, de l'urbanisme et de l'habitat n° 1276-01 portant fixation des normes de qualité des eaux destinées à l'irrigation 2002
Mexico Environment Law for Sustainable Rural Development Ley de desarrollo rural sustentable 2001
Mexico Environment Decree No. 183 - Code for Biodiversity of the State of Mexico Decreto N° 183- Código para la biodiversidad del Estado de México 2005
Mexico Environment National Action Plan for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (SINAREFI) Plan de acción del sistema nacional de recursos fitogenéticos para la alimentación y la agricultura (SINAREFI) 2006
Mexico Environment Sectoral Program for the Development of Agriculture and Fisheries 2007-2012 Programa sectorial de desarollo agropecuario y pesquero 2007-2012 2007
Mexico Environment Federal Law for the Production, Certification and Trade of Seed Ley federal de produccion, certificacion y comercio de semillas 2007
Mexico Environment Federal Law for Plant Varieties Ley federal de variedades vegetales 2012
Mexico Environment Federal Plant Protection Act Ley federal de sanidad vegetal 2011
Mexico Environment General Law for Ecological Balance and Environmental Protection Ley general de equilibrio ecológico y protección al ambiente 1988
Mexico Environment General Law for the Prevention and Management of Waste Ley general para la prevención y gestión integral de los residuos 2003
Mexico Environment Mexican Official Norm NOM-232-SSA1-2009, Pesticides: Establishing the Requirements for the Packaging and Labeling of Technical Materials and Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock, Gardening, Urban, Industrial and Domestic Use Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-232-SSA1-2009, Plaguicidas: que establece los requisitos del envase, embalaje y etiquetado de productos grado técnico y para uso agrícola, forestal, pecuario, jardinería, urbano, industrial y doméstico 2009
Mexico Environment Regulations Pertaining to Registration, Import and Export Authorization and Export Certificates of Pesticides, Plant Nutrients and Toxic or Dangerous Materials and Substances Reglamento en materia de registros, autorizaciones de importación y exportación y certificados de exportación de plaguicidas, nutrientes vegetales y sustancias y materiales tóxicos o peligrosos 2004
Mexico Environment Mexican Official Norm NOM-055-SEMARNAT-2003 Establishing the Requirements to be Met by the Sites that Will be Used for Controlled Hazardous Waste Landfill NOM-055-SEMARNAT-2003 Establece los requisitos que deben reunir los sitios que se destinarán para un confinamiento controlado de residuos peligrosos previamente estabilizados 2003
Mexico Environment Mexican Official Norm NOM-057-SEMARNAT-1993 Establishing the Requirements to be Observed by the Design, Construction and Operation of Cells for Hazardous Waste Landfill NOM-057-SEMARNAT-1993 Establece los requisitos que deben observar el diseño, construcción y operación de celdas de un confinamiento de residuos peligrosos 1993
Mexico Environment Mexican Official Norm, NOM-058-SEMARNAT-1993 Establishing the Requirements for the Operation of a Hazardous Waste Landfill NOM-058-SEMARNAT-1993 Establece los requisitos para la operación de un confinamiento de residuos peligrosos 1993
Mexico Environment Regulation of the LGEEPA for Ecological Management Reglamento de la LGEEPA en materia de Ordenamiento Ecológico 2003
Mexico Environment General Law on Human Settlements Ley general de asentamientos humano 1993
Mexico Environment General Tourism Law Ley general de turismo 2009
Mexico Environment Agrarian Law Ley agraria 1992
Mexico Environment General Law on Sustainable Forestry Development Ley general de desarrollo forestal sustentable 2003
Mexico Environment Mexican Official Norm NOM 062 SEMARNAT 1994 Establishes Specifications to Mitigate the Adverse Effects on Biodiversity that are Caused by the Change in Land Use of Forest Land to Agriculture Norma Oficial Mexicana Nom 062 SEMARNAT 1994 Que establece las especificaciones para mitigar los efectos adversos sobre la biodiversidad que se ocasionen por el cambio de uso del suelo de terrenos forestales a agropecuario 1994
Mexico Environment Operating Rules for the National Forest Programme Reglas de operación del programa nacional forestal 2015
Mexico Environment Law of Organic Products Ley de productos orgánicos 2006
Mexico Environment Rules of Operation of the Programs of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food Reglas de operación de los programas de la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación 2016
Mexico Environment Decree Promulgating the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity, adopted in Nagoya Promulgatorio del Protocolo de Nagoya sobre Acceso a los Recursos Genéticos y Participación Justa y Equitativa en los Beneficios que se deriven de su Utilización al Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica, adoptado en Nagoya 2010
Mexico Fertilizer Regulation on Records, Import and Export Authorizations and Import and Export Certificates of Pesticides, Plant Nutrients and Toxic or Dangerous Substances and Materials Reglamento en materia de registros, autorizaciones de importación y exportación y certificados de exportación de plaguicidas, nutrientes vegetales y sustancias y materiales tóxicos o peligrosos 2004
Mexico Fertilizer General Rules for Foreign Trade Reglas generales de comercio exterior 2016
Mexico Fertilizer Official Mexican Norm NOM-182-SSA1, Labelling of Plant Nutrients Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-182-SSA1, Etiquetado de nutrientes vegetales 1998
Mexico Fertilizer North American Free Trade Agreement Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte 1994
Mexico Finance Credit Institutions Act Ley de instituciones de crédito 1990
Mexico Finance Organic Statute of the Trusts Instituted in Relation to Agriculture Estatuto orgánico de los fideicomisos instituidos en relación con la agricultura 2015
Mexico Finance General Provisions Applicable to Credit Institutions Disposiciones de caracter general aplicables a las instituciones de crédito ND
Mexico Finance Circular 21/2009 Circular 21/2009 publicada en el Diario Oficial de la Federación el 4 de septiembre de 2009, incluyendo sus modificaciones dadas a conocer mediante la Circular 27/2009, la Circular 9/2015 y la Circular 15/2015 publicadas en el referido Diario el 30 de noviembre de 2009, 27 de abril de 2015 y 26 de octubre de 2015 2009
Mexico Finance Law on Protection of Bank Savings Ley de protección del ahorro bancario 1999
Mexico Finance Law on Savings and Popular Credit Ley de ahorro y crédito popular 2001
Mexico Finance Law of Organizations and Auxiliary Credit Activities Ley de organizaciones y actividades auxiliares del crédito 1985
Mexico Finance General Provisions Applicable to Savings and Credit Institutions, Integration Organizations, Community Finance Societies and Organizations for the Rural Financial Integration Disposiciones de caracter general aplicables a las entidades de ahorro y credito popular, organismos de integracion, sociedades financieras comunitarias y organismos de integracion financiera rural a que se refiere la ley de ahorro y credito popular ND
Mexico Finance Law on the Regulation of the Saving and Credit Cooperatives Activities Ley para regular las actividades de las Sociedades Cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo 2009
Mexico Finance General Provisions Applicable to the Activities of Loan and Savings Cooperative Societies Disposiciones de cáracter general aplicables a las actividades de las sociedades cooperativas de ahorro y préstamo ND
Mexico Finance General Law of Cooperative Societies Ley general de sociedades cooperativas 1994
Mexico Finance Commercial Code Código de comercio 1889
Mexico Finance Credit Unions Act Ley de uniones de crédito 2008
Mexico Finance General Law of Negotiable Instruments and Credit Operations Ley general de títulos y operaciones de crédito 1932
Mexico Finance Law of the Bank of Mexico Ley del Banco de México 1993
Mexico ICT Federal Law of Telecommunications and Broadcasting Ley federal de telecomunicaciones y radiodifusión 2014
Mexico ICT Political Constitution of the United Mexican States Constitución Politica de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos 2014
Mexico Livestock Federal Law on Animal Health Ley federal de sanidad animal 2007
Mexico Livestock Regulation of the Federal Law on Animal Health Reglamento de la Ley federal de sanidad animal 2012
Mexico Markets General Law of Cooperative Societies Ley general de sociedades cooperativas 1994
Mexico Markets Public Registry of Commerce Regulation Reglamento del registro público de comercio 2003
Mexico Markets Federal Civil Code Código civil federal 1928
Mexico Markets Commercial Code Código de comercio 1889
Mexico Markets Industrial Property Code Ley de la propiedad industrial 1991
Mexico Markets Interior Regulation of the Agrarian Attorney Office Reglamento interior de la procuraduría agraria 1996
Mexico Markets Agrarian Law Ley agraria 1992
Mexico Markets Civil Procedure Code Código federal de procedimientos civiles 1943
Mexico Markets Federal Plant Protection Act Ley federal de sanidad vegetal 2011
Mexico Markets Foreign Trade Act Ley de comercio exterior 1993
Mexico Seed Federal Law for the Production, Certification and Trade of Seed Ley federal de produccion, certificacion y comercio de semillas 2007
Mexico Seed Federal Law for Plant Varieties Ley federal de variedades vegetales 2012
Mexico Seed Regulations of the Federal Law on Production, Certification, and Seed Trade Reglamento de la Ley federal de producción, certificación y comercio de semillas 2011
Mexico Transport Law on Roads, Bridges and Federal Road Transport Ley de caminos, puentes y autotransporte federal 1993
Mexico Transport Vehicle Registration Law Ley del registro público vehicular 2004
Mexico Transport Description of Procedures for Company Permit Permiso o alta de vehículo para la operación del servicio de autotransporte federal de pasajeros, turismo, carga general, carga especializada para transporte de materiales y residuos peligrosos, y transporte privado de personas y carga 2012
Mexico Transport Regulation on Federal Road Transport and Auxiliary Services Reglamento de autotransporte federal y servicios auxiliares 1994
Mexico Transport Truck License Official Cost Schedule Lista de costos oficiales de la licencia de camiones 2016
Mexico Transport North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Annex 1 Schedule of Mexico Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLC), Anexo 1 Lista de México 1994
Mexico Transport North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), Annex 1 Schedule of the United States of America Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLC), Anexo 1 Lista de los Estados Unidos de América 1994
Mexico Water National Water Law Ley de aguas nacionales 1992
Mexico Water Regulation of the National Water Law Reglamento de la Ley de aguas 1994
Mexico Water Political Constitution of the United Mexican States Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos 1917
Mexico Water Federal Law on Rights Ley federal de derechos 1981
Mali Environment Law No. 10-032 Relating to Plant Seeds Loi n° 10-032 relative aux semences d'origine vegetale 2010
Mali Environment Law No. 10-28 Determining Principles for the Management of National Forest Resources Loi n° 10-28 determinant les principes de gestion des ressources du domaine forestier national 2010
Mali Fertilizer Law No. 008-008 on Fertilizer Quality Control Loi n° 008-008- relative au contrôle de la qualité des engrais 2008
Mali Fertilizer Decree No. 08-177- Setting the Modalities of Application of the Law Relative to the Quality Control of Fertilizers Decret n°08-177- fixant les modalites d'application de la loi relative au contrôle de la qualité des engrais 2008
Mali Fertilizer Interministerial Decision No. 09-0788/MEIC-MF-SG Fixing the Application Modalities of decree No. 00-505/P-RM of Foreign Trade Regulation Arrete Interministeriel n° 09-0788/MEIC-MF-SG Fixant les Modalites d'Application du decreto n° 00-505/P-RM Portant Reglementation du Commerciale Exterieur 2009
Mali Finance Law No. 10-31 for the National Fund to Support Agriculture (FNAA) Loi n° 10-31 portant création du Fonds National d’Appui à l’Agriculture 2010
Mali Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux Établissements de Crédit et aux Systèmes Financiers Décentralisés, Relatif à la Fixation du Taux de l’Usure dans les Etats Membres de l’UMOA 2013
Mali Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif Prudentiel Applicable aux Banques et aux Etablissements Financiers de l'Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UMOA) a Compter du 1er Janvier 2000
Mali Finance Law CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 Defining and Supressing Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 Portant definition et Repression de l'Usure 2013
Mali Finance Law on the Regulation of MFIs and Financial Cooperatives Loi portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2011
Mali Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 Relative aux Regles Prudentielles Applicables aux Systemes Financiers Decentralises des Etats Membres de l’Union Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UMOA) 2010
Mali Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 Relative au Déclassement et au Provisionnement des Crédits en Souffrance 1998
Mali Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 Relative aux Indicateurs Périodiques à Transmettre par les Systèmes Financiers Décentralisés au Ministre Chargé des Finances, à la Banque centrale et à la Commission bancaire de l'Union Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UMOA) 2010
Mali Finance Regulation No. 15/2002/CM/UEMOA Regarding Payment Systems in Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Réglement n°15/2002/CM/UEMOA Relatif aux Systèmes de Paiement dans les Etats Membres de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) 2002
Mali Finance Instruction No. 01/SP on the Issuance of Electronic Money Instruction BCEAO n° 01/SP relative à l’émission de monnaie électronique 2006
Mali Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n° 008-05-2015 Régissant les Conditions et Modalités d'Exercice des Activités des Emetteurs de Monnaie Electroniques 2015
Mali Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB Relative aux Modalités d'Application du Dispositif Prudentiel Applicable aux Banques et Établissements Financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Mali ICT Ordinance No. 2011-023/P-RM on Telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies Ordonnance n° 2011-023/P-RM relative aux télécommunications et aux technologies de l'information et de la communication 2011
Mali ICT Order No. 02-1628/MC-SG DU to Grant a License to Establish and Operate Telecommunications Networks and Services Arrêté n° 02- 1628 /MC-SG DU portant d'octroi d'une licence d'établissement et d'exploitation de réseaux et services de télécommunications 2002
Mali ICT Decree N 00-229 / P-RM on sharing of telecommunications infrastructures Décret n° 00-229/P-RM relatif au partage d'infrastructures de télécommunications 2000
Mali Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Etablissant des Procédures Communautaires pour l'Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché et la Surveillance des Médicaments Vétérinaires et Instituant un Comité Régional du Médicament Vétérinaire 2006
Mali Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Etablissant des Redevances dans le Domaine des Médicaments Vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Mali Livestock Law No. 2016-004 on Veterinary Pharmacy Loi n°2016-004 régissant la pharmacie vétérinaire 2016
Mali Livestock Decision No. 91-2776 on Import Authorization for Veterinary Medicinal Products Arrêté 91-2776 Conditions d'importation des produits pahrmacetiques et vétérinaires 1991
Mali Livestock Decree No. 04-557/P-RM on Authorization and Marketing of Medical Products for Humans and Animals Décret n° 04 – 557/P-RM Instituant l’autorisation de mise sur le marché de médicaments à usage humain et vétérinaire 2004
Mali Markets Law No. 02-013 Establishing Phytosanitary Control Loi n° 02-013 instituant le contrôle phytosanitaire 2002
Mali Markets Decree No. 02-305/P-RM Setting the Implementation of the Law Establishing Phytosanitary Control Décret n° 02-305/P-RM fixant les modalités d’application de la Loi instituant le contrôle phytosanitaire 2002
Mali Markets Law No. 05-012 Creating the National Agriculture Directorate Loi n° 05-012 portant création de la Direction Nationale de l’Agriculture 2005
Mali Markets Decree No. 09-186/P-RM on National Agriculture Directorate Décret n° 09-186/P-RM fixant organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement de la Direction Nationale de l'Agriculture 2009
Mali Markets Law No. 5-011 Creating the Plant Protection Office Loi n° 5-011 portant création de l’Office de Protection des Végétaux 2005
Mali Markets Decision No. 08-2688/MA-MF-SG Setting the Cost of Issuance for Phytosanitary Certificates and Import Permits for Plants, Plant Products and Plant-based Food Products Arrêté Interministériel n° 08-2688/MA-MF-SG fixant le taux et les modalités de perception de la taxe de délivrance du certificat phytosanitaire et du permis d’importation des végétaux, produits végétaux et denrées alimentaires d’origine végétale 2008
Mali Markets Rule No. 007/2007/CM/UEMOA on Sanitary Security of Plants, Animals and Food in UEMOA Règlement n° 007/2007/CM/UEMOA relatif à la sécurité sanitaire des végétaux, des animaux et des aliments dans l'UEMOA 2007
Mali Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte Uniforme OHADA Relatif au Droit des Sociétés Coopératives 2010
Mali Markets Decree No. 99-254/P-RM on Code of Civil Procedure Décret n° 99-254/P-RM portant Code de Procédure Civile 1999
Mali Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte Uniforme OHADA sur le Droit de l’Arbitrage 1999
Mali Markets Decree No. 00505/P-RM on Regulation of External Trade Décret n° 00505/ P-RM portant réglementation du commerce extérieur 2000
Mali Markets Interministerial Order No. 09-0788/MEIC-MF-SG Arrêté interministériel n° 09-0788/ MEIC-MF-SG 2009
Mali Machinery Interministerial Order No. 09-0788/MEIC-MF-SG Arrêté interministériel n° 09-0788/ MEIC-MF-SG 2009
Mali Seed Law No. 10-032 Relating to Plant Seeds Loi n° 10-032 relative aux semences d'origine vegetale 2010
Mali Seed Decree No. 10-428 P-RM Laying Down the Procedures for Implementing the Law on Vegetable Seeds Décret n° 10-428 P-RM fixant les modalités d'application de la loi relative aux semences d'origine végétale 2010
Mali Seed Ordinance No. 00-044/P-RM Governing the Production, Distribution, Control, Import, Export of Semen and Embryos of Animal Origin and Breeding Ordonnance n° 00-044/P-RM du régissant la production, la diffusion, le contrôle, l’importation, l’exportation des semences et embryons d’origine animale et des reproducteurs 2000
Mali Seed Law No. 05-012 Creating the National Agriculture Directorate Loi n° 05-012 portant création de la Direction Nationale de l’Agriculture 2005
Mali Transport Decree No. 00-503/P-RM Regulating the Profession of Road Transport Operator Décret n° 00-503/P-RM fixant les modalités d’application de la Loi n° 00-043 du 07 juillet 2000 régissant la profession de transporteur routier 2000
Mali Transport Convention A/P.2/5/82 Relating to Inter-State Transport of Goods between ECOWAS Member States Convention A/P.2/5/82 portant le transport inter-Etats des Pays de la CEDEAO 1982
Mali Transport Regulation No. 14/2005/CM/UEMOA on the Harmonization of Standards and Template Control Procedures, Weight and Axle Load of Heavy Vehicles Transporting Goods in the Member States of the Economic and Monetary Union of West Africa (UEMOA) Règlement n° 14/2005/CM/UEMOA Relatif à l'Harmonisation des Normes et des Procedures du Contrôle du GABARIT, du Poids, et de la Charge à l'Essieu des Véhicules Lourds de Transport de Marchandises dans les Etats Members du l'Union Economique et Monetaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA) 2005
Mali Transport Decree No. 94-181/PM-RM Official Fee Schedule of the Ministry of Transport and Regional Directions Décret n° 94-181/PM-RM Décret instituant les taxes des prestations de la direction nationale des transports et de ses services régionaux. 1994
Mali Water Law No. 02-006 on the Water Code Loi n° 02-006 portant code de l'eau 2002
Mali Water Decree No. 03-587 Laying Down the Organization and Modalities of Operation of the National Council for Water, Regional and Local Water Councils Décret n° 03-587 fixant l'organisation et les modalités de fonctionnement du conseil national de l'eau, des conseils regionaux et locaux de l'eau 2003
Mali Water Interministerial Order No. 04-1802 to Create the Bani Basin Committee Arrêté interministériel n° 04-1802/MMEE-MATCL-SG portant création du Comité de Bassin du Bani 2004
Mali Water Decree No. 10-065 on the Creation of Regional and Sub-regional Hydraulics Directions Décret n° 10-065/p-rm portant création des directions régionales et services subrégionaux de l'hydraulique 2010
Myanmar Environment Law of Protection of Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits 2013
Myanmar Environment Pesticide Law 2016
Myanmar Environment National Land Use Policy 2016
Myanmar Fertilizer Fertilizer Law, No. 7 2002
Myanmar Fertilizer Law Amending the Fertilizer Law (The Pyidaungsu Hluttaw Law No. 15) 2015
Myanmar Finance Financial Institutions Law 2016
Myanmar Finance Microfinance Law 2011
Myanmar Finance Directive No. 1/2011 2011
Myanmar Finance Co-operative Society Law, No. 9/92 1992
Myanmar ICT Telecommunications Law, No. 31 2013
Myanmar ICT Licensing Rules 2013
Myanmar ICT Spectrum Rules 2013
Myanmar Livestock National Drug Law 1992
Myanmar Livestock Guideline on Drug Registration Application 2014
Myanmar Markets Co-operative Society Law, No. 9/92 1992
Myanmar Markets Law of Protection of Farmer Rights and Enhancement of their Benefits 2013
Myanmar Markets Contract Act, No. 9 1872
Myanmar Markets Competition Law, No. 9 2015
Myanmar Markets Arbitration Law, No. 5 2016
Myanmar Markets Plant Pest Quarantine Regulations 2000
Myanmar Markets Plant Pest Quarantine Law, No. 8/93 1993
Myanmar Markets Code of Civil Procedure 1908
Myanmar Seed Seed Law, No. 1/2011 2011
Myanmar Transport Motor Vehicle Law 2015
Myanmar Water Canal Act 1905
Myanmar Water Conservation of Water Resources and Rivers Law 2006
Myanmar Water Underground Water Act 1930
Myanmar Water Embankment Act 1909
Myanmar Water Environmental Conservation Law 2012
Mozambique Environment Law No. 19/2007 on Land Use Management Lei n° 19/2007 sobre Gestão do Uso da Terra 2007
Mozambique Environment Act Defining Internal Waters as Public Domain, No. 16/91 Lei que define Águas Internas como Domínio Público, n° 16/91 1991
Mozambique Environment Land Law, No. 19/97 Lei de Terras, n° 19/97 1997
Mozambique Environment Decree No. 6/2009 Approving the Regulation on Pesticides Management Decreto n° 6/2009 que Aprova o Regulamento Relativo à Gestão dos Pesticidas 2009
Mozambique Environment Decree No. 66/98 on Land Regulation Decreto n° 66/98 sobre Regulamentação Agrária 1998
Mozambique Environment Decree No. 26/2014 Protection of New Varieties of Plants Decreto n° 26/2014 Protecção de Novas Variedades de Plantas 2014
Mozambique Fertilizer Regulation on Fertilizer Management Regulamento sobre Gestão de Fertilizantes 2013
Mozambique Fertilizer Decree No. 49 Approving the Licensing of Commercial Activities and Revoking Decrees No. 43/98, of September 9, and 71/98, of December 28 Decreto n° 49-Aprova o Regulamento do Licenciamento da Actividade Comercial, e Revoga os Decretos n° 43/98, de 9 de Setembro, e 71/98, de 28 de dezembro 2004
Mozambique Fertilizer Protocol on Trade in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region Protocolo sobre o Comércio na Região da Comunidade do Desenvolvimento Sul Africano (SADC) 1996
Mozambique Finance Law No. 15/99 on Credit Institutions Lei n° 15/99: Regula o estabelecimento e o exercício da actividade das insttituições de crédito edas Sociedades Financeiras 1999
Mozambique Finance Notice No. 15/GBM/2013 on Prudential Ratios Aviso n° 15/GBM/2013 concernente a racios e Limites Prudenciais 2013
Mozambique Finance Notice No. 16/GBM/2013 on Minimum Provisions Aviso n° 16/GBM/2013 concernente ao Regime sobre Provisoes Regulamentares Minimas 2013
Mozambique Finance Decree No. 57/2004 on Microfinance Decreto 57/2004 Regulamento das Microfinanzas 2004
Mozambique Finance Law No. 23/2009 on Cooperatives Lei n° 23/2009 Lei Geral das Cooperativas 2009
Mozambique Finance Notice No. 3/GBM/2015 on the Regulations for Access and Exercise of the Banking Agent Activity Aviso n° 3/GBM/2015 Concernente ao Regime de Acesso e Exercício de Actividade de Agentes Bancários 2015
Mozambique Finance Decree No. 100/2014 on Warehouse Receipts Decreto n° 100/2014 de Regulamento de Certificado de Deposito 2014
Mozambique Finance Notice No. 2/GBM/2015 Aviso n° 2/GBM/2015 2015
Mozambique ICT Law on Telecommunications, No. 4/2016 Lei das Telecomunicações, Lei n° 4/2016 2016
Mozambique ICT Licensing Regulations, No. 33/2001 Regulamento de Licenciamento Dec. n° 33/2001 2001
Mozambique ICT Passive Infrastructure Sharing Regulations Regulamento de Partilha de Infra-estruturas Passivas de Telecomunicações e Outros Recursos de Rede 2010
Mozambique Livestock Animal Health Regulation, No. 219 Regulamento de Sanidade Animal n° 219 2002
Mozambique Livestock Amendments to the Animal Health Regulation Rectificação Regulamento de Sanidade Animal 2009
Mozambique Livestock Animal Health Regulation, No. 26 Regulamento de Sanidade Animal n° 26 2009
Mozambique Markets Law No. 23/2009 on Cooperatives Lei n° 23/2009 Lei Geral das Cooperativas 2009
Mozambique Markets Civil Code Código Civil 2004
Mozambique Markets Arbitration, Conciliation and Mediation Law, No. 11 Lei de Arbitragem, Conciliação e Mediação, n° 11 1999
Mozambique Markets Civil Procedure Code Código de Processo Civil 2013
Mozambique Markets Regulation on Phytosanitary and Plant Quarantine, Decree No. 5 Regulamento relativo à Quarentena Fitossanitária e Vegetal, Decreto n° 5 2009
Mozambique Machinery Decree-Law No. 1, Road Traffic Code decreto-Lei n° 1 Código da Estrada 2011
Mozambique Machinery Decree No. 34, General Rules for Customs Clearance of Commodities Decreto n° 34 Regras Gerais para Despacho Aduaneiro de Mercadorias 2009
Mozambique Seed Decree No. 12/2013 on Seed Regulation Decreto n° 12/2013 Regulamento de Sementes 2013
Mozambique Seed Decree No. 26/2014 Protection of New Varieties of Plants Decreto n° 26/2014 Protecção de Novas Variedades de Plantas 2014
Mozambique Transport Bilateral Agreement on the Carriage of Goods by Road between South Africa and Mozambique Acordo Bilateral de Transporte Rodoviário de Mercadorias entre o Govern° da República de Moçambique e o Govern° da República da África do Sul 1998
Mozambique Transport Procedure to Obtain Road Transport License Procediment Licenciamento para Exercício de Actividade de Transporte Rodoviário ND
Mozambique Transport Decree-Law No. 1, Road Traffic Code Decreto-Lei n° 1 Código da Estrada 2011
Mozambique Transport Transport Regulation Regulamento de Transporte em Automóveis 2009
Mozambique Water Act Defining Internal Waters as Public Domain, No. 16/91 Lei que define Águas Internas como Domínio Público, n° 16/91 1991
Mozambique Water Decree No. 43/2007 Approving the Regulation for Licensing the Concessions of Water Use Decreto n° 43/2007 Aprovação do Regulamento de Licenciamento das Concessões de Uso da Água 2007
Mozambique Water Land Law, No. 19/97 Lei de Terras, n° 19/97 1997
Mozambique Water Decree No. 66/98 on Land Regulation Decreto n° 66/98 sobre Regulamentação Agrária 1998
Mozambique Water Resolution No. 46/2007 on Water Policy Resolução n° 46/2007 sobre a Política da Água 2007
Malawi Environment Environment Management Act, No. 23 1996
Malawi Environment Food Security Policy 2006
Malawi Environment Pesticides Act, Cap. 35:03 2012
Malawi Environment Pesticides Regulations 2012
Malawi Fertilizer Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Act, Cap. 67:04 1970
Malawi Fertilizer Fertilizer Act 2003
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Financial Asset Classification for Banks) Directive 2014
Malawi Finance Directive on Disclosure of Information by Banking Institutions (No. DOI-2010/DR) 2011
Malawi Finance Microfinance Act, No. 21 2010
Malawi Finance Financial Services Act, No. 26 2010
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Capital Adequacy Requirements for Microfinance Institutions) Directive 2014
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Asset Classification Requirements for Microfinance Institutions) Directive 2014
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Financial Reporting Requirements for Microfinance Institutions) Directive 2014
Malawi Finance Financial Cooperatives Act 2011
Malawi Finance Cooperative Societies Act, Cap. 47:02 2000
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Minimum Capital Requirement for Credit Cooperative Societies) Directive 2013
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Prudential Liquidity Requirements for Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies) Directive 2013
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Reporting Requirements for Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies) Directive 2013
Malawi Finance Personal Property Security Act 2013
Malawi Finance Money Laundering, Proceeds of Serious Crime and Terrorist Financial Act 2006
Malawi Finance Money Laundering, Proceeds of Serious Crime and Terrorist Financing Regulations 2011
Malawi Finance Banking Act 2009
Malawi Finance Financial Services (Capital Adequacy Requirements for Banks) Directive 2012
Malawi ICT Communications Act 1998
Malawi Livestock Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Act, Cap. 35:01 1988
Malawi Livestock Control of Goods (Registration) Regulations, Cap. 18:08 1968
Malawi Livestock Guide to the Registration, Licensing and Scheduling of Medicinal Products 2002
Malawi Markets Cooperative Societies Act, Cap. 47:02 2012
Malawi Markets Arbitration Act, Cap. 6:03 1967
Malawi Markets Courts (Mandatory Mediation) Rules 2004
Malawi Markets Cooperative Societies Regulations, Cap. 47:02 2002
Malawi Markets Sale of Goods Act, Cap. 48:01 1967
Malawi Markets Plant Protection Act 1969
Malawi Markets Plant Protection (Export) Regulations, Cap. 64:01 1969
Malawi Markets High Court (Commercial Division) Rules 2007
Malawi Seed Seed Act 2005
Malawi Transport National Roads Authority Act 1996
Malawi Transport Registration and Licensing Regulation 1997
Malawi Transport Roads Funds Administration Act 2006
Malawi Transport Traffic Act 1997
Malawi Water Environment Management Act, No. 23 1996
Malawi Water Irrigation Act, No. 16 2001
Malawi Water Water Resources Act 2013
Malaysia Environment Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (Amendment) Act 2002
Malaysia Environment Protection of New Plant Varieties Act, No. 634 2004
Malaysia Environment Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005
Malaysia Environment Town and Country Planning Act, No. 172 1976
Malaysia Environment National Forestry Act, No. 313 1984
Malaysia Environment Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact Assessment) Order 2012
Malaysia Environment Pesticides Act 1974
Malaysia Fertilizer Trade Descriptions Act, No. 87 1972
Malaysia Finance Financial Services Act, No. 758 2013
Malaysia Finance Bank Pertanian Malaysia Berhad Act, No. 684 2008
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia's Capital Adequacy Framework 2015
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia's Classification and Impairment Provisions for Loans/Financing 2015
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia's Policy Document on Financial Reporting 2015
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia Guidelines on Product Transparency and Disclosure 2013
Malaysia Finance Malaysia Deposit Insurance Corporation Act, No. 720 2011
Malaysia Finance Malaysian Deposit Insurance Corporation (Deposit Insurance Limit) Order 2011
Malaysia Finance Cooperatives Societies Act, No. 502 1993
Malaysia Finance Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Act 2007
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia's Policy Document on Agent Banking 2015
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia' Guideline on Electronic Money (E-Money) ND
Malaysia Finance Bank Negara Malaysia's Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) -Electronic Money and Non-Bank Affiliated Charge and Credit Card 2013
Malaysia Finance Financial Services (Minimum Amount of Capital Funds) (Approved Person) Order 2013
Malaysia Finance Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT)-Banking and deposit Taking Institutions (Sector 1) ND
Malaysia Finance Guidelines on Credit Facility By Co-operatives 2009
Malaysia ICT Communications and Multimedia Act 1998
Malaysia ICT Licensing Guidebook 2015
Malaysia ICT Communication and Multimedia Licensing Regulations 2000
Malaysia ICT Transitional Provisions For Licences ND
Malaysia ICT Access List 2009
Malaysia ICT Commission Determination on Universal Service Provision 2001
Malaysia ICT Regulation 27 of the USP Regulations 2003
Malaysia Livestock Control of Drugs and Cosmetics Regulations, No. 223C 1984
Malaysia Livestock Registration Guideline of Veterinary Products 2014
Malaysia Livestock Procedures for Registration of Animal Vaccines 2009
Malaysia Livestock Animal Ordinance 1953
Malaysia Markets Cooperatives Societies Act, No. 502 1993
Malaysia Markets Sale of Goods Act, No. 382 1957
Malaysia Markets Arbitration Act, No. 646 2005
Malaysia Markets Courts of Judicature Act 1964
Malaysia Markets Farmers' Organization Act, No. 109 1973
Malaysia Markets Farmers' Organization Regulations 1983
Malaysia Markets Plant Quarantine Act, No. 167 1976
Malaysia Markets Plant Quarantine Regulations 1981
Malaysia Markets Mediation Act, No. 749 2012
Malaysia Markets Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services Act 2011
Malaysia Markets Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority (Grading, Packaging and Labeling of Agricultural Produce) Regulations 2008
Malaysia Seed Protection of New Plant Varieties Act, No. 634 2004
Malaysia Transport Commercial Vehicles Licensing Board Act 1987
Malaysia Transport Federal Roads Act 1959
Malaysia Transport Land Public Transport Act 2010
Malaysia Transport Food Regulations 1985
Malaysia Transport Food Hygiene Regulations 2009
Malaysia Transport Food Act, No. 281 1983
Malaysia Transport Road Transport Act, No. 333 1987
Malaysia Water Irrigation Areas Act 1989
Malaysia Water Waters Act, No. 418 1920
Malaysia Water Sabah Water Resources Enactment, No. 6 1998
Niger Environment Decree No. 2000-272-/PRN/PM Establishing Responsibilities and Composition of the National Council of the Environment for Sustainable Development Décret n° 2000-272-/PRN/PM portant création, attributions et composition du CNEDD 2000
Niger Environment Decree No. 96-004/PM Establishment, composition and Functions of the National Council of the Environment for Sustainable Development Décret n° 96-004/PM portant création, composition et attributions du CNEDD 1996
Niger Environment Regulation No. 03/2009/CM/UEMOA Harmonizing the Rules Governing the Quality Control, Certification and Marketing of Vegetable Seeds and Plants Règlement n° 03/2009/CM/UEMOA portant harmonisation des règles régissant le contrôle de qualité, la certification et la commercialisation des semences végétales et plants 2009
Niger Environment Ordinance No. 93-015 Fixing the Guiding Principles of the Rural Code Ordonnance n° 93-015 fixant les principes d'Orientation du Code Rural 2003
Niger Environment Order No. 13/MDA/NCRC/SP on the Organization, Powers and Procedure of Regional Permanent Secretariats of the Rural Code Arrêté n° 13/MDA/CNCR/SP portant organisation, attributions et modalités de fonctionnement des secrétariats permanents régionaux du Code rural 2006
Niger Environment Law No. 2004-040 on Forests Loi n° 2004-040 portant régime Forestier 2004
Niger Environment Decree No. 2011-57/PCSRD/PM Décret n° 2011-57/PCSRD/PM 2011
Niger Finance Law CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 Defining and Supressing Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 portant definition et repression de l'usure 2013
Niger Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux établissements de crédit et aux systèmes financiers décentralisés, relatif à la fixation du taux de l’usure dans les etats membres de l’UMOA 2013
Niger Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et aux etablissements financiers de l'union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) a compter du 1er janvier 2000
Niger Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB relative aux modalités d'application du dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et Établissements financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Niger Finance Law No. 23-2009 on the Regulation of MFIs Loi n° 23 -2009/AN portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2009
Niger Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 relative aux regles prudentielles applicables aux systemes financiers decentralises des etats membres de l’union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Niger Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 relative aux indicateurs périodiques à transmettre par les systèmes financiers décentralisés au ministre chargé des finances, à la banque centrale et à la commission bancaire de l'union monétaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Niger Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 relative au déclassement et au provisionnement des crédits en souffrance 1998
Niger Finance Instruction No. 015-12/2010/RB Fixing Intermediaries' Activities in Banking Instruction n° 015-12/2010/RB fixant les conditions d'exercice des activites d'intermediaires en operations de banque 2010
Niger Finance Regulation No. 15/2002/CM/UEMOA Regarding Payment Systems in Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Réglement n° 15/2002/CM/UEMOA relatif aux systèmes de paiement dans les etats membres de l'union economique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2002
Niger Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n° 008-05-2015 régissant les conditions et modalités d'exercice des activités des emetteurs de monnaie electroniques 2015
Niger Finance Instruction No. 94-05 on the Accounting and Provisioning of Impaired Commitments Instruction n° 94-05 Relative à la comptabilisation et au provisionnement des engagements en souffrance modifiée 1994
Niger Finance Framework Law on Banking Regulation (Ordinance No. 2009-385 on Banking Regulations) Loi Cadre-réglementation bancaire (Ordonnance n° 2009-385 portant réglementation bancaire) 2009
Niger ICT Ordinance No. 99-045 Regulating Telecommunications Ordonnance n° 99-045 portant réglementation des télécommunications 1999
Niger ICT Requirements for the Mobile Phone License Cahier des Charges pour la licence de téléphonie mobile 2001
Niger ICT Decree No. 2000-370 on Organization of the Radio Spectrum Decret n° 2000-370 portant organisation du spectre des fréquences radioélectriques 2000
Niger Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des procédures communautaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché et la surveillance des médicaments vétérinaires et instituant un comité régional du médicament vétérinaire 2006
Niger Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des redevances dans le domaine des médicaments vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Niger Livestock Ordinance No. 97-002 on Pharmaceutical Legislation Ordonnance n° 97-002 portant législation pharmaceutique 1997
Niger Livestock Directive No.07/2006/CM/UEMOA on Veterinary Pharmacy Directive n° 07/2006/CM/UEMOA relative à la pharmacie veterinaire 2006
Niger Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte Uniforme OHADA Relatif au Droit des Sociétés Coopératives 2010
Niger Markets Ordinance No. 96-067 on the Regime of Rural Cooperatives Ordonnance n° 96-067 portant regime des cooperatives rurales 1996
Niger Markets Uniform Act OHADA on Commercial Law Acte uniforme OHADA portant sur le droit commercial général 2010
Niger Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Niger Markets Order 96-008 on Plant Protection Ordonnance n° 96-008 relative à la protection de végétaux 1996
Niger Markets Decree No. 96-08 on Implementation of Ordinance No. 96-008 on Plant Protection Décret n° 96-68 portant application de l'ordonnance n° 96-008 relative à la protection de végétaux. 1996
Niger Markets Civil Procedure Code Code de procédure civile 1999
Niger Machinery Law No. 61-17 on Customs Loi n° 61-17 déterminant le Régime douanier 1961
Niger Machinery Law No. 2014-62 on the Transport Code Loi n° 2014-62 Portant Code de la Route 2014
Niger Seed ECOWAS Regulation C REG. 05/04/2008 on Seeds Règlement C REG. 4/05/2008 Semences CEDEAO 2008
Niger Seed Law No. 1214-67 to Complement the ECOWAS Regulation C REG. 05/04/2008 Loi n° 1214-67 Complétant le règlement C REG. 4/05/2008 2008
Niger Seed Procedures Manual for the Registration of Varieties in the National Catalog of Species and Plant Varieties Manuel des procédures pour l’inscription des variétés au catalogue national des espèces et variétés végétales 2008
Niger Seed Order No. 124/MAG/DGA Adopting the Technical Regulations on the Rules Governing Quality Control and Seed Certification Arrêté n° 124/MAG/DGA portant adoption des règlements techniques relatifs aux règles régissant le contrôle de la qualité et la certification des semences 2014
Niger Seed Order No. 120 ORG/DGA on the Organization of the General Directorate of Agriculture Arrêté n° 120 ORG/DGA portant organisation de la Direction Générale de l’Agriculture 2014
Niger Transport Law No. 2014-62 on the Transport Code Loi n° 2014-62 portant code de la route 2014
Niger Water Ordinance No. 2010-09 on the Water Code Ordonnance n° 2010-09 portant code de l’eau 2010
Niger Water Law No. 98-041 Amending Ordinance No. 93-014 on the Water Regime Loi n°98-041 modifiant l’ordonnance n° 93-014 portant régime de l'eau 1998
Niger Water Decree No. 2011-405/PRN/MH/E Laying Down the Procedures for Declarations, Authorizations and Water Use Concessions Décret n° 2011-405/PRN/MH/E fixant les modalités et les procédures de déclaration, d’autorisation et de concession d’utilisation d’eau 2011
Nigeria Environment National Seeds Decree, No. 72 1992
Nigeria Environment National Crop Varieties and Livestock Breeds (Registration, Etc.) Act 1987
Nigeria Environment Nigerian Urban and Regional Planning Act 1992
Nigeria Fertilizer Fertilizers and Agricultural Remedies Authority Bill 2011
Nigeria Fertilizer Growth Enhancement Support Scheme 2016
Nigeria Fertilizer Import Guidelines, Procedures and Documentation Requirements Under the Destination Inspection Scheme 2013
Nigeria Fertilizer Guidelines for Importation of Chemicals 2000
Nigeria Finance Guidelines for Commercial Agriculture Credit Guarantee Scheme (CACS) 2014
Nigeria Finance Agricultural Credit Guarantee Scheme Fund Act 1977
Nigeria Finance Circular BSD/DO/CIR/GEN/VOL.02/044 Liquidity and Capital Adequacy Ratio Computation 2009
Nigeria Finance Letter BSD/DIR/GEN/LAB/08/052 to All Banks The Need for Banks to Build Adequate Loan Loss Reserve 2015
Nigeria Finance Central Bank of Nigeria Prudential Guidelines for Deposit Money Banks 2010
Nigeria Finance Banks and Other Financial Institutions Act 1991
Nigeria Finance Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation Act 2006
Nigeria Finance Central Bank of Nigeria Revised Regulatory and Supervisory Guidelines for Microfinance Banks (MFBs) 2012
Nigeria Finance Cooperative Societies Act, No. 98 1993
Nigeria Finance Central Bank of Nigeria Guidelines for the Regulation of Agent Banking and Agent Banking Relationships 2013
Nigeria Finance Central Bank of Nigeria Guidelines on Mobile Money Services 2015
Nigeria Finance Regulatory Framework for Mobile Money Services 2015
Nigeria Finance Regulatory Framework for Mobile Payment Services 2009
Nigeria ICT Communications Act 2003
Nigeria ICT Licensing Framework for Unified Access Service 2005
Nigeria ICT License Fee Structure for Individual Licenses 2012
Nigeria ICT Licensing Regulations 2013
Nigeria ICT Guidelines on Collocation and Infrastructure Sharing ND
Nigeria ICT Universal Access and Universal Service Regulations 2007
Nigeria Livestock Drug Labelling Regulations 2005
Nigeria Livestock Current Good Manufacturing Practice For Medicinal Products Regulations 2009
Nigeria Livestock Guidelines For Clearance Of Imported Drug(s) (Human and Veterinary) and Related Products In Nigeria NAFDAC/PID/001/00 2000
Nigeria Livestock Guidelines for Registration of Imported Drug products in Nigeria NAFDAC/RR/002/00 2000
Nigeria Livestock Guidelines for Regration of Drugs and Related Products Manufactured in Nigeria NAFDAC/RR/003/00 2000
Nigeria Livestock Food, Drugs, and Related Products (Registration, Etc.) Act 2004
Nigeria Livestock National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control Act 2004
Nigeria Markets Cooperative Societies Act, No. 98 1993
Nigeria Markets Constitution 2004
Nigeria Markets Sale of Goods Act 1893
Nigeria Markets Arbitration and Conciliation Act 1990
Nigeria Markets High Court of Lagos State (Civil Procedure) Rules 2012
Nigeria Markets Co-operative Societies Law of Lagos State 2003
Nigeria Markets Agriculture (Control of Importation) Act 1970
Nigeria Markets Plants, Etc. (Control of Importation) Regulations 1970
Nigeria Machinery Customs & Excise Management Act 2004
Nigeria Machinery Constitution 1990
Nigeria Machinery National Road Traffic Regulations 2004
Nigeria Machinery Federal Road Safety Commission (Establishment) Act, No. 22 2007
Nigeria Seed National Agricultural Seeds Act 1992
Nigeria Transport Motor Vehicles Act 1950
Nigeria Transport National Road Traffic Regulations 2004
Nigeria Transport Road Transport Safety Standardization Scheme 2009
Nigeria Transport Lagos State Road Traffic Law 2012
Nigeria Transport Weights and Measures Act 1975
Nigeria Transport Convention Regulating Inter-State Road Transportation between ECOWAS Member States 1982
Nigeria Water River Basins Development Authorities Act 1987
Nigeria Water Water Resources Act 1993
Nigeria Water Freedom of Information Act 2011
Nigeria Water National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (Establishment) Act 2007
Nigeria Water National Environmental (Surface and Ground Water Quality Control) Regulations 2011
Nicaragua Environment Law No. 807 on Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Ley N° 807 de conservación y utilización sostenible de la diversidad biológica 2012
Nicaragua Environment Law No. 318 for the Protection of Plant Varieties Ley N° 318 para la protección de las variedades vegetales 1999
Nicaragua Environment Decree No. 37-2000 Regulation of the Law for the Protection of Plant Varieties Decreto N° 37-2000 Reglamento de la Ley para la protección de las variedaes vegetales 2000
Nicaragua Environment Law No. 274 on the Regulation and Control of Pesticides and Toxic Substances Ley Básica N° 274 para la regulación y control de plaguicidas, sustancias tóxicas 1997
Nicaragua Environment Decree No. 49-98 Regulation of Law No. 274, Basic Law for the Regulation and Control of Pesticides, Toxic Substances, Hazardous Substances and Other Similar Substances Decreto N° 49-98 Reglamento de la Ley N° 274, Ley básica para la regulación y control de plaguicidas, sustancias tóxicas, peligrosas y otras similares 1998
Nicaragua Environment Decree No. 78 Decreto N° 78 2002
Nicaragua Environment Law No. 462 on Conservation, Promotion and Sustainable Development of the Forest Sector Ley N° 462 de conservación, fomento y desarrollo sostenible del sector forestal 2003
Nicaragua Fertilizer Decree No. 3-98 on Regulations under the Law Establishing the Import, Export and Other Customs Regimes Decreto N° 3-98 Reglamento a la Ley que establece el autodespacho para la importacion, exportacion y otros regimenes aduaneros 1998
Nicaragua Fertilizer Law No. 274 on the Regulation and Control of Pesticides and Toxic Substances Ley Básica N° 274 para la regulación y control de plaguicidas, sustancias tóxicas 1997
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 561 on Banks, Non-Banking Financial Institutions and Financial Groups Ley N° 561 Ley general de bancos, instituciones financieras bancarias y grupos financieros 2005
Nicaragua Finance Resolution No. CD-SIBOIF-547-1-AGOST20-2008 Standard on Management of Credit Risk Resolución N° CD-SIBOIF-547-1-AGOST20-2008 Norma sobre gestion de riesgo crediticio 2008
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 316 on Superintendency of Banks and Other Financial Institutions and Reforms Ley N° 316 de Superintendencia de Bancos y de otras instituciones financieras y sus reformas 1999
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 551 on the Deposit Guarantee System Ley N° 551 del sistema de garantia de depositos 2005
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 769 on Promotion and Regulation of Microfinance Ley N° 769 de fomento y regulacion de las microfinanzas 2011
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 499 on Cooperatives Ley N° 499 Ley general de cooperativas 2004
Nicaragua Finance Decree No. 91-2007 Regulations of the General Law on Cooperatives Decreto N° 91-2007 Reglamento de la Ley general de cooperativas 2007
Nicaragua Finance Resolution SIBOIF CD-MAR-827-1 28-2014, on Non-Bank Agents Resolución CD‐SIBOIF‐827‐1‐MAR28‐2014, sobre corresponsales no bancarios 2014
Nicaragua Finance Resolution No. CD-SIBOIF-725-2 APR 26-2012 on the Norm for the Authorization and Operation of Entities Operating with Electronic Money Resolución N° CD-SIBOIF-725-2-ABR26-2012 Norma para la autorización y funcionamiento de entidades que operan con dinero electrónico 2012
Nicaragua Finance Law No. 734 on Warehouses Ley N° 734 de almacenes generales de depósitos 2010
Nicaragua ICT General Law on Telecommunications and Postal Services, No. 200 Ley general de telecomunicaciones y servicios postales, N° 200 2005
Nicaragua ICT Administrative Agreement No. 006-2006 Acuerdo Administrativo N° 006-2006 2006
Nicaragua Livestock Technical Regulation of Central America Reglamento Técnico Centroamericano 2010
Nicaragua Livestock Agreement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry No. 006 that Sets the Rates for the Specialized Services Provided by the General Directorate of Agricultural Protection and Health Acuerdo del Ministerio Agropecuario Forestal N° 006 que fija las tarifas por los servicios especializados que brinda la Direccion General de Proteccion y Sanidad Agropecuaria 2012
Nicaragua Markets Law No. 499 on Cooperatives Ley N° 499 Ley general de cooperativas 2004
Nicaragua Markets Decree No. 91-2007 Regulations of the General Law on Cooperatives Decreto N° 91-2007 Reglamento de la Ley general de cooperativas 2007
Nicaragua Markets Administrative Dispute Act, No. 350 Ley de lo contencioso administrativo, N° 350 2000
Nicaragua Markets Law of Organization, Competence and Procedures of the Executive Branch, No. 290 Ley de organización, competencias y procedimientos del poder ejecutivo, N° 290 2013
Nicaragua Markets Code of Commerce Código de comercio 1914
Nicaragua Markets Civil Code Código civil 1904
Nicaragua Markets Law of Promotion of the Competition, No. 601 Ley de promoción de la competencia, N° 601 2006
Nicaragua Markets Regulation of the Law of Promotion of the Competence, Decree No. 79 Reglamento de la Ley de promoción de la competencia, Decreto N° 79 2006
Nicaragua Markets Mediation and Arbitration Law, No. 540 Ley de mediación y arbitraje, N° 540 2005
Nicaragua Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 902 Código de procedimiento civil, N° 902 2015
Nicaragua Markets Basic Law on Animal and Plant Health, No. 291 Ley básica de salud animal y sanidad vegetal, N° 291 1998
Nicaragua Markets Regulation to the Basic Law on Animal and Plant Health, Decree No. 2 Reglamento de la Ley básica de salud animal y sanidad vegetal, Decreto N° 2 1999
Nicaragua Markets Nicaraguan Mandatory Technical Standard for the Import of Products and By-Products of Plant Origin and Living Organisms for Agricultural Use-NTON 11 005- 08 Norma Técnica Obligatoria Nicaragüense para la importación de productos y subproductos de origen vegetal y organismos vivos de uso agrícola-NTON 11 005- 08 2008
Nicaragua Markets Law Creating the Institute of Animal and Plant Health Protection, No. 862 Ley creadora del Instituto de Protección y Sanidad Agropecuaria, N° 862 2014
Nicaragua Markets Coffee Law, No. 368 Ley del café, N° 368 2000
Nicaragua Markets Regulated Pests List Lista de plagas cuarentenarias 2016
Nicaragua Seed Law No. 280 on Production and Trade of Seeds Ley N° 280 de producción y comercio de semillas 1998
Nicaragua Seed Law No. 318 for the Protection of Plant Varieties Ley N° 318 para la protección de las variedades vegetales 1999
Nicaragua Seed Decree No. 26-98 Regulation of the Law on Seed Production and Trade Decreto N° 26-98 de reglamento de la ley de producción y comercio de semillas 1998
Nicaragua Transport Central American Agreement on Road Traffic, Central American Economic Integration Secretariat Acuerdo Centroamericano sobre Circulación por Carretera, Secretaría de Integración Económica Centroamericana (SIECA) 2000
Nicaragua Transport General Law of Land Transport Ley general de transporte terrestre 2005
Nicaragua Transport Technical Standard for the Transport of Foodstuffs, Ministry of Health (MOH) Norma tecnica para el transporte de productos alimenticios, Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) 2008
Nicaragua Transport Regulations of Uniform Central American Customs Code, Annex to Resolution No. 224-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX) Reglamento del código aduanero uniforme centroamericano, Anexo de la Resolución N° 224-2008 (COMIECO-XLIX) 2008
Nicaragua Transport Law No. 616 Reforming the General Law on Land Transport Ley 616 de reforma de la Ley general de transporte terrestre 2007
Nicaragua Transport Regulation of the General Law on Land Transport Reglamento de la ley general de transporte terrestre 2007
Nicaragua Transport Regulation on the Regime of International Customs Reglamento sobre el regimen de transito aduanero internacional terrestre 2001
Nicaragua Water General National Waters Law, No. 620 Ley N° 620 Ley general de aguas nacionales 2007
Nicaragua Water Decree No. 44/10-Regulation of Law No. 620, General National Waters Law Decreto N° 44-10. Reglamento de la Ley N° 620 Ley general de aguas nacionales 2010
Netherlands Environment Directive 2008/62/EC Providing for Certain Derogations for Acceptance of Agricultural Landraces and Varieties which are Naturally Adapted to the Local and Regional Conditions and Threatened by Genetic Erosion and for Marketing of Seed and Seed Potatoes of those Landraces and Varieties Directive 2008/62/EC Providing for Certain Derogations for Acceptance of Agricultural Landraces and Varieties which are Naturally Adapted to the Local and Regional Conditions and Threatened by Genetic Erosion and for Marketing of Seed and Seed Potatoes of those Landraces and Varieties 2008
Netherlands Environment Environmental Activities Decree Activiteitenbesluit milieubeheer 2007
Netherlands Environment Law on Plant Protection Products and Biocides Wet gewasbeschermingsmiddelen en biociden 2007
Netherlands Environment Spatial Planning Act Wet ruimtelijke ordening 2006
Netherlands Environment Law on Seeds and Planting Materials Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005
Netherlands Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) 2013
Netherlands Finance Decree on Prudential Rules FMSA Besluit prudentiële regels Wft 2006
Netherlands Finance Act on Financial Supervision Weptop het financieel toezicht-WFT 2006
Netherlands Finance Decree on Special Prudential Measures, Investor Compensation and deposit Guarantees under the Wft Besluit bijzondere prudentiële maatregelen, beleggerscompensatie en depositogarantie Wft 2006
Netherlands Finance Civil Code Burgerlijk Wetboek ND
Netherlands Finance Law on Equal Treatment of Men and Women Wet gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen 1980
Netherlands Finance Decree on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Enterprises Pursuant to the Act on Financial Supervision Besluit Gedragstoezicht financiële ondernemingen Wft 2006
Netherlands Finance Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards 2002
Netherlands Finance Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions 2009
Netherlands Finance Directive No. 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC Directive No. 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC 2007
Netherlands ICT Telecommunications Act Telecommunicatiewet 2012
Netherlands Livestock Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products 2001
Netherlands Livestock Regulation of the Minister of Economy No. WJZ / 12375453, Containing Rules on Veterinary Medicines (Veterinary Regime) Regeling van de Minister van Economische Zaken nr. WJZ/12375453, houdende regels inzake diergeneesmiddelen (Regeling diergeneesmiddelen) 2012
Netherlands Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community 2000
Netherlands Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Netherlands Markets Civil Code Burgerlijk Wetboek ND
Netherlands Markets Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Grondwet 2008
Netherlands Markets Arbitration Act Wijzigingswet Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering, enz. (modernisering Arbitragerecht) 2015
Netherlands Markets Directive No. 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Certain Aspects of Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters Directive No. 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Certain Aspects of Mediation in Civil and Commercial Matters 2008
Netherlands Markets Law on Plant Diseases Plantenziektenwet 1951
Netherlands Markets Regulation on Import, Export, and Movement of Plants Regeling invoer, uitvoer en verkeer van planten 2016
Netherlands Markets Decision Combatting Pests Besluit bestrijding schadelijke organismen 1991
Netherlands Markets Regulation No. TRCJZ /2007/2706 of the Minister of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality on Tariffs for Plant Protection Services, KCB, BKD, Naktuinbouw and NAK Regeling van de Minister van Landbouw, Natuur en Voedselkwaliteit van 17 augustus 2007, nr. TRCJZ/2007/2706, houdende vaststelling van de Regeling tarieven van de Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, KCB, BKD, Naktuinbouw en NAK (Regeling tarieven Plantenziektenkundige Dienst en de keuringsdiensten) 2007
Netherlands Markets Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 543/2011 Laying Down Detailed Rules for the Application of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2007 in Respect of the Fruit and Vegetables and Processed Fruit and Vegetables Sectors 2011
Netherlands Machinery Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Establishing the Community Customs Code 1992
Netherlands Machinery Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Laying Down Provisions for the Implementation of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 1993
Netherlands Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Netherlands Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Netherlands Machinery EU Directive 2003/37/EC EU Directive 2003/37/EC 2003
Netherlands Machinery Union Customs Code Union Customs Code 2013
Netherlands Seed Seed and Planting Materials Act Zaaizaad- en plantgoedwet 2005
Netherlands Seed Regulation on the Marketing of Propagating Material Regeling verhandeling teeltmateriaal 2006
Netherlands Seed Law on Economic Offenses Wet op de economische delicten 1950
Netherlands Transport General Transport Conditions (AVC) General Transport Conditions (AVC) 2002
Netherlands Transport Law on Road Transport of Goods Wet wegvervoer goederen 2008
Netherlands Transport Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market Regulation (EC) No. 1072/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Common Rules for Access to the International Road Haulage Market 2009
Netherlands Transport EU Regulation 852-2004 EU Regulation 852-2004 2004
Netherlands Transport Road Traffic Act Wegenverkeerswet 1994
Netherlands Water Act to Make Provision for Water Boards Wet Houdende Regels met Betrekking tot de Waterschappen (Waterschapswet) 1991
Netherlands Water Decree No. 497 Concerning Rules Relative to Water Boards Besluit Houdende Regels met Betrekking tot de Waterschappen (Waterschapsbesluit) 2007
Netherlands Water Act No. 107 Containing Rules Relative to Management and Use of Water Resources (Water Act) Wet Houdende Regels met Betrekking tot het Beheer en Gebruik van Watersystemen (Waterwet) 2009
Netherlands Water Decree Containing Measures Regarding Quality Objectives and Measurements for Surface Waters Besluit Houdende Regelen Inzake Kwaliteitsdoelstellingen en Metingen Oppervlaktewateren 1983
Netherlands Water Constitution of the Kingdom of the Netherlands Grondwet 2008
Netherlands Water Decree Laying Down Rules on the Management and Use of Water Besluit Houdende Regels met Betrekking tot het Beheer en Gebruik van Watersystemen 2009
Netherlands Water Decree Laying Down Rules Implementing the Environmental Objectives of the WFD Besluit kwaliteitseisen en monitoring water 2009
Netherlands Water Act Laying Down General Rules of Administrative Law (General Administrative Law) Wet Houdende Algemene Regels van Bestuursrecht (Algemene Wet Bestuursrecht) 1992
Netherlands Water Water Regulation Waterregeling 2017
Nepal Environment Nepal Agricultural Research Council Act 1992
Nepal Environment Seeds Act, 2045 1988
Nepal Environment Seeds Regulations 1997
Nepal Environment Pesticides Act 1991
Nepal Environment Lands Act, 2021 1964
Nepal Environment Private Forest Rule, 2041 1984
Nepal Finance Capital Adequacy Framework 2007
Nepal Finance Directive No. 2/072 Unified Directives Issued by the NRB to Licensed Banks and Financial Institutions 2015
Nepal Finance Directive No. 3/072 Unified Directives Issued by the NRB to Licensed Banks and Financial Institutions 2015
Nepal Finance Directive No. 4/072 Unified Directives Issued by the NRB to Licensed Banks and Financial Institutions 2015
Nepal Finance Directive No. 16/072 of the Unified Directives Issued by the NRB to Licensed Banks and Financial Institutions 2015
Nepal Finance Unified Directives Issued by the Nepal Rastra Bank to Class D Micro-Finance Institutions, 2072 2015
Nepal Finance Directive to Cooperative Societies Holding a Limited Banking Transaction License 2002
Nepal Finance Cooperative Act, 2048 1992
Nepal Finance NRB Directive No. 14/067, Provisions Relating to Opening and Closing of Branch/Offices 2010
Nepal ICT Telecommunications Act 1997
Nepal Livestock Drugs Act, 2035 1978
Nepal Livestock Drugs Registration Rules, 2038 1981
Nepal Livestock Medicine Registration Guidance 2016
Nepal Markets Cooperative Act, 2048 1992
Nepal Markets Contract Act, 2056 2000
Nepal Markets Competition Promotion and Market Protection Act, No.35 2007
Nepal Markets Arbitration Act, No. 1 1999
Nepal Markets Mediation Act, No. 2 2011
Nepal Markets Plant Protection Act, No. 20 2007
Nepal Markets Plant Protection Rules 2010
Nepal Markets Quarantine Disease Pest-Gazette Notice 2014
Nepal Seed Seeds Act, 2045 1988
Nepal Seed Seeds Regulations 1997
Nepal Transport Roads Board Act 2002
Nepal Transport National Transport Policy 2001
Nepal Transport Rules on the Multimodal Transportation of Goods 2009
Nepal Transport Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act 2006
Nepal Transport Nepal-India Vehicle Permit 1974
Nepal Transport Public Road Act 1974
Nepal Transport Vehicle and Transport Management Act, 2049 1993
Nepal Transport Vehicle and Transport Management Rules 1997
Nepal Water Irrigation Rules, 2056 2000
Nepal Water Water Resources Act, 2049 1992
Nepal Water Water Resources Rules, 2050 1993
Nepal Water Soil and Watershed Conservation Act, 2039 1982
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 009/14/MINAM National Biodiversity Strategy to 2021 and 2014-2018 Action Plan Decreto Supremo N° 009/14/MINAM-Estrategia nacional de diversidad biológica al 2021 y su plan de acción 2014-2018 2014
Peru Environment Law No. 26839 on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Ley N° 26839 sobre conservación y aprovechamiento sostenible de la diversidad biológica 1997
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 010-2014-MINAGRI Decreto Supremo N° 010-2014-MINAGRI 2014
Peru Environment Law No. 28076 Modifying Decree Law No. 25902 and Constitutes the National Institute of Agrarian Research and Extension Ley N° 28076, Ley que Modifica el decreto Ley N° 25902 y constituye el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Y Extensión Agraria 2003
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 035-2011-PCM Approving the Regulations for the Protection of Plant Breeders Rights Decreto Supremo N° 035-2011-PCM aprueba el reglamento de protección a los derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales 2012
Peru Environment Decision 345 Common Regime for the Protection of Rights of Breeders of New Plant Varieties Decisión 345 CAN Régimen común de protección a los derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales 1993
Peru Environment Decision 391 Common Regime on Access to Plant Genetic Resources Decisión 391 CAN Régimen común sobre acceso a los recursos genéticos 1996
Peru Environment Law No. 27811 Establishing a Protection Regime for the Collective Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples Derived from Biological Resources Ley N° 27811. Ley que establece el régimen de protección de los conocimientos colectivos de los pueblos indígenas vinculados a los recursos biológicos 2002
Peru Environment Ministerial Resolution No. 087 -2008 MINAM, Regulation on Access to Genetic Resources Resolución Ministerial N° 087-2008-MINAM-Reglamento de acceso a los recursos genéticos 2008
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 001-2015-MINAGRI. Supreme Ddecree that Approves the Regulation of the National System of Pesticides for Agricultural Use Decreto Supremo N° 001-2015-MINAGRI que aprueba el reglamento del sistema nacional de plaguicidas de uso agrícola 2015
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 016-2012-AG. Regulation of Solid Waste Management of the Agricultural Sector, Regulation of Law 27314 Decreto Supremo N° 016-2012-AG Reglamento de manejo de los residuos sólidos del sector agrario, Reglamento de la Ley N° 27314 2012
Peru Environment Law No. 27314 General Law of Solid Waste Ley N° 27314 Ley general de residuos sólidos 2000
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 087-2004-PCM Regulations on Ecological and Economic Zoning (EEZ) Decreto Supremo N° 087-2004-PCM Reglamento de Zonificación Ecológica y Económica (ZEE) 2004
Peru Environment Legislative Decree No. 1013. Legislative Decree Approving the Law of Creation, Organization and Functions of the Ministry of Environment Decreto Legislativo N° 1013 que aprueba la ley de creación, organización y funciones del Ministerio del Ambiente 2008
Peru Environment Ministerial Resolution No. 026-2010-MINAM. Approval of the Policy Guidelines for Territorial Planning Resolución Ministerial N° 026-2010-MINAM. Aprobación de los lineamientos de política para el ordenamiento territorial 2010
Peru Environment Law No. 27867 Organic Law of Regional Governments Ley N° 27867 Ley orgánica de gobiernos regionales 2002
Peru Environment Law No. 27972 Organic Law of Municipalities Ley N° 27972 Ley orgánica de las municipalidades 2003
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 002-2016-MINAGRI Supreme Decree Approving the National Agricultural Policy Decreto Supremo N° 002-2016-MINAGRI Decreto Supremo que aprueba la Política Nacional Agraria 2016
Peru Environment Law No. 29763 Forestry and Wildlife Ley N° 29763 Ley forestal y de fauna silvestre 2010
Peru Environment Law No. 30215 Compensation Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services Ley N° 30215 Ley de mecanismos de retribución por servicios ecosistémicos 2014
Peru Environment Law No. 26272 Modifying Legislative Decree No. 1080: General Seed Law Ley N° 26272 modificada con decreto Legislativo N° 1080, Ley general de semillas 2000
Peru Environment Law No. 28477 Declaring Crops, Native Crimes and Wild Species National Patrimony of the Nation Ley N° 28477 Ley que declara a los cultivos, crianzas nativas y especies silvestres patrimonio natural de la nación 2005
Peru Environment Law No. 28256. Law Regulating the Land Transport of Hazardous Materials and Waste Ley N° 28256 Ley que regula el transporte terrestre de materiales y residuos peligrosos 2004
Peru Environment Supreme Decree No. 006-2012-AG, General Regulations of the Law on Seeds Decreto Supremo N° 006-2012-AG, Reglamento general de la ley de semillas 2012
Peru Fertilizer Peruvian Technical Norm-ISO 7409 Replaces Peruvian Technical Norms on Fertilizers, Containers, Tests for Water, Potable Water, Pulp, Paper and Cardboard Norma Tecnica Peruana-ISO 7409- Reemplazan Normas Técnicas Peruanas sobre fertilizantes, contenedores, ensayos para agua, agua potable, pulpa, papeles y cartones 2010
Peru Finance Law No. 26702 General Law on Financial System, on the Insurance System and Organic on the Bbank and Insurance Superintendency Ley N° 26702 Ley general del sistema financiero y del sistema de seguros y orgánica de la Superintendencia de Banca y Seguro 1996
Peru Finance Resolution S.B.S. N° 8181-2012 Regulations on Information Transparency and Contractinting with Users of the Financial System Resolución S.B.S. N° 8181-2012 Reglamento de transparencia de informacion y contratacion con usuarios del sistema financiero 2012
Peru Finance Resolution S.B.S. N° 11356-2008 on New Regulations for Classification and Evaluation of debtors and Provisioning Requirements Resolución S.B.S. N° 11356-2008 se aprueba el nuevo reglamento para la evaluacion y clasificacion del deudor y la exigencia de provisiones 2008
Peru Finance Circular Note Nº G-187-2016 on Minimum Social capital April-June of Companies Included in No. 16 and 17 of Law N° 26702 Circular N° G-187-2016-Actualizan el capital social mínimo correspondiente al trimestre abril-junio de 2016 de las empresas indicadas en los artículos 16° y 17° de la Ley General del Sistema Financiero y del Sistema de Seguros y Orgánica de la SBS, Ley N° 26702 y sus modificatorias 2016
Peru Finance Resolution SBS Nº 6285-2013 on the Regulations Regarding Opening, Modification, Transfer, or Closure of Premises, ATM and Banking Agents Resolución SBS N° 6285-2013-Aprueban el reglamento de apertura, conversión, traslado o cierre de oficinas, uso de locales compartidos, cajeros automáticos y cajeros corresponsales 2013
Peru Finance Resolution SBS Nº 4798-2015 Regulation on Complementary Channels of Public Attention of Financial System Enterprises and E-Money Issuers Resolución SBS N° 4798-2015-Reglamento de canales complementarios de atención al público de las empresas del sistema financiero y de las empresas emisoras de dinero electrónico 2015
Peru Finance Law No. 29985 on Basics Features of E-money as an Instrument on Financial Inclusion Ley N° 29985-Regula las características básicas del dinero electrónico como instrumento de inclusión financiera 2013
Peru Finance Circular Note Nº G-186-2016 on Minimum Social Capital for January-March Circular N° G-186-2016-Actualizan capital social mínimo correspondiente al trimestre enero-marzo de 2016 2016
Peru Finance Resolution SBS No. 6283-2013 on Regulations of the Operations with E-money Resolución SBS N° 6283-2013 aprueban el reglamento de operaciones de dinero electrónico 2013
Peru Finance Resolution SBS Nº 2660-2015 Regulation on Anti Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Resolución SBS N° 2660-2015 Reglamento de gestión de riesgos de lavado de activos y del financiamiento del terrorismo 2015
Peru Finance Law No. 27.287 on Securities Ley N° 27.287 de títulos valores 2000
Peru Finance Resolution SBS No. 040-2002 on Regulations of the Warehouses Resolución SBS N° 040-2002 aprueban el reglamento de los almacenes generales de depósito 2002
Peru Finance Resolution SBS No. 660-98 on Regulations for the Constitution and Establishement of Enterprises and Representatives of the Financial and Insurance Systems Resolución SBS N° 660-98 Reglamento para la constitución y el establecimiento de empresas y representantes de los Sistemas Financiero y de Seguros 1998
Peru Finance Law No. 28677 on Movable Collateral Ley 28677 de la garantía mobiliaria 2006
Peru Finance Resolution N° 142-2006-SUNARP-SN. Regulations on Contracts Registration in the Movable Collateral Registry and its Vinculation with the Legal Registry of Movable Property Resolucion N° 142-2006-SUNARP-SN Reglamento de inscripciones del registro mobiliario de contratos y su vinculación con los registros jurídicos de bienes muebles 2006
Peru Finance Supreme Decree N° 074-90-TR General Law on Cooperatives Decreto Supremo N° 074-90-TR Ley general de cooperativas 1990
Peru Finance Resolution SBS N° 540-99 on Regulations of Savings Ccooperatives Resolución SBS N° 540-99 del Reglamento de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito 1999
Peru Finance Circular Nº COOP-039-94 on the Publication of Interest Rates Circular N° COOP-039-94 sobre exhibición de tasas de interés 1994
Peru ICT Telecommunications Law Texto único ordenado de la Ley de telecomunicaciones 2015
Peru ICT Regulation of Mobile Services, Aapproved by Ministerial Resolution No. 418-2002-MTC-15.0 Reglamento de los servicios móviles, aprobado por Resolución Ministerial N° 418-2002-MTC-15.0 2002
Peru ICT General Regulations of the Telecommunications Law, Supreme Decree No. 020-2007-MTC Decreto Supremo N° 020-2007-MTC Aprueban téxto único ordenado del reglamento general de la ley de telecomunicaciones 2007
Peru ICT Legislative Decree No. 1019, Access to Infrastructure for Major Suppliers of Public Telecommunications Services Decreto Legislativo N° 1019, Ley de acceso a la infraestructura de los proveedores importantes de servicios públicos de telecomunicaciones 2008
Peru ICT Law No. 2890, Creating the Investment Fund in Telecommunications - FITEL as a Legal Entity Ley N° 28900, Ley que otorga al Fondo de Inversión en Telecomunicaciones - FITEL la calidad de persona jurídica de derecho público, adscrita al sector transportes y comunicaciones 2015
Peru Livestock Decision No. 483 Rules for the Registration, Control, Marketing and Use of Veterinary Products Decisión 483 Normas para el registro, control, comercializacion y uso de productos veterinarios 2000
Peru Livestock Decree Law No. 25902-Approves the Organic Law of the Ministry of Agriculture Decreto Ley N° 25902-Aprueba la Ley orgánica del Ministerio de Agricultura 1992
Peru Livestock Single Text of Administrative Procedures of SENASA Texto Único de Procedimientos Administrativos (Tupa) del SENASA 2014
Peru Markets Supreme Decree N° 074-90-TR General Law on Cooperatives Decreto Supremo N° 074-90-TR Ley general de cooperativas 1990
Peru Markets Law Against Unfair Competition, Legislative Decree No. 1044 Ley de represión de la competencia desleal, Decreto Legislativo 1044 2008
Peru Markets Arbitration Law, Legislative Decree No. 1071 Ley de arbitraje, Decreto Legislativo N° 1071 2008
Peru Markets Extrajudicial Conciliation Law, No. 26872 Ley de conciliación extrajudicial N° 26872 1997
Peru Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 768 Código procesal civil, N° 768 1993
Peru Markets Plant Health Protection Law, Legislative Decree No. 1059 Ley general de sanidad agraria, Decreto Legislativo N° 1059 2008
Peru Markets Plant Health Protection Regulation, Supreme Decree No. 018 Reglamento de la Ley general de sanidad agraria, Decreto Supremo N° 018-2008 2008
Peru Markets Civil Code, Legislative Decree No. 295 Codigo civil, Decreto Legislativo N° 295 1984
Peru Markets List of Regulated Pests Lista de plagas reguladas ausentes 2016
Peru Seed Law No. 26272 Modifying Legislative Decree No. 1080: General Seed Law Ley N° 26272 modificada con decreto Legislativo N° 1080, Ley general de semillas 2008
Peru Seed Supreme Decree No. 006-2012-AG, General Regulations of the Law on Seeds Decreto Supremo N° 006-2012-AG, Reglamento general de la ley de semillas 2012
Peru Seed Supreme Decree No. 024-2005-AG, Regulation on Seed Certification Decreto Supremo N° 024-2005-AG, Reglamento de certificación de semillas 2005
Peru Seed Departmental Resolution No. 00122-2013-INIA, Authorization of Official Laboratories Standards Resolución Jefatural N° 00122-2013-INIA, Norma autorización de laboratorios oficiales 2013
Peru Seed Departmental Resolution No. 000166-2009-INIA, Standards for Production, Certification and Marketing of Seeds of Cotton, Rice, Grain Legumes, Corn, Potatoes and Cereals (Wheat, Barley and Oats) Resolución Jefatural N° 000166-2009-INIA, Normas para la producción, certificación y comercialización de semillas de algodón, arroz, leguminosas de grano, maíz, papa y cereales (trigo, cebada y avena) 2009
Peru Seed Departmental Resolution No. 000226-2010-INIA Resolución Jefatural N° 000226-2010-INIA 2010
Peru Seed Supreme Decree No. 035-2011-PCM Approving the Regulations for the Protection of Plant Breeders Rights Decreto Supremo N° 035-2011-PCM Decreto Supremo que aprueba el reglamento de protección a los derechos de los obtentores de variedades vegetales 2012
Peru Transport Supreme Decree No. 003-2014-MTC Incorporating Provisions Amending the Text of the National Traffic Regulations Decreto Supremo N° 003-2014-MTC que modifica e incorpora disposiciones al texto único ordenado del Reglamento Nacional de Tránsito 2014
Peru Transport Law No. 27181 General Transportation and Traffic Law Ley N° 27181 Ley general de transporte y transito terrestre 1999
Peru Transport Supreme Decree No. 016-2009-MTC Amendment of Certain Articles of the National Regulation of Traffic Decreto Supremo N° 016-2009-MTC Modificación de ciertos artículos del Reglamento nacional de tránsito 2009
Peru Transport Supreme Decree No. 17-2009-MTC National Terrestrial Administration Regulations Decreto Supremo N. 17-2009-MTC Reglamento nacional de administracion tTerrestre 2009
Peru Transport Decision No. 399 on International Transport of Goods by Road, Andean Community of Nations (CAN) Decisión N° 399 sobre transporte internacional de mercancías por carretera, Comunidad Andina de Naciones (CAN) 1997
Peru Transport Road Transport Directorate -Unified Text for Administrative Procedures (TUPA) Direccion general de transportes terrestres-Texto unico de procedimientos administrativos (TUPA)-Permiso de idoneidad 2016
Peru Water Decree No. 005-2015-MINAGRI - Regulation of Law No. 30157, Law on Water Users Organizations Decreto N° 005-2015-MINAGRI. Reglamento de la Ley N° 30157. Ley de las organizaciones de usuarios de agua 2015
Peru Water Law No. 30.157 on Water User Associations Ley N° 30.157. Organizaciones de usuarios de agua 2014
Peru Water Law No. 29.338 on Water Resources Ley N° 29.338 Ley de recursos hídricos 2009
Peru Water Decree No. 001/10/AG Regulation on the Law on Water Resources Decreto Supremo N° 001/10/AG. Reglamento de la Ley N° 29.338. Ley de recursos hHídricos 2010
Peru Water Law No. 27806 on Transparency and Public Access to Information Ley N° 27.806. Ley de transparencia y acceso a la información pública 2002
Peru Water Supreme Decree No. 002-2008-MINAM Approving the National Standards for Water Quality Decreto Supremo N° 002-2008-MINAM 2008
Peru Water Departmental Resolution No. 007-2015-ANA, Approves Regulations on Administrative Procedures for Granting Water Use Rights and Authorization Works Execution in Natural Water Sources Resolución N° 007-2015-ANA 2015
Philippines Environment Presidential Decree No. 1046-A 1976
Philippines Environment Presidential Decree No. 729 as Amended by Presidential Decree No. 1046-A 1975
Philippines Environment Philippine Plant Variety Protection Act, Republic Act No. 9168 2002
Philippines Environment Joint DENR-DA-PCSD-NCIP Administrative Order No. 1 Prescribing Guidelines for Bioprospecting Activities in the Philippines 2005
Philippines Environment Executive Order No. 72 1993
Philippines Environment Executive Order No. 770 2008
Philippines Environment Revised Forestry Code 1975
Philippines Environment Republic Act No. 8371, The Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act 1997
Philippines Environment Presidential Decree No. 1144 1977
Philippines Environment DENR Administrative Order No. 29 Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Republic Act No. 6969 1992
Philippines Fertilizer Presidential Decree No. 1144 Creating the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority and Abolishing the Fertilizer Industry Authority 1977
Philippines Fertilizer Republic Act No. 9516 An Act Further Ameding the Provisions of Presidential Decree No. 1866 2008
Philippines Finance Agri-Agra Reform Credit Act, Republic Act No. 1000 2009
Philippines Finance Manual of Regulations for Banks ND
Philippines Finance BSP Circular 855, Series of 2014 on Basic Guidelines in Setting up of Allowance for Credit Losses 2014
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 3765, Act to Require the Disclosure of Finance Charges in Connection with Extensions of Credit 1963
Philippines Finance Circular No. 730 Series 2011
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 3591, Establishing the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation, Defining its Powers and Duties and for Other Purposes 1963
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 8791, Act Providing for the Regulation of the Organization and Operations of Banks, Quasi-banks, Trust Entitites and for Other Purposes 2000
Philippines Finance Circular 272 Series 2001
Philippines Finance Circular No.836 Series of 2014 Amending Microfinance Reports 2014
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 9520, Philippine Cooperative Code 2008
Philippines Finance Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Certain and Special Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code 2015
Philippines Finance Circular No. 649 on E-money Issuance 2009
Philippines Finance Manual of Regulations for Non Banks Financial Institutions ND
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 2137, Warehouse Receipts Law 1912
Philippines Finance General Bonded Warehouse Act, No. 3893 1932
Philippines Finance Republic Act No. 7393, Quedan and Rural Credit Guarantee Corporation Act 1992
Philippines ICT Constitution 1987
Philippines ICT Republic Act No. 7925, the Public Telecommunications Policy Act 1995
Philippines ICT Public Service Act 1936
Philippines Livestock Republic Act No. 3720 on Food Safety 1963
Philippines Livestock Administrative Order No. 33, Rules and Regulations on Registration of Veterinary Drugs and Products 1991
Philippines Livestock Administrative Order No. 11, Requirement for Labelling Materials of Veterinary Drugs and Products 1991
Philippines Livestock Republic Act No. 1071 on Veterinary Biologics and Medical Preparations 1954
Philippines Livestock Administrative Order No. 03 2016
Philippines Livestock Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Act 2009
Philippines Livestock Checklist of Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceutical Products ND
Philippines Livestock FDA Fee Schedule 2016
Philippines Livestock Circular No. 005 2006
Philippines Markets Plant Quarantine Law, Presidential Decree No. 1433 1978
Philippines Markets Rules and Regulations to Implement Presidential Decree No. 1433, BPI Quarantine Administrative Order No. 1 1981
Philippines Markets Executive Order Restructuring the Department of Agriculture, Providing Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes, No. 338 2001
Philippines Markets Alternative Resolution Act, Republic Act. No. 9285 2004
Philippines Markets Rules of Civil Procedure 1997
Philippines Markets Republic Act No. 9520, Philippine Cooperative Code 2008
Philippines Markets Civil Code of the Philippines, Republic Act No. 386 1949
Philippines Markets Rules and Regulations Implementing Certain Provisions of the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 2010
Philippines Markets The Price Act, Republic Act No. 7851 1992
Philippines Markets Special Rules of Court on Alternative Dispute Resolution (Special ADR Rules) A.M. No. 07-11-08-SC 2009
Philippines Markets Arbitration Law, Republic Act No. 876 1953
Philippines Machinery Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization Law, Republic Act No. 10601 2012
Philippines Machinery Philippine Agricultural Engineering Standards 2000
Philippines Machinery Philippine Clean Air Act 1999
Philippines Machinery Department of Environment and Natural Resources Administrative Order No. 2000-81 2000
Philippines Machinery Republic Act No. 650 1951
Philippines Machinery Tariff and Customs Code 1957
Philippines Machinery Republic Act No. 8750 1999
Philippines Machinery Customs Administrative Order No. 3 2010
Philippines Machinery Customs Memorandum Order No. 18 2010
Philippines Seed Seed Industry Development Act, Republic Act No. 7308 1992
Philippines Seed Plant Variety Protection Act, Republic Act No. 9168 2002
Philippines Seed Department of Agriculture Aadministrative Order No. 8 2002
Philippines Transport Republic Act No. 4136 on Land Transportation 1964
Philippines Transport Application for Certificate of Public Convenience (CPC) 2011
Philippines Transport ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport 2009
Philippines Water Water Code 1976
Philippines Water Implementing Rules and Regulations for the Water Code 1979
Philippines Water Presidential Decree No. 552 Amending Certain Sections of Republic Act 3601 Entitled An Act Creating the National Irrigation Administration 1974
Philippines Water An Act to Promote Rural Development by Providing for an Accelerated Program within a Ten-Year Period for the Construction oOf Irrigation Projects, Republic Act No. 6978 1991
Philippines Water Presidential Decree No. 424 Creating a National Water Resources Council, Reconstituting its Membership, Vesting the Same with Powers to Coordinate and Integrate Water Resources development, and Providing Funds Therefor 1974
Philippines Water Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization Law, Republic Act No. 10601 2012
Philippines Water An Act Providing for the Modernization, Standardization and Regulation of the Procurement Activities of the Government and for Other Purposes, Republic Act No. 9184 2002
Philippines Water Executive Order No. 123 Reconstituting the National Water Resources Board 2002
Philippines Water Executive Order No. 124-A Amending Executive Order No. 124, Dated 30 January 1987, Reorganizing the Department of Public Works and Highways, Redefining Its Powers and Functions, and for Other Purposes 1987
Philippines Water Executive Order No. 860 Redefining the Composition and Powers of the National Water Resources Board 2010
Philippines Water Republic Act No. 7607, Magna Carta of Small Farmers 1992
Philippines Water Republic Act No. 9275-An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Water Quality Management and for Other Purposes 2004
Philippines Water Executive Order No. 442 Creating the Agno River Basin Development Commission to Oversee and Coordinate All Developmental Activities along the Agno River Basin 1997
Philippines Water Republic Act No. 4850 Creating the Laguna Lake Development Authority, Prescribing its Powers, Functions and Duties, and Providing Funds Therfor, and for Other Purposes 1966
Philippines Water DENR Administrative Order No. 34, Revised Water Usage and Classification/ Water Quality Criteria 1990
Philippines Water Amended Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Water Code 1979
Philippines Water Republic Act No. 8435 Prescribing Urgent Related Measures to Modernize the Agriculture and Fisheries Sectors of the Country 1997
Philippines Water Magna Carta of Women Act, Republic Act No. 9710 2009
Philippines Water Administrative Order No.26 Guidelines on the Procedures and Technical Requirements for the Issuance of a Certification Allowing the Safe Re-Use of Wastewater for Purposes of Irrigation and Other Agricultural Uses 2007
Poland Environment Agreement Between the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Science, University Education and Engineering, the Minister of Light Industry and the Scientific Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the Organization of Collecting and Maintaining of Plant Gene Banks Agreement Between the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Science, University Education and Engineering, the Minister of Light Industry and the Scientific Secretary of the Polish Academy of Sciences on the Organization of Collecting and Maintaining of Plant Gene Banks 1979
Poland Environment Seed Act Ustawa o nasiennictwie 2012
Poland Environment Act on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties Ustawa o ochronie prawnej odmian roślin 2003
Poland Environment Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Compliance Measures for Users from the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization in the Union Regulation (EU) No. 511/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Compliance Measures for Users from the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization in the Union 2014
Poland Environment Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market and Repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC Regulation (EC) No. 1107/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council Concerning the Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market and Repealing Council Directives 79/117/EEC and 91/414/EEC 2009
Poland Environment Act on Plant Protection Products Ustawa o srodkach ochrony roslin 2013
Poland Environment Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development on Minimum Standards Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 11 marca 2010 r. w sprawie minimalnych norm 2010
Poland Environment Act on Planning and Spatial Development Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 r. o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym 2003
Poland Environment Act on the Protection of Agricultural and Forest Land Ustawa o ochronie gruntów rolnych i leśnych 1995
Poland Environment Act on Payments under the Direct Support Schemes Ustawa z dnia 5 lutego 2015 r. o płatnościach w ramach systemów wsparcia bezpośredniego 2015
Poland Environment Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2013
Poland Environment Regulation (EU) No. 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EU) No. 1307/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council 2013
Poland Environment Act on Government Administration Ustawa o działach administracji rządowej 1997
Poland Fertilizer Act on the Implementation of Provisions to the Fertilizer Act Sprawie Wykonania Niektórych Przepisów Ustawy o Nawozach i Nawożeniu 2008
Poland Finance Civil Code Kodeks Cywilny 1964
Poland Finance Banking Act Prawo bankowe 1997
Poland Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) 2013
Poland Finance Ordinance of the Minister of Finance on the Creation of Provisions for Risks of Banking Operations Rozporządzenie Ministra Finansów z dnia 16 grudnia 2008 r. w sprawie zasad tworzenia rezerw na ryzyko związane z działalnością banków 2008
Poland Finance Consumer Credit Act Ustawa o kredycie konsumenckim 2011
Poland Finance Act on the Bank Guarantee Fund Ustawa o Bankowym Funduszu Gwarancyjnym, systemie gwarantowania depozytów oraz przymusowej restrukturyzacji 2016
Poland Finance Act on Credit Unions Ustawa o spółdzielczych kasach oszczędnościowo-kredytowych 2009
Poland Finance Act on Payment Services Ustawa o usługach płatniczych 2011
Poland Finance Act on Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Ustawa o przeciwdziałaniu wprowadzaniu do obrotu finansowego wartości majątkowych pochodzących z nielegalnych lub nieujawnionych źródeł 2000
Poland Finance Act on Registered Pledge and Register of Pledges Ustawa o zastawie rejestrowym i rejestrze zastawów 1996
Poland ICT Telecommunications Act Prawo telekomunikacyjne 2004
Poland Livestock Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products Directive 2001/82/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Community Code Relating to Veterinary Medicinal Products 2001
Poland Livestock Pharmaceutical Law Prawo farmaceutyczne 2008
Poland Markets Act on Freedom of Economic Activity, No. 173 Ustawa o swobodzie działalności gospodarczej 2002
Poland Markets Act on Cooperatives, No. 30 Prawo spółdzielcze 1982
Poland Markets Act on Agriculture Producers and their Associations and Amendments to other Acts, No. 88 Ustawa z dnia 15 września 2000 r. o grupach producentów rolnych i ich związkach oraz o zmianie innych ustaw 2000
Poland Markets Act on the Organization of Fruits and Vegetables Market, Hop Market, Tobacco Market and Fodder Market, No. 223 Ustawa z dnia 19 grudnia 2003 r. o organizacji rynków owoców i warzyw, rynku chmielu, rynku tytoniu oraz rynku suszu paszowego 2003
Poland Markets Act on the National Court Register Ustawa o Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym 1997
Poland Markets Commerical Companies Code, No. 94 Kodeks spółek handlowych 2000
Poland Markets Civil Code Kodeks Cywilny 1964
Poland Markets Act on Combating Unfair Competition Ustawa o zwalczaniu nieuczciwej konkurencji 1993
Poland Markets Code of Civil Procedure, No. 43 Kodeks postępowania cywilnego 1964
Poland Markets Plant Protection Law Ustawa o ochronie roślin 2003
Poland Markets Regulation on Official Inspection of Plants, Plant Products or Objects, No. 38 Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 22 lutego 2005 r. w sprawie przeprowadzenia urzędowej kontroli roślin, produktów roślinnych lub przedmiotów w celu ustanowienia i utrzymania strefy chronionej 2005
Poland Markets Commission Implementing Decision 2014/917/EU Commission Implementing Decision 2014/917/EU 2014
Poland Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Poland Markets Commission Regulation (EC) No. 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products Commission Regulation (EC) No. 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products 2008
Poland Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community 2000
Poland Markets Regulation Regarding Prevention of Introduction and Spread of Harmful Organisms, No. 1227 Obwieszczenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 6 lipca 2015 r. w sprawie ogłoszenia jednolitego tekstu rozporządzenia Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi w sprawie zapobiegania wprowadzaniu i rozprzestrzenianiu się organizmów kwarantannowych 2015
Poland Markets Stamp Duty Act Ustawa o opłacie skarbowej 2006
Poland Markets Act on Plant Protection Products Ustawa o srodkach ochrony roslin 2013
Poland Machinery Regulation of the Minister of Economy on the Detailed Requirements for Internal Combustion Engines to Reduce the Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Emissions for these Engines Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 30 kwietnia 2014 r. w sprawie szczegółowych wymagań dla silników spalinowych w zakresie ograniczenia emisji zanieczyszczeń gazowych i cząstek stałych przez te silniki 2014
Poland Machinery Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2454/93 1993
Poland Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Poland Machinery Regulation of the Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy on the Model Authorization to Pursue the Occupation of Road Transport and Model Licenses for the Execution of Road Transport and Extracts from these Documents Rozporządzenie Ministra Transportu, Budownictwa i Gospodarki Morskiej z dnia 18 czerwca 2013 r. w sprawie wzorów zezwolenia na wykonywanie zawodu przewoźnika drogowego i wzorów licencji na wykonanie transportu drogowego oraz wypisów z tych dokumentów 2013
Poland Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Poland Machinery Regulation on Requirements for Internal Combustion Engines for Emission of Gaseous and Particulate Emissions Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki z dnia 30 kwietnia 2014 r. w sprawie szczegółowych wymagań dla silników spalinowych w zakresie ograniczenia emisji zanieczyszczeń gazowych i cząstek stałych przez te silniki 2014
Poland Machinery Act on Conformity Assessment System Ustawa o systemie oceny zgodności 2002
Poland Machinery Directive 2003/37/EC Directive 2003/37/EC 2003
Poland Machinery Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 Council Regulation (EEC) No. 2913/92 1992
Poland Seed Seed Act Ustawa o nasiennictwie 2012
Poland Seed Act on the Legal Protection of Plant Varieties Ustawa o ochronie prawnej odmian roślin 2003
Poland Seed Council Directive 66/402/EEC on the Marketing of Cereal Seed Council Directive 66/402/EEC on the Marketing of Cereal Seed 1966
Poland Seed Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural development on the statute of the Center for Cultivar Testing Rozporządzenie Ministra Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi z dnia 21 grudnia 2010 r. w sprawie nadania statutu Centralnemu Ośrodkowi Badania Odmian Roślin Uprawnych 2010
Poland Transport Road Transport Act Ustawa o transporcie drogowym 2001
Poland Transport Insurance Activity Act Ustawa o działalności ubezpieczeniowej i reasekuracyjnej 2015
Poland Water Constitution of Poland Konstytucja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej 1997
Poland Water Environment Protection Act Prawo ochrony środowiska 2001
Poland Water Water Law Prawo wodne 2001
Poland Water Regulation on Instructions for Water Management Rozporzadzenie w sprawie zakresu instrukcji gospodarowania woda 2006
Poland Water Construction Law Prawo budowlane 1994
Poland Water Civil Code Kodeks cywilny 1964
Poland Water Act Amending the Water Law Ustawa o zmianie ustawy Prawo wodne oraz niektorych innych ustaw 2011
Poland Water Regulation on Records for Water Management Rozporzadzenie w sprawie dziennika gospodarowania woda 2011
Poland Water Administrative Procedure Code Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego 1960
Poland Water Regulation On Documenting Hydrogeological and Geological Engineering Rozporządzenie Ministra Środowiska w sprawie dokumentacji hydrogeologicznej i dokumentacji geologiczno-inżynierskiej 2011
Poland Water Geological and Mining Act Prawo geologiczne i gornicze 2011
Poland Water Act on Providing Information on the Environment and Environmental Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and on Environmental Impact Assessment Ustawy o udostępnianiu informacji o środowisku i jego ochronie, udziale społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska oraz o ocenach oddziaływania na środowisko 2008
Romania Environment Law No. 266 on Production, Processing, Quality Control and Certification, Selling of Seeds and Seedlings, Testing and Registration of Plant Varieties Legea 266 rerepublicata privind producerea,controlul calităţii, comercializarea şi folosirea seminţelor şi materialului săditor, precum şi înregistrarea soiurilor de plante agricole 2002
Romania Environment Law on the Protection of New Plant Varieties, No. 255 Legea Nr. 255 privind protec˛ia noilor soiuri de plante 1998
Romania Environment Emergency Ordinance No. 34 for Establishing the Institutional Framework for Action for Sustainable Use of Pesticides Ordonanţă De Urgentă nr. 34 pentru stabilirea cadrului instituţional de acţiune în scopul utilizării durabile a pesticidelor pe teritoriul 2012
Romania Environment Law No. 211 on Waste Regime Lege Nr. 211 privind regimul deşeurilor 2011
Romania Environment Law No. 350 on Urban and Territorial Planning Lege nr. 350 privind amenajarea teritoriului şi urbanismul 2001
Romania Environment Land Fund Act, No. 18 Lege nr.18 Legea fondului funciar 1991
Romania Fertilizer Decision No. 1559 on the Procedure for Approval of Plant Protection Products for Placing on Market and their Use Hotarare nr. 1559 privind procedura de omologare a produselor de protecţie a plantelor în vederea plasării pe piaţă şi a utilizării lor pe teritoriul României 2004
Romania Fertilizer Norm of 18th of December Norma din 18 decembrie- privind regimul licenţelor de export şi de import 2003
Romania Finance Emergency Ordinance on Credit Institutions and Capital Adequacy, No. 99 Ordonanţă de urgenţă nr. 99 99 Monitorul Oficial, Partea I 1027 27.dec.2006 Intrare în vigoare la 1.ian.2007 privind instituţiile de credit şi adecvarea capitalului 2006
Romania Finance Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) Regulation (EU) No. 575/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions and Investment Firms (CRR) 2013
Romania Finance Order No. 27 Approval of Accounting Regulations in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Applicable to Credit Institutions Ordin nr. 27 pentru aprobarea Reglementărilor contabile conforme cu Standardele Internaţionale de Raportare Financiară, aplicabile instituţiilor de credit 2010
Romania Finance Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards Regulation (EC) No. 1606/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Application of International Accounting Standards 2002
Romania Finance Government Decision No. 802 Concerning the Adoption of the Regulation for the Organization and Functioning of the Electronic Archive of Security Interests Hotararea guvernului nr. 802 privind adoptarea regulamentului pentru organizarea si functionarea arhivei electronice de garantii reale mobiliare, cu modificarile si completarile ulterioare 1999
Romania Finance Government Ordinance No. 79 Regulating Measures for the Entry into Force of Law No. 287/20009 on the Civil Code Ordonanta guvernului nr. 79 2011
Romania Finance Law No. 287 on the Civil Code Lege nr. 287 privind codul civil 2009
Romania Finance Law No. 127 on Electronic Money Issuance Lege nr. 127 privind activitatea de emitere de moneda electronica 2011
Romania Finance Government Emergency Ordinance No. 31, Amending Certain Legislative Acts in the Field of Payment Services Ordonanţă de urgenţă nr. 31 Ordonanţă de urgenţă pentru modificarea unor acte normative în domeniul serviciilor de plată 2012
Romania Finance NBR Regulation No. 08 on Electronic Money Institutions Regulament nr. 8 privind instituţiile emitente de monedă electronică 2011
Romania Finance Regulation No. 1/2015 to Complete NBR Regulation No. 21/2009 on Payment Institutions and NBR Regulation No. 8/2011 on Electronic Money Institutions Regulamentul nr. 1/2015 pentru completarea Regulamentului Băncii Naţionale a României nr. 21/2009 privind instituţiile de plată şi a Regulamentului Băncii Naţionale a României nr. 8/2011 privind instituţiile emitente de monedă electronică 2015
Romania Finance Regulation for Application of the Provisions of the Law No. 656/2002 for the Prevention and Sanctioning of Money Laundering, Approved under Governmental Decision No. 594 Hotarare nr. 594/2008, Regulamentul de aplicare a prevederilor Legii nr. 656/2002 pentru prevenirea si sanctionarea spalarii banilor, precum si pentru instituirea unor masuri de prevenire si combatere a finantarii actelor de terorism 2008
Romania Finance Regulation No. 5/2013 on Prudential Requirements for Credit Institutions Regulament nr. 5/2013 privind cerinţe prudenţiale pentru instituţiile de credit 2013
Romania Finance Emergency Ordinance No. 50 on Credit Agreements for Consumers OUG 50/2010 privind contractele de credit pentru consumatori. Ordonanta de Urgenta 50/2010 2010
Romania Finance Law No. 311/2015 on Deposit Guarantee Schemes and Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund Legea nr. 311/2015 privind schemele de garantare a depozitelor şi Fondul de garantare a depozitelor bancare 2015
Romania Finance Order No. 27/2010 on Approval of Accounting Regulations in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Applicable to Credit Institutions Ordin nr. 27 din 16.dec.2010 pentru aprobarea Reglementărilor contabile conforme cu Standardele Internaţionale de Raportare Financiară, aplicabile instituţiilor de credit 2010
Romania Finance Order No. 6/2014 Approving the Methodological Norms on FINREP Financial Statements at Individual Level, in Accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards Applicable to Credit Institutions for Purposes of Prudential Supervision Ordinul nr. 6/2014 pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice privind întocmirea situaţiilor financiare FINREP la nivel individual, conforme cu Standardele internaţionale de raportare financiară, aplicabile instituţiilor de credit în scopuri de supraveghere prudenţială 2014
Romania Finance Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions Directive No. 2009/110/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the Taking Up, Pursuit and Prudential Supervision of the Business of the Electronic Money Institutions 2009
Romania Finance Law No. 101/2014 on Regulatory Measures of Consumption Depositories and the Regime of Warehouse Receipts Lege nr. 101 privind măsuri de reglementare a depozitării seminţelor de consum şi a regimului certificatelor de depozit pentru acestea 2014
Romania Finance Regulation of the National Bank of Romania No. 16/ 2012 on Classification of Loans and Investments, as well as the Establishment and Use of Prudential Value Adjustments Regulament nr. 16 Regulament privind clasificarea creditelor şi plasamentelor, precum şi determinarea şi utilizarea ajustărilor prudenţiale de valoare 2012
Romania Finance Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 Laying Down Implementing Technical Standards with Regard to Supervisory Reporting of Institutions Commision Implementing Regulation (EU) No. 680/2014 Laying Down Implementing Technical Standards with Regard to Supervisory Reporting of Institutions 2014
Romania Finance Directive No. 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC Directive No. 2007/64/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on Payment Services in the Internal Market Amending Directives 97/7/EC, 2002/65/EC, 2005/60/EC and 2006/48/EC and Repealing Directive 97/5/EC 2007
Romania ICT Emergency Ordinance on Electronic Communications, No. 111 Ordonanța de urgență a Guvernului nr. 111/2011 privind comunicaţiile electronice 2014
Romania ICT Decision on the General Authorisation Regime for the Provision of Electronic Communications Networks and Services Decizie privind regimul de autorizare generală pentru furnizarea reţelelor şi a serviciilor de comunicaţii electronice 2012
Romania ICT Commission Decision of 6 May 2010 on Harmonised Technical Conditions of Use in the 790-862 MHz Frequency Band for Terrestrial Systems Capable of Providing Electronic Communications Services in the European Union Commission Decision of 6 May 2010 on Harmonised Technical Conditions of Use in the 790-862 MHz Frequency Band for Terrestrial Systems Capable of Providing Electronic Communications Services in the European Union 2010
Romania ICT Decision of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications No. 541/2013 on the Conditions and Procedure for Designating Universal Service Providers in the Postal Sector Decizia preşedintelui Autorităţii Naţionale pentru Administrare şi Reglementare în Comunicaţii nr. 541/2013 privind condiţiile şi procedura de desemnare a furnizorilor de serviciu universal în domeniul serviciilor poştale 2013
Romania ICT Law No. 154 on Regime of the Electronic Communications Networks Infrastructure Lege nr. 154/2012 privind regimul infrastructurii reţelelor de comunicaţii electronice 2012
Romania Livestock Order No. 187 to Approve the Sanitary and Veterinary Medicinal Products Code Ordin nr. 187 pentru aprobarea Normei sanitare veterinare privind Codul produselor medicinale veterinare 2007
Romania Livestock Order Approving the Sanitary and Veterinary Conditions on the Organization and Functioning of Veterinary Pharmaceutical Establishments and Registration Procedure Sanitary Veterinary / Sanitary-Veterinary Authorization Units and Veterinary Pharmaceutical Activities Ordin pentru aprobarea Normei sanitare veterinare privind condițiile de organizare și funcționare a unităților farmaceutice veterinare, precum și procedura de înregistrare sanitară veterinară/autorizare sanitară veterinară a unităților și activităților din domeniul farmaceutic veterinar 2014
Romania Markets Commission Regulation (EC) No. 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products Commission Regulation (EC) No. 376/2008 Laying Down Common Detailed Rules for the Application of the System of Import and Export Licences and Advance Fixing Certificates for Agricultural Products 2008
Romania Markets Order on the Reorganization of the Register for Farms from the Minister of Agriculture and Rural development, No. 22 Ordin nr. 22/2011 privind reorganizarea Registrului fermelor, care devine Registrul unic de identificare, in vederea accesarii masurilor reglementate de politica agricola comuna 2011
Romania Markets Order Establishing Procedures for Phytosanitary Controls, no. 1501/2013 Ordin nr. 1501 privind stabilirea procedurilor pentru efectuarea controalelor fitosanitare 2013
Romania Markets Law Establishing Regulating Measures of Agricultural Products Market, No. 145/2014 Legea 145/2014 pentru stabilirea unor masuri de reglementare a pietei produselor din sectorul agricol 2014
Romania Markets Government Decision Regarding the Procedure for Obtaining the Producer Certificate, No. 661/2001 Hotărârea nr. 661/2001 privind procedura de eliberare a certificatului de producător 2001
Romania Markets Order Approving the Regulation on the Organization of Quality Control and Phytosanitary Import and Export of Seeds and Seedlings, No. 34 Ordin nr. 34 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind organizarea controlului de calitate şi fitosanitar la importul şi exportul seminţelor şi materialului săditor 2011
Romania Markets Decree Approving the Methodological Norms for the Application of Ordinance no. 136/2000 on Protective Measures Against the Introduction and Spread of Harmful Organisms to Plants or Plant Products in Romania, no. 563 Hotărâre nr. 563 pentru aprobarea normelor metodologice de aplicare a Ordonanţei Guvernului nr. 136/2000 privind măsurile de protecţie împotriva introducerii şi răspândirii organismelor de carantină dăunătoare plantelor sau produselor vegetale în România 2007
Romania Markets Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community Council Directive 2000/29/EC on Protective Measures Against the Introduction into the Community of Organisms Harmful to Plants or Plant Products and Against their Spread within the Community 2000
Romania Markets Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules Regulation (EC) No. 882/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on Official Controls Performed to Ensure the Verification of Compliance with Feed and Food Law, Animal Health and Animal Welfare Rules 2004
Romania Markets Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1756/2004 Specifying the Detailed Conditions for the Evidence Required and the Criteria for the Type and Level of the Reduction of the Plant Health Checks of Certain Plants, Plant Products or Other Objects Listed in Part B of Annex V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1756/2004 Specifying the Detailed Conditions for the Evidence Required and the Criteria for the Type and Level of the Reduction of the Plant Health Checks of Certain Plants, Plant Products or Other Objects Listed in Part B of Annex V to Council Directive 2000/29/EC 2004
Romania Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperatives, No. 566 Legea nr. 566 cooperatiei agricole 2004
Romania Markets Law on Agricultural Companies and Other Forms of Association in Agriculture, No. 36 Legea nr. 36 rivind societatile agricole si alte forme de asociere in agricultura 1991
Romania Markets Ordinance on the Recognition and Functioning of Producer Groups and Organizations for the Marketing of Agricultural and Forest Products, No. 37/2005 OG 37/2005 privind recunoaşterea şi funcţionarea grupurilor şi organizaţiilor de producători, pentru comercializarea produselor agricole şi silvice 2005
Romania Markets Law on the Organization and Functioning of Cooperatives, No. 1/2005 Legea 1/2005 privind organizarea si functionarea cooperatiei republicata 2014. Lege nr. 1/2005 republicata 2014 2005
Romania Markets Ordinance Regarding Associations and Foundations, No. 26/2000 Ordonanta cu privire la asociatii si fundatii 2000
Romania Markets Order Approving the Methodological Norms Regarding the Manner of Keeping the Trade Registries, No. 2594 Ordin Nr. 2594/C pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice privind modul de ţinere a registrelor comerţului, de efectuare a înregistrărilor şi de eliberare a informaţiilor 2008
Romania Markets Law on Unfair Trading Practices, No. 11/1991 Legea nr. 11 privind combaterea concurentei neloiale 1991
Romania Markets Ordinance on Commercialization of Products and Services, GO No. 99/2000 Ordonanţă nr. 99 privind comercializarea produselor şi serviciilor de piaţă 2000
Romania Markets Law No. 287 on the Civil Code Lege nr. 287 privind codul civil 2009
Romania Markets Law on Food Marketing, No. 321/2009 Legea 321/2009 privind comercializarea produselor alimentare 2008
Romania Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 134/2010 Legea 134/2010 privind Codul de procedura Civila 2014
Romania Markets Rules on the Organization and Operation of the Court of International Commercial Arbitration attached to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania Regulament privind organizarea şi funcţionarea curţii de arbitraj comercial de pe lângă camera de comerţ, industrie şi agricultură galaţi 2015
Romania Markets Law on Mediation and Organisation of the Mediator Profession, No. 192/2006 Legea 192/2006 actualizata privind medierea si organizarea profesiei de mediator 2006
Romania Markets Order on Approval of Tariffs for Phytosanitary Inspections of Plant Protection and Phytosanitary Quarantine and Control Marketing and Use of Plant Protection Products, No. 837 Ordin nr. 837 privind aprobarea tarifelor pentru efectuarea inspecţiilor fitosanitare din domeniul protecţiei plantelor şi carantinei fitosanitare şi pentru controlul comercializării şi utilizării produselor de protecţie a plantelor 2016
Romania Markets Order no. 358/763/2016 regarding the recognition and functioning of producer groups and organizations for marketing of agricultural and forest products Ordinul nr. 358/763/2016 pentru aprobarea Normelor metodologice de aplicare a Ordonanței Guvernului nr. 37/2005 privind recunoașterea și funcționarea grupurilor și organizațiilor de producători, pentru comercializarea produselor agricole și silvice 2016
Romania Markets Government Ordinance no. 137/2000 on preventing and sanctioning all forms of discrimination OG 137/2000 privind prevenirea si sanctionarea tuturor formelor de discriminare 2000
Romania Machinery Fiscal Code Law, No. 227 Legea nr. 227 privind Codul fiscal 2015
Romania Machinery EU Regulation 167/2013 EU Regulation 167/2013 2013
Romania Machinery EU Directive 97/68/EC EU Directive 97/68/EC 1997
Romania Machinery Order No. 1275 for Amending and Supplementing the Regulations on Individual Approval, Issuing of Identity Card and Certification of Authenticity for Road Vehicles-RNTR 7 Ordin nr. 2.132 pentru aprobarea Reglementarilor privind omologarea individuala, eliberarea cartii de identitate si certificarea autenticitatii vehiculelor rutiere - RNTR 7 2005
Romania Seed Law No. 266 on Production, Processing, Quality Control and Certification, Selling of Seeds and Seedlings, Testing and Registration of Plant Varieties Legea 266 rerepublicata privind producerea,controlul calităţii, comercializarea şi folosirea seminţelor şi materialului săditor, precum şi înregistrarea soiurilor de plante agricole 2002
Romania Seed Law on the Protection of New Plant Varieties, No. 255 Legea nr. 255 privind protec˛ia noilor soiuri de plante 1998
Romania Transport Highway Code Codul Rutier 2007
Romania Transport Law No. 108 on Road Transport of Agricultural Crops Legea 108 privind transportul rutier de produse agricole vegetale pe drumurile publice 2014
Romania Transport Ordinance no. 27 on Road Transport Odonanta nr. 27 privind transporturile rutiere 2011
Romania Water Emergency Ordinance on Irrigation Water Users Associations, No. 147 Ordonanța de urgență nr. 147/1999 privind asociațiile utilizatorilor de apă pentru irigații 1999
Romania Water Water Law, No. 107 Legea apelor, nr. 107 1996
Romania Water Enviromental Protection Law, No. 195 Ordonanta de urgenta nr. 195/2005 privind protectia mediului 1995
Romania Water Emergency Ordinance No. 107 on the Establishment of the National Administration Romanian Waters Ordonata de Urgenta nr. 107 Privind Infiintarea Administratiei Nationale Apele Romane 2002
Romania Water Order No. 1276 Methodology for Organizing, Storing and Managing the Romanian Water Cadaster Ordin nr. 1276 privind aprobarea Metodologiei de organizare, pastrare si gestionare a Cadastrului apelor din Romania 2005
Romania Water Order No. 662 Approving the Procedure and Competence for Issuing Permits and Licenses for Water Management Ordin nr. 662 privind aprobarea Procedurii şi a competenţelor de emitere a avizelor şi autorizaţiilor de gospodărire a apelor 2006
Romania Water Order No. 798 Approving the Framework for Water Usage Subscription Ordin nr. 798 Privind Aprobarea Abonamentului-Cadru de Utilizare/Exploatare 2005
Romania Water Law No. 138 on Land Improvements Legea imbunatatirilor funciare 2004
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Civil Code Гражданский кодекс 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Land Code, No. 136-FZ Земельный кодекс №136-ФЗ 2001
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Sanitary Rules for Livestock Production Approved by the Deputy Chief of the State Sanitary Physician of the USSR Mr. A.M.SKLYAROV #4542-87 Санитарные правила для животноводческих предприятий No. 4542-87, утвержденные заместителем Главного государственного санитарного врача СССР А.М.Скляровым 1987
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Water Code Водный кодекс 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Federal Law No. 78-FZ on Land Management Федеральный закон N 78-ФЗ «О землеустройстве» 2001
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Federal Law No. 7-FZ on the Protection of the Environment Федеральный закон Российской Федерации №7-ФЗ «Об охране окружающей среды» 2002
Russian Federation Moscow Environment Federal Law No. 109-FZ on the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Федеральный закон №109-ФЗ «О безопасном обращении с пестицидами и агрохимикатами» 1997
Russian Federation Moscow Fertilizer Federal Law No. 109-FZ on the Safe Handling of Pesticides and Agrochemicals Федеральный закон №109-ФЗ «О безопасном обращении с пестицидами и агрохимикатами» 1997
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No.395-1 on Banks and Banking Activity Федеральный закон No. 395-1 «О банках и банковской деятельности» 1990
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No.86-FZ on the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia) Федеральный закон No. 86-ФЗ «О Центральном банке Российской Федерации» 2002
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Instruction No. 139 of the Bank of Russia Инструкция Банка России №139-И 2012
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Regulation 254 N-P on the Formation of the Credit Organization Provisions for Possible Loan and Similar Debts Losses Положение N 254-П «О порядке формирования кредитными организациями резервов на возможные потери по ссудам, по ссудной и приравненной к ней задолженности» 2004
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 353-FZ on Consumer Credit (Loan) Федеральный закон №353-ФЗ «О потребительском кредите (займе)» 2013
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 177 FZ on Insurance of Household Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation Федеральный закон No. 177 ФЗ «О страховании вкладов физических лиц в банках Российской Федерации» 2003
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 151-FZ on Microfinance and Microfinance Institutions Федеральный закон No. 151-ФЗ «О микрофинансовой деятельности и микрофинансовых организациях» 2010
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 190-FZ on Credit Cooperation Федеральный закон №190-ФЗ «О кредитной кооперации» от 18 июля 2009 г. (ред. от 21 декабря 2013) 2013
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law №193-FZ on Agricultural Cooperation Федеральный закон №193-ФЗ «О сельскохозяйственой кооперации» 1995
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 161-FZ on the National Payment System Федеральный закон №161-ФЗ «О национальной платежной системе» 2011
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 135-FZ on the Protection of Competition Федеральный закон №135-ФЗ «О защите конкуренции» 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Civil Code Гражданский кодекс 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Federal Law No. 115-FZ on Counteraction to Legalization (Laundering) of Proceeds from Crime and Financing of Terrorism Федеральный закон №115-ФЗ «О противодействии легализации (отмыванию) доходов, полученных преступным путем, и финансированию терроризма» 2001
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Notice of the Bank of Russia of N -2332 U/2009 On the List, Forms and Procedure for Preparation and Submission of Reporting Forms of Credit Institutions to the Central Bank of Russian Federation Уведомление «О перечне, формах и порядке составления и представления форм отчетности кредитных организаций в Центральный банк Российской Федерации» 2009
Russian Federation Moscow Finance Notice of the Bank of Russia of October 25 N 3081-U on the Disclosure of Information by Credit Institutions on its Activities Указание Банка России №3081-У «О раскрытии кредитными организациями информации о своей деятельности» от 25 октября 2013 г. 2013
Russian Federation Moscow ICT Federal Law on Licensing of Certain Type of Activities Федеральный закон o лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности 2011
Russian Federation Moscow ICT Decision of the State Committee on Radiofrequencies Решение Государственной комиссии по радиочастотам при Минкомсвязи России 2013
Russian Federation Moscow ICT Federal Law on Communications Федеральный закон o связи 2003
Russian Federation Moscow ICT Decree No. 1284 on the Rules on the Non-Discriminatory Access to the Infrastructure for the Electronic Communication Network Arrangement Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации N 1284 г. Москва Об утверждении Правил недискриминационного доступа к инфраструктуре для размещения сетей электросвязи 2014
Russian Federation Moscow ICT Decree No. 539 on Procedure of Registration of Radio Electronic Equipment and High Frequency Devices Постановление N 539 o порядке регистрации радиоэлектронных средств и высокочастотных устройств 2004
Russian Federation Moscow Livestock Federal Law on Circulation of Medicines Федеральный закон Об обращении лекарственных средств 61-ФЗ 2010
Russian Federation Moscow Livestock Rules on the State Registration of Drugs for Animals and Feed Additives Приказ Министерства сельского хозяйства Российской Федерации N 48 Об утверждении правил государственной регистрации лекарственных средств для животных и кормовых добавок 2005
Russian Federation Moscow Livestock Government Decree No. 1539 on Import into the Russian Federation and Export from it of Drugs and Pharmaceutical Substances Постановление Правительства РФ N 1539 О ввозе в Российскую Федерацию и вывозе из нее лекарственных средств и фармацевтических субстанций 1998
Russian Federation Moscow Livestock Government Decree No. 1081 On Licensing of Pharmaceutical Activities Постановление Правительства Российской Федерации от 22 декабря 2011 года № 1081 О лицензировании фармацевтической деятельности 2011
Russian Federation Moscow Livestock Law on Veterinary Закон о ветеринарии 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on Plant Quarantine, No. 206-FZ Закон No. 206 -ФЗ «О карантине растений» 2014
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Order on the Issuance of Phytosanitary Certificates and Quarantine Certificates, No. 163 Приказ №163 «Об организации работ по выдаче фитосанитарных и карантинных сертификатов» 2007
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on Grains, No. 4973-I Закон №4973-I «О зерне» 1993
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Federal Law №193-FZ on Agricultural Cooperation Федеральный закон №193-ФЗ «О сельскохозяйственой кооперации» 1995
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, No. 129-FZ Закон 129-ФЗ «О государственной регистрации юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей» 2001
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on the Procurement and Supply of Agricultural Products, Raw Materials and Foodstuffs for State Needs, No. 53-FZ Закон №53-ФЗ «О закупках и поставка сельскохозяйственной продукции, сырья и продовольствия для государственных нужд» 1994
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Civil Code (Part Two), No. 14-FZ Гражданский кодекс №14-ФЗ (Часть 2) 1996
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Federal Law No. 135-FZ on the Protection of Competition Федеральный закон №135-ФЗ «О защите конкуренции» 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure (Mediation), No. 193-FZ Закон №193-ФЗ «Об альтернативной процедуре урегулирования споров с участием посредника» 2010
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Law on Courts of Arbitration, No. 102-FZ Закон №102-ФЗ «О третейских судах» 2015
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Order of the Ministry of Agriculture on the List of Quarantine Pests, No. 501 Приказ Министерства сельского хозяйства РФ №501 «Об утверждении Перечня карантинных объектов» 2014
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 138-Fz Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Российской Федерации N 138-ФЗ 2002
Russian Federation Moscow Markets Code Of Administrative Offences, No. 195-FZ Кодекс Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях N 195-ФЗ 2001
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Eurasian Economic Commission Decision No. 181 on Enforcement of Customs Union Regulation on Safety of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors and Trailers Решение №181 Коллегии Евразийской экономической комиссии О порядке введения в действие технического регламента Таможенного союза «О безопасности сельскохозяйственных  и лесохозяйственных тракторов и прицепов к ним»  2012
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Government Decree #460 on Introduction of Passports for Self-Propelled Vehicles and Other Types of Machinery Постановление Правительства РФ 460 О введении паспортов на самоходные машины и другие виды техники в Российской Федерации 1995
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Customs Code Таможенный кодекс Российской Федерации 2003
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Eurasian Customs Union Technical Regulation #031/2012 on Safety of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors and Trailers Технический регламент Таможенного Союза ТР ТС 031-2012О безопасности сельскохозяйственных и лес охозяйственных тракторов и прицепов к ним 2012
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Federal Law No. 264-Ф3 on Development of Agriculture Федеральный закон N 264-ФЗ О развитии сельского хозяйства 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery UNECE Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts UNECE Agreement Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles, Equipment and Parts 2013
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Customs Code of the Customs Union Таможенный кодекс Таможенного союза 2009
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Decree No. 1013 on Technical Inspection of Self-propelling Vehicles and Other Types of Transport Registered by Agencies that Implement Government Supervision for their Technical Condition Постановление Правительства РФ N 1013 О техническом осмотре самоходных машин и других видов техники, зарегистрированных органами, осуществляющими государственный надзор за их техническим состоянием 2013
Russian Federation Moscow Machinery Eurasian Economic Commission Decision #54 on Single Customs Tariff Решение Совета Евразийской Экономической Комиссии No. 54 о Едином Таможенном Тарифе ЕврАзЭС 2012
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Federal Law on Seed Breeding Федеральный закон «О семеноводстве» 1997
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Civil Code Гражданский кодекс 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Instruction on Import and Export of Plant and Animal Varieties into and from the Russian Federation Инструкция о ввозе на территорию Российской Федерации и вывозе с территории Российской Федерации семян сортов растений и племенного материала пород животных 1997
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Decree of the Government on Adopting Rules for Government Registration of Granting Exclusive Rights to Breeders for their Breeding Achievements Постановление правительства «Об утверждении Правил государственной регистрации договоров о распоряжении исключительным правом на селекционное достижение и перехода такого права без договора» 2009
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Decree of the Government On Adopting Rules for Fees for Legal Actions Regarding Patents for Selection Achievements Постановление правительства «Об утверждениии положения о патентных и иных пошлинах за совершение юридически значимых действий, связанных с патентом на селекционное достижение» 2009
Russian Federation Moscow Seed General Specifications for Seeds of Plant Varieties Общие технические условия для семян сельскохозяйственных растений 2005
Russian Federation Moscow Seed Law No. 184-FZ on Technical Regulation Федеральный закон 184-ФЗ О техническом регулировании 2002
Russian Federation Moscow Transport Federal Law on Transport Федеральный закон «Устав автомобильного транспорта и городского наземного электрического транспорта» 2007
Russian Federation Moscow Transport Federal Law on Licensing Федеральный закон «О лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности» 2011
Russian Federation Moscow Transport Bilateral Transport Agreement with China Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Китайской Народной Республики «О международном автомобильном сообщении» 1992
Russian Federation Moscow Transport Rules on Transportation of Perishable Foodstuffs Правила перевозок скоропортящихся грузов автотранспортом 1974
Russian Federation Moscow Transport Technical Rules of the Customs Union on Safety of Wheat Технический регламент таможенного союза «О безопасности зерна» 2011
Russian Federation Moscow Water Ministerial Decree No. 727 Regulating Basin Councils Постановление Правительства No. 727 «О порядке создания и деятельности бассейновых советов» 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Water Water Code Водный кодекс 2006
Russian Federation Moscow Water Ministerial Decree No. 253 on Keeping the State Water Register Постановление Правительства No. 253 «О порядке ведения государственного водного реестра» 2007
Russian Federation Moscow Water Ministerial Decree No. 219 on State Monitoring of Water Bodies Постановление Правительства No. 219 «Об утверждении Положения об осуществлении государственного мониторинга водных объектов» 2007
Russian Federation Moscow Water State Tax Service Instruction No.46 on the Procedure for Calculation and Payment for Use of Water Bodies Инструкция Госналогслужбы РФ N 46О порядке исчисления и внесения в бюджет платы за пользование водными объектами 1998
Rwanda Environment Law No. 38/2010 Establishing Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB) and determining its Responsibilities, Organisation and Functioning Loi n° 38/2010 portant création de l’Office Rwandais de Développement Agricole (rab) et déterminant ses attributions, organisation et fonctionnement 2010
Rwanda Environment Rwanda Biodiversity Policy Rwanda Biodiversity Policy 2011
Rwanda Environment Law No. 005/2016 Governing Seeds And Plant Varieties Loi n° 005/2016 régissant les semences et les variétés végétales 2016
Rwanda Environment Organic Law No. 04/2005 Determining the Modalities of Protection, Conservation and Promotion of Environment Loi Organique n° 04/2005 portant modalités de protéger, sauvegarder et promouvoir l’environnement 2005
Rwanda Environment Prime Minister's Order No. 26/03 Determining the List of Chemicals and other Prohibited Pollutants Arrêté du premier ministre n° 26/03 déterminant la liste des substances chimiques dangereuses et d'autres polluants interdits 2008
Rwanda Environment Law No. 30/2012 on Governing of Agrochemicals Loi n° 30/2012 portant utilisation des produits agrochimiques 2012
Rwanda Environment Law No. 24/2012 Relating to the Planning of Land Use and Development Loi n° 24/2012 portant planification de l’utilisation et d’aménagement des terres 2012
Rwanda Fertilizer Law No. 30/2012 on Governing of Agrochemicals Loi n° 30/2012 portant utilisation des produits agrochimiques 2012
Rwanda Fertilizer Law No. 07 Relating to Companies Loi n° 07 Relative aux Sociétés Commerciales 2009
Rwanda Fertilizer Ministerial Order No. 002/11.30- Ministerial Order Determining Regulations Governing Agrochemicals L’arrete Ministeriel n° 002/11.30- Arrêté Ministériel portant règlements régissant les produits agrochimiques 2016
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 11/2009 on Capital Adequacy Requirements Règlement n° 11/2009 portant normes relatives au ratio de solvabilité 2009
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 02/2011 on Credit Classification and Provisioning Règlement n° 02/2011 sur la classification des crédits et les provisions 2011
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 02/2012 on Reporting Requirements from Banks Règlement n° 02/2012 sur les exigences de déclaration des banques 2012
Rwanda Finance Law No. 31/2015 Determining the Organization and Functioning of Deposit Guarantee Fund for Banks and Microfinance Institutions Loi n° 31/2015 portant organisation et fonctionnement du fonds de garantie des dépôts pour les banques et les institutions de microfinance 2015
Rwanda Finance Law No. 40/2008 Establishing Organisation of Micro Finance Activities Loi n° 40/2008 du 26/08/2008 portant organisation de l’activité de micro finance 2008
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 02/2009 on the Organisation of Microfinance Activity Règlement n° 02/2009 relatif à l’organisation de l’activité de microfinance 2009
Rwanda Finance Law No. 50/2007 Determining the Establishment, Organization and Functioning of Cooperative Organizations Loi n° 50/2007 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement des sociétés coopératives 2007
Rwanda Finance Constitution Constitution 2003
Rwanda Finance National Bank of Rwanda Guidelines on Agent Banking National Bank of Rwanda Guidelines on Agent Banking 2011
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 07/2015 of the National Bank of Rwanda Governing Payment Services Providers Règlement n° 07/2015 de la Banque Nationale du Rwanda régissant les prestataires de services de paiement 2015
Rwanda Finance Regulation No. 07/2010 of the National Bank of Rwanda on Electronic Fund Transfers and Electronic Money Transactions Règlement n°07/2010 de la Banque Nationale du Rwanda relatif aux transferts électroniques de fonds et aux transactions électroniques de monnaie 2010
Rwanda Finance Law No. 32/2009 Governing Negotiable Instruments Loi n° 32/2009 relative aux titres négociables 2009
Rwanda Finance Law No. 34/2013 on Security Interests in Movable Property Loi n° 34/2013 sur les sûretés mobilières 2009
Rwanda Finance Instructions of the Registrar General No. 01/2009/ORG of 24/06 Relating to Modalities of Registration and Management of the Register of Security Interests in Movable Property Instructions n° 01/2009/ORG du Registraire Général sur les modalités d‟enregistrement et de gestion du registre des sûretés mobilières 2009
Rwanda ICT Law Governing Information and Communication Technologies Loi régissant les technologies de l'information et de la communication 2016
Rwanda Livestock Law No. 47 Relating to the Regulation and Inspection of Food and Pharmaceutical Products Loi n° 47 portant réglementation et inspection des produits alimentaires et pharmaceutiques 2012
Rwanda Livestock Law No. 74 Establishing Rwanda Food and Medicines Authority and Determining its Mission, Organisation and Functioning Loi n° 74 portant création de l’Office Rwandais des produits alimentaires et pharmaceutiques et déterminant ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement 2013
Rwanda Livestock Pharmaceutical Law, No. 12/99 Loi n° 12/99 relative à l'art pharmaceutique 1999
Rwanda Livestock Ministerial Order No. 008/11.30 Determining the Organization of Veterinary Pharmacy Practice Arrêté Ministériel n° 008/11.30 portant organisation de l'exercice de la pharmacie vétérinaire 2010
Rwanda Livestock Guidance Document on Import/Export of Medicines Guidance Document on Import/Export of Medicines 2014
Rwanda Markets Law on Plant Health Protection, No. 16 Loi n° 16/2016 portant protection de la santé des végétaux 2016
Rwanda Markets Law No. 50/2007 Determining the Establishment, Organization and Functioning of Cooperative Organizations Loi n° 50/2007 portant création, organisation et fonctionnement des sociétés coopératives 2007
Rwanda Markets Constitution Constitution 2003
Rwanda Markets Law No. 45/2011 Governing Contracts Loi n° 45/2011 régissant les contrats 2011
Rwanda Markets Law No. 005/2008 on Arbitration and Conciliation in Commercial Matters Loi n° 005/2008 relative à l'arbitrage et à la conciliation en matière commerciale 2008
Rwanda Markets Law No. 21/2012 Relating to the Civil, Commercial, Labour and Administrative Procedure Loi n° 21/2012 portant code de procédure civile, commerciale, sociale et administrative 2012
Rwanda Machinery Law No. 21/2006 Establishing the Customs System Loi n° 21/2006 portant régime douanier 2006
Rwanda Machinery Law No. 50/2013 Establishing Rwanda Standards Board (RSB) Loi n° 50/2013 portant création de l’Office Rwandais de Normalisation (RSB) et déterminant ses missions, son organisation et son fonctionnement 2013
Rwanda Machinery Prime Minister’s Instructions No. 005/03 Preventing Air Pollution Instructions du premier ministre n° 005/03 du 27/12/2013 portant prévention de la pollution atmosphérique causée par des émissions des véhicules et des machines utilisant des produits pétroliers 2014
Rwanda Machinery Presidential Decree No. 85/01 Regulating General Traffic Police and Road Traffic Arrêté Présidentiel n° 85/01 du 2/09/2002 portant règlement général de la police du roulage et de la circulation routière 2002
Rwanda Machinery Presidential Decree No. 25/01 Modifying and Complementing Presidential Decree No. 85/01 Arrêté Présidentiel modifiant et complétant l'Arrêté Présidentiel n° 85/01 du 2/09/2002 portant règlement général de la police du roulage et de la circulation routière tel que modifié et complété à ce jour 2015
Rwanda Seed Law No. 005/2016 Governing Seeds And Plant Varieties Loi n° 005/2016 régissant les semences et les variétés végétales 2016
Rwanda Transport Presidential Decree No. 25/01 Modifying and Complementing Presidential Decree No. 85/01 Arrêté Présidentiel modifiant et complétant l'Arrêté Présidentiel n° 85/01 du 2/09/2002 portant règlement général de la police du roulage et de la circulation routière tel que modifié et complété à ce jour 2015
Rwanda Transport Road Act Loi régissant les routes 2011
Rwanda Water Ministerial Order No. 001/11.30 Establishing Irrigation Water Users Associations in Irrigation Schemes Arrêté ministériel n° 001/11.30 établissant des associations d'utilisateurs d'eau dans les programmes d’irrigation 2011
Rwanda Water Law No. 62/2008 Putting in Place the Use, Conservation, Protection and Management Of Water Resources Regulations Loi n° 62/2008 fixant les règles d'utilisation, de conservation, de protection et de gestion des ressources en eau 2008
Rwanda Water Ministerial Order No. 002/16.01 Determining the Procedure for declaration, Authorisation and Concession for the Utilisation of Water Arrêté Ministériel n° 002/16.01 portant procédure de déclaration, autorisation et concession pour l’utilisation de l’eau 2013
Rwanda Water Organic Law No. 04/2005 Determining the Modalities of Protection, Conservation and Promotion of Environment Loi Organique n° 04/2005 portant modalités de protéger, sauvegarder et promouvoir l’environnement 2005
Rwanda Water Ministerial Order No. 005/16.1 Determining the Organization and Functioning of the Hydrographic Basin Committees Arrêté Ministériel n° 005/16.01 déterminant l’organisation et le fonctionnement des comités des bassins hydrographiques 2013
Rwanda Water Ministerial Order No. 002/16.01 Determining the Procedure for Declaration, Authorization and Concession for the Utilization of Water Arrêté Ministériel n° 002/16.01 portant procédure de déclaration, autorisation et concession pour l’utilisation de l’eau 2013
Rwanda Water Ministerial Order No. 006/16.01 Determining the Organization of Water Resources Data Collection, Treatment, Management, Exploitation and Communication Arrête ministériel n° 006/16.01 portant organisation de la collecte, traitement, gestion, exploitation et communication des données sur des ressources en eau 2013
Sudan Environment National Seed and Variety Protection Law قانون التقاوى وحماية الأصناف القومى لسنة 2010
Sudan Environment Law on Pesticides and Pest Control Products قانون المبيدات ومنتجات مكافحةالآفات لسنة 1994
Sudan Environment Environmental Protection Act قانون حماية البيئة لعام 2001
Sudan Fertilizer Pesticides Act قانون المبيدات 1974
Sudan Fertilizer National Agricultural Fertilizers Law قانون الأسمدة الزراعية الوطنية 2010
Sudan Finance Central Bank of Sudan Circular No. 06/2009, Application of the New Capital Adequacy Standard بنك السودان المركزي التعميم رقم 06/2009، تطبيق معيار كفاية رأس المال الجديد 2009
Sudan Finance Central Bank of Sudan Circular No. 1/2008, Insolvency Policies and Measures and Constitution of Provisions بنك السودان المركزي التعميم رقم 1/2008، سياسات الإعسار والتدابير والدستور من أحكام 2009
Sudan Finance Banking Business (Organization) Act قانون تنظيم العمل المصرفي (منظمة) 2003
Sudan Finance Bank Deposit Security Fund Act قانون صندوق الضمان ودائع البنوك 1996
Sudan Finance Regulation of the Business of Microfinance Institutions تنظيم الأعمال من مؤسسات التمويل الأصغر 2011
Sudan Finance Central Bank of Sudan Publication No. 1/2013, Organization of Electronic Payment System Operations البنك المركزي النشر السودان رقم 1/2013، منظمة عمليات نظام الدفع الإلكترونية 2013
Sudan Finance Central Bank of Sudan Policies البنك المركزي سياسات السودان 2016
Sudan Finance Central Bank of Sudan Proclamation No. 3 البنك المركزي السوداني الإعلان رقم 3/2016، 2016
Sudan ICT Telecommunications Act قانون الاتصالات 2001
Sudan Livestock Medicines and Toxins Act قانون الأدوية والسموم لسنة 2009
Sudan Markets Civil Transactions Act قانون المعاملات المدنية لسنة 1984
Sudan Markets Arbitration Act قانون التحكيم 2016
Sudan Markets Plant Disease Act قانون أمراض النباتات 1913
Sudan Markets Sudan Quarantine Pests الحجر الصحي الآفات 2016
Sudan Machinery Customs Act قانون الجمارك لسنة 1986
Sudan Machinery SSMO Standards Regulations اللائحة معايير SSMO 1970
Sudan Seed National Seed and Variety Protection Law قانون التقاوى وحماية الأصناف القومى لسنة 2010
Sudan Seed Regulation on Listing Seed التنظيم على البذور الإدراج 1995
Sudan Transport Protection of National Roads Act قانون  حماية الطرق القومية 1994
Sudan Transport Traffic Law قانون المرور 2010
Sudan Water Irrigation and Drainage Law قانون الرى والصرف لسنة 1990
Sudan Water Water Resources Act قانون الموارد المائية لسنة 1995
Senegal Environment Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of March 2, 1977 on the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organization Accord de Bangui relatif à la création d'une Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle, constituant revision de l'Accord relatif à la création d'un Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriété Industrielle 1999
Senegal Environment Law No. 2001-01 Establishing the Environment Code Loi n° 2001-01 portant code de l’environnement 2001
Senegal Environment Executive Decision No. 9415 Prohibiting the Import, Production and Use of Pesticides and Chemicals Covered by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Arrêté Primatoral n° 9415 portant interdiction d’importation, de production et d’utilisation des pesticides et produits chimiques visés par la Convention de Stockholm sur les Polluants Organiques Persistants (POP’s) 2008
Senegal Finance Law CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 Defining and Supressing Usury Loi n° CM/UMOA/011/06/2013 portant definition et repression de l'usure 2013
Senegal Finance Opinion No. 003-08-2013 for Credit Institutions and Decentralized Financial Systems, Fixing the Rate of Attrition in the Member States of UMOA Avis n° 003-08-2013 aux etablissements de crédit et aux systèmes financiers décentralisés, relatif à la fixation du taux de l’usure dans les etats membres de l’UMOA 2013
Senegal Finance Prudential Framework Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) from 1 January Dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et aux etablissements financiers de l'union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) a compter du 1er janvier 2000
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 2000/01/RB on Prudential Rules Applicable to Banks and Financial Institutions of the WAMU Instruction n° 2000/01/RB relative aux modalités d'application du dispositif prudentiel applicable aux banques et etablissements financiers de l'UMOA 2000
Senegal Finance Law No. 23-2009 on the Regulation of MFIs Loi n° 23 -2009/AN portant réglementation des systèmes financiers décentralisés 2009
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 010-08-2010 Regarding Prudential Regulations Applicable to MFIs in the UMOA Instruction n° 010-08-2010 relative aux regles prudentielles applicables aux systemes financiers decentralises des etats membres de l’union monetaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 020-12-2010 on Periodic Indicators to be Transmitted by Decentralized Financial Systems to the Minister of Finance, the Central Bank and the Banking Commission of the West African Monetary Union (WAMU) Instruction n° 020-12-2010 relative aux indicateurs périodiques à transmettre par les systèmes financiers décentralisés au ministre chargé des finances, à la banque centrale et à la commission bancaire de l'union monétaire ouest africaine (UMOA) 2010
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 04 Regarding Provisioning of Outstanding Commitments Instruction n° 04 relative au déclassement et au provisionnement des crédits en souffrance 1998
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 015-12/2010/RB Fixing Intermediaries' Activities in Banking Instruction n° 015-12/2010/RB fixant les conditions d'exercice des activites d'intermediaires en operations de banque 2010
Senegal Finance Regulation No. 15/2002/CM/UEMOA Regarding Payment Systems in Member States of the West African Economic and Monetary Union Réglement n° 15/2002/CM/UEMOA relatif aux systèmes de paiement dans les etats membres de l'union economique et monétaire ouest africaine (UEMOA) 2002
Senegal Finance Intruction No. 008-05-2015 Governing the Conditions and Procedures for Exercising the Activities of Electronic Money Issuers Instruction n° 008-05-2015 régissant les conditions et modalités d'exercice des activités des emetteurs de monnaie electroniques 2015
Senegal Finance Instruction No. 94-05 on the Accounting and Provisioning of Impaired Commitments Instruction n° 94-05 Relative à la comptabilisation et au provisionnement des engagements en souffrance modifiée 1994
Senegal ICT Telecommunications Code Code des télécommunications 2011
Senegal Livestock Regulation No. 02/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishment of Community Procedures for the Authorization to Market and Monitor Veterinary Drugs and Establishing a Regional Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products Règlement n° 02/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des procédures communautaires pour l'autorisation de mise sur le marché et la surveillance des médicaments vétérinaires et instituant un comité régional du médicament vétérinaire 2006
Senegal Livestock Regulation No. 03/2006/CM/UEMOA Establishing Fees In The Area Of Veterinary Medicines In UEMOA Règlement n° 03/2006/CM/UEMOA etablissant des redevances dans le domaine des médicaments vétérinaires à l'UEMOA 2006
Senegal Livestock Law No. 2008-07 Organizing the Veterinary Profession and Pharmacy Loi n° 2008-07 organisant la profession et la pharmacie vétérinaires 2008
Senegal Livestock Decree No. 2013-1281 on the Powers of the Minister of Livestock and Animal Production Décret n° 2013-1281 relatif aux attributions du Ministre de l’Elevage et des productions animales 2013
Senegal Markets Decree No. 60-121 SG on Phytosanitary Control of Plant Imports and Exports Décret n° 60-121 SG – portant institution d'un contrôle phytosanitaire des importations et des exportations des végétaux, parties de végétaux et produits entrant au Sénégal ou en sortant 1960
Senegal Markets Decree No. 60-122 SG Making Compulsory the Control of Animal and Plant Pests of Crops Décret n° 60-122 SG rendant obligatoire la lutte contre les parasites animaux et végétaux des cultures 1960
Senegal Markets Decree No. 99-259 on Control of Fruit and Vegetables Décret n° 99-259 instituant le contrôle de qualité des fruits et légumes 1999
Senegal Markets Ministerial Order No. 3309 Creating the Directorate of Plant Protection Arrêté ministériel n° 3309 portant organisation de la Direction de la Protection des Végétaux 2000
Senegal Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Cooperative Societies Acte uniforme OHADA relatif au droit des sociétés coopératives 2010
Senegal Markets Constitution Constitution 2001
Senegal Markets Civil and Commercial Obligations Code Nouveau Code des obligations civiles et commerciales 1976
Senegal Markets Civil Procedure Code Code de procédure civil 1964
Senegal Markets OHADA Uniform Act on Arbitration Acte uniforme OHADA sur le droit de l’arbitrage 1999
Senegal Markets Decree No. 2013-692 Modifying Decree No. 95-77 from January 20, 1995 Décret n° 2013-692 modifiant l’article 3 du décret n° 95-77 du 20 janvier 1995 2013
Senegal Seed Decree No. 97- 616 on the Regulation of the Production, Certification and Commercialization of Seed and Plants Décret n° 97- 616 portant réglementation de la production, de la certification et du commerce des semences et des plants 1997
Senegal Seed Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of March 2, 1977 on the Creation of an African Intellectual Property Organization Accord de Bangui relatif à la création d'une Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle, constituant revision de l'Accord relatif à la création d'un Office Africain et Malgache de la Propriété Industrielle 1999
Senegal Seed Decree No. 97-603 Creating the Consultative Committee of Seed and Plants Décret n° 97-603 creeant le comite consultatif pour les semences et plants 1997
Senegal Seed Decree No. 97- 602 Establishing a Variety Catalogue Décret n° 97- 602 etablissant le catalogue de variete 1997
Senegal Seed Law No. 94-81 Relating to the Registration of Varieties, the Production, Certification and Commercialisation of Seed and Plants Loi n° 94-81 relative à l'inscription des variétés, à la production, à la certification et au commerce des semences ou plants 1994
Senegal Seed Ministerial Order No. 7026 on the Technical Regulation for the Production, Control and Certification of Peanut, Maize and Rice Seed Arrêté ministériel n° 7026 portant règlement technique particulier de production, du contrôle et de la certification des semences d'arachide, de maïs et de riz 2000
Senegal Transport Law No. 2003-04 on Function and Organization of Land Transport Loi n° 2003­04 portant orientation et organisation des Transports terrestres 2003
Senegal Transport Decree No. 2008/533 Fixing Rules Implementing of Law No. 2003-04 on Function and Organization of Land Transport Décret n° 2008­533 fixant les règles d’application de la loi n° 2003­04 du 27 mai 2003 portant orientation et organisation des transports terrestres 2008
Senegal Transport Ministerial Order No. 3570 PM-SG on the Organization and Responsibilities of the Land Transport Department Arrêté ministériel n° 3570 PM­SG portant organisation et attributions de la Direction des Transports terrestres 2002
Senegal Transport Interministerial Decree No. 1720 Arrêté interministéreiel n° 1720 2007
Senegal Transport Convention A/P.2/5/82 Relating to Inter-State Transport of Goods between ECOWAS Member States Convention A/P.2/5/82 portant le transport inter-Etats des Pays de la CEDEAO 1982
Senegal Transport Request for Authorization to Operate Road Transport Demander un agrément pour l'exercice du transport routier ND
Senegal Transport Request for Authorization to Operate Transportation (License) Demander une autorisation de transport (licence) ND
Senegal Transport Request for Vehicle Technical Inspection Demander un certicat d'aptitude technique (visite technique) ND
Senegal Water Law No. 81-13 Providing the Water Code Loi n° 81-13 portant code de l’eau 1981
Senegal Water Decree No. 98-555 Implementing the Provisions of the Water Code Regarding Construction Authorizations and the Use of Abstraction and Discharge Décret n° 98-555 portant application des dispositions du Code de l'Eau relatives aux autorisations de construction et d'utilisation d'ouvrages de captage et de rejet 1998
Senegal Water Decree No. 98-556 Implementing the Provisions of the Water Code Regarding the Water Police Décret n° 98-556 portant application des dispositions du Code de l'Eau relatives à la police de l'eau 1998
Serbia Environment Law on Ministries Zakon o ministarstvima 2014
Serbia Environment Law on Protection of Plant Breeders’ Rights Zakon o zaštiti prava oplemenjivača biljnih sorti 2011
Serbia Environment Rulebook on the Method of Determining and Maintaining Sanitary Protection Zones of Water Supply Sources Pravilnik o načinu određivanja i održavanja zona sanitarne zaštite izvorišta vodosnabdevanja 2008
Serbia Environment Law on Plant Protection Products Zakon o sredstvima za zaštitu bilja 2009
Serbia Environment Law on Chemicals, No. 36 Zakon o Hemikalijama 2009
Serbia Environment Law on Waste Management, No. 36 Zakon o Upravljanju Otpadom 2009
Serbia Environment Law on Agricultural Land Zakon o Poljoprivrednom Zemljistu 2009
Serbia Environment Law on Planing and Construction, No. 72 Zakon o planiranju i izgradnji 2009
Serbia Environment Forest Law Zakon o sumama 2010
Serbia Environment Law on Incentives for Agriculture Production and Rural Development Zakon o podsticajima u poljoprivredi i ruralnom razvoju 2013
Serbia Environment Law on Environmental Protection Zakon o Zastiti Zivotne Sredine 2004
Serbia Fertilizer Law on Plant Protection Products Zakon o sredstvima za zaštitu bilja 2009
Serbia Fertilizer Law on Plant Nutrition Products and Soil Enhancers Zakon o sredstvima za ishranu bilja i oplemenjivačima zemljišta 2009
Serbia Finance Law on Banks Zakon o bankama 2010
Serbia Finance Decision on Capital Adequacy of Banks Odluka o adekvatnosti kapitala banke 2014
Serbia Finance Law on the Protection of Financial Services Consumers Zakon o zaštiti korisnika finansijskih usluga 2012
Serbia Finance Law on Deposit Insurance Zakon o osiguranju depozita 2010
Serbia Finance Law on Payment Services Zakon o platnim uslugama 2015
Serbia Finance Law on Public Warehouses for Agricultural Products Zakon o javnim skladištima 2009
Serbia ICT Telecommunications Law Zakon o telekomunikacijama 2007
Serbia ICT Law on Electronic Communications Zakon o elektronskim komunikacijama 2014
Serbia Livestock Law on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices Zakon o lekovima i medicinskim sredstvima 2010
Serbia Livestock Rules on the Contents of the Request and Documentation as well as the Method of Obtaining the Marketing Authorization Pravilnik o uslovima, sadržaju dokumentacije i načinu odobrenja izmene ili dopune dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet 2012
Serbia Livestock Rules on the Conditions, Content and Manner of Documentation Approval of Changes or Amendments to the License for the Marketing of Medicinal Products Pravilnik o uslovima, sadržaju dokumentacije i načinu odobrenja izmene ili dopune dozvole za stavljanje leka u promet 2012
Serbia Livestock Ordinance on the Content and Labeling of Outer and Inner Packaging of the Drug, Additional Labeling, as Well as the Content of the Leaflet Pravilnik o sadržaju i načinu obeležavanja spoljnjeg i unutrašnjeg pakovanja leka, dodatnom obeležavanju, kao i sadržaju uputstva za lek 2011
Serbia Markets Law on Associations, No. 51 Zakona o udruženjima 2009
Serbia Markets Law on Cooperatives, No. 112 Zakon o zadrugama 2015
Serbia Markets Law on Public Warehouses for Agricultural Products Zakon o javnim skladištima 2009
Serbia Markets Law on the Procedure of Registration with the Serbian Business Registers Agency, No. 99 Zakonu o postupku registracije u Agenciji za privredne registre 2011
Serbia Markets Law on Contracts and Torts Zakon o obligacionim odnosima 1978
Serbia Markets Law on Financing Agricultural Production, No. 128 Zakon o finansiranju i obezbeđenju finansiranja poljoprivredne proizvodnje 2014
Serbia Markets Law on Commerce Zakon o trgovini 2010
Serbia Markets Law on Mediation, No. 18 Zakon o posredovanju - medijaciji 2005
Serbia Markets Law on Arbitration, No. 46 Zakon o arbitraži 2006
Serbia Markets Law on Enforcement and Securities Zakon o izvršenju i obezbeđenju 2011
Serbia Markets Law on Civil Procedure Zakon o parničnom postupku 2011
Serbia Markets Law on Plant Health, No. 41 Zakon o zdravlju bilja 2009
Serbia Markets Rulebook on Lists of Harmful Organisms and Lists of Plants, Plant Products and Regulated Pests, No. 7/2010 and 22/2012 Pravilnik o listama štetnih organizama i listama bilja, biljnih 2012
Serbia Markets Rulebook on Conditions and Manner for PRA Process and Risk Management, No. 53/2010 Pravilniko uslovima i načinu sprovođenja postupka analize rizika i upravljanja rizikom 2010
Serbia Machinery Law on Road Traffic Safety Zakon o bezbednosti saobraćaja na putevima 2011
Serbia Machinery OECD Standard Codes for the Official Testing of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors OECD Standard Codes for the Official Testing of Agricultural and Forestry Tractors 2016
Serbia Machinery T Category, UNECE Regulations: 3/02, 4/00, 5/02, 6/01, 7/02, 19/04, 23/00, 37/03, 38/00, 43/00, 69/01, 112/01 T Category, UNECE Regulations: 3/02, 4/00, 5/02, 6/01, 7/02, 19/04, 23/00, 37/03, 38/00, 43/00, 69/01, 112/01 ND
Serbia Seed Law on Seed Zakon o semenu 2010
Serbia Seed Law on Protection of Plant Breeders’ Rights Zakon o zaštiti prava oplemenjivača biljnih sorti 2011
Serbia Transport Law on Road Transport Zakon o prevozu u drumskom saobraćaju 2011
Serbia Transport Law on the Transport of Goods Zakon o prevozu tereta u drumskom saobraćaju 2015
Serbia Water Law on Water Zakon o vodama 2010
Thailand Environment Plant Varieties Protection Act, B.E. 2542 1999
Thailand Environment Hazardous Substance Act, B.E. 2535 1992
Thailand Environment Land Development Act, B.E. 2526 1983
Thailand Environment Forest Act, B.E. 2484 1941
Thailand Fertilizer Fertilizer Act (No. 2), B.E. 2550 1975
Thailand Finance Financial Institution Business Act, B.E. 2551 2013
Thailand Finance Deposit Protection Agency Act, B.E 2551 2008
Thailand Finance Cooperatives Act 1999
Thailand Finance Regulation of the Bank of Thailand No. SorNorSor 9/2553 on Rules for the Appointment of Banking Agent 2010
Thailand Finance Notification of the Bank of Thailand No. SorNorSor 8/2557 on Guidelines on Outsourcing of Financial Institutions 2014
Thailand Finance Royal Decree Regulating of Electronic Payment Services 2008
Thailand Finance Notification of the Ministry of Finance on Business that Requires a Permit According to Section 5 of the Notification of the Revolution Council No. 58 2004
Thailand Finance Civil and Commercial Code ND
Thailand ICT null null 2001
Thailand ICT null null 2010
Thailand Livestock Drug Act, B.E. 2530 1986
Thailand Livestock Drug Act, B.E. 2510 1967
Thailand Livestock Registration Guidelines ND
Thailand Livestock Renewal Guidelines ND
Thailand Markets Plant Quarantine Act (No. 3), B.E. 2551 2008
Thailand Markets Notification of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives on Specification of Plant Pests as Prohibited Articles under the Plant Quarantine Act B.E. 2507 (No. 6) B.E. 2550 2007
Thailand Markets Cooperatives Act 1999
Thailand Markets Royal Decree Governing Farmers Groups B.E. 2547 2004
Thailand Markets Competition Act, B.E. 2542 1999
Thailand Markets Arbitration Act, B.E. 2545 2002
Thailand Markets Civil and Commercial Code ND
Thailand Markets Unfair Contract Terms Act, B.E. 2540 1997
Thailand Markets Export Commodity Standards Act (B.E. 2503 and 2523) 1980
Thailand Machinery Export and Import of Goods Act 1979
Thailand Machinery Customs Act, B.E. 2469 1926
Thailand Machinery Customs Act (No. 20), B. E. 2548 2005
Thailand Machinery Industrial Product Standards Act, B.E. 2511 1968
Thailand Machinery Land Transport Act, B.E. 2522 1979
Thailand Machinery Motor Vehicle Act, B.E. 2522 1979
Thailand Seed Plants Act, B.E. 2518 1975
Thailand Seed Plant Varieties Protection Act, B.E. 2542 1999
Thailand Transport ASEAN Framework Agreement on the Facilitation of Inter-State Transport 2009
Thailand Transport Ministrial Regulation on International Transport Operation 2006
Thailand Transport Land Transport Act 1979
Thailand Water People Irrigation Act (Second Issue), B.E 2523 1980
Thailand Water People Irrigation Act, B.E 2482 1939
Thailand Water State Irrigation Act, B.E 2485 1942
Thailand Water Enhancement and Conservation of National Environmental Quality Act, B.E. 2535 1992
Thailand Water Notification of the National Environmental Board, No. 8, B.E. 2537 1994
Thailand Water Groundwater Act, B.E. 2520 1977
Tajikistan Environment Law on the Collection, Preservation and Rational Use of Genetic Resources of Cultivated Plants Закон РТ «О сборе, сохранении и рациональном использовании генетических ресурсов культурных растений» 2012
Tajikistan Environment Law on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Закон Республики Таджикистан «Об охране новых сортов растений» 2010
Tajikistan Environment Law for the Protection of Plants Закон РТ «О защите растений» 2012
Tajikistan Environment Law on Management of Land Закон Республики Таджикистан «О землеустройстве» 2008
Tajikistan Environment Law on Soil Protection Закон РТ «Об охране почв» 2009
Tajikistan Environment Law No. 1 on Manufacturing and Safe Management of Pesticides and Agro-Chemicals Закон Республики Таджикистан №1 «О производстве и безопасном обращении с пестицидами и агрохимикатами» 2003
Tajikistan Finance Instruction on the Procedures for Regulation of the Activities of Credit Organizations, No. 176 Инструкция No. 176 «О порядке регулирования деятельности кредитных организаций» 2009
Tajikistan Finance Instruction on Procedure of Creation and Use of Reserve and Loan Loss Provision Fund, No. 177 Инструкция No. 177 «О порядке создания и использования резервов и фондов резерва на возможные потери займа» 2014
Tajikistan Finance Instruction on the Procedure of Granting the Loan and Accrued Interest of Credit Organizations, No. 86 Инструкция №186 «О порядке предоставления кредита и начисления процента в кредитных организациях» 2011
Tajikistan Finance Law on Insurance of Individual Savings, No. 758 Закон Республики Таджикистан №758 «О страховании сбережений физических лиц» 2011
Tajikistan Finance Law on Microfinance Organizations, No. 816 Закон о микрофинансовых организациях, № 816 2012
Tajikistan Finance Instruction on Procedures for Regulating the Activities of Microcredit Deposit Organizations, No. 196 Инструкция No. 196 «О порядке регулирования деятельности микрокредитных депозитных организаций» 2015
Tajikistan Finance Law on Credit Unions, No. 942 Закон Республики Таджикистан No. 942 «О кредитных союзах» 2013
Tajikistan Finance Instruction about Non-Cash Payments, No. 193 Инструкция №193 «О безналичных расчетах в Республике Таджикистан» 2012
Tajikistan Finance Law on the National Bank of Tajikistan Закон «О Национальном банке» Таджикистана 1996
Tajikistan Finance Law on Banking Activities Закон Республики Таджикистан «О банковской деятельности» 2009
Tajikistan ICT Regulations on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities Положение об особенностях лицензирования отдельных видов деятельности 2007
Tajikistan Livestock Law on the Veterinary Domain Закон о ветеринарии 2010
Tajikistan Livestock Law on State Regulation of Foreign Trade Закон o государственном регулировании внешнеторговой деятельности 2012
Tajikistan Livestock Law on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities Закон о лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности 2004
Tajikistan Livestock Uniform Rules of State Veterinary Supervision of International and Inter-State Transport of Livestock Goods Единые правила государственного ветеринарного надзора при международных и межгосударственных перевозках животноводческих грузов 2016
Tajikistan Markets Civil Code of Tajikistan, Part 1 Гражданский кодекс Республики Таджикистан, Часть 1 1999
Tajikistan Markets Law on Cooperatives, No. 991 Закон «О кооперативах» No. 991 2013
Tajikistan Markets Law on the Dekhkansky (Farmer) Economy, No. 1289 Закон №1289 «О дехканском (фермерском) хозяйстве» 2016
Tajikistan Markets Law on Production Cooperatives, No. 11 Закон №11 «О производственных кооперативах» 2002
Tajikistan Markets Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs, No. 1251 Закон №1251 «О государственной регистрации юридических лиц и индивидуальных предпринимателей» 2010
Tajikistan Markets Law on the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Republic of Tajikistan Закон «О правовом статусе иностранных граждан в Республике Таджикистан» 2001
Tajikistan Markets Resolution of Majlisi Oli on the Approval of the Pre-Judicial Claim Procedure for Dispute Settlement, No. 425 Постановление Олий Мажлиса №425 Об утверждении Положения о досудебном претензионном порядке урегулирования споров 1997
Tajikistan Markets Civil Procedure Code Гражданский процессуальный кодекс Республики Таджикистан 2008
Tajikistan Markets Law on International Commercial Arbitration, No. 1183 Закон №1183 «О международном коммерческом арбитраже» 2015
Tajikistan Markets Code of Economic Procedure Экономический процессуальный кодекс Республики Таджикистан 2008
Tajikistan Markets Law on Plant Quarantine, No. 498 Закон №498 «О карантине растений» 2012
Tajikistan Markets Law for the Protection of Plants Закон РТ «О защите растений» 2012
Tajikistan Markets Regulation of the State Inspectorate for Phytosanitary and Plant Quarantine Services, Law No. 372 Положение №372 «О Службе государственной инспекции по фитосанитарии и карантину растений» 2008
Tajikistan Markets List of Regulated Articles, Resolution No. 510 Список подкарантинных материалов, Постановление №510 2010
Tajikistan Markets Law on Sanitary and Epidemiological Safety of the Population, No. 49 Закон №49 «О санитарной и эпидемиологической безопасности населения» 2003
Tajikistan Markets Resolution of the Government of Tajikistan, No. 139 Постановление правительства Республики Таджикистан №139 2004
Tajikistan Markets Resolution on the List of Goods (Works, Services) Subject to Mandatory Certification, No. 310 Постановление №310 «О списке товаров (работ и услуг), подлежащих обязательной сертификации» 2012
Tajikistan Markets Law on Standardization, No. 668 Закон №668 «О стандартизации» 2010
Tajikistan Machinery Customs Code Таможенный кодекс Республики Таджикистан  2004
Tajikistan Machinery Law on Traffic Закон Республики Таджикистан О дорожном движении 1995
Tajikistan Machinery Decree No. 264 on the Order of Registration of Tractors, Combines and Self-Propelled Agricultural, Meliorative and Road Machinery, Tractor Trailer and Semitrailers Порядок регистрации и учёта тракторов, комбайнов, самоходных сельскохозяйственных, мелиоративных, дорожно-строительных машин, тракторных прицепов и полуприцепов от 31 мая 2012 года, №264 2012
Tajikistan Machinery Decree No. 333 on Approving the Order of Mandatory State Technical Inspection Tractors, Combines, Self-Propelled Agricultural, Meliorative and Road Machinery and Trailers and Semitrailers ПОРЯДОК проведения обязательного государственного технического осмотра тракторов, комбайнов, самоходных сельскохозяйственных, мелиоративных, дорожно-строительных машин, тракторных прицепов и полуприцепов, участвующих в дорожном движении в Республике Таджикистан 2011
Tajikistan Seed Law on Seed Закон Республики Таджикистан «О семеноводстве» 2008
Tajikistan Seed Law on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants Закон Республики Таджикистан «Об охране новых сортов растений» 2010
Tajikistan Transport Law on Licensing of Certain Types of Activities Закон о лицензировании отдельных видов деятельности 2004
Tajikistan Transport Law on Transport Закон Республики Таджикистан «О транспорте» 2000
Tajikistan Transport Regulation No. 212 on the List of Trasit Corridors Постановление «О транзитном проезде международных автотранспортных средств по территории Республики Таджикистан и создании приграничных международных автомобильных терминалов» 2007
Tajikistan Transport Bilateral Transport Agreement between Tajikistan and China Соглашение между Правительством Республики Таджикистан и Правительством Китайской Народной Республики «О международном автомобильном сообщении» 2008
Tajikistan Water Water Code, No. 34 Водный кодекс, No. 34 2000
Tajikistan Water Resolution No. 485 on Approval of the Registration and Issuance of Permits for Special Water Management Постановление No. 485 «Об утверждении Порядка оформления, регистрации и выдачи разрешений на специальное водопользование» 2002
Tajikistan Water Law on Water Users’ Associations, No. 213 Закон «Об ассоциациях водопользователей», No. 213 2006
Tajikistan Water Law on Ecological Monitoring, No. 707 Закон «Об экологическом мониторинге», No. 707 2011
Tajikistan Water Law on Environmental Protection, No. 760 Закон «Об охране окружающей среды», No. 760 2011
Turkey Environment Decree Law No. 639 on the Establishment and Functions of the Ministry of Food Agriculture and Livestock Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığının teşkilat ve görevleri hakkında kanun hükmünde kararname 2011
Turkey Environment Law No. 5042 on the Protection of Breeding Rights of New Plant Varieties Yeni bitki çeşitlerine ait islahçi haklarinin korunmasina ilişkin kanun 2004
Turkey Environment Regulation on Water Pollution Control Su kirliligi kontrolu yonetmeligi 2004
Turkey Environment Regulations for the Implementation of Soil Conservation and Land Use Law Toprak Koruma ve Arazi Kullanımı Kanunu Uygulama Yönetmeliği 2005
Turkey Environment Law No. 5403 on Soil Preservation and Land Utilization Toprak Koruma ve Arazi Kullanımı Kanununda 2005
Turkey Fertilizer Regulations on Production, Export, Import and Supply to Market of Organic and Organomineral Fertilizers and Soil Graders and Other Products Including Microbial, Enzyme-Contained and Organic Tarımda Kullanılan Organik, Organomineral Gübreler ve Toprak Düzenleyiciler ile Mikrobiyal, Enzim Içerikli ve Organik Kaynaklı Diğer Urünlerin Uretimi, Ithalatı, Ihracatı ve Piyasaya Arzına Dair Yönetmelik 2014
Turkey Fertilizer Regulations on Chemical Fertilizer Used in Agriculture Tarımda Kullanılan Kimyevi Gübrelere Dair Yönetmelik 2004
Turkey Fertilizer Decision No. 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council on Implementing the Final Phase of the Customs Union (96/142/EC) Decision No. 1/95 of the EC-Turkey Association Council on Implementing the Final Phase of the Customs Union (96/142/EC) 1995
Turkey Finance Banking Law No. 5411 Sayılı Bankacılık Kanunu 2011
Turkey Finance Regulation on Consumer Loan Agreements Tüketici kredisi sözleşmeleri yönetmeliği 2015
Turkey Finance Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and Unions Law, Law No. 1581 Tarim kredi kooperatifleri ve birlikleri kanunu 1972
Turkey Finance Articles of Association of Agricultural Credit Cooperatives Tarim kredi kooperatifi anasözleşmesi 2006
Turkey Finance Law on Payment and Securities Settlement Systems, Payment Services and Electronic Money Institutions, Law No. 6493 Ödeme ve menkul kiymet mutabakat sistemleri, ödeme hizmetleri ve elektronik para kuruluşlari hakkinda kanun 2013
Turkey Finance Law No. 5300 on Licensed Warehouses for Agricultural Products Tarim ürünleri lisansli depoculuk kanunu 2005
Turkey Finance Licensed Warehouse Compensation Fund Regulation Lisansli depoculuk tazmin fonu yönetmeliği 2005
Turkey Finance Agricultural Products Licensed Warehouse Regulation Tarim ürünleri lisansli depoculuk yönetmeliği 2013
Turkey ICT Electronic Communication Law, No. 5809 Elektronik Haberleşme Kanunu 2008
Turkey ICT Regulation on Authorization for Electronic Communications Sector Elektronik Haberleşme Sektörüne İlişkin Yetkilendirme Yönetmeliği 2009
Turkey ICT Law on Establishment of Radio and Television Enterprises and Their Media Services, No. 6112 Radyo Ve Televizyonlarin Kuruluş Ve Yayin Hizmetleri Hakkinda Kanun 2011
Turkey ICT Universal Service Law, No. 5369 Evrensel Hizmet Kanunu 2005
Turkey Livestock Regulation on Veterinary Medical Products Veteriner tibbi ürünler hakkinda yönetmelik 2011
Turkey Markets Agricultural Producers' Associations Law, No. 5200 Tarimsal üretici birlikleri kanunu 2004
Turkey Markets Communiqué on the Establishment of Principles and Procedures Regarding Adaptation of Articles of Association of Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions, No. 28 966 Tarim satiş kooperatifi ve tarim satiş kooperatifleri birliği örnek anasözleşmelerine intibak usul ve esaslarinin belirlenmesine dair tebliğ 2014
Turkey Markets Agricultural Sales Cooperatives and Unions Law, No. 4572 Tarim satiş kooperatif ve birlikleri hakkinda kanun 2000
Turkey Markets Cooperatives Law, No. 1163 Kooperatifler kanunu 1969
Turkey Markets Commercial Code, No. 6102 Türk ticaret kanunu 2011
Turkey Markets Plant Quarantine Regulation, No. 28131 Bitki karantinası yönetmeliği 2011
Turkey Markets Law on Veterinary Services, Plant Health, Food and Feed, No. 5996 Veteriner hizmetleri, bitki sağliği, gida ve yem kanunu 2010
Turkey Markets Regulation on Official Control of Plant Origin Food and Feed Import, No. 28145 Gida ve yemin resmi kontrollerine dair yönetmelik 2011
Turkey Markets Regulation on the Procedures and Rules of Contract Production Sözleşmeli üretim ile ilgili usûl ve esaslar hakkinda yönetmelik 2008
Turkey Markets Hazelnut Production Planning and Planting Determination Area Law, No. 2884 Findik üretiminin planlanmasi ve dikim alanlarinin belirlenmesi hakkinda kanun 1983
Turkey Markets Associations Law, No. 5253 Dernekler kanunu 2004
Turkey Machinery Regulation on Type Approval of Agricultural or Forestry Tractors, Their Trailers and Interchangeable Towed Machinery, Together with Their Systems, Components and Separate Technical Units (2003/37/AT), Official Journal #26900 Tarim veya orman traktörleri, bunlarin römorklari ve birbiriyle değiştirilebilir çekilen makinalari ile sistemleri, aksamlari, ayri teknik üniteleri ile ilgili tip onayi yönetmeliği 2008
Turkey Machinery Highway Traffic Regulation Karayollari trafik yönetmeliği 1997
Turkey Seed Seed Law, No. 5553 Tohumculuk kanunu 2006
Turkey Seed Law No. 5042 on the Protection of Breeding Rights of New Plant Varieties Yeni bitki çeşitlerine ait islahçi haklarinin korunmasina ilişkin kanun 2004
Turkey Seed Regulations for the Registration of Plant Varieties, No. 26755 Bitki Çeşitlerinin Kayit Altina Alinmasi Yönetmeliği 2008
Turkey Seed Regulation on the Certification and Marketing of Cereal Seed, No. 26759 Tahil tohumu sertifikasyonu ve pazarlamasi yönetmeliği 2008
Turkey Transport International Road Transport Treaty Between Republic of Turkey and Republic of Iraq Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti İle Irak Cumhuriyeti Hükümeti Arasında Uluslararası Karayolu Taşımacılığı Anlaşması 1981
Turkey Transport Law No. 4925 on Road Transportation Sayili Karayolu Tasima Kanunu 2003
Turkey Transport Road Transport Regulations Karayolu Tasima Yonetmeligi 2009
Turkey Transport Regulations on Measures and Procedures for Loading of Vehicles and Measure of Size and Weight of Vehicles Araçların Yüklenmesine İlişkin Ölçü ve Usuller İle Tartı ve Boyut Ölçüm Toleransları Hakkında Yönetmelik 2012
Turkey Water Law on Water, No. 831 Sular hakkinda kanun 1926
Turkey Water Regulation on the Protection and Management of Water Basins Su havzalarinin korunmasi ve yönetim planlarinin hazirlanmasi hakkinda yönetmelik 2012
Turkey Water Irrigation Unions Law Sulama birlikleri kanunu 2011
Turkey Water Law Concerning the Organization and Duties of the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works, No. 6200 Devlet su işleri genel müdürlüğünün teşkilat ve görevleri hakkinda kanun 1953
Turkey Water Regulation on Basin Management and Planning Su havzalarinin korunmasi ve yönetim planlarinin 2012
Turkey Water Watershed Committee Communique Yürütme ve idare bölümü 2015
Turkey Water Decree No. KHK/645 Amendment of Resolutions on the Establishment of the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs and Certain Laws and Statutory Decrees Karar Sayısı: KHK/645 Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanlığının kurulması ile bazı kanun ve kanun hükmünde kararnamelerde değişiklik yapılması 2011
Turkey Water Regulation on the Management of Surface Water Quality Yüzeysel su kalitesi yönetimi yönetmeliğinde 2012
Tanzania Environment Environmental Management Act 2004
Tanzania Environment Environmental Management (Water Quality Standards) Regulations 2007
Tanzania Environment Plant Protection Regulations 1998
Tanzania Environment Water Resources Management Act 2009
Tanzania Environment Land Use Planning Commission Act 1984
Tanzania Environment Land Act 1999
Tanzania Environment Protection of New Plant Varieties (Plant Breeders' Rights) Act, No. 22 2002
Tanzania Fertilizer Fertilizer Act 2009
Tanzania Finance Banking and Financial Institutions (Capital Adequacy) Regulations 2014
Tanzania Finance Banking and Financial Institutions (Management of Risk Assets) Regulations 2014
Tanzania Finance Circular No. 7 Instructions for Filling Regulatory Reports 1991
Tanzania Finance Banking and Financial Institutions (Disclosures) Regulations 2014
Tanzania Finance Banking and Financial Institutions Act 2006
Tanzania Finance Government Notice No. 198/2010 2010
Tanzania Finance Banking and Financial Institutions (Microfinance Companies and Microcredit Activities) Regulations 2014
Tanzania Finance Cooperative Societies Act 2013
Tanzania Finance Savings and Credit Cooperative Societies Regulations 2004
Tanzania Finance Guidelines on Agent Banking for Banking Institutions 2013
Tanzania Finance National Payment Systems Act 2015
Tanzania Finance Electronic Money Regulations 2015
Tanzania Finance Payment Systems (Licensing and Approval) Regulations 2015
Tanzania Finance Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2012
Tanzania Finance Warehouse Receipt Act 2005
Tanzania ICT Electronic and Postal Communications Act 2010
Tanzania ICT Electronic and Postal Communications Act (Licensing) Regulations 2011
Tanzania ICT Electronic and Postal Communications (Access, Co-location and Infrastructure Sharing) Regulations 2011
Tanzania ICT Universal Communications Service Access Act 2006
Tanzania Livestock Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act 2003
Tanzania Livestock Guidelines for Application for Registration of Biologicals 2004
Tanzania Livestock Guidelines for Importation and Exportation of Pharmaceutical Products and Raw Materials 2011
Tanzania Livestock Food, Drugs and Cosmetics (Fees and Charges) Regulations 2015
Tanzania Livestock Application Guidelines for Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products 2003
Tanzania Markets Plant Protection Act, No. 13 1997
Tanzania Markets Plant Protection Regulations 1998
Tanzania Markets Cooperative Societies Act 2013
Tanzania Markets Arbitration Act, Cap. 15 2002
Tanzania Markets Civil Procedure Code, Cap. 33 2002
Tanzania Markets Law of Contracts Act 1961
Tanzania Markets Cashewnut (Marketing) Regulations 1998
Tanzania Markets Crops Laws (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act 2009
Tanzania Machinery Customs Tariff Act 1976
Tanzania Machinery Road Traffic Act 1973
Tanzania Machinery Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles Registration) Regulations 2001
Tanzania Machinery Public Procurement Act, No. 21 2004
Tanzania Machinery Tanzania Standards, TZS 1415:2011 2011
Tanzania Machinery Motor Vehicles (Tax on Registration and Transfer) Act 2006
Tanzania Machinery Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture, Seatbelts - Catalogue of East African Community Standards 2008
Tanzania Machinery Standards Act 2009
Tanzania Seed Seeds Act 2003
Tanzania Seed Seeds Regulations 2007
Tanzania Seed Protection of New Plant Varieties (Plant Breeders' Rights) Act, No. 22 2002
Tanzania Transport EAC Customs Union Protocol 2016
Tanzania Transport Fair Competition Act 2003
Tanzania Transport Foreign Vehicles Transit Charges 1995
Tanzania Transport National Transport Policy 2003
Tanzania Transport Road and Fuels Tolls Act 2006
Tanzania Transport Road Traffic Act 1973
Tanzania Transport Road Traffic Act 2001
Tanzania Transport Central Freight Bureau Act 1981
Tanzania Transport East African Community Customs Management Regulation 2004
Tanzania Transport East African Community Customs Management Act 2004
Tanzania Water Water Resources Management Act 2009
Tanzania Water Water Resources Management (Water Abstraction, Use and Discharge) Regulations 2010
Tanzania Water National Irrigation Act 2013
Tanzania Water Environmental Management (Water Quality Standards) Regulations 2007
Uganda Environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans 2002
Uganda Environment Plant Variety Protection Act 2014
Uganda Environment National Environment (Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing) Regulations 2005
Uganda Environment Agricultural Chemicals (Control) Act 2006
Uganda Environment National Environment Act 1995
Uganda Environment Physical Planning Act 2010
Uganda Environment Guidelines for Accessing Plant Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing 2007
Uganda Environment National Environment (Wetlands, River Banks and Lake Shores Management) Regulations, No. 3 2000
Uganda Fertilizer Control of Agricultural Chemicals Act, Cap. 29 1989
Uganda Fertilizer Agricultural Chemicals (Control) Act 2006
Uganda Finance Financial Institutions (Capital Adequacy Requirements) Regulations 2005
Uganda Finance Financial Institutions (Limits on Credit Concentration and Large Exposures) Regulations 2005
Uganda Finance Financial Institutions (Credit Classification and Provisioning) Regulations 2005
Uganda Finance Bank of Uganda Financial Consumer Protection Guidelines 2011
Uganda Finance Financial Institutions Act 2004
Uganda Finance Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions Act 2003
Uganda Finance Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions (Licensing) Regulations 2004
Uganda Finance Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions (Asset Quality) Regulations 2004
Uganda Finance Micro Finance Deposit-Taking Institutions (Reporting) Regulations 2004
Uganda Finance Cooperative Societies Act 1991
Uganda Finance Financial Institutions (Amendment) Act 2016
Uganda Finance Warehouse Receipt System Act 2006
Uganda Finance Warehouse Receipt System Regulations, No. 33 2007
Uganda ICT Uganda Communications Act 2013
Uganda ICT Telecommunications (Licensing) Regulations 2005
Uganda ICT Communications (Universal Service) Regulations 2005
Uganda Livestock National Drug Policy and Authority Act 1993
Uganda Livestock National Drug Policy and Authority (Registration) Regulations 2014
Uganda Livestock National Drug Policy and Authority (Importation and Exportation of Drugs) Regulations 2014
Uganda Livestock National Drug Policy and Authority (Fees) Regulations 2014
Uganda Livestock Guidelines on Submission of Documentation for Marketing Authorization of an Immunological Product for Veterinary Use 2015
Uganda Markets Cooperative Societies Act 1991
Uganda Markets Co-operative Societies Regulations 1992
Uganda Markets Constitution 1995
Uganda Markets Sale of Goods Act 1932
Uganda Markets Contracts Act 2010
Uganda Markets Arbitration and Conciliation Act, Cap. 4 2000
Uganda Markets Civil Procedure Rules, Statutory Instrument 71—1 1964
Uganda Markets Judicature (Mediation) Rules 2013
Uganda Markets Plant Protection and Health Act 2015
Uganda Markets Coffee Regulations, No. 51 Vol. LXXXVII 1994
Uganda Machinery East African Community Customs Management Act 2004
Uganda Machinery National Bureau of Standards Act 1983
Uganda Machinery National Environment (Noise Standards And Control) Regulations 2003
Uganda Machinery Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998
Uganda Machinery Uganda Revenue Authority Act 1991
Uganda Seed Seeds and Plant Act 2006
Uganda Seed Plant Variety Protection Act 2014
Uganda Transport Checklist to Obtain Transport License (Public Vehicle) 2011
Uganda Transport Revised EAC Customs Management Act 2003
Uganda Transport Road User Charge Fee Schedule (Foreign Vehicles) 1993
Uganda Transport Sale of Goods Act 1932
Uganda Transport Traffic and Road Safety Regulation 2012
Uganda Transport Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998
Uganda Transport Tripartite Agreement on Road Transport 2001
Uganda Water Water Act, No. 9 1997
Uganda Water Water Resources Regulations, S.I. No. 33 1998
Uganda Water Constitution 1995
Uganda Water National Environment Act 1995
Uganda Water Water (Water Discharge) Regulations 1998
Ukraine Environment Law No. 3116-XII on the Protection of Plant Varieties Закон Про охорону прав на сорти рослин 1993
Ukraine Environment Water Code Водний Кодекс України 1995
Ukraine Environment Land Code Земельний Кодекс України 2001
Ukraine Environment Ministry of Health Order on the List of Pesticides Prohibited for Use in Agriculture, which cannot be Registered or Re-Registered Перелік пестицидів, заборонених до використання в сільському господарстві, що не можуть бути зареєстровані або перереєстровані в Україні 1997
Ukraine Environment Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 354 on Approval of the Removal, Disposal, Destruction and Disposal of Obsolete or Banned Pesticides and Agrochemicals and their Containers Постанова Про затвердження Порядку вилучення, утилізації, знищення та знешкодження непридатних або заборонених до використання пестицидів і агрохімікатів та тари від них 1996
Ukraine Environment Law On Pesticides and Agrochemicals Закон Про пестициди і агрохімікати 1995
Ukraine Environment Ministry of Health Order No. 173, Ratification of the State Sanitary Rules of Planning and Building of Settlements Наказ Про затвердження Державних санітарних правил планування та забудови населених пунктів 1996
Ukraine Environment Forest Code Лісовий Кодекс України 1994
Ukraine Environment Law On Nature Reserve Fund Закон України Про природно-заповідний фонд України 1992
Ukraine Fertilizer Law On Pesticides and Agrochemicals Закон Про пестициди і агрохімікати 1995
Ukraine Finance Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine on Approval of Instruction on Regulation of Banks in Ukraine, No. 368 Постанова Про затвердження Інструкції про порядок регулювання діяльності банків в Україні 2001
Ukraine Finance Decree of the National Bank of Ukraine on Approval of the Procedure of Formation and Use of Provisions for Possible Losses on Active Banking Operations by Banks of Ukraine, No. 23 Постанова Про затвердження Положення про порядок формування та використання банками України резервів для відшкодування можливих втрат за активними банківськими операціями 2012
Ukraine Finance Regulation of the Board of the Central Bank of Ukraine on Approval of Rules Providing Ukrainian Banks Consumer Information About Credit and Total Cost of Credit, No. 168 Постанова Про затвердження Правил надання банками України інформації споживачу про умови кредитування та сукупну вартість кредиту 2007
Ukraine Finance Law on the System of Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals, No. 4452-VI Закон Про систему гарантування вкладів фізичних осіб 2012
Ukraine Finance Law on Credit Unions, No. 2908 Закон Про кредитні спілки 2001
Ukraine Finance Law on Banks and Banking, No. 2121-III Закон Про банки і банківську діяльність 2000
Ukraine Finance Commercial Code Господарський Кодекс України 2004
Ukraine Finance Law on Payment Systems and Money Transfer, No. 2346-III Закон Про платіжні системи та переказ коштів в Україні 2001
Ukraine Finance Decree of the Board of Central Bank on Approval of the Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Commercial Agents (Sales Representatives) Banks, No. 386 Постанова Про затвердження Положення про порядок ведення реєстру комерційних агентів (комерційних представників) банків 2012
Ukraine Finance Decree of National Bank on Electronic Money, No. 481 Постанова Про внесення змін до деяких нормативно-правових актів Національного банку України з питань регулювання випуску та обігу електронних грошей 2010
Ukraine Finance Law on Grain and Grain Markets, No. 37-IV Закон Про зерно та ринок зерна в Україні 2002
Ukraine Finance Law on Certified Warehouses and Simple and Double Warehouse Certificates, No. 2286-IV Закон Про сертифіковані товарні склади та прості і подвійні складські свідоцтва 2004
Ukraine Finance Civil Code, No. 435-IV Цивільний Кодекс України 2003
Ukraine Finance Law on Ensuring the Security Interests of Creditors and Collaterals Registration, No. 1255-IV Закон Про забезпечення вимог кредиторів та реєстрацію обтяжень 2013
Ukraine Finance Regulation of the National Bank on Approval of the Instruction on Procedure Financial Statement Submission, No. 373 Постанова Про затвердження Інструкції про порядок складання та оприлюднення фінансової звітності банків України 2011
Ukraine ICT Law on Telecommunications, No. 12 Закон про телекомунікації 2004
Ukraine ICT Law on Radio Frequency Resources Закон про радіочастотний ресурс України 2000
Ukraine Livestock Law on Veterinary Medicine Закон України Про ветеринарну медицину 1992
Ukraine Livestock Order of the State Committee of Veterinary Medicines, No. 133 Державний комітет ветеринарної медицини україни наказ n 133 2008
Ukraine Livestock Regulation on the State Registration of Veterinary Drugs, Feed Additives, Premix and Finished Feed Про затвердження положень про державну реєстрацію ветеринарних препаратів, кормових добавок, преміксів та готових кормів 2007
Ukraine Livestock Customs Code Митний кодекс України 2014
Ukraine Livestock Regulation on Approval of the State Pharmacological Commission of Veterinary Medicine Про затвердження Положення про Державну фармакологічну комісію ветеринарної медицини 2007
Ukraine Livestock Edict on Approval of State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service of Ukraine Про затвердження Положення про Державну ветеринарну та фітосанітарну службу України 2011
Ukraine Markets Law on Agricultural Cooperation, No. 469/97 Закон Про сільськогосподарську кооперацію 1997
Ukraine Markets Law on State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs and Community Groups, No. 755-IV Закон Про державну реєстрацію юридичних осіб, фізичних осіб - підприємців та громадських формувань 2003
Ukraine Markets Law on Cooperation, No. 1087-IV Закон Про кооперацію 2003
Ukraine Markets Order on Approval of the Model Bylaws for Agricultural Services Cooperative, No. 643 Наказ Про затвердження Примірних правил внутрішньогосподарської діяльності сільськогосподарського обслуговуючого кооперативу 2013
Ukraine Markets Civil Code, No. 435-IV Цивільний Кодекс України 2003
Ukraine Markets Commercial Code Господарський Кодекс України 2004
Ukraine Markets Law on State Support for Ukrainian Farming, No. 1877-IV Закон Про державну підтримку сільського господарства України 2004
Ukraine Markets Law on the Commodity Exchange, No. 1956-XII Закон Про товарну біржу 2004
Ukraine Markets Law on International Commercial Arbitration, No. 4002-XII Закон Про міжнародний комерційний арбітраж 1994
Ukraine Markets Law on Quality and Safety of Food Products and Food Raw Materials, No. 771/97-VR Закон Про основні принципи та вимоги до безпечності та якості харчових продуктів 1997
Ukraine Markets Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers on Approval of the Regulation on the State Service of Ukraine on Issues of Food Safety and Consumer Protection, No. 667 Постанова Про затвердження Положення про Державну службу України з питань безпечності харчових продуктів та захисту споживачів 2015
Ukraine Markets Plant Quarantine Law Закон Про карантин рослин 1993
Ukraine Markets Regulation on Plant Quarantine, No. 705 Постанова Про деякі питання реалізації Закону України Про карантин рослин 2007
Ukraine Markets Order Approving the List of Regulated Pests, No. 716 Наказ Про затвердження Переліку регульованих шкідливих організмів 2006
Ukraine Markets Order on the Rules of for Importing, Transporting within the Country, Transit, Export, Order Processing, No. 414 Наказ Про затвердження Фітосанітарних правил ввезення з-за кордону, перевезення в межах країни, транзиту, експорту, порядку переробки та реалізації підкарантинних матеріалів 2005
Ukraine Markets Regulation on the Provision of Services by the State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service, No. 1348 Постанова Деякі питання надання послуг Державною службою з питань безпечності харчових продуктів та захисту споживачів, органами та установами, що належать до сфери її управління 2011
Ukraine Markets Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, No. 641 Постанова Про затвердження переліку платних адміністративних послуг, які надаються Державною службою з питань безпечності харчових продуктів та захисту споживачів, органами та установами, що належать до сфери її управління, і розміру плати за їх надання 2011
Ukraine Markets Law on Grain and Grain Markets, No. 37-IV Закон Про зерно та ринок зерна в Україні 2002
Ukraine Markets Law on Farming, No. 973-IV Закон Про фермерське господарство 2003
Ukraine Markets Code of Civil Procedure, No. 1618IV Цивільний Процесуальний Кодекс України 2004
Ukraine Machinery Government Resolution No. 1367 on Approval of the Technical Regulation on Type Approval of Agricultural and Interchangeable Towed Vehicles, Systems, Components and Separate Technical Units Постанова Про затвердження Технічного регламенту затвердження типу сільськогосподарських та лісогосподарських тракторів, їх причепів і змінних причіпних машин, систем, складових частин та окремих технічних вузлів 2011
Ukraine Machinery Cabinet of Ministers Resolution No. 694 on Approval of the Departmental Registration and Deregistration of Tractors, Self-Propelled Chassis, Self-Propelled Agricultural, Road Construction and Reclamation Machinery, Agricultural Machinery, Other Mechanisms Постанова Про затвердження Порядку відомчої реєстрації та зняття з обліку тракторів, самохідних шасі, самохідних сільськогосподарських, дорожньо-будівельних і меліоративних машин, сільськогосподарської техніки, інших механізмів 2009
Ukraine Machinery Customs Code Митний кодекс України 2014
Ukraine Seed Law on Seeds and Propagating Material Закон Про насіння і садивний матеріал 2003
Ukraine Seed Law on Amendments to Some Laws in the Sphere of Seed and Seedlings in line with European and International Norms and Standards Закон Про внесення змін до деяких законів України щодо приведення законодавства України у сфері насінництва та розсадництва у відповідність з європейськими та міжнародними нормами і стандартами 2016
Ukraine Seed Law on the Protection of Plant Variety Rights Закон Про охорону прав на сорти рослин 1993
Ukraine Seed Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers on Labeling Seed Batches Постанова Про затвердження Порядку маркування партій насіння 2013
Ukraine Transport Law on Road Transport Закон Про автомобільний транспорт 2001
Ukraine Transport Bilateral Transport Agreement with Poland Угода між Урядом України і Урядом Республіки Польщі про міжнародні автомобільні перевезення 1992
Ukraine Transport Law on Licensing Закон Про ліцензування видів господарської діяльності 2015
Ukraine Transport Regulation on Issuing Cross-Border Permits Наказ Про впорядкування системи оформлення, видачі, використання та обліку дозволів на міжнародні перевезення пасажирів і вантажів автомобільним транспортом 2004
Ukraine Water Law on Environmental Protection, No. 1264-XII Закон Про охорону навколишнього природного середовища 1991
Ukraine Water Water Code Водний Кодекс України 1995
Ukraine Water Regulation Approving the Procedure Confirmation and Issuance of Special Use Permits, No. 321 Постанова Про затвердження Порядку видачі дозволів на спеціальне водокористування та внесення змін до постанови Кабінету Міністрів України від 10 серпня 1992 р. N 459 2002
Ukraine Water Regulation on Approval of Compensation for Losses of Water Users Caused by Termination or Change of Conditions of Special Water Use, No. 966 Постанова Про затвердження Порядку відшкодування збитків, завданих водокористувачам припиненням права або зміною умов спеціального водокористування 1996
Ukraine Water Regulations of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine Постанова Про затвердження Положення про Державне агентство водних ресурсів України 2014
Ukraine Water Procedure for State Water Monitoring Постанова Про затвердження Порядку здійснення державного моніторингу вод 1996
Ukraine Water Tax Code Податковий Кодекс України 2011
Ukraine Water Decree of the President on Regulations on the State Ecological Inspectorate Президента Про Положення про Державну екологічну інспекцію України 2011
Ukraine Water Order Approving the Conduct of State Accounting of Water Use Наказ Про затвердження Порядку ведення державного обліку водокористування 2015
Uruguay Environment Law No. 17.942 Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Ley N° 17.942 Recursos fitogéneticos para la alimentación y la agricultura 2006
Uruguay Environment Resolution No. 158/2014 INASE Resolución N° 158/2014 INASE 2014
Uruguay Environment Procedures for National Variety Registry INASE, PTT009-01 Procedimiento para el registro nacional de cultivares, INASE, PTT009-01 2014
Uruguay Environment Law No. 16.811 on the Development, Production, Distribution and Internal and External Marketing of Seeds and Phytogenetic Creations Ley N° 16.811-declarase de interés nacional, la obtención, producción, circulación y comercialización interna y externa de las semillas y las creaciones fitogenéticas y se crea el Instituto Nacional de Semillas 1997
Uruguay Environment Decree No. 438/004 General Norms for the Production and Marketing of Seeds Decreto N° 438/004 Normas generales de producción y comercio de semillas 2004
Uruguay Environment Law No. 18308 on Land Management and Sustainable Development Ley N° 18308 Ley de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sustentable 2008
Uruguay Environment Decree No. 149/977 on Plant Health, Pests, Agricultural Pesticides Decreto N° 149/977 Sanidad vegetal, plagas, plaguicidas agricolas 1997
Uruguay Environment Decree No. 113/990 on Plant Health Decreto N° 113/990 de sanidad vegetal 1990
Uruguay Environment Decree No. 152/013 Regulatory Decree of the General Law of Environmental Protection with Respect to the Environmentally Adequate Management of Residues Derived from the Use of Chemical or Biological Products in Animal and Vegetal Production Decreto N° 152/013 Decreto reglamentario de la Ley General de protección del medio ambiente respecto a la gestión ambientalmente adecuada de residuos derivados del uso de productos químicos o biológicos en producción animal y vegetal 2013
Uruguay Environment Decree No. 400/009 Constituting the Advisory Commission on Territorial Ordering and Establishing its Commitments Decreto N° 400/009 constitúyese la comisión asesora of ordenamiento territorial y establécense sus cometidos 2009
Uruguay Environment Law No. 15939 on Forests Ley N° 15939 Ley forestal 1987
Uruguay Environment Law Nº 17.283 Environmental Protection Law Ley N° 17.283 Ley de protección del medio ambiente 2000
Uruguay Environment Law Nº 19147 Creation of the National Environmental Observatory of (OAN) of the National Environment Directorate of the MVOTMA Ley N° 19147 Creación del Observatorio Ambiental Nacional (OAN), de la Dirección Nacional de Medio Ambiente del MVOTMA 2013
Uruguay Fertilizer Law Nº 13.663 on Fertilizers Ley N° 13.663 Fertilizantes 1968
Uruguay Fertilizer Treaty of Asuncion Tratado de Asunción 1994
Uruguay Finance Decree-Law No. 15.322 Law on Financial Intermediaries Decreto Ley N° 15.322 Ley de intermediación financiera 1982
Uruguay Finance Law No. 17.613 on the Banking System Reinforcement Ley N° 17.613 de fortalecimiento del sistema bancario 2002
Uruguay Finance Law No. 16.696 on Charter of the Central Bank Ley N° 16.696 Carta orgánica del Banco Central 1995
Uruguay Finance Decree No. 614/992 Regulations of the Law on Financial Intermediaries Decreto 614/992 Reglamento de la Ley de intermediación financiera 1992
Uruguay Finance Law No. 18.573 of clearing and settlement systems of Payments and Securities of 30 of September Ley N° 18.573 de sistemas de compensacion y liquidacion de pagos y valores 2009
Uruguay Finance Law No. 18.716 on Modifications of the Charter of the Bank of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay Ley N° 18.716 de modificación de la carta orgánica de la República Oriental del Uruguay 2010
Uruguay Finance Law No. 19.210 on Financial Inclusion Ley N° 19.210 de inclusión financiera 2014
Uruguay Finance Law No. 18.212 on Usury Ley N° 18.212 de usura 2007
Uruguay Finance Law No. 18.401 Amendment to the Charter of the Central Bank of Uruguay Ley N° 18.401 Modificación de la carta orgánica del Banco Central de Uruguay 2009
Uruguay Finance Decree No. 103/005 on Fund for the Guarantee of Deposits and Protection Superintendency of Bank Savings Decreto N° 103/005 del Fondo de Garantía de Depósitos Bancarios y Superintendencia de Protección del Ahorro Bancario 2005
Uruguay Finance Law No. 18.407 on Cooperative System Ley N° 18.407 del sistema cooperativo 2008
Uruguay Finance Circular No. 2149 on Intermediary Financial Institutions and Financial Services Companies Circular N° 2.149 de instituciones de intermediación financiera, empresas de servicios financieros y casas de cambios 2013
Uruguay Finance Circular No. 2.198 on Regulations of the Activity of E-money Providers Circular N° 2.198 de reglamentación de la actividad de las instituciones emisoras de dinero electrónico 2014
Uruguay Finance Law No. 17.781 on Warehouse Receipts and Warrants Ley N° 17.781 de certificados de deposito y warrants 2004
Uruguay Finance Decree No. 198/012 on Cooperatives Decreto N° 198/012 de estatuto social de las cooperativas de trabajadores y consumidores 2012
Uruguay ICT Decree No. 115/003 Approval of the Telecommunications Licensing Regulations Decreto N° 115/003 Aprobación del reglamento de licencias de telecomunicaciones 2003
Uruguay ICT Decree No. 114/003 Approval of the Radio Spectrum Administration and Control Regulation Decreto N° 114/003 Aprobación del reglamento de administración y control del espectro radioeléctrico 2003
Uruguay Livestock Decree No. 160/997 Declaring Veterinary Products of National Interest for Agricultural Exploitation Decreto N° 160/997 decláranse los productos veterinarios de interés para la explotación agropecuaria 1997
Uruguay Markets Law No. 18.407 on Cooperative System Ley N° 18.407 del sistema cooperativo 2008
Uruguay Markets Decree No. 198/012 on Cooperatives Decreto N° 198/012 de estatuto social de las cooperativas de trabajadores y consumidores 2012
Uruguay Markets Agrarian Societies and Associations Regulation, Law No. 17777 Regulación de las sociedades, asociaciones y sociedades civiles con objeto agrario, Ley N° 17777 2004
Uruguay Markets Agrarian Societies Regulation, Decree No. 403 Reglamentación sobre constitución de sociedades agrarias, Decreto N° 403 2004
Uruguay Markets Comercial Corporations Law, No. 16060 Ley de sociedades comerciales, N° 16060 1989
Uruguay Markets Regulation of the Comercial Corporations Law, Decree No. 335 Reglamento de la ley de sociedades comerciales, Decreto N° 335 1990
Uruguay Markets Rural Development Corporations Law, No. 14330 Ley de sociedades de fomento rural, N° 14330 1974
Uruguay Markets Public Registry Law, No. 16871 Ley de registros públicos, N° 16871 1997
Uruguay Markets Competition Promotion and Protection Law, No. 18.159 Ley de promoción y defensa de la competencia, N° 18.159 2007
Uruguay Markets Regulation of the Competition Promotion and Protection Law, Decree No. 404 Reglamento de la ley de promoción y defensa de la competencia, Decreto N° 404 2007
Uruguay Markets General Proceeding Code, Law No. 15982 Código general del proceso, Ley N° 15982 1988
Uruguay Markets Plant Health Protection Decree, No. 233 Decreto de sanidad vegetal. Regimenes de internacion cuarentenaria, N° 233 1987
Uruguay Markets Plant Health Tariffs, Decree No. 313 Decreto 313 Fija las tasas por los servicios prestados por la Dirección de Servicios de Protección Agrícola de la Dirección General de Servicios Agronómicos del Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura y Pesca 1991
Uruguay Markets Civil Code Código civil 2010
Uruguay Markets List of Regulated Pests Listado de plagas cuarentenarias 2007
Uruguay Seed Law No. 18.467 National Seeds Institute, Amendment of Several Provisions of Law No. 16.811 Ley de semillas N° 16.811 en su redacción dada por la ley 18.467 2009
Uruguay Seed Law No. 16.811 on the Development, Production, Distribution and Internal and External Marketing of Seeds and Phytogenetic Creations Ley N° 16.811-declarase de interés nacional, la obtención, producción, circulación y comercialización interna y externa de las semillas y las creaciones fitogenéticas y se crea el Instituto Nacional de Semillas 1997
Uruguay Seed Resolution No. 002/2016 Fee Schedules Resolución N° 002/2016 Tarifas 2016
Uruguay Seed Decree No. 438/004 General Norms for the Production and Marketing of Seeds Decreto N° 438/004 Normas generales de producción y comercio de semillas 2004
Uruguay Transport Transport Companies Registration Regulation, Decree No. 349 Registro de empresas profesionales de transporte terrestre de carga, Decreto 349 2001
Uruguay Transport Hauling Companies Registration, Decree No. 336 Reglamento de registro de empresas profesionales de transporte terrestre de carga, Decreto 366 2013
Uruguay Transport License Requirements, Decree No. 253 Implementación de régimen de profesionalidad en el transporte de carga, Decreto 253 2009
Uruguay Transport International Agreement on Road Transport Acuerdo sobre Transporte Internacional Terrestre 1991
Uruguay Transport Decree No. 2013-07-446 Electronic Guide for Transport Decreto N° 2013-07-446 Guia electronica de transporte de carga 2013
Uruguay Water Law No. 14859 on Water Code Ley N° 14859. Código de aguas 1978
Uruguay Water Constitution Constitución de la República Oriental del Uruguay 1967
Uruguay Water Law No. 18308 on Land Management and Sustainable Development Ley N° 18308 Ley de ordenamiento territorial y desarrollo sustentable 2008
Uruguay Water Law No. 16858 on Irrigation for Agrarian Purposes Ley N° 16858. Ley riego con destino agrario 1997
Uruguay Water Law No. 18610 on the National Water Policy Ley N° 18610. Política nacional de aguas 2009
Uruguay Water Law No. 15239 on Use and Conservation of Soils and Water Ley N° 15.239. Ley de uso y conservación de los suelos y de las aguas 1982
Uruguay Water Decree No. 253/079 on Rules to Prevent Environmental Pollution by Control Decreto N° 253/079. Normas para prevenir la contaminación ambiental mediante el control de las aguas 1979
Uruguay Water Decree No. 258/013 on Creation of Basin or Aquifer Committees or Advisory Bodies for Regional Water Resources Decreto N° 258/013 Creacion de comisiones de cuenca o acuiferos como organos asesores de los consejos regionales de recursos hidricos 2013
Vietnam Environment Decision No. 1671/QD-Ttg of the Prime Minister: Conservation and Sustainable Use of Genetic Resources Quyết định số 1671/QĐ-TTg của Thủ tướng Chính phủ : Phê duyệt Chương trình bảo tồn và sử dụng bền vững nguồn gen đến năm 2025, định hướng đến năm 2030 2015
Vietnam Environment Decision No. 220/2005/QĐ-TTG of the Prime Minister: Decision Establishing the Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Vietnam Quyết định số 220/2005/QĐ-TTG của Thủ tướng Chính phủ : QĐ thành lập Viện Khoa học Nông nghiệp Việt Nam 2005
Vietnam Environment Seed Ordinance, No. 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 Pháplệnh Số: 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 Giống Cây Trồng 2004
Vietnam Environment Biodiversity Law, No. 20/2008/QH12 Luật số: 20/2008/QH12 Đa Dạng Sinh Học 2008
Vietnam Environment Law No. 41/2013/QH13 on Plant Protection and Quarantine Luật Số: 41/2013/QH13 Bảo vệ và kiểm dịch thực vật 2013
Vietnam Environment Order No. 23/2003/L-CFN on Promulgation of the Land Law Lệnh của chủ tịch nước về việc công bố Luật Đất đai 2003
Vietnam Environment Standard No. QCVN 01-14:2010/BNNPTNT Provided in Circular No. 04/2010/TT-BNNPTNT QCVN 01 - 14: 2010/BNNPTNT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia điều kiện trại chăn nuôi lợn an toàn sinh học 2010
Vietnam Environment Decision of the Prime Minister No. 155/1999QD-TTg on the Promulgation of Regulation on Hazardous Waste Management Quyết định của thủ tướng chính phủ về việc ban hành quy chế quản lý chất thải nguy hại 1999
Vietnam Fertilizer Circular No. 36/TT-BNNPTNT Promulgating the Regulation on Fertilizer Production, Trading and Use Thông Tư Số: 36/2010/TT-BNNPTNT Về việc ban hành Quy định sản xuất, kinh doanh và sử dụng phân bón 2010
Vietnam Fertilizer Decree No. 89/2006/ND-CP on Labeling of Goods Nghị Định Số: 89/2006/NĐ-CP Về nhãn hàng hoá 2006
Vietnam Fertilizer Circular No. 35/2014/TT-BCT Stipulating Import Auto-Licensing Regime on Specific Fertiizer Products Thông Tư Số: 35/2014/TT-BCT Quy định việc áp dụng chế độ cấp Giấy phép nhập khẩu tự động đối với một số mặt hàng phân bón 2014
Vietnam Finance Law on Credit Institution, No. 47/2010/QH12 Luật Số: 47/2010/QH12 Các tổ chức tín dụng 2010
Vietnam Finance Decree No. 55-2015-ND-CP Credit Policy For Agricultural and Rural Development Nghị Định Số: 55/2015/NĐ-CP Về chính sách tín dụng phục vụ phát triển nông nghiệp, nông thôn 2015
Vietnam Finance Law on Deposit Insurance, No. 06/2012/QH13 Luật Số: 06/2012/QH13 Bảo Hiểm Tiền Gửi 2012
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 02/2008/TT-NHNN Thông Tư Số: 02/2008/TT-NHNN 2008
Vietnam Finance Decree No. 28/2005/ND on Organization and Operation of Micro Finance Institutions Nghị Định Số: 28/2005/NĐ-CP Về tổ chức và hoạt động của tổ chức tài chính quy mô nhỏ tại Việt Nam 2005
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 07/2009/TT-NHNN Providing for Prudential Ratios in Operation of Small-Scale Financial Institutions Thông Tư Số: 07/2009/TT-NHNN Quy định về các tỷ lệ bảo đảm an toàn trong hoạt động của tổ chức tài chính quy mô nhỏ 2008
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 15/2010/TT-NHNN Stipulating the Debt Classification, Provisioning and Use of Provisions Against Credit Risks in Activities of Small-Scale Financial Institutions Thông Tư Số: 15/2010/TT-NHNN Quy định về phân loại nợ, trích lập và sử dụng dự phòng để xử lý rủi ro cho vay trong hoạt động của tổ chức tài chính quy mô nhỏ 2010
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 12/2010/TT-NHNN Providing Guidance in Lending in Vietnamese Dong at the Agreement Interest Rate by Credit Institutions to their Customers Thông Tư Số: 12/2010/TT-NHNN Hướng dẫn tổ chức tín dụng cho vay bằng đồng Việt Nam đối với khách hàng theo lãi suất thỏa thuận 2010
Vietnam Finance Circular no. 24/2014/TT-NHNN of the State Bank of Vietnam Guiding Some Contents in Deposit Insurance Thông Tư Số: 24/2014/TT-NHNN Hướng dẫn một số nội dung về hoạt động bảo hiểm tiền gửi 2014
Vietnam Finance Decree No. 48/2001/ND-CP on Organization and Operation of the People's Credit Funds Nghị Định Của Chính Phủ Số: 48/2001/NĐ-CP Về tổ chức và hoạt động của Quỹ tín dụng nhân dân 2001
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 07/VBHN-NHNN on the Purchase, Sale and Disposal of Bad Debts of the Asset Management Company of Vietnamese Credit Institutions Thông Tư Số: 07/VBHN-NHNN Quy định về việc mua, bán và xử lý nợ xấu của Công ty Quản lý tài sản của các tổ chức tín dụng Việt Nam 2013
Vietnam Finance Decision No. 1328/2005/QD-NHNN Provisions on the Protection Ratio in the People's Fund Credit Facility Quyết Định Của Thống Đốc Ngân Hàng Nhà Nước Số: 1328/2005/QĐ-NHNN Ban hành Quy định về các tỷ lệ bảo đảm an toàn trong hoạt động của quỹ tín dụng nhân dân cơ sở 2005
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 04/2015/TT-NHNN Provisions on People's Credit Fund Thông Tư Số: 04/2015/TT-NHNN Quy định về quỹ tín dụng nhân dân 2015
Vietnam Finance Law on Cooperatives, No.23/2012/QH13 Luật Số: 23/2012/QH13 Hợp Tác Xã 2012
Vietnam Finance Decree No. 101/2012/ND-CP on Non-Cash Payment Nghị Định Số: 101/2012/NĐ-CP Về thanh toán không dùng tiền mặt 2012
Vietnam Finance Circular No. 39/2014/TT-NHNN Guiding the Intermediary Payment Services Thông Tư Số: 39/2014/TT-NHNN Hướng dẫn về dịch vụ trung gian thanh toán 2014
Vietnam Finance Decree No. 83/2010/ND-CP on Registration of Secured Transactions Nghị Định Số: 83/2010/NĐ-CP Về đăng ký giao dịch bảo đảm 2010
Vietnam ICT Law on Telecommunication, No. 41/2009/QH12 Luật Số: 41/2009/QH12 Viễn thông 2009
Vietnam ICT Decree 25/2011/ND-CP on Telecom Service Licensing Nghị Định Số: 25/2011/NĐ-CP Quy định chi tiết và hướng dẫn thi hành một số điều của Luật Viễn thông 2011
Vietnam ICT Law on Radio Frequency, No. 42/2009/QH12 Luật Số: 42/2009/QH12 Tần số vô tuyến điện 2009
Vietnam ICT Circular No. 12/2013/TT-BTTTT on Guidelines for Licensing of Telecom Licenses Thông tư 12/2013/TT-BTTTT hướng dẫn cấp giấy phép kinh doanh dịch vụ viễn thông 2013
Vietnam ICT Circular No. 05/2015/TT-BTTTT on Licensing for Use of Radio Frequency Thông tư số 05/2015/TT-BTTTT của Bộ Thông tin và Truyền thông : Quy định chi tiết và hướng dẫn thủ tục cấp giấy phép sử dụng tần số vô tuyến điện; cho thuê, cho mượn thiết bị vô tuyến điện; sử dụng chung tần số vô tuyến điện 2015
Vietnam ICT Decision 149/QD-TTg on Programs for Developing Telecom Broadband Infrastructure to 2020 Quyết Định Số: 149/QĐ-TTg Phê duyệt Chương trình phát triển hạ tầng viễn thông băng rộng đến năm 2020 2016
Vietnam ICT Circular No. 07/2015/TT-BTTTT on Interconnection Thông tư 07/2015/TT-BTTTT quy định về kết nối viễn thông 2015
Vietnam ICT Decision on the Vietnam Public-Utility Telecom Service Fund, No. 11/2014/QD-TTg Quyết định 11/2014/QĐ-TTg về tổ chức và hoạt động của Quỹ Dịch vụ viễn thông công ích Việt Nam 2014
Vietnam Livestock Circular No. 03/2009/TT-BNN on Labelling of Veterinary Drugs Thông Tư 03/2009/TT-BNN Quy định ghi nhãn thuốc thú y 2009
Vietnam Livestock Decree No. 33/2005/ND-CP of the Government: Decree Detailing the Implementation of a Number of Articles of the Ordinance on Veterinary Medicine Nghị định số 33/2005/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ : Nghị định Quy định chi tiết thi hành một số điều của Pháp lệnh thú y 2005
Vietnam Livestock Decision No. 10/2006/QD-BNN Regulating Procedures for Registration of Production, Import and Circulation of Veterinary Drugs, Raw Materials for Production of Veterinary Drugs, Bio-Preparations, Microorganisms and Chemicals Quyết Định Số 10/2006/QĐ-BNN Về việc quy định thủ tục đăng ký sản xuất, nhập khẩu, lưu hành thuốc thú y, nguyên liệu làm thuốc thú y, chế phẩm sinh học, vi sinh vật, hoá chất dùng trong thú y 2006
Vietnam Livestock Circular No. 08/2012/TT-BNNPTNT Regulation on Procedures for Registration of Production of Veterinary Drugs Thông tư số 08/2012/TT-BNNPTNT của Bộ Nông nghiệp và Phát triển nông thôn : Quy định thủ tục đăng ký sản xuất gia công thuốc thú y 2012
Vietnam Livestock Circular No. 20/2011/TT-BNNPTNT Amending, Supplementing and Abolishing Some Regulations on Administrative Procedures in the Field of Veterinary Pursuant to Resolution No. 57/NQ-CP Thông tư 20/2011/TT-BNNPTNT sửa đổi, bổ sung, bãi bỏ một số quy định về thủ tục hành chính trong lĩnh vực thú y theo Nghị quyết số 57/NQ-CP ngày 15/10/2010 2011
Vietnam Livestock Circular No. 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT Providing Regulations on Management of Veterinary Drugs Thông tư 13/2016/TT-BNNPTNT quy định về quản lý thuốc thú y 2016
Vietnam Markets Decree No. 109/2010/ND-CP on Rice Export Business Nghị Định Số: 109/2010/NĐ-CP Về kinh doanh xuất khẩu gạo 2010
Vietnam Markets Law No. 41/2013/QH13 on Plant Protection and Quarantine Luật Số: 41/2013/QH13 Bảo vệ và kiểm dịch thực vật 2013
Vietnam Markets Circular No. 223/2012/TT-BTC Regulating the Regime of Collection, Remittance and Management of Fees and Charges in the Field of Plant Protection Thông Tư Số: 223/2012/TT-BTC Quy định chế độ thu, nộp và quản lý sử dụng phí, lệ phí trong lĩnh vực bảo vệ thực vật 2012
Vietnam Markets Circular No. 44/2010/TT-BCT Detailing a Number of Articles of the Government's Decree No. 109/20101 ND-CP on Rice Export Business Thông Tư Số: 44/2010/TT-BCT Quy định chi tiết một số điều của Nghị định số 109/2010/NĐ-CP ngày 04 tháng 11 năm 2010 của Chính phủ về kinh doanh xuất khẩu gạo 2010
Vietnam Markets Circular No. 35/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Promulgating the List of Plant Quarantine Objects Thông Tư Số: 35/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ban hành Danh mục đối tượng kiểm dịch thực vật của nước Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 2014
Vietnam Markets Circular 36/2014/TT-BNNPTNT for Publishing Regulation on Pest Risk Analysis Procedure for Regulated Articles Subject to Pest Risk Analysis before Importing into Vietnam Thông Tư Số: 36/2014/TT-BNNPTNT Ban hành Quy định về quy trình phân tích nguy cơ dịch hại đối với vật thể thuộc diện kiểm dịch thực vật phải phân tích nguy cơ trước khi nhập khẩu vào Việt Nam 2014
Vietnam Markets Law on Commercial Arbitration, No. 54/2010/QH12 Luật Số: 54/2010/QH12 Trọng tài thương mại 2010
Vietnam Markets Civil Procedure Code, No. 24/2004/QH11 Bộ Luật Số: 24/2004/QH11 Tố tụng dân sự 2004
Vietnam Markets Law on Cooperatives, No.23/2012/QH13 Luật Số: 23/2012/QH13 Hợp Tác Xã 2012
Vietnam Markets Decree No. 193/2013/ND-CP Detailing Some Provisions of the Law on Cooperatives Nghị Định Số: 193/2013/NĐ-CP Quy định chi tiết một số điều của Luật Hợp tác xã 2013
Vietnam Markets Civil Code, No. 33/2005/QH11 Bộ luật dân sự Số: 33/2005/QH11 2005
Vietnam Markets Commercial Law, No. 36/2005/QH11 Luật Số: 36/2005/QH11 Thương mại 2005
Vietnam Markets Law on Competition, No. 27/2004/QH11 Luật Số: 27/2004/QH11 Cạnh Tranh 2004
Vietnam Markets Circular No. 35/2015/TT-BNNPTNT of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Providing for Inland Plant Quarantine Thông Tư Số: 35/2015/TT-BNNPTNT Quy định về kiểm dịch thực vật nội địa 2015
Vietnam Seed Seed Ordinance, No. 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 Pháplệnh Số: 15/2004/PL-UBTVQH11 Giống Cây Trồng 2004
Vietnam Seed Decree No. 88/2010/ND-CP Detailing and Guiding a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property and the Law Amending and Supplementing a Number of Articles of the Law on Intellectual Property Regarding Rights to Plant Varieties Nghị Định Số: 88/2010/NĐ-CP Quy định chi tiết, hướng dẫn thi hành một số điều của Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ và Luật sửa đổi, bổ sung một số điều của Luật Sở hữu trí tuệ về quyền đối với giống cây trồng 2010
Vietnam Seed Law On Intellectual Property, No. 50/2005/QH11 Luật Số: 50/2005/QH11 Sở Hữu Trí Tuệ 2005
Vietnam Seed Decision No. 95/2007/QD-BNN on Recognition of New Agricultural Plant Varieties Quyết Định Số: 95/2007/QĐ-BNN Ban hành Quy định về công nhận giống cây trồng nông nghiệp mới 2007
Vietnam Transport Decree No. 86/2014/ND-CP on Business and Condition for Transportation Business by Auto Nghị định số 86/2014/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ : Về kinh doanh và điều kiện kinh doanh vận tải bằng xe ô tô 2014
Vietnam Transport Law No. 23/2008/QH12 on Road Traffic Luật Số: 23/2008/QH12 Giao Thông Đường Bộ 2008
Vietnam Transport Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Transport Facilitation Agreement Greater Mekong Subregion Cross-Border Transport Facilitation Agreement 1999
Vietnam Water Law on Water Resources, No. 17/2012/QH13 Luật Số: 17/2012/QH13 Tài nguyên nước 2012
Vietnam Water National Technical Regulation on Water Quality for Irrigated Agriculture, QCVN 39:2011/BTNMT Quy chuẩn kỹ thuật quốc gia về chất lượng nước dùng cho tưới tiêu 2011
Vietnam Water Decree No. 201/2013/NĐ-CP Detailing the Implementation of a Number of Articles of the Law on Water Resources Nghị định số 201/2013/NĐ-CP của Chính phủ về hướng dẫn Luật tài nguyên nước 2013
Vietnam Water Decree No. 120/2008/ND-CP Regarding the Management of River Basins Nghị Định Số: 120/2008/NĐ-CP Về quản lý lưu vực sông 2008
Vietnam Water Decree No. 102/2008/NĐ-CP Regarding the Collection, Management, Exploitation and Use of Data on Natural Resources and Environment Nghị Định Số: 102/2008/NĐ-CP Về việc thu thập, quản lý, khai thác và sử dụng dữ liệu về tài nguyên và môi trường 2008
Vietnam Water Penal Code, No. 15/1999/QH10 Bộ Luật Hình Sự Số: 15/1999/QH10 1999
Zambia Environment National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans 2015
Zambia Environment Plant Breeder's Rights Act 2007
Zambia Environment Environmental Management Act 2011
Zambia Environment Pesticides and Toxic Substances Regulations 1994
Zambia Environment Urban and Regional Planning Act 2015
Zambia Environment Forest Act 2015
Zambia Fertilizer Agriculture (Fertilisers and Feed) Act, Cap. 226 1970
Zambia Fertilizer Standards Act, Cap 416 1994
Zambia Finance Banking and Financial Services Act, Cap. 387 1994
Zambia Finance Bank of Zambia Circular No. 19/2015 Removal of Interest Rate Caps and Consumer Protection Measures 2015
Zambia Finance Banking and Financial Services (Capital Adequacy) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 184 1995
Zambia Finance Banking and Financial Services (Classification and Provisioning of Loans) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 142 1995
Zambia Finance Bank of Zambia Circular No. 2/98, Submission of Prudential Returns 1998
Zambia Finance Banking and Financial Services (Microfinance) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 3 2006
Zambia Finance Bank of Zambia Banking and Financial Services (Microfinance) Regulations 2003, On-Going Reporting Schedules 2003
Zambia Finance Co-operative Societies Act 1998
Zambia Finance Co-operative Societies Rules 1999
Zambia Finance National Payment Systems Act, No. 1 2007
Zambia Finance National Payments Systems Directives on Electronic Money Issuance, No.46 2015
Zambia Finance Bank of Zambia PSB Circular No. 01/2015, Interest on the 'Trust Account' for Electronic Money Issuers 2015
Zambia Finance Bank of Zambia Anti-Money Laundering Directives 2004
Zambia Finance Agricultural Credits Act, No. 35 2010
Zambia Finance Agricultural Credits (Appointment of Authorised Agency) Order, Statutory Instrument No. 59 2014
Zambia ICT Information and Communication Technology Act 2009
Zambia ICT National Information and Communication Technology Policy 2006
Zambia ICT Information and Communication Technologies (Allocation of 2G Frequencies) Regulations 2010
Zambia ICT Information and Communications Technology (Access) Regulations 2013
Zambia ICT Information and Communication Technologies (Universal Access) Regulations 2012
Zambia Livestock Medicines and Allied Substances Act 2013
Zambia Livestock Guidelines on Application for Registration of Veterinary Medicines ND
Zambia Livestock Guidelines on Application for Registration of Vaccines and other Biological Products for Human and Veterinary Use ND
Zambia Livestock Fee Schedule ND
Zambia Livestock Guidelines on the Requirements for Establishment of Pharmaceutical Wholesale Business ND
Zambia Markets Plant Pests and Diseases (Pest Control) Regulations, Cap. 233 1958
Zambia Markets Plant Pests and Diseases Act, Cap. 233 1959
Zambia Markets Plant Pests and Diseases (Importation) Regulations, Cap. 233 1960
Zambia Markets Co-operative Societies Act, No. 20 1998
Zambia Markets Sale of Goods Act 1893
Zambia Markets Arbitration Act, No. 19 2000
Zambia Markets High Court Act, Cap. 27 2012
Zambia Machinery Customs and Excise Act 1955
Zambia Machinery Zambia Standards Act 2003
Zambia Machinery Roads and Road Traffic Act 1958
Zambia Seed Plant Variety and Seeds Regulations 2006
Zambia Seed Plant Breeder's Rights Act 2007
Zambia Seed Plant Varieties and Seeds Regulations 1998
Zambia Seed Plant Variety and Seeds Act 2006
Zambia Transport SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology in the Southern African Development Community Region 1996
Zambia Transport Public Roads (Maximum Weight of Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 2014
Zambia Transport Roads and Road Traffic Act 1958
Zambia Transport Bilateral Road Transport Agreement (BRTA) Between Zambia and Zimbabwe Concerning Road Transport Services Between and Beyond their Respective Territories 1997
Zambia Water Water Resources Management Act, No. 21 2011
Zambia Water Water Board (Charges and Fees) Regulations 1990
Zimbabwe Environment Environmental Management Act 2002
Zimbabwe Environment Plant Breeders Rights Act 1974
Zimbabwe Environment Hazardous Substances and Articles Act 1972
Zimbabwe Fertilizer Fertilizers, Farm Feeds and Remedies Act 2001
Zimbabwe Fertilizer Importation of Agricultural Goods - Summary of Requirements 2016
Zimbabwe Finance Banking Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 205 2000
Zimbabwe Finance Deposit Protection Corporation Act 2011
Zimbabwe Finance Microfinance Act 2013
Zimbabwe Finance Circular to Moneylending and Microfinance Institutions, No. 04 2014
Zimbabwe Finance Co-operative Societies Act 1990
Zimbabwe Finance Warehouse Receipt Act 2007
Zimbabwe ICT Postal and Telecommunications Act 2005
Zimbabwe Livestock Medicines And Allied Substances Control Act 1969
Zimbabwe Livestock Guideline on Submission of Documentation For Registration of Veterinary Medicines 2016
Zimbabwe Livestock Medicines And Allied Substances Control (Amendment) Regulations 2012
Zimbabwe Livestock Medicines and Allied Substances Control (Import and Export of Medicines) Regulations 2008
Zimbabwe Livestock Medicines and Allied Substances Control (General) Regulations, S.I. No. 150 1991
Zimbabwe Markets Plant Pests and Diseases Act 1989
Zimbabwe Markets Plant Pests and Diseases (Importation) Regulations 1976
Zimbabwe Markets Co-operative Societies Act 1990
Zimbabwe Markets Arbitration Act 1996
Zimbabwe Markets Agricultural Marketing Authority (Grain, Oilseed and Products) By-Laws, Statutory Instrument No. 140 2013
Zimbabwe Markets Agricultural Marketing Authority Act 2004
Zimbabwe Markets Food and Food Standards (Inspection and Certification) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 5 2015
Zimbabwe Markets Food and Food Standards Act 1971
Zimbabwe Markets Food and Food Standards (Advisory Board) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 322 1995
Zimbabwe Markets Food and Food Standards (Food Labelling) Regulations, Statutory Instrument No. 265 2002
Zimbabwe Seed Seeds Act 2001
Zimbabwe Seed Plant Breeders’ Rights Act 2001
Zimbabwe Transport Road Motor Transportation Act 1999
Zimbabwe Transport SADC Protocol on Transport, Communications and Meteorology in the Southern African Development Community Region 1996
Zimbabwe Transport Bilateral Agreement between Zimbabwe and South Africa 1998
Zimbabwe Water Water Act 1998
Zimbabwe Water National Water Authority Act 2000